Hate Edition

What's your favorite hate? Least favorite? What's the most hate you've played through?

Sorry I don't have the resources/tier list.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Sorry I don't have the resources/tier list.
I can only read this as
>I am so inept that I don't even know one of this website's simplest functions despite that function being linked multiple times on every page and in the catalog

pretty close. more like
>i forgot about the archive


>Active Legacy Forums

>Current Legacy Metagame

>Find/Browse basic lands by their art (Updated through Duel Decks: Jace vs Chandra)

>Top 5 Breakdown (May 26, 2016)

>Miracles: The Match-Up Everyone Should Know

>Utilizing Cabal Therapy (Old but still good)

End pg 1

Common Legacy - Decks You Should Prepare to Face
>Delver variants (Grixis, Izzet, BUG, RUG)
>ANT (Ad Nauseam Tendrils)
>Death and Taxes
>Eldrazi Stompy
>Shardless BUG

Uncommon Legacy - Decks You Should Know About
>LED Dredge
>TES (The Epic Storm)
>4-Color Loam
>Nic Fit
>Sneak n Show

Rare Legacy - Decks You May See On Occasion
>Turbo Depths
>High Tide
>Food Chain
>12 Post
>Pox Control
>Dragon Stompy
>Sneak n Breach
>Stax (White or Black)
>Deadguy Ale
>Manaless Dredge

Mythic Legacy - Decks You'll See Once a Year
>Doomsday Fetchland Tendrils (DDFT)
>Nourshing Lich
>Non-Eldrazi Moonless Stompy variants
>Spanish Inquisition
>Ux Omnitell
>The Cure (Kavu Predator + False Cure)

Been playing a lot of Legacy online lately and wanted to mess around with some type of Loam Reliquary deck, like the legacy version, but since it's vintage and there's much better mana filtering I can get away with the full 5c. I know it's not a great idea but I'm just looking for some more ideas on what kind of stuff to throw in.

>been playing a lot of Vintage lately*
this is the list I'm starting with but its hard to find people playing vintage
Originally had 4 knights in the deck but I wanted to squeeze in two leovolds and I figured with 4 Confidants and the library and the 2 Zenith's I'd be able to find them pretty quickly. The biggest problem I think the deck has is with Shops on the draw since there's no great ways to deal with artifacts in the deck. Apart from shops i think it can outgrind any other deck in the format. Wish I could run more chalice but what can you do

I've been wanting to get back into vintage, probably online, but I don't want to buy power even though it's so much cheaper online.

>We finally get a thread without the shit pasta
>The circlejerking autist namefag ruins it
Fucking namefags ruins everything

I've been on a chalice and blood moon kick lately, wrecks the shit out of the greedy BUG decks that have been all over the place recently.
Back to Basics is my least favorite, card just doesn't do enough with all the Deathrites running around. Most hate I've played through was Thalia GoT, Chalice on 0, and Sanctum Prelate on 4 while on TES. My Op made a misplay, if he had put Prelate on 2 I would have been dead, instead he opened up burning wish, grab Void Snare, then abrupt decay Prelate EOT, untap Snare thalia and win off rituals in hand + PIF -> IT -> Empty.

>Go off with storm
>It was during my upkeep

Are you replying to me? I should have been clearer.
My Turn: Burning wish, grab Void Snare, Pass
OP Turn: Beats and passes
My Turn: Untap, Pass
Ops Turn: Attacks me, AD Prelate eot
My Turn: Snare Thalia, go off.

No, I'm pissed about my own fucking stupidity
I had the kill in my hand but I went off with rituals and manamorphoses but did it during my upkeep instead of my main when i could cast my skill because im an actual idiot

Fucking BUG man, Jesus

No fun allowed against that deck

>Playing Cockatrice
>Keep doing shit in my draw phase

It's my worst habit

I'm fine with it, I've been jamming Sneak and Breach. Blood moon decks love playing against greedy three color + wasteland manabases.

>Sneak and Breach
How aggressively do you mull with that deck? It feels janky as hell, like you either win at hyperspeed or eat shit and fizzle out almost as fast

Basically unless my hand does something broken (Turn one Chalice for one, turn 1/2 Blood Moon, or turn 1/2 Sneak/Breach) its usually a mull. I'll mull to five, but never lower; you have almost no chance of winning with a mull to 4. Your right in that sometimes the deck just mulls to oblivion and dies, but it's a lot more consistent than it looks to be on the surface. There is a version that plays 4x top over chalice and some number of 3ball main to be more consistent, but I feel its worse than having chalice. The beauty of chalice version is that almost every non land permanent that you play must be answered, so you always make your OP have it and just keep jamming until they either don't and you win or your dead.

What list do you run? I'm dicking around with Di Giacomi's list on xmage and trying to think of good sideboard tech

Chalice has definitely saved my ass a number of times

This is the list I've been running since Aether Revolt came out.
2x Combustible Gearhulk
2x Inferno Titan
2x Worldspine Wurm
2x Emrakul, AT
3x Griselbrand
4x Simian Spirit Guide
4x Lotus Petal
4x Seething Song
4x Through the Breach
4x Blood Moon
4x Sneak Attack
4x Chalice of the Void
2x Chandra. Torch of Defiance
10x Mountain
4x Ancient Tomb
4x City of Traitors
1x Crystal Vein
3x Trinisphere
2x Pyromancy
2x Fiery Confluence
2x Kozilek's Return
2x Ingot Chewer
1x Magus of the Moon
3x Graffdigger's Cage

As far as sideboard stuff, I wouldn't leave home without Fiery Confluence and Pyromancy. Both have won me many games.

This looks tight. I'm gonna try it out, thanks man

No prob, have fun!

Is anyone working on a new project at all?
Pic related, just finished this.

This actually looks like a lot of fun!

Made one legacy deck when I first started playing magic.

Never play any vintage players, how shit is it:

Shout out to a massive "fuck you" to a ton of popular decks.

I've been slowly assembling bugw Aluren. At this point I'm basically 1 trop and some cheap creatures away. Not sure I'll ever play the deck but it'll be nice to have. Plus there's no significant overlap with Belcher, mono b pox, or burn so I could potentially have all 4 built at once if I needed to provide decks to people.

just waiting on finish the pox main........that are still looking like 60$ a pop even after the reprint........fml

I'd love a mono black deck that is all about enchantments and spells, creatureless or maybe 1-2 creatures.

Anything like this that would be effective?

Could play mono b pox with maxed out Chains of Mephistopheles and The Abyss and Nether Void. If you want to build a jillion dollar deck that probably isn't that good.

>implying a solid OP with good resources and a list of playable decks is a bad thing
You want this place to be the Modern general, you incredible autist?

Pls don't respond to the incredible autists. It is difficult but it is the most effective way to keep them from shitting up the thread.

Did any of you live through Flash Hulk? Was it really that bonkers?

Flash hulk was during my hiatus from the game but reports suggest it was that bonkers. Gp columbus 2007 had 3 copies of flash hulk in the top 8. I couldn't find any meta breakdowns but the sheer number of articles about it is telling.

>A solid op
>With totally maked up not-tiered divition
>Just to have autist saying "put my tier999 shitbrew on the list fampai"
>But the thread is not shit

Vintage looks kinda fun, but at the same time seeing every decklist with the same Power in it seems like homogeneous. I've seen some really fun looking Goblin Welder/Mindslaver control decks that look right up my ally.

What's the best Loam list in legacy? Clearly you wanna be in G for Loam, B for Decay and LoTV, W for KotR. Is it worth going into red for Gamble? Blue for Intuition?

Hulk flash was utterly and completely broken. It wasn't tier 0, it was something above even that. There was no reason to play any other deck. If it had not been ban hammered into oblivion the next GP would have been nothing but hulk flash and anti hulk flash.

If there's not much combo in your meta I'd go with Lands. If you have a lot of combo i'd say 4c Loam because chalice main gives it some game vs combo in g1.

The hilarity of the homogenity of moxen means you can run a lot more crazy stuff which is nice
I've been jamming a lot of Vintage Fish lately and it's pretty sweet


So its could be the vokka talking, but like. Could a gereen show&tellish deck based on eureka be anthing? Like maybe ug show and teel? Youcould run like 8 show and trells.

Sure, EurekaTell is a thing, but its expensive as hell to build. LP Italian Eureka's are still about $100 a piece.


lol the format has staples that cost about 10 grand all together at shit qualities.


Ah. My bad, I thought you were talking about legacy.

I was talking acvout legacy. err fucvvk is eurka noit in legfacyu?

Defense of the Heart is legal.

Eureka's legal.

>favourite hate
Really want to try out Kambal, seems spicy. Also Leovold is sick
>least favourite
Chains of mephistoles or Leovold
>most hate played through
2 TNN, 3 nimble mongoose on field when I've had 3 lands wastelanded and my terminus surgical extracioned

Hav I got something for you, you delightful retard

had some friendly games at an acquaintance's house tonight
>on the play, fetch a scrubland and inquisition opponent
>he's on sneak and show, his hand is tomb petal SNT emrakul ponder spell snare sneak attack
>you don't need that SNT :^)
>they rip another off the fucking top
>put a DRS into play, accept i'll probably lose
>top deck deluge
>deluge for 15 yolo
>draw back to back lingering souls, flood the board
>win with 1/1 beats because my opponent can't seem to find any colored lands
it just feels so good when your deck gives you exactly what you need.

>What's your favorite hate?
There's a lot of storm in my meta, so literally anything that makes their day suck

>What's the most hate you've played through?
Don't see a whole lot of hate for stoneblade, or more accurately spiritblade in my case. It's insane how good spell queller is in legacy when he's shit in every other format.

4 Stoneforge Mystic
3 Spell Queller
3 Mausoleum Wanderer
2 True-Name Nemesis
3 Snapcaster Mage
2 Vendilion Clique

3 Swords to Plowshares
3 Daze
4 Force of Will
2 Stifle
4 Brainstorm
2 Counterspell
2 Spell Pierce

1 Jace, the Mind Sculptor

1 Umezawa's Jitte
1 Batterskull

1 Plains
3 Wasteland
3 Tundra
4 Flooded Strand
4 Polluted Delta
5 Island

Current Sideboard:
Sanctum Prelate
Chalice of the Void
Engineered Explosives
Ethersworn Canonist
Thalia, Guardian of Thaben
Supreme Verdict
Grafdiggers Cage
Council's Judgement
Meddling Mage
Mindbreak Trap (x3)
Containment Priest (x2)
Seal of Clenching

>seal of clenching

Well, this is what I'm looking at taking to Legacy on Monday, any critiques?

Esper Miracles:
Land: (19)
2 Island
1 Plains
1 Swamp
3 Tundra
2 Underground Sea
4 Flooded Strand
4 Polluted Delta
2 Marsh Flats

Creatures: (7)
3 Monastery Mentor
2 Snapcaster Mage
2 Jace, Vryn’s Prodigy

Non-Creature Spells: (34)
4 Brainstorm
3 Force of Will
3 Daze
4 Swords to Plowshares
4 Ponder
3 Gitaxian Probe
2 Cabal Therapy
1 Painful Truths
3 Terminus
3 Counterbalance
4 Sensei’s Divining Top

Sideboard: (15)
1 Zealous Persecution
1 Massacre
1 Rest in Peace
3 Surgical Extraction
1 Cabal Therapy
1 Thoughtseize
1 Tasigur, the Golden Fang
2 Disenchant
1 Force of Will
1 Entreat the Angels
1 Moat
1 Flusterstorm

Do you think the probes are too cute? I've been debating cutting the probes for meddling mages in the main.

Yeah man, I feel ya, that's all I need to finish punishing jund.. it's a big hurdle..

Yeah I feel ya. I've got punishing jund and Omni-Tell to hand around to someone to get a tournament to fire. My local meta usually has enough, but if for some reason we don't, a few of the buddy fight/card fight kids will be happy to play with us if we provide a deck, so that's cool!

I just finished a couple games with this on xmage and this deck is fucking rad holy shit

Glad you like it, get any FTKs?

>Hate Edition
having a 3-Ball maindeck that I can Transmute for is pretty nice, but my favorite hate card is probably Notion Thief for the blowouts it makes.

>Hate you've played through
Had a christmasland scenario earlier that I thought was pretty great
>vs DnT
>I have Foundry on the field, but they got a Revoker naming it
>Cast Dack Fayden
>Steal Revoker
>Sac Revoker to Transmute Artifact to get Sword and win off combo.
have you played around at all with Fatal Push? I don't usually see Daze in Miracles lists, hows it working out for you? I have a huge hard-on for Lim-Dul's Vault, so I'll try to jam it into any deck but it does seem alright here; finds an answer and in a pinch can set up a Counterbalance trigger guaranteed.

First game I got the nut draw that let me Breach a T1 Gearhulk, he said no to the draw only to drop a fucking Griselbrand and Worldspine into the graveyard for 19 damage so GG there, it was a 1-game round.

Got fucked up by Miracles second game but I eked out a win in that match with a straight grindfest. Guy got fucked by draw and could not get Counterbalance to fire, so I hardcast SSGs and Magi of the Moon for beatdown.

Real talk that deck is superb. Be proud of it because I'm going to run the fuck out of it.

I'd try Fatal Push if it wasn't for all the B/R Reanimator in my meta, swords cleanly answers the turn one sire shenanigans. Daze has been either amazing or useless, its one of the cards I'm on the fence about; It's great for protecting a turn 2 counterbalance, but mostly garbage as the game goes on (kinda reminds me of my issues with spell pierce actually). I'm going to have to try out a singleton LDV, it seems spicy AF. The Therapys and the Painful Truth have been awesome though!

Thanks man! Miracles is a hard matchup, it gets a lot better in game 2 when you can cut your Moons for 3balls. If you keep seeing miracles constantly you can cut some sideboard stuff to get in another 3ball and some number of boil. Nothing tilts a miracles player like blowing up all their basic island!

Does anyone have that comic with a panel explaining each format, and the one for either legacy or vintage is two guys with giant brains and one of them says "No force of will, I mulligan" and the other says "A wise choice, friend"

I have this

That was actually made for the EDH general. And it says vintage but we all know it should be legacy because no one actually plays paper vintage

I've played around with Daze in DDFT and felt the same way about it. A lot of times it was pretty dead but when I cast it it usually saved my ass. Felt a bit like a 1-trick pony though, once they knew about it, they played around it. But dazing a hymn or a CB or a chalice felt real good.

yes, stop playing cancer.dek

Wow. Someones salty.

You guy think I should preorder some lillies at 60$, or do you think the price will drop further after the actual print?

Well well well, I have another Esper lover here who wants to jam it in miracles.

For starters I'd cut the swamp or relocate it to the board. I've tried it out and it often ends up being more annoying than not. Baby jace is cute, not sure if he's better than mind sculptor in miracles but I could see him being gas, however with him snap becomes much more powerful and I'd run more than 2. The probes are too cute yes, in miracles can tripping isn't as important as setting up your draws and hopefully having counter top on field will be more than enough to handle what's in their hand at almost any given time. Painful truths is probably a bad choice. Feels to much like a win more Lose more card. I also don't like meddling mage main board but he's a fantastic SB option. As said I also have a huge boner hlfor lim dul's vault. It's actually really awesome setting up the perfect 5 or getting the one SB card you need. That's just my 2 cents but I'd love to here about how you do

Local legacy tournament, loOKs like only 3 people showed up.

that's still better than the time I showed up to a casual Sunday night and asked if anyone played legacy and everyone looked at me like I was stupid and one guy asked "people still play legacy?"

At my old lgs there were like two people who were playing legacy and they told me not to get into the format because there's really nobody else to play with.

We're just doing round Robin winner take all. I beat noble bug. Waiting for the other 2 to finish their match, and then I'll play SI.

I'm the only one within 45 minutes that I know of that has a legacy deck. Thankfully I'm moving to one of Canada's bigger legacy hot spots soon

Well I beat SI. The big 2-0. 15 bucks store credit for my troubles.

240 for a set of lily is better than I could ever expect to find in person. If the place is reputable enough I'd do that in a heartbeat.

She'll be 150 by the time the set is out of print.

just pulled the trigger. its hurts a little bit...

Oh wait, you were pre-ordering.

Yeah, you're getting nothing unless you shell out another hundred or two. I refuse to even entertain buying MM stuff that isn't in person because everyone and their brother is looking to scalp.

ehhh, she a high demand mythic. I figure shell stay steady at 50-60$. Once the print is over shell prolly go back up like every other mm card ever.


LED vs no LED dredge? I'm finding that no LED means more stability, but it's pretty fucking slow.

Live again, thread

>I am the crusher, the unstoppable force that will not yield.

Don't go LED-less if you have LEDs.

Both decks are pretty inconsistent, but if you want one with better odds, you're going to need LED.

Game on xmage just got me rock hard
>t1 thoughtseize take a TNN
>t2 collective brutality. Discard lingering souls to disfigure a hierarch and duress a brainstorm
>t3 DRS + hymn hitting a deluge and a fetch
>t4 goyf + souls flashback + Wasteland a trop
>opponent concedes the match

I saw a junk list that got second at a fire & dice event that had a single underground and two Leovold in the side, seemed hot. But before I go and throw a bunch of money at it, what match ups does leovold fuck up the best?

If your opponent is in the business of drawing cards excluding the draw step, Leovold is your friend

So every blue deck?

Leovold also makes life really hard for storm decks if your live long enough to cast him

I've already got kambal and thalia and duress in the SB to fuck with the local storm player... but his reactions when you play a silver bullet are kind of funny so I guess another wouldn't hurt

Leovold is pushed as fuck and is harmful to many decks in the format. If I probe t1 and see leovold and force, I'm gonna therapy that Leovold if I can.

Honestly, as much as I hate playing against Leovold I don't think he's super harmful, then again I don't play storm

I like anit blue cards, but i fucking hate that he is blue

I would have really liked if they'd made Leovold BWG instead on BUG. Would have opened up some interesting junk hatebear decks instead of people just jamming BUG goodstuff.deck

I really wish they'd made Leovold BWG instead on BUG. Would have opened up some interesting junk hatebear decks instead of people just jamming BUG goodstuff.deck

I agree with this, although the "draw a card when targeted" bit on him is definitely a more blue ability.

Agreed. I just don't think that the BUG decks needed anymore ridiculous tools, I'd like to see some other colors/archetypes get some love.

BGx must be the best fair deck in all formats. it's the law. 2 weeks in the isocubes for playing Death & Taxes.

I just want legacy to be the format where unfair decks are allowed to live in peace. They don't need to be the best decks, just not constantly hated on with each new set.



Lily cost like 2,5 $ don't let them scam you

Not for tes.
Led led petal mox burning wish and empty the warrens and the guy scoops