Lets discuss how 30k is bad for the 40k setting overall.
When I first got into 40k, the idea was the Horus Heresy was so distant in the past that it was just myth and no one really knew what happened, it was all just stories. For comparison, our civilization has existed for 5000, maybe 6000 years, to the average imperial citizen the story of the emperor far more archaic to them than the bible is to us, consider that.
The mystery of the horus heresy left you wondering, the only thing you knew for sure were the primarchs existed and so did the Emperor, anything else was total speculation- the nobledark peoples story of the heresy could be true, the heresy might entirely be a metaphor for God Emperor of Dune, there was no way to really know.
Even when the Horus Heresy books started coming out it was like oh these arent my cup of tea but its cool, they're just like recorded stories of the primarchs and we can still project whatever we want onto the unknown mythos of the heresy.
Even when the 30k tabletop came out it was like, well, these rogue trader models still look like shit, even when you do them FW. But its cool, Ill happily play against 30k armies and it lets 40k players play a fictional historical, its really cool that way.
But then we have faggots like you, who ruin the entire thing for everyone. You take every peice of Space Marine dick jerking in the HH books to be literal gospel, preaching that space marines are 8ft, and veterans in terminator armor are 9fth, and then chapter masters and captains are 10ft, primarchs? fuck dude they were like 25ft tall, and the Emperor? He was straight up like 200ft tall.
I dont think you understand how fucking huge a 8ft body builder would be, like your ABSOLUTE BIGGEST asartes might be 8ft, the kind of guy who would have been 6'6" 300lbs of muscle before getting geneseeded. There is absolutely no way the primarchs were more than 10ft tall, they would be literal giants and abhumans themselves.