What's your excuse?
What's your excuse?
Dropped a barbell on my toe, doc says I need to stay off it or risk losing the toenail.
Ex-wife and I split two weeks ago. I just feel like sitting alone at my computer and argue with strangers about stuff that doesn't matter
I'm a shut in.
I've got two good friends who are also shut-ins.
And I'm content with what I've got.
I prefer solitude. Don't really like people all that much. So I'm just painting minis, transferring citadel paints to droppers and putting ball bearins in them to help them mix and not get gummy, While I could be out slamming shots of a chemical depressant and hitting on members of the opposite sex for shallow relations, I prefer this. Also I'm broke.
>argue with strangers about stuff that doesn't matter
No you don't.
I don't need any.
My wife and all of my friends are still at work, and I'm currently a NEET loser after losing my job in December.
It's actually really fucking lonely staying at home by yourself all day.
Yes. Yes i do.
i see what you did there
I'm at work, I do the 3-11pm shift. Menial hospital job, pays alright. What's your excuse, OP?
>It's actually really fucking lonely staying at home by yourself all day.
Don't worry, the ghost of the murdered woman buried in your basement concrete keeps you company. She's always watching.
Don't joke about that. I lived in a building that was supposed to be haunted for a month, and I couldn't jerk off the entire time because I was also worried I was going to be watched and judged by some ghostly asshole.
I'm at work until 11:15pm. Then when I get home, I will no longer be alone.
Also, I game on Mondays and Thursdays. Why would I want to game 3 nights a week? I don't even want to do 2.
I continually turn down opportunities to leave the house and go do stuff with my girlfriend. She left to go watch her brother in a boxing match and I chose to stay home so I could drink and get high.
I was almost arrested today for looking like isis.
So now I'm watching cartoons and smoking weed.
Because I am isis.
Die of a drug overdose, fuckhead.
Good excuses.
>not wanting qt ghosts to watch you choke the chicken
Get out of the house, bro. Humans are social animals, and you should never get high by yourself.
My monday night unfortunately, but its about the only was I can get two days consistently off.
>be me
>have an off and on group of friends that I play with on Roll20.
>They all live in the same area, but I dont' which is why we play online.
>go down there to play some in person games
>"This is fun we should always play games in person now"
>I'm not able to make a 2 hour drive every weekend.
>They play in person every Friday now which is the only day we all have available.
>I have to sit jerking off alone on Fridays now praying to God I can get a one-off every now and then.
>mfw they are playing right now and I'm sitting jerking off to Veeky Forums and writing a setting I'll never use to keep from going mad.
So now you have to ask yourself, how did this random user know I lived in a haunted building before? It's because I am that murdered woman. And I'm not on the internet, I'm in your computer.
Relax, I'm actually white.
They just stopped me for having a scarf wrapped around my face when it was cold as fuck outside because they're racist.
Nobody will play edh with me
So I laid all my decks out and damn it I'll play a 4 player game by myself
I swear this is the first time
My gaming group dissolved because one of the players got gay-married, and the other can't be happy unless he's min-maxing a game his brother (the gay-married one) is running, so...
ISIS is not a race, idiot child.
No you don't
Stop lying
I just came back from a good first session that lasted the whole afternoon and left me rather tired.
I just got back from dinner with some family, and I honestly feel like kicking back by myself for a few hours.
I game on Sundays anyway.
Believe it or not, it was a good thing you didn't. Ghosts gain more power from absorbing/eating other ghosts, and you really are killing millions of potential children when you jack it
that ghost would've positioned itself so it'd catch your cum-blast and would gain immense power
I'm working. Maybe watch movies with BF tonight, hopefully. Just try and find someone new to abade those bad feels. Gotta survive somehow.
Lazy bums, the least they could do is give you a ghostjob as thanks for all those tasty souls.
>BF tonight
>Bad feels
Have you tried not being a filthy sodomite?
Maybe if you didn't spend all your money on figurines...
I'm actually going to be hanging out with a bunch of people tonight at friday night magic. I'm hoping to squash all the midrange plebs with tron.
and afterwards I'm going to drink and cry myself to sleep
It is now my illiterate friend.
>and afterwards I'm going to drink and cry myself to sleep
A life well wasted!
Supposed to be doing uni work. Mostly failing.
Did wargaming yesterday evening and going to go see Tesseract tomorrow evening though, so it's not like I'm a total shut in.
Wife and children went to the in-laws. I ate a whole pizza by myself.
I'm proud of myself. :)
I'm decompressing after the working week. Maybe I'll go do social stuff tomorrow, I'm not sure.
I'm an introvert, people require energy.
What's your excuse, OP?
That's not arguing, that's just contradiction!
It's just past midday on saturday
No excuse, you're completely right. I'm so lonely.
Fucking loser
I find more pleasure in staying indoors and playing video games than I do in being outside and interacting with people.
>not wanting to fuck moaning Myrtle
I don't have friends, but the excuse I'm gonna use is that I'm solo-ing Dark Souls 3 so I have a good character before the DLC drops.
>pure /v/ thread in Veeky Forums
>is not being saged and reported