
>Thrallherd Prerequisite: Inquisitor (Wisdom 13+)
>Wisdom 13+


Share stories of Thrallherds. Pitfalls, fetish, how to use them in cool ways, etc.

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>how to use them in cool ways
The rock superstar Thrallherd. That is all.

Where the hell is this even from

That old dude seems like a pretty cool guy

There's nothing sexual about the thrallherd. It's perfectly innocent, it's just so easy to follow along with what they say. When you're around them its just so relaxing like you can just breathe them in and feel all your troubles melting away, and then they ask you to follow them, of course you do, why would you want to leave this lovely feeling. And then there's how relaxed their orders help you feel 'don't worry about it' your mind says 'just follow along, everything will be alright' and so you follow along with their orders, I mean it's either that or go back to stressing, and who wants that. I mean you could start thinking about disagreeing, but is it really worth ruining this wonderful thing you've got going on. Just stop worrying about everything so much, they'll take care of everything, all you have to do is not get yourself worked up, good deal, no?


Already in video game form

>mind corruption fetishists
fucking disgusting
I mean, yeah, it gives me a boner, but the thought makes me fucking sick. Subtle mind corruption is the worst fucking thing there could ever be.

A Woman Called Fujiko Mine. Really good series of Lupin the 3rd.

His skin is covered in drugs at all times.


>it gives me a boner, but the thought makes me fucking sick

With porn, there is at least some sort of disconnect. Like, these aren't people, they are just drawings. If it's a doujin, I can masturbate to snuff, guro and scat, provided the visual artstyle is appealing.
But mind corruption is literally the fucking worst, especially the kind described in that screencap.

At least the "rape them until they like it" kind of corruption can be understood - it's a defense mechanism along the lines of "I can't do shit about it, I might as well enjoy it".
But the kind where the corrupted person eventually willingly ends up doing things she didn't want to do in the first place, even when free of corrupting influence - that's fucked up.

I'm not sure I'm being coherent with this rant, but - I just simply don't like that shit. I hate it.

He used his knowledge of a fantastic drug to create an entire legion of devoted followers, and a harem. He's as close of a canon Thrallherd as you'll ever get.


If memory serves that's not even the worst thing she did with the police girl clones.

Best prc




agreed, if someone wants to convince/ befriend people of opposite alignments through charisma and action all power to them - same for direct mental domination , but subtle mind control is just domination by a prettier name, its the same but doesent feel as awful

Babby tier.

Thrallherd is kind of a weird ability in that it's not even supernatural: it's basically just leadership for Psions. A thrall is basically expected to be exactly the sort of person who'd be a match for the Thrallherd: example being that a Thrallherd who spends a lot of time adventuring would attract the perfect business partner, or a zealot would attract another zealot who's willing to take orders. And if it were just that, nobody would bat an eye.

But because it's a Psion the ability comes with a built-in cult feature that can get a little weird, and it's prone to getting fetishy. But even in the now-infamous case of the drow priestess, the Thrallherd would have succeeded in calling perhaps the ONE DROW within range whose deepest, darkest secret is a fetish for handholding and cuddles. There's no corruption involved, because by definition a thrall is already into whatever the PC is about.

Could you enthrall a large group of succubi and turn them into meidos for the purpose of opening a succubus meido cafe?

That gets into Thrall territory, so at maximum levels you could maybe get two succubi. And only if you could find two succubi who were sufficiently into meido cafes.

I'm in a game with a Thrallherd villain and we're going to be assaulting their home soon and the party is trying to figure out a way of dealing with the thrallsherd's believers without permanently harming them

Well you can't make a meido cafe with only 2 meidos, and using buncha fiendlings is kinda cheating. Monster girl cafe seems best bet

You could probably have them as followers (counting their CR as level), but that'd only get you 2 more at best.

time to fap

It's one interpretation of Thrallherd, but certainly not the most natural.

Thrallherd psionic calling has no bearing on personality, only on some poorly defined, poorly understood 'psychic' compatibility. It is perfectly possible for a LG character to have a CE character, or vice-versa. I personally see it like a genetic disease: you just have the weakness or not.

Thrallherd is leadership++, in that the followers and the thralls are perfectly willing to die for their master, or follow any orders, no matter how outlandish. It is brainwashing in all but name.

Oh Jesus, not that set of pics again.


>it's another "sexy villains only" character class

Well now I suspect that I know where my DM came up with a scenario that got me levels in thrallherd.

>NG Elan Psionicist, woke up in an area that had clearly seen combat and the people that made him were dead.
>Adventure to learn about what he is, maybe find out if his old self was executed, murdered or volunteered
>ends up in a duergar city tracking psionic knowledge
>allowed to stay so long as he works crazy hard at both learning and using his talents to help the city
>puts up with it, figures he'll learn what he can and get away from this crazy place
>DM is having his teacher/master provide bonus XP but the DM decides on powers and feats at level up
>realize he just got a bunch of mind-control stuff
>decides to leave the city, duergar don't like that
>fights his way out, causes some chaos and frees some slaves on the way
>outside the city gets tracked down by drow girl, slave from a duergar library
>started getting oracular powers around the time my PC arrived, her "connection" is believing that he's going to become a god and she's meant to be his priestess
>return to the surface for cuter adventures, pray to level soon so she can get a point in speaking Common
>joined an adventuring duo clearly inspired by the orc and pervy elf comic
>still taking levels in thrallherd, doesn't realize IC why people keep coming to him for life advice and ending up as followers

I've run it rather successfully as a shonen hero type character, traveling and recruiting a band of brothers and crew through honorable fights and sheer stubborn friendliness.
Helps explain things like the token evil teammate and such.

Keep in mind you don't have to be a psion either! It just helps.


where is this from?


The best kind of thrallherd is the one that is just as much in love with his thralls as his thralls are in love with him.
Prove me wrong.

It's not just for sexy villains!
Every villain could benefit from a ready source of faceless minions/bitches.

>Implying a Goblin can't be a thrallherd.

Stop with those images, at least use something from the hobby.

Overlord 3 when

Is having Psi-like abilities at a given Manifester level the same thing as having the Manifester level?

>just as much in love with his thralls
This is the best yes. The one that takes care of the thralls and cares for them. Helps them be their own person and just accepts that they will always be there for each other.
A first among equals sort of thing.

Or that of a guiding mentor, just trying to do their best with the powers that they've developed.

Frankenfran I think.

Never is probably the sad answer. That crappy Overlord: Fellowship of Evil game and the Minions handheld games have done too poorly for them to make more. That and the games were crappy gauntlet ripoffs and worse...

Yep. It's like how races that have 'casting as if an X level Y' can qualify for prestige classes with them. Granted the one there is at half your HD so thrallherd isn't an option till 11th. Still though, it's great for even a single level dip to start the theme.

You are insulting my own art and my autism, mate.

That lineup took almost 45 minutes in Daz3d.

But ok.

What set of pics?
What happens?

Not trying to be insulting, just preferring that we keep the thread images to thrallherds and thralls in general, as opposed to dumping the mind control folder we've both surely got.

Wizards can get in on the fun too!

Wait, so that means you just need that feat to qualify for 2/3 of the Thrallherd prerequisite? Even if you are, say, a fighter?

The fuck?

Who thought it was a good idea?

Who tested that shit?

You need to have the skill ranks and those two feats, enough HD, and not mind missing out on the powers known/manifesting boost, but yes. If you can convince your DM to allow a feat from the otherwise godawful shitstain of a book Complete Psionic or find something similar.

thrallherd is blatantly intended for use by npc's, its not balanced in any way to begin with

succubi, no. But certainly with tieflings, and you would already have the succubi to start with.

And Mesmerists have a whole archtype for it in Pathfinder! The iconic even gives you a perfect rational for being a huge drama ham about it. I mean just look at him!

I've always just lumped it in with anything remotely related to leadership. It goes in the 'ask the DM first and make sure this is the kind of game where it can work without being disruptive or ruining things' bucket. Right next to over optimization, simulacrum, planar binding, and so on.

yeh if you got a player who can actually restrain himself and accept that being a thrallherd is going to have the appropriate consequences because its

A: blatantly evil
B: really fucking hard to hide

it can work, but otherwise its one of those things I have absolutely no problem vetoing

Tbqh famalam, I'd play an evil Thrallherd being chased by half of the civilized world and being forced to hide any day of the week. It seems like a really cool beginning for an intense campaign.

Basically, the twiggy guy in the picture is some NEET's self-insert who buys an elf slave for him to molest. I haven't seen any pictures where the molesting actually happens, although there is at least one of the lead-up.

Really what kills it, though, is how in most pictures, he has this almost cartoonish rape face. Which is a shame, because the elf he designed is pretty fappable, but having that NEET in all the pictures ruins any appeal for me.

I would only allow it if all other players were okay with the fact the thrallherd is eventually going to attract a lot of negative attention for all of them but if they're up for that sort of campaign I'd gladly run it

however if you start with the mindset "OH BOY LEADERSHIP 2.0", you're not playing a thrallherd on my watch no matter how much you beg, because you just know eventually they'll get mad because you're not handwaving the fact they got dozens of obviously mindcontrolled fanatics following them

I would politely disagree.

>A: blatantly evil
If taken by an evil character or fucktarded player, yes. Nothing says how the thrallherd has to treat their thralls and believers and every time I've run it or seen it run that hasn't been some stupid minmaxing Euridte Psion with wizard and druid thralls it's worked off of the idea that like leadership, the thrallherd can let people go. Yes the theming of it is based around mind control, but enough people are happy to give up responsibility for stability that the idea is not itself evil.
There are also, for certain playgroups, the themes of shonen heroes or harem protagonist and so on. Pic related as a Soulknife/Thrallherd.
That said, let's not get into a big argument about the morality of it and mind control/enchantment/compulsion in general and drag the thread down since we might both be set in our views on it.

>B: really fucking hard to hide
Depends entirely on the tone of the game. A small group of heroes going around murder-hoboing? Yea. A military campaign or conquest of the wilderness? Just the more devoted group of camp followers or aids. A personal guard, royal detachment, merchant caravan, pirate crew, fanatic movement and so on. Hundreds of reasons for people to move in a group under one leader, and unless the thrallherd is actively shouting 'kneel before zod!' while mind-lasering people, it won't stand out.

I wonder, would you consider it a dick move to at one point give a supposedly non-evil thrallherd a supremely useful follower both mechanically and in story
but at the same time make it quickly clear keeping said character is actively hurting a good number of people (family starving without him, town missing their protector etc), then wait if they let said character go
if they let the character go then they passed the test and can continue playing a non-evil thrallherd, if they keep the character (because its so damn useful), I'll inform them they're now on the path to the dark side.

And you're right, it is easier to hide a group of fanatics in a crowd, however because doing so necessitates being in said crowd you're going to attract some kind of attention, even if its just for being in a crowd to begin with.

>however if you start with the mindset "OH BOY LEADERSHIP 2.0", you're not playing a thrallherd on my watch no matter how much you beg, because you just know eventually they'll get mad because you're not handwaving the fact they got dozens of obviously mindcontrolled fanatics following them

This is the single most unclear sentence I have read all week, possibly this month.

So a Thrallherd should take more care of his thralls, or less? You should handwave the mind-controlled fanatics, or give a legit explanation for them? You need to be grounded in reality or accept that your thrallherd is pain evil? What are you meaning man? What are you saying?

Where do you think it's going, bruh?

sorry for being unclear, what I meant was that a thrallherd, by its design, is going to pose a set of unique challenges and interactions

however a player who picks thrallherd because of its mechanical benefits is likely to not be interested in those things and will expect to just play the thrallherd as if it were a normal pc and would likely get upset when said challenges and interactions are introduced

>consider it a dick move
Not in the slightest. That's the sort of thing that you should really expect to happen at some point, even if you're just using charts and dice to generate npc's with a bit of story.
It makes sense, provides characterization and motivation, turning points and story. I'd be all for it playing or running a game.

>Crowds etc
Again, it depends on the game. Using some adventure paths for example, in Jade Regent or Skulls and Shackles it would be easy because you've got the caravan/pirate ship and a group of NPC's that you're constantly going back to and interacting with. In Emerald Spire or Reign of Winter? No go, too much dungeon delving and strike-team type shenanigans for it work.

Seeing the mechanics and ignoring the implications and everything else. Like a player that plays a paladin and doesn't expect you to ever actually enforce the whole 'be a good shining example' bit.

>Based on a series I've never read
>Dick growth


> >Based on a series I've never read
Dude, it's like you want to ruin your mental image of the character with all the porn.
Seriously, after reading through Umineko I couldn't fap to Umineko porn for at least a couple years.

>series i've never read

Aw, I was hoping the twiggy guy was the elf's slave

isn't that the fucking central point of corruption fetishes, though? knowing the character as a not-depraved thing and then the doujin shows their descending into that territory?

this is what fucking confuses me about corruption cucks. they just do not keep their records straight.

if you forcibly change her mind with magic it just takes the fun out of the rape

Are you genuinely too autistic to comprehend a fetish?

I don't understand your problem.

On the other hand, do you really want your idea of possible future series to be coloured by how they act in a porn parody?
Or do you like have a category of "Series where I read the porn" and "Series where I read the actual thing"?

The point is that it's still mind control though.
Even if the thrallherd genuinely cares about his thralls and didn't do it on purpose, they were changed into someone who will follow him even if he didn't care, no matter what.
And that's kind of hot desu

the answer is always "i just like it" so there's not much to understand.

i'm asking why a pro-corruption guy would want to avoid the primary sources for fear of associating them with porn. that's weird when they're into specifically what they're into.

>were changed
If they're using the actual 'mind control' power and so on, but not just via the class feature.

>Thrallherd (Ex)
>A thrallherd who has just entered the class sends out a subtle psychic call for servants, and that call is answered. Essentially, the character gains something akin to the Leadership feat, but with some important differences.
>Those who answer a thrallherd’s call are not referred to as cohorts and followers, but rather as thralls and believers, respectively. They do not appear because they admire the character and want to serve her, but because a hidden psychic resonance connects the thrallherd and her servants.

The thralls and believers aren't changed by the thrallherd, they just finally have someone to follow that they might not have been aware they were looking for.
Of course that is all fluff and not mechanics, so edit it as needed to fit your character and game. I had one player who really liked the mechanical ideas of playing a thrallherd but not the mind control or the rest, so we worked together to just do a quick refluff and tweak, then suddenly all his thralls/believers were different grades of astral constructs that he was simply awesome at making and maintaining.

Subtle mind control feels completely different from what most people describe as "corruption" though.

That's the thing though, you might say they were "unconsciously" looking for someone to adore, but they still didn't MAKE that decision, they were forced into this situation either by the thrallherd himself, or just by this "psychic resonance" or whatever.
They lived a normal life, and then suddenly realized they were psychically linked to someone they felt compelled to adore. Even if they always had a deep seated fetish for this sort of thing, it's still pretty drastic, and again it wasn't their choice.

>so we worked together to just do a quick refluff and tweak, then suddenly all his thralls/believers were different grades of astral constructs that he was simply awesome at making and maintaining.
It doesn't even really require changing the rules. What believers and thralls show up is completely at the discretion of the DM so there's nothing in the way of working with a player to fit a theme.

True that, and you can have so much Fun with the theme.

> Or do you like have a category of "Series where I read the porn" and "Series where I read the actual thing"?
Pretty much, yes.

>"Series where I read the porn"
Touhou, KanColle, Granblue etc.

those are all games nigga

How does one play printed porn?

>What believers and thralls show up is completely at the discretion of the DM so there's nothing in the way of working with a player to fit a theme
I don't have the courage to tell the DM i want all my thralls to be qt girls though
Which is why i will never play a thrallherd, and it's probably for the best.

>i'm asking why a pro-corruption guy would want to avoid the primary sources for fear of associating them with porn. that's weird when they're into specifically what they're into.
Not specifically a pro-corruption guy, but I can understand the logic.
After you've read through the primary source, you start seeing the character as an actual complex human being (unless the primary source in question is trash, and therefore, the fact you read through it doesn't matter anyway). When I read corruption porn, I don't want to see a human being being corrupted - I want to see a caricature created purely for the fetish as a fap material.

Alright, Infinite Stratos, Zero no Tsukaima, Monster Musume etc. Basically, where the characters are one-dimensional and more like caricatures than actual human beings.
Also, this: .

The point I was trying to make was that it's not even supernatural. If a psion secretly wants a tsundere drow priestess and takes a level in Thrallherd he'll end up with a drow priestess who secretly wants to be the tsundere adventuring partner of a surface-dwelling adventurer.

Thrallherds: making dreams come true through cheese.

...That sounds dangerously close to reality warping along the lines of "six handshakes" theory.

There is precedent for it in recent games. Look at the vigilante and how many 'you totally spent time here and built a spy network last year' type social talents and feats there are.

No, she doesn't "secretly want" she "subconsciously wants" it's very different.

Your subconscious mind is just made up of secrets you keep from yourself.


The Thrallherd feature is an (Extraordinary Ability), and it works on Mindless Creatures, Undead, Constructs, and Creatures immune to mind effecting abilities .

>Please stop spreading disinformation

From a player standpoint, there is also the idea of giving control of your thralls/believers to other players to give them more to do/roleplay and make sure everyone's included.
I had a game a while back where both the thralls of my character were played by other players and we worked together as a supreme broforce with it. Currently in a game where I'm playing an Avowed with the Betrothed archetype and my wife is playing the companion. It's been hillarious fun.

How did I never notice that...
BRB, building a necromancer thrallherd villain for my next turn at our one-shot game nights.

Not to mention they get actual Dominate as its own separate ability.

>Extraordinary Abilities can't be mind control
Fuck off

Depends on how you define "mind control".

3 > 4 = 2 > 1

Well, 1->3 is pretty much how thrallherd works according to the drow priestess screencap, so...

Why are you posting the untranslated version

Either way 4=2=1>3
3 is only good once she realizes what happened later.

It's not a spell, it's not supernatural, it's not Charm or Compulsion magic, it doesn't make the subject think something that they weren't already thinking on some level or that they would never under any other circumstances think. It's no more "mind control" than a high Diplomacy roll or the Leadership feat.

Especially not when, as has been mentioned explicitly several times in this thread, the same class has ACTUAL EXPLICIT FORMS OF MIND CONTROL under separate entries to compare it to.

I honestly don't know which i prefer more over the other

Because I don't have the translated one?

Also, I disagree strongly. The entire point of thrallherd is that all of your followers behave like 3.

2 > 3 = 4 > 1

Thrallherds literally get the "MIND CONTROL" power as an extraordinary ability as well.
Other creatures sometimes have similar type of shit as extraordinary abilities too, usually telepathy.
The type of ability is just a general label, controlling minds has always been the class theme, you'd have to be willfully blind to look at the class and not see it, or think everything about it EXCEPT the thralls have to do with it.