Truescale marines

This triggers Veeky Forums.

Is that half-painted Last Chancer?
>This triggers Veeky Forums.
Then why do you came here?

If GW's turbo-marines stupid piece of stupid fluff is about bringing truescale marines into their range and making cool shit that way, I'll accept it. Holy shit I would accept it.


a thread died for this

>I'll accept it. Holy shit I would accept it.
Sadly, most /40kg/ saltyfags would not
>Muh marines!
>Muh scale!
>How will I transport such huge models?
>They will make tanks even bigger!

>most /40kg/ saltyfags would not
Oh, nevermind

Don't get me wrong, I understand that people have different tastes but making this huge drama about rumours is something I can not understand.
Let's say GW releases a new chapter with bigger marines on 40mm and new boxes of these models for existing chapters. We still can use our old minis but also have a possibility to pick new ones. Where is the problem? I really can't find one

Super Siegmarine Space Marine God Space Marine.

I just hope the arms are compatible with Custodes, so I can have cheaper alternatives for Sagittarum Guard.

whelp, guess i am running manlet marines from now on, because im sure as hell not re-buying my entire army.

>I understand that people have different tastes
>, most /40kg/ saltyfags would not
Yeah I see

>Where is the problem?
Guess in fluff

but that marine is the same size as the deathwatch marines

the guardsman is just properly scaled, and further reminder that plastic guardsmen are shiiiiiit

If you can use constructive criticism then you have different taste. If you are salty shitposting then you are saltyfag - it's easy for me.
>Guess in fluff
Well, if you are talking about flull. I'm talking about models per se

That gun looks like something from Anvil.

>because im sure as hell not re-buying my entire army
I don't really think that someone will force you to buy them. If GW will release bigger marines on 40mm bases you will have to rebase them for official tournaments at worst and that's all. You can still use all old models if you have rules for them - even squats

>it's easy for me.
Yeah by calling everyone who dislikes new marines saltyfags by default.
>I'm talking about models per se
We didn't see the models (since I am doubt that it's new marines in the OP-post)

I run squats in my IG army, and no-one seems to notice.

I think it's implied it will be a new breed of space marines, a new army. Separate from the regular adeptus astartes. So they will be getting their own rules and codex and stuff.

>We didn't see the models
As we know nearly nothing about their lore. My bet is if they release new marines they will be bigger for muh scale maymay
>Yeah by calling everyone who dislikes new marines saltyfags by default.
No, you can dislike whatever you want. Just don't make shitposting ideology around it like saltyfags on 40k. It's okay if you have your opinion but well - if it is based on "waaaaaaah I don't want new thing" then how should I call it? It's not even criticism - it's a shitposting. Sadly, this is how most posts on 40kg look like right now

>I think it's implied it will be a new breed of space marines, a new army. Separate from the regular adeptus astartes. So they will be getting their own rules and codex and stuff.
We don't really know where we will end up with Gathering Storm and 8e. Maybe BigMarines will end up as separate faction or GS will take us few decades into future with all chapters made up with BigMarines. Who knows?

Movie marines rules will become official. All other marines will worship their SPIRITUAL LIEGE and accept their own inferiority.

Sisters will drown in their own armour.

I like it. Now I don't have to struggle making Truescale marines. I kinda wish they really were truescale and had tiny heads to go with the suit but I guess I can just convert it to be so.

Now this sucks because this is how SM were supposed to be when you look at the art, and now all other collections of marines dwarf in comparison to these ubermenches.

Why are his feet a different plastic from the rest of him?

the manlet marines are what makes me sad. Here you have all these newly released marines (1kSons, Deathwatch, HH Marines), and then a year later GW says Nope, take a look at these newly proportioned, cooler looking giant marines that (probably) make even your terminators look like manlets!

The group of lads I game with play more for the narrative than the competition and this while it's beautiful, is gonna make their nice looking armies look like manlets. Calling them a new breed of SM sounds like horsepucky. They're what the SM should have looked like
>"Adeptus Astartes towered over men"

Eh, it's fine I guess. I may want to pick up a few to run as HUEG marines.

I think they're the same as the rest of him, and it is instead the shins that are different.

>As we know nearly nothing about their lore.
We knew that they are Guilliman's finest (most likely/obvious), and user here described pretty well what probably happenes especially when we have AoS -precedent.
>Just don't make shitposting ideology around it like saltyfags on 40k.
Define "saltyfag" and "shitposting ideology"

A person willing to post multiple replies about how mad he is about new releases in situation we know nearly nothing about them and forcing that everyone is wrong and only he is right about being mad at rumour
>shitposting ideology
The way of spam described above like pic related

>We knew that they are Guilliman's finest (most likely/obvious), and user here described pretty well what probably happenes
It's still nothing user. Just rumours and few lines in book.

>regular-sized marine kitbash
>old and small IG model next to it

>new releases in situation we know nearly nothing about them
GW is kind of very predictable, especially in case of new posterboys.
>The way of spam described above like pic related
You mean parody at WHFB general OP-post?
>It's still nothing user. Just rumours and few lines in book.
Yeah and people said the same when Hastings talked about sigmarines

Yeah, he's always right
>You mean parody at WHFB general OP-post?
Sorry user, but even if parody it's not a single post. If you post a parody 120 times then you are a shitposter
>GW is kind of very predictable, especially in case of new posterboys.
Still, as I said - no constructive criticism at all. People think that new marines models will force them to burn their old models

Reddit, please.
>If you post a parody 120 times then you are a shitposter
Says who..?
>Still, as I said - no constructive criticism at all.
So what? You've come to the wrong site if you dislikes discussion and sharing the opinions and views.
>People think that new marines models will force them to burn their old models
>source: my ass
Meanwhile And as I said let's not forget the AoS precedent which turns all old armies (except daemons and VC) into irrelevant sidekicks for new super-soldiers armies (Ironjaws, Stormcasts, fireslayers etc), both rule and fluff wise (because let's be honest fluff is one of the main thing which holds people in Warhammer)

I've always wanted True Scale Marines and the current range always deterred me into only playing Xenos. Eldar are supposed to be 2m+ so their models are fine fo me.
If this is true I will drop a grand easily on a nu-space marine army. Give them 2W and I'm happy.

True scale HH marines when?

>You will never be a HH Veteran that invested thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours into his meticulous force of manlet marines.


Now all GW has to do is announce plans to add all the xenos races to 30k, and make them wayyyyy better than the marines, and the asspain from the collective fanbase will rip a real hole in the materium, so the gw cultists have access to their masters, as was ever their plan.

Not only does it fix the scale of the marines but it also fixes the scale of the bolters too! Yes please! I want this now. Immediately.

I don't even care if it gets new fluff or not. I would be more than happy if this is just what marines and bolters look like now.

So how do we access GW's official facebook page. I want to post this pic non stop till they are forced to address it.

Agreed. This is why I collect Tau. I was holding out until marines would eventually get the makeover they needed or until I felt motivated enough to make artscale. Tau are perfectly fine being depicted as the tiny aliens that get stomped on a regular basis.

I would love for them to make a HH boardgame of marines vs xenos like megarachnids

>space marines will get squatted in your life time
feels good

>implying this wasnt an intended leak by geedubs itself

Geedubs spells subtle like this:

Notice how this starts floating around just one day after rumormongers cite a rumor that just said:
>"the new marines were described to be larger than the previous"
This is basically how gw goes about spreading their rumors and getting the hype engine going. Happened with magnus, celestine, gathering storm, rowboat wardgasm, AoS, end times, the bloodthirster, and the LoC to name just a few...


>b-b-bbut we are GW posterboys, they aren't going to squat us

>space marines are getting squatted by slightly bigger space marines with slightly bigger rifles

And that's kind of irony.

That gorget looks like shiiiiiiiiiiiiit.

On the off-chance that I am missing something here, wouldn't that fuck with their recent Custodes models? Or are we going to see a truescale Custodes movement in the near future?

No. Custodes are true scale already.

you forgot yfw

>wouldn't that fuck with their recent Custodes models?
how so?

not anymore than the deathwatch minis did

demo man's making the marine seem larger than it actually is. 25mm bases are slightly shorter than 32mm ones, and the (bulk of the) last chancers models were short even for metal guardsmen.

But if it's official model why would they use old half-painted LastChanser instead of current marines/scions etc?

because it's some dipstick's candid camera shot from his personal paint station while trying to reach the deadline set by his corporate masters

I've done these pre-release rodeos before.

Why would GW ardered someone to paint Chancer?

They didnt, they probably told him/her to assemble the marine kit and paint it, possibly for a photoshoot or to test the kit or something. The last chancer is probably his own personal project and the marine is his job.

You're already running manlet marines if you're still using 25mm

The painter put one of his human models for size comparison and that's all he had, you dumbass. Jesus fuck you guys are stupid.

>WIP model

Are you trying to imply that a painter isn't a painter until the model is completely finished? What are you, a fucking moron? You can even see him painting the model next to it and finished models in the back.

>GW painter
>only human model he had


And sure, a painter is a painter even if he has an unfinished conversion/mock-up/WIP on his wooden GW desk. But he probably won't paint it.

have you never seen a painting desk before?

Do you actually believe that GW painters work in little cubicles at GW headquarters?

I'd like to have BigGuyMarines, it always bugged me that my supposedly post-human super-warriors were the same size as guardsmen.

I'd totally pay for a new army just to have fluff-correct models.

at least maybe now we can have 'truescale' without stupidly tiny arms

>muh, make muh headcanon reel!!
Fucking pathetic. Enjoy the shitmar'ing of 40k, dumbass.



Okay guys, what do we see here. A conversion, and not a bad one (it has some flaws though). It could be used for a resin or metal miniature when it's finished, but GW don't need something like that anymore for their plastic kits. And Roboute's Guillimen will be plastic for sure.

It's not headcannon, it's how they are portrayed in all the fluff.

Anyway, I'm not begging for it to be so, I'm just saying I'll be excited to see them in my local GW store.

I like it

>tfw your shoulders, biceps, triceps keep getting bigger from weightlifting
>tfw forearms slow growers
>tfw wrist never grows

Fucking drumstick arms if this keeps up

>proportions are still fucked up
>it's just regular marine , but larger

Just make them either a new army or unit and keep regular old Space Marines relevant and I'm absolutely fine with this.

>old Space Marines relevant
Not gonna happen there could be only one posterboys

Finally LSM get the same treatment the rest of us got for nearly 30 years as not the poster boys.

True proportions at 28mm is garbage. Spindly toothpick barrels and twig arms everywhere.

I don't know, but they look like they're made out of the same plastic as GW was using back in 3rd/4th edition.

I can see it for most of the model, but that torso's definitely new. It has some shared elements with new Action Figure Guilliman's armour, like the defined rib plates at the sides.

Rhinos already can't fit 10 normal marines. They'll have to upscale them to the size of a Land Raider.

>Rhinos already can't fit 10 normal marines

You're just too weak

So, the Nu-Marine faction is basically what happens when the most boring Space Marine armour mark meets Stormcast Eternals. Gotcha.

I'm still not 100% convinced that it's not just a really well-disguised artscale SM conversion, since some parts of it look off (feet are made of lighter plastic than the rest, the long bolter-thing looks kind of wonky), but eh. I wouldn't be surprised if it's legit. As long as they don't stop supporting Space Marines, it's no big deal.

Yes. And then they'll scale up the Land Raider. And then the various xeno start growing as well. And then there's a new guardsman kit where everyone's the size of the new marines. So people start making "truescale" marines scaled after the guardsmen. And so on. Keep your eyes peeled for a plastic Imperator Titan in some years

I like them, but this thing bothers me.
Current marines are not up to scale, their legs are bit shorter.
But everything else from rhino to landraider is eaven more fucked up.
And now eaven bigger marines are coming to make tanks eaven smaller.

While i cannot speak on behalf of all Veeky Forums, It does trigger me.

P.S. Op is a faggot

It's conversion, and a damn good one, but still a conversion. The bolter has bits from an autogun, the backpack is most likely based on the multimelta backpack, the legs are Tartar sauce with Sigmarines kneepads, and you can see the line where the chest piece as been cut and added to so it looks bigger and bulkier.

True-scale conversion and nothing more. Stop being so asspained.

I really want to run a death guard army, but I can't get over the shitty marine models and I play imperial guard for fucks sake.

jokes on you OP, im guard and have been waiting to start a non-manlet marine army. perma-virgen basement dwellers blown the fuck out

Hold on just adding you to the "pride will fall" compilation.

Hope you'll be there for the weeklong celebration, like when wulfen were proven to be S/I5 and not 3.

It's on facebook, warhammer 40.000, just beware, they've a one strike and you're out policy, so be prepared with loads of dummy accounts.

I always smile when I think about the firm that sits opposite GW in that business park, when people look out the window at the giant expressionless golem on a plinth facing directly them


Custodes are THAT big.

could you place them side by side instead of the classic "holding something lower down to make my dick look bigger mode"?

Not mine, but custodes come on a 40mm base.
Found a better pic.

They're about a full head taller.

What bases are those?

>>How will I transport such huge models?
>>They will make tanks even bigger!
These sound like legitimate logistical concerns at least

Not my models so no idea.

So slightly bigger than the terminator models?

>A conversion, and not a bad one (it has some flaws though)

Identify the pieces if it is a conversion. I can't.