Board Game General - Ameritrash Rules Edition
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>What theme do you think should be used for more games?
Board Game General - Ameritrash Rules Edition
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Starter question:
>What theme do you think should be used for more games?
>ameritrash games
It's called burgerspiele.
>>What theme do you think should be used for more games?
One involving everyone sending me $50 by Monday? Can you think of a cool theme that *doesn't* already have a board game out there?
Fantasy? Done...
Sci Fi? Done...
Dinosaurs? Done...
Pirates? Done...
Zombies? Done...
Ninjas? Done...
My Little Pony? Done (Oh God Why?!?)
Space Pirate Amazon Ninja Cat Girls? Done (No seriously - I have an unopened copy somewhere...)
I'm not really sure I want to play "Broccoli Force 5! - Vegetable Freedom Fighters"
I said MORE games. It can be used if it's been under-used.
I think a firefighting game better than Flash Point: Fire Rescue could be made.
Time for cube pushers to shit up another general because other people are having the wrong kind of fun.
>It's called burgerspiele.
Goddamnit! If you keep saying that (and making me laugh while drinking my beer) I'm going to turn that shit into a KS game. With obligatory "Ameri-fat Freedom Fries" KS only exclusive 'must have in order to make game fun' expansion.
>What theme do you think should be used for more games?
Classical fiction. Count of Monte Cristo, Three Musketeers, Man in the Iron Mask, Robin Hood, Scaramouche, Captain Blood, Jules Vernes, John Carter of Mars, Starship Troopers, that kind of thing.
I've mentioned before that I'd kill for a Fury of Richelieu.
Burgerspiele is a funny name but we can use both.
You can like both.
Thank god you're here to give us great conversation like this. Do you have anything productive to actually say? What is your favorite Ameritrash game? Why do you dislike Euros?
I think there should be more games with horror themes. I'm not even sure how they could do it well, but I'd like to see someone come up with a game that is somehow actually scary.
>I said MORE games. It can be used if it's been under-used.
So what you really mean is 'What themes are in need of better games'. ( Like your Flash Point example.) Which is certainly a worthy question. And begs for the follow-up: "What mechanics do you think fit a specific theme extremely well?"
>Starship Troopers
What sort of philistine thinks that there can ever be an improvement on this absolute model of perfection? It's got special hex maps for the bug's subterranean cities, psychics, and even heavy nerve gas! What's not to love? (Besides the 1976 production values...)
I would kill for a fighting foodons board game
One of my best friend's as a kid had a copy of both this and the one based on the movie with the plastic standees. We were too young to play the chit one though, and then he moved to Florida. And left me his copy of panzer blitz, which I haven't seen in a decade. Probably in my parent's garage somewhere.
I just want a game where I can have robots beating the shit out of each other that isn't complete garbage
Seriously we should just brainstorm out some fixes for GKR.
Oh fug, Kemet dropped down to $56 on Amazon. I'm really thinking of jumping on this.
Cautiously optimistic about Giga Robo.
I'm down with this
That looks to be exactly what I want but I can't find it anywhere
If Kemet is on your list, jump on this. It's the lowest price you'll see it for for a long, long time, possibly ever,
I've been brainstorming a bit, if anyone has some specific problems to address or thoughts, throw them up. I'll try and make a real post tomorrow with some ideas.
Those of you who play x-wing: I'm just starting out and I want to buy the Millennium Falcon because it's the Millennium Falcon. I can only buy one right now so would you recommend the original Falcon expansion or the Heroes of the Resistance expansion?
>not garbage
>posts BT
I don't think anyone actually wants to play Autism: The Game.
>if it requires any amount of effort or thought, it can only be enjoyed by people with autism
Maybe you should stick to Candyland.
BT has some of the worst, most close minded grogs in gaming.
Get a clue bud.
What's the best way to go about learning how to play Mage Knight?
What are the supposed problems again? Is it just the roll to hit part?
Lots of things have shitty fans. That doesn't make the thing itself good or bad, or mean that ONLY shitty people can enjoy it.
> Oregon Trail isn't a board game, but it's definitely Ameritrash, do not get
probably by playing it
Don't you mean Eurotrash?
question in regards to valley of the kings. i have afterlife and i've been thinking about getting another one or possibly both. I'm wondering about this in general. From what I've gathered, people who like the games do not regret having all 3. Would you play each as is or would you mix them? Does mixing work well and is there an agreed upon procedure for doing so ie maintain the same number of each color? anyways, just lookin for general advice about it... dont see anything online about if i should/how to combine the games.
As best I can tell there's not a ton to criticize outside of roll to hit and roll to wound/save. And since there's cards that refer to or modify dice results we still need to use dice. So I think it's mostly a question of what mitigation elements to introduce, and whether the goalposts need moved.
Me too, man. Me too. I also want a coop super robo game with different mechs for different numbers of players.
Anyone have any storage ideas for New Bedford + Rising Tides? Mainly, just how to reliably get it in the box every time, but also how to deal with the damn building tiles. There are so, so many, and if you put them anywhere other than just loose, they take up a lot of space. They also need to be meticulously cherrypicked for each playercount... no idea how to organize it in a way that'd make that easy.
I ended up not getting Betrayal In The House On The Hill today because a friend got it and I'd probably end up just playing it with them anyway.
>New Bedford
Fuck that. Fuck the south shore. Where's my Gloucester fisherman game?
Can we at least get a Manchester By The Sea movie tie in game?
We had a brief discussion about this a few threads ago, someone had the neat idea of a MoM style board game and app but with different horror genres and stories. So the base game might be some generic monster theme but slasher movies could be an expansion, mummies and curses another, etc, etc. Basically a non shitty Betrayal at House on the Hill.
There's an outline in the Last Rites rule book for different ways you can combine the sets. Go get it for free from the publishers website
Ya but how would the game be scary? I have no idea how to accomplish this and I don't know if it's really possible because the game would have to find a way to make you feel emotionally attached to your character/game piece without being an rpg and without just making you read a fuckload.
I'm also biased against this idea because I hate games that integrate apps.
> Ameritrash Games
sure is taking them a long time on delivering those Camp Grizzly expansions.
> Themes
I think a coop game with a theme inspired by Super Sentai/Power Rangers would be fun.
Maybe a two part game where you have some mission to accomplish as the different team members and a "finale" where you combine the giant robot and it turns into a kind of "space cadets" thing where you have to control different aspects of the robot together.
I dunno. Sounds fun to me.
I dunno, there's no real way to make a game legitimately scary as far as I can imagine. Good writing will only take you so far, and unless everyone is onboard and goes the extra mile (taking the game seriously, dim lights, spooky background music, etc) I can't ever see that being a thing. Sorry user, best stick to movies and games for that atmosphere.
Have you tried Escape from the Aliens in Outer Space? It's probably the only game I've played that felt scary while playing. It's not terrifying, but you do feel your hands and feet going cold while hoping that the aliens won't get you.
What I could glean from my experience is that for a "scary" game, you need:
>Out of your control
Each time you move into a noisy hex, yoy draw a card. The card will tell you whether to announce the hex number you are on, any other hex number on the map, or not announce anything at all. You can't really predict what you may get, so you never know whether or not you'll be forced to reveal your location each time you move.
The above mechanic also feeds into uncertainty, as in addition to not knowing which players play the aliens, you also don't know where they are. Everyone announces their location, but since the true location is hidden between feints and lies, you never know whether you'll get pounced on next turn.
>Closed spaces
The humans' goal is to get to an escape pod, and frequently this means crossing the path of an alien to get there. This forced interaction will make you hope to god you don't draw a "reveal location" card and that the alien forgot to keep track of your position.
Most of these keep in track with horror vidya theory too, so learning that could help in developing a "scary" game.
I've played that game, and we laughed and joked and made alien/predator references the whole time.
Like I said above, the only possible way to make a game scary is if everyone is on board and commits to making that experience, there's no way to make a game inherently scary.
It's really not that hard to learn. You can just look up what the tiles do when they come up in your first game, and the cards make for easy reference.
The only really unintuitive aspects are the resistances (especially fire/ice) and, to a lesser extent, the way city sieges work.
It's not really this but Ghost Stories is kinda this...
No real mecha combining finale though, I'll admit.
played mega civ with someones pimped version.
magnetized score board and wooden pieces for everything.
That room looks smelly.
that would be a pretty hard task since there is a double door open just 3 metre's away from the table
>What theme should be used more
Chinese folklore
Wheres muh wukong game desu
What is the best egyptian-themed game available right now? Currently have Kemet and Imhotep.
The best egyptian themed game available right now? It's between kemet and imhotep
Valley of the Kings
How long did it take to complete a game that big? I have to admit it does look like a lot of fun if everyone knows their stuff.
Not really a fan of those.
50-60% where first time players. we finished in 12 hours, from 11 to 11.
we had 1 organizer who did not play and only managed distributions, disasters and everything.
we had about 5 minutes to trade, which went up to 10-15 minutes later in the day.
me and 1 other guy managed to get through the entire civ track, moving every turn. i still was third though since the the player behind us had more cards.
Codenames does surprisingly well as a two-player filler game.
>Spymaster: Profession, 2
>Me: Smuggler?
>it's wrong
>"What do you mean it's wrong?!"
>"Who the hell declares smuggler as their profession?!"
Good laughs were had.
Yeah, I suppose you're right. I know you mentioned hating app integrated games, but I think they should get a pass if you really want a proper horror board game. Not only would apps help with setting the mood and atmosphere, there's also the possibility of some amazing AR scares, and I don't mean some silly jump scare tactic.
I chanced upon Werewolf Deluxe edition and Sabotuer 1+2.
Should I get it?
I know my group are big on party games, but I already have Codenames, Resistance - Avalon, Cash & Guns, King of Tokyo, Secret Hitler, Spyfall.
Does any one of those bring something new to the table? They all look like more of the same, very similar to Resistance and Secret Hitler.
I'd grab that if it were me. Or I'd at least get Sabotuer 1+2
Seriously why even bother? It's an absolute shit game that lives off nice looking plastic mechs. The gameplay is as shallow as it gets. Instead of putting effort into this pile of garbage just come up with your own game.
Their own game wouldn't have WETA components and art already done for them, so either demonstrate WHY the game is beyond salvaging, help fix it, or shut up.
The foundation of the game is built around rolling 2 dice to determine hits. That's like barely a step above Talisman. If you really want to fix it you need to change the entire game. All the cards. The way damage works. It would be a totally different game. If it's just about keeping and using the WETA minis fine go ahead, but the game itself can't be salvaged. The changes would be way too severe. It has to be turned into something entirely different.
That sounds like a lot of fun.
Saboteur 1 & 2 both have a 'take that!' element where you can disable other players temporarily (or convince others to do it for you). Most of the players are attempting to reach the objective first for a chance at the best loot. Meanwhile the Saboteur gets points (and no one else does) if they prevent all the others from reaching the objective.
I don't know about changing all the cards. A way to determine hits will be important, but for the cards you could deal straight damage, which you can then cancel out by spending energy to discard cards in hand, reducing damage by the damage that card would have dealt.
For hits, maybe use a range stick that determines how much the damage gets reduced? Might turn it into a slugfest though, the mechs didn't seem too maneuverable.
Saboteur 1+2 is a diamond in the rough, it's fantastic. Werewolf Deluxe is a slightly improved version of a very broken old game, still decently enjoyable if you're in a situation where you really must play werewolf for some bizarre reason.
This. The Thirty Years War is very under-represented. Wallenstein is a damn good game, at least.
might try the starwars general on this board, /swg/.
I think thats where most of the xwing talk happens
Trying to collect Battlecon promos is fucking suffering.
Thanks pal, will do
Is Camp Grizzly any good?
I'm the Mario Kart x-wing user here (among other things) I went heroes because of all the other stuff there for the cost. Plebbit /xwingtmg/ is pretty good for help moreso than here on /bgg/ also link below is a pretty good analysis
Been having ideas lately for a sort of Adeptus Titanicus styled game. Giant robot battles, but also options for giant monsters/cyborgs. Modular assembly miniatures to customize your own giant whatever. Systems for repairing, upgrading your fighter, and so on for league play.
Seems like perfect kikestarter fodder, but alas I'm too broke and too shit at games to make it.
I like it, it's pretty basic as far as mechanics go.
It's in that "betrayal at house on the hill" realm of games I would say. If you like that sort of thing you'll like it.
One thing I really like about it (but it's not everybody's cup of tea) is the "freeform" coop aspect. Basically, you all have a better chance to survive as a group, but sometimes... You have to cut your losses and leave someone behind. You have to make the call. Very thematic.
Thanks for those recommendations! I'll check them out
Redpill me on Mythic Battles: Pantheon.
From what I've seen the game devolves into "pile onto the enemy God and gangbang it". The tactical depth is all an illusion.
What are your thoughts on the proper way to handle combat in a game? What makes it so much better than other ways to do combat?
>GKR: Heavy Hitters
>Village Attacks
>Rising Sun
Which one should I burn my money on?
So it's good for casual games then?
>The tactical depth is all an illusion.
That's nonsense imo. Tactics start during the draft by counter-picking to what your opponent is picking. The units have all so vastly differents stats and powers that you'll have to adopt a different play style almost every time you play. Plus there's a second win condition which is collecting four omphalos. If you focus your unit strength on gathering those things instead of fighting you can also win.
I've played only 5 or 6 games so far but tactics and unit consideration are very interwoven within the gameplay. Every turn you have to consider which unit or units to deploy or activate and what to do. Whether to go for damage and which unit to attack, or for the omphalos, trying to collect them while cutting your opponent off from collecting.
Maybe your experience differs from mine. As I said, I only played like 5 games.
Are there any games set in a world in the same style as nier automata? Like humanoids vs machine
Check the archive and see where we bash every other chucklefuck who makes this exact same post, burn your money on something that isn't overpriced shit you have to wait a fucking year or so for to MAYBE get
although i agree that you should make the purchase, i don't agree with the sense of urgency. I mean, its about 55 on miniature market. just tryna help ;)
in any case, its a great game as i'm sure you've heard from anybody interested enough to give it a try.
anyone here play/back unfair?
Love the theme, and the reviews have all praised it but that might just be the kickstarter boost kicking in.
Buy a game that already exists and you know is good.
> Which one should I burn my money on?
A game that doesn't suck.
So I've seen some used copies of Chaos in the Old World popping up, and now that it's a "collectible" the price is kind of crazy. I could for example buy Inis AND Kemet, or Blood Rage with an expansion for the kind of money CitOW is going for. CitOW is fantastic but what do you think gives the most bang for your buck?
CitOW needs to be really, really good to be worth the asking price for two other great games like Inis and Kemet.
I got mine just by writing Level99, unless you mean the oldest promos, or the ones that only the guys who backed to get their own characters made got.
I'm just talking out my ass but the All The Games You Like Are Bad guy did a rather eviscerate review of it.
Has done anything since the new year, kinda disappointing desu.
He's also a boring retard, don't shitpost just for the sake of shitting up the thread.
Hasn't he been kickstarter nonstarted by retsupurae?
Sounds almost a bit like Warhammer.
If both sides go for that, sure. But the moment one person decides to draft heavy attack characters with at least one blocker and one or two guards and just dogpile everything onto the enemy God, he'll win,
And once people realize that, the game is fucked.
There are well over a hundred different units. Every player sees what every other player is drafting. There are a number of power interactions where one unit counters another. There are units who can climb, units who can fly, units who have ranged attacks, units with powers that do something very strong in regards to damage, units with powers that allow you to control the battlefield, etc. You make it sound extremely shallow when that's simply not the case. There are certain god/unit combinations that make getting piled on very difficult. How many games have you played where straight forward dogpiling did the job? Never seen that happening.
Let's say you find a combination that would allow you to win every time. Even then, after one game your opponent can just take the units you want away by picking them himself. If you need units A. B and C and you opponent takes B during the draft, what now?
So I don't see your concern happening in any meaningful, longterm way.
>And once people realize that, the game is fucked.
Oh please. Almost every combat-centric game out there isn't perfectly balanced. Magic has had so many broken cards in its life and it's doing better than ever. This may be a problem for tournament players but people who play for fun probably won't even find those unbalanced combinations. Stop being so pessimistic. Let the game come out and be played for a while before you declare it imbalanced. Give the game a chance to develop some kind of meta game before yelling.