How grimdark of a setting is nature?
How grimdark of a setting is nature?
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Fairly grim, at times. Look at shit like cordyceps or parasitic wasps.
It isn't grimdark, nobledark, or noblebright; it just is.
And worse than Australia.
That's the most terrifying thing about it. If life is not an aberration in the universe, then its default state is constant struggle. Massive population explosions, catastrophic die-offs, plagues and parasites, sickness, mutation...
It's the only force railing against entropy.
That word doesn't mean what you think it does. And the universe and everything in it, including all living things, naturally result in a more uniform distribution of energy. It's the end result of all physics, including what all life accomplishes. We just move energy about more efficiently than non-living systems. Look at the grand scale. All that human beings do, on earth, is move resources from one place that does have them, to another place that does not.
australia is natures cadia.
which makes the koala bear even more terrifying.
Not really, the way the kolala has adapted to Australia's danger is by doing away with unnecessary things like "A brain capable of object permanence" and "A diet that doesn't consist of poisons you aren't immune to"
Look at Asia for extremely lethal creatures.
Koala faeces can actually kill a person due to their unique bacteria.
I just knew the furry little bastard was hiding something!
Wener Herzog could make a 60 compilation of suicide notes and I would find it compelling
Well, technically koalas are borderline too retarded to live or continue as a species, so it evens out. They're too dumb to ponder evil.
Bullshit. If we apply common human values to nature it's a fucking nightmare.
We don't do that because it brings up uncomfortable theodicy conclusions, discussions, and then holy wars.
the laxative i had to drink yesterday flushed out everything so i am sure it would help against these worms
it tasted horrible
Look up "Harlequin Baby"
Make sure not to eat 1 hour before viewing
You could just avoid toiling in a rice field all day.
In the event that that is unavoidable welcome to Veeky Forums! I didn't know they had internet out in rural china.
Harlequin Ichthyosis, right?
I met an asshole with that.
Looking like Magnus doesn't give you the right to be a douche with no consequences.
If anybody has a right to be pissed off, it's those people.
Google Pressure ulcer
M8, you are talking with a guy who has had more vitreous humor on his hands that he'd like.
Also, remember to flip your vegetables regularly. Back surgery patients have it harder.
let's just get this out of the way
>cystic teratoma
>bot flies
>mango worms
>cranial tapeworm
Botflies? Yeah, a good reason for all Bolivian settlements to be higher than what they can survive. You can safely kill the larva with some oil and pop it like a pimple the next day. Not the worst.
Cystic teratoma.
Meh, beyond the shock value its just a literal hair/microteeth/somethin-of-your-body ball on somnewhere-it-shouldn't-be. Most are easier to extract than almost all tumors.
Krokodil? Man, if you though making an unfiltered drug made out of literal thinner and hardware store liquids galore was a good idea you are either russian or brazilian.
Those are what I've seen.
Now I'll look up the others.
Thanks for the material anyway.
Also, look for
>Phossy Jaw.
>Cranial Bone Cancer.
I think he means that life is the only thing that starts from a less complex system and moves towards a more complex one.
Which isn't quite true either, because geological systems get pretty complex.
Then again, that's only on "living" planets...
Flesh eating bacteria.
>Flesh eating bacteria.
Well, I only know the dirty water variant.
Ever seen a guy with literal crotch rot?
I have vet training. VET. Not even a title. Why does this shit keep happening near me?
>Phossy Jaw
At least you glow. That's pretty cool. You could win a prize at a costume competition before you succumb.
Y'know what also is?
I've seen a person weep worms. Turns out there is one which feeds on the fluids of sheep's eyes, and their herder may get it.
People can be allergic to water and the sun.
There are jellyfish with black eyes.
Parasitic sea snails leave only the shell outside their giant isopod hosts.
Hyena birth.
Gas gangrene.
There is a parasitic crustacean which develops itself inside a fish anus'.
Vegetables are as violent as animals, they just follow a different timeframe.
There are parasites which parasite other parasites.
Honey badgers exist.
There is a tiny animal with a single leg, a transparent belly, grinding jaws inside said belly, furry lip, zero to five eyes. One particular species, well:
>Unlike any other known animal, ordinary bdelloids routinely "import" pieces of DNA from their food and surroundings, capping their chromosomes with gene fragments from other animals, plants, fungi or even bacteria. These cross-kingdom genetic "patches" may continue to perform the same functions for the rotifer that they did for their original owners - sometimes involved in metabolic or immune defense processes, for instance - and will be passed on to all of the rotifer's cloned daughters. In a purely non technical sense, these creatures have evolved to "mate" with absolutely anything that has DNA; even a mold spore sucked into its grinding innards.
Male ceratioids, because being an abyssal fish isn't enough for some.
Blood sucking maggots.
Snakes covered in mites.
That snake island near the brazilian coast.
I agree that bot flies are terrifying, but google "screw-worm flies cattle".
Wingless bat flies.
Ant-Decapitating flies.
Pic related because I think of people as part of nature. I'm old fashioned like that.
Was Veeky Forums a mistake?
As much as all Veeky Forums is a way to global weirdoes meet and reinforce each other instead of being alone and powerless as they should be.
And I reply knowing I'm one of them.
That stuff is less "grim" than horror.
>australia is natures cadia.
Australia is actually a bit of a push over.
Rabbits rekt it hard.
Parasitic wasps are what turned Darwin Fedora
>"What kind of God would allow this creature to exist?"
I can see it.
That cockroach and fire ant video was on my recommended Youtube videos for like a month.
It's grim certainly, but hardly dark. 200% savagery, 0% intentional malice. Though some of the higher mammals like dolphins and chimps might bump that up a couple percent since chimps do occasionally go to "war" and dolphins absolutely rape things.
But there's not that many of either in the global scheme of things, it's but a drop in the bucket.
Nature is a protean thing that defies clean generic convention. Its defining feature is that it lacks the tonal generic constraints that we try to impose on the world in our stories, to present something that makes sense to us.
That's amazing. Those probably aren't piss bottles, though - first off, how dehydrated do you have to be for your piss to be that dark, and secondly, those plastic bottle caps look intact, whereas the lower ring would be hanging off if they had been previously opened. It's probably just coke.
Red in tooth and claw.
That's just what they want you to think user. Evil bloody masterminds, the lot of 'em. They've got a plan.
Honey badgers are on a badass side of things instead of grimdark. Just stay off their damn lawn. Preferably at least a couple of miles off.
It's only grimdark when viewed through the eyes of someone who believes life should be kitten farts and rainbows 24/7, or that difficulty or struggle is an utterly unreasonable, unjust expression of an uncaring world.
AKA, total fags
>Vegetables are as violent as animals, they just follow a different timeframe.
Any sauce on that?
>There is a tiny animal with a single leg, a transparent belly, grinding jaws inside said belly, furry lip, zero to five eyes. One particular species, well:
>Unlike any other known animal, ordinary bdelloids routinely "import" pieces of DNA from their food and surroundings, capping their chromosomes with gene fragments from other animals, plants, fungi or even bacteria. These cross-kingdom genetic "patches" may continue to perform the same functions for the rotifer that they did for their original owners - sometimes involved in metabolic or immune defense processes, for instance - and will be passed on to all of the rotifer's cloned daughters. In a purely non technical sense, these creatures have evolved to "mate" with absolutely anything that has DNA; even a mold spore sucked into its grinding innards.
It's like toned-down Chimera Ants from HunterXHunter
The real world is the state of perfect balance which grimdark and light-hearted settings are compared to.
depends on how you look at it, from one point of view, very, it's a dog eat dog world and no one pulls punches, from a nother, a fuck ton of species colaberate, there are whole ecosystems created just on this.
How do you think plant domination works? Plants fight for light, water etc. just like animals do, most pin tress will lower the Ph of the ground so nothing can grow on it, many leafy-trees will block sunlight so nothing can grow around them. Plants are no less assholes than animals, it's just not as obvious
I know there's a type of plant that parasitises other plants by literally draining its fluids like a vampire, I don't remember the name but it grows these tendrils that wrap around and puncture nearby plants and drain
I think it might be strangleweed, not sure
Koala bears have life figured out.
>Live and sleep and bang on your food all your life.
>Don't give a shit your whole life. Just exist without struggle.
>Then die and fall off.
I envy them to be quite honest.
They also have syphilis! And are too stupid to eat leaves off a flat surface.
They're like skin mites on a grand scale.
Blessed are the idiots for they're too retarded to realize how fucked they are.
>that monkey with botflies vid
You will live to see mankind crank these horrors up to 11
Behold the creations of God... and see God's Beauty.
God's Everlasting Love... like a barbed whip to the face, everyday again.
>google "screw-worm flies cattle".
I did and fuck you
God's an asshole.
The damage been done either way.
Is "badass" and "grimdark" mutually exclusive?
Worse than mangoworms, right?
This reaction is the reason I didn't link anything directly.
Wait what?
it is a romanticist lie that the natural world tends toward equilibrium and that human beings have upset what was hitherto an orderly and good cosmos. the natural world is a horror to be smashed into a form more compliant with human values. we think of human beings as cruel but we do ourselves a disservice. no individual human has ever been as cruel as nature. no human being is so capricious that they would have designed a universe as horrifying as this one. even genocidal tyrants and mass murderers only developed their malign impulses after a life spent in this hell, after having been warped by their confinement in this prison. fuck nature.
Its amazing that we need horror as a genre. Real life holds so many more horrors than any silver screen, book of man or video game will ever create.
It always makes me laugh when people bitch and complain about humans destroying nature. Nature has killed itself a hundred times over and done worse to itself than anything humans have. Fuck, humans have actually saved shit that nature was going to just let die off. And WERE the bad guys?
what is so disturbing about this video is how meaningless its struggle is. look at the effort it takes for it to rise to the surface and look at the disgusting results. what impulse is driving it forward? we know it is not driven by a sense of purpose or meaning. it's obeying an impulse. it has no belief system that justifies its existence, it just insists on existing. this disgusting thing. this thing that ought not to exist.
There's some pretty cute shit in nature too tho
What's a seal's least favourite activity?
Very funny.
Out of all forces in nature, the infinite, impertinent force of life is truly the most terrifying and mightiness of them all, living things will strive for life, no matter what, and only death will stop it.
i unironically agree with this video:
I can't remember the context of this image but it still makes my skin crawl
this is a beautiful quote for a villain to justify genocide
The total amount of suffering per year in the natural world is beyond all decent contemplation. During the minute that it takes me to compose this sentence, thousands of animals are being eaten alive, many others are running for their lives, whimpering with fear, others are slowly being devoured from within by rasping parasites, thousands of all kinds are dying of starvation, thirst, and disease. It must be so. If there ever is a time of plenty, this very fact will automatically lead to an increase in the population until the natural state of starvation and misery is restored. In a universe of electrons and selfish genes, blind physical forces and genetic replication, some people are going to get hurt, other people are going to get lucky, and you won't find any rhyme or reason in it, nor any justice. The universe that we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is, at bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil, no good, nothing but pitiless indifference.
Extremely. It's why I only play Druids as massive edgelords or happy idiots.
>The pleasure in this world, it has been said, outweighs the pain; or, at any rate, there is an even balance between the two. If the reader wishes to see shortly whether this statement is true, let him compare the respective feelings of two animals, one of which is engaged in eating the other.
>There is a tiny animal with a single leg, a transparent belly, grinding jaws inside said belly, furry lip, zero to five eyes. One particular species, well:
>Unlike any other known animal, ordinary bdelloids routinely "import" pieces of DNA from their food and surroundings, capping their chromosomes with gene fragments from other animals, plants, fungi or even bacteria. These cross-kingdom genetic "patches" may continue to perform the same functions for the rotifer that they did for their original owners - sometimes involved in metabolic or immune defense processes, for instance - and will be passed on to all of the rotifer's cloned daughters. In a purely non technical sense, these creatures have evolved to "mate" with absolutely anything that has DNA; even a mold spore sucked into its grinding innards.
Literal Genestealer
Fun fact: There are bugs that are so small, that they don't have wings, they have paddles, because at that scale, the air is thick enough that they can swim in it.
“As a survival-happy species, our successes are calculated in the number of years we have extended our lives, with the reduction of suffering being only incidental to this aim. To stay alive under almost any circumstances is a sickness with us. Nothing could be more unhealthy than to “watch one’s health” as a means of stalling death. The lengths we will go as procrastinators of that last gasp only demonstrate a morbid dread of that event. By contrast, our fear of suffering is deficient.”
“For optimists, human life never needs justification, no matter how much hurt piles up, because they can always tell themselves that things will get better. For pessimists, there is no amount of happiness—should such a thing as happiness even obtain for human beings except as a misconception—that can compensate us for life’s hurt. As a worst-case example, a pessimist might refer to the hurt caused by some natural or human-made cataclysm. To adduce a hedonic counterpart to the horrors that attach to such cataclysms would require a degree of ingenuity from an optimist, but it could be done. And the reason it could be done, the reason for the eternal stalemate between optimists and pessimists, is that no possible formula can be established to measure proportions and types of hurt and happiness in the world. If such a formula could be established, then either pessimists or optimists would have to give in to their adversaries.”
I google'd screw-worm flies cattle and I dont see what's so bad about it?
Your innate human genetics predispose you to finding that insect disgusting due to the potentially harmful parasites or venoms it could inject into you.
But yet you convict it of being disgusting overtly, as if there is some objective merit to its grossness.
You are a hypocrite.
Were all just lumps of grey matter and spaghetti noodles piloting giant meat mechs in a world of horrors and nightmares.
>arbitrary mind/body duality bullshit
human beings are equally disgusting. everything i said about that insect applies to humans too.
Everything you are and ever will be is just sparks of bio-electricity.
No offense. But this isn't the worst of all possible worlds.
40K and WoD are all this bullshit PLUS a heaping helping of extra bullshit
True, but misleading. Your entire body is you, we are not necessarily just the 'spaghetti' inside the brain.
Your gonads produce homorones that influence your behavior. Your thyroid makes you feel better or worse. Your heart pumps blood to your brain. Your body is as much coded into your DNA as your brain is.
All very true, but when you break us down to the very core concept, everything we are is just a spark. That tiny electrical spark that tells your gonads to produce hormones, that tells your thyroid to make you feel better or worse, to pump your heart, all of it begins at that spark.
I feel putting our insignificance into a much sharper scope helps us grow. We aren't just a bunch of animals on a rock careening through space at an impossibly small scale, we are a spark of electricity in an ever expanding infinity.
user everything was simpler as a glowing mass of hydrogen. Everything gets more complicated as time goes on.
Throw some ink at the wall and examine the furthest edges sometime.
do not abandon the influence your component parts have upon that spark though. Our libido, love, anger, all our emotions are influenced by the chemistry and biological machinery we pilot. Changing the suit we ride in will inevitably altar the way we think and feel. This is not to say this is a bad thing, but be aware of what we lose by discarding our body, and what we potentially gain by replacing it partially or totally.
Yeah, koala bears are very promiscous and unclean, so STDs spread rather easily. So a lot of koalas have syphilis.
Another species with a high rate of syphilis is the ladybug, because they can gather in the hundreds when it's time to mate, making massive epidemics from one individual.
He's not wrong, yknow.
>Throw some ink at the wall
Why would I do that? Seems like it would be a pain to clean up. I like to keep a semblance of neatness in my living quarters.
Yes, but even the expansion of the universe is the spread of matter away from a singularity and slowly cooling down. Isn't that the most basic form of entropy there is?
Entropy/Extropy is a false dichotomy. The universe is a giant machine slowly ticking itself away. Life and evolution is both a reaction to and expression of entropy.