Is leather "breastplate"+ chainmail skirt the most logical chainmail bikini type setup
>Leather breastplates are affordable and a solid purchase
>chain mail is expensive and somewhat rare
>find/scavenge chainmail
>chest already protected since its logically one of the first places to protect
>decide to protect legs
>not enough to make proper pants
>make skirt instead
Is leather "breastplate"+ chainmail skirt the most logical chainmail bikini type setup
If someone is wearing a bikini on an adventure, chainmail or otherwise, logic is obviously less important than aesthetic in the setting and story.
And you know what? That's fine. I am entirely okay with dumb bikini armour and stuff if it's well designed and used appropriately in an over the top fantasy setting. Attempts to justify it just annoy me at this point. It's dumb. Accept that it's dumb, and enjoy it for what it is.
Whatever you need to do to justify your magical realm OP, but that's a nice goddam picture.
Armor bikinis only work if it's 1. A very hot climate where people are gonna be sweating their assess off and 2. Only worn for gladiator/ceremonial fights where the point is to put on a good show with lots of blood, not actual protection.
Dune applied this even further, with gladiators using half-shields that purposefully only projected the force field around half their body, in addition to fighting shirtless with swords.
Wearing an armorkini into a dungeon is stupid. If you want to be scantily clad, pick a caster and fluff your starting outfit as revealing, with Mage Armor it doesn't matter anyways.
Alternatively, this.
hopefully nobody minds if I just post armoured bikinis?
Yeah, I really like the lighting.
Why not just not wear armor
>If you want to be scantily clad, pick a caster and fluff your starting outfit as revealing, with Mage Armor it doesn't matter anyways.
One of my players did this for his (male) sorc. His character is bi and has caught the eye of a male wizard NPC. Their relationship is currently developing it's really fuckin' cute
Y'know, this thread could use some more cute wizard boys too.
The best you can say in practical terms is that it's better than nothing, but not by much.
>Armor bikinis only work if it's 1. A very hot climate where people are gonna be sweating their assess off
Maybe I'm remember my desert and rain forest fashion wrong, but don't they typically wear more (and light weight) clothes due to the risk of sunburn, bugs and shit? Wouldn't it make more sense in a more temperate climate where the average late spring-to-early-fall temperatures are where it would more comfortable to be in less clothing?
>Boris Vellejo
Shortly after their first kiss or maybe their first night together I'm going to kill the wizard off. The player is fully expecting him to die, but he isn't sure when.
Perhaps it could develop as a ceremonial garment? Stranger things have been worn in the name of religion...
Can you not? Women in realistic armour is all well and good, but there's a time and a place. It's kinda shitty to just start posting it where it isn't appropriate.
Or... or... or...
Subvert the shitty GM trope, and just leave him in suspense the entire game. then kill the wizard off in the epilogue just as the PC begins to think his husbando is safe.
Feels like a bit of a waste to me, but then I generally dislike how kill happy most GMs are with NPCs. It's a waste of potential future plot hooks for cheap drama in the now.
That's actually a really good idea. I've even got the monster who'll do the killing picked out.
Well, it's Curse of Strahd
I'm curious, why did you even click on this thread? From the topic it should be very obvious it's not something that appeals to you, so why do it?
Is your only purpose in this to spoil other peoples fun? Do you actively seek out things you dislike and try to make it worse for other people because you have nothing better to do? That's kinda sad.
>Do you actively seek out things you dislike and try to make it worse for other people because you have nothing better to do?
My Google fu is lacking. Anyone have the next image in the set?
There are ways to make armor sexy user. The disc nipple armor of slavs with a softer, light quilted armor beneath, the horse rider split skirt... Now if the goal is simply to expose skin, a full breastplate and nothing else would make more sense than chain bikini.
It's a matter of humidity.
The extreme lack of in deserts, plus the sun, makes long clothes good.
Rainforests, jungles and so, it would actually make sense to forget the bikini and have a thong at most. Even the brass mix of chain and plate of austronesians was much lighter than their indian/middle-eastern counterparts.
>Alternate Title "The group purposely try to stop the DMPC from joining the group."
>Rainforests, jungles and so, it would actually make sense to forget the bikini and have a thong at most.
maybe it's just because I've never been to the rain forest (I'm in West Virginia, so I got woods and forests a plenty), but I always figured I'd prefer to have light but long clothes in tropical areas because dealing with bugs (such as mosquitos, or the settings' equivalent) is a pain in the ass and I wouldn't want to risk malaria or some other random disease/illness every time I stepped outside (even if it meant feeling miserable at times).
I find your lack of snake babes disturbing
It's not a question of comfort, it's to avoid death by heatstroke. Wet clothes in high humidity are basically blankets, and you WILL pass out if you try any strenuous activity dressed like that.
Go grab a Natural Geographic and look at the various Amazon natives. Thongs, thongs, thongs. Always and without exception you'll find them wearing the bare minimum needed to keep their dongs from flopping around and nothing more.
Bone bikini
For a change of pace, gonna do some necromancers
Screw you! I want realistic armour!
You know, ones that depict an idealised form of the wearer's naked chest.
She kills them both.
Here's a practical reason for dressing skimpy: it's very easy to have a flirtatious, playful romance with one of the heroes. When they inevitably beat you, that one will most likely make the others spare your life.
The most important stat is the sexy stat.
Man, that guy in the middle is hot.
>woman on the left has her pantyhose halfway down her thighs
Good thing she has people to do the walking for her.
I hope you're not trying to bring logic into this thread.
>logical chainmail bikini
No such thing, Stu. If you want sexy scantily clad warrior women in your magical realm, then fuck logic/realism and have sexy scantily clad warrior women, dammit! You can't have your cheesecake and appease the anti-sexualization crowd at the same time, so don't bother.
I'm gonna fap, who cares
Anyone got a sauce on this? ^
If you want bikini mail, then your best bet is to have magical armor and or armor spells. Then the sexy looks are just cosmetic, or maybe making the fashion statement that you're rich/powerful enough to not need full coverage of physical armor.
> Dwarflady
> Nobeard
Oh Lawdy is I in Heavin'?
>"I say we rape her mercilessly on principle"
Logical? In a tabletop game? Fuck that!
Scifi setting? Personal shield generators.
Fantasy setting? Magical shield generators.
Modern setting? Fuck, why are you playing goddamn modern, you shit, what are you role playing as? Action accountants? Are you running an illegal border crossing simulator? We play games to escape goddamn reality!
It's like some kind of ultra tight skirt that's torn at the top, not pantyhose.
Speaking from experience here, you can still walk in ultratight dresses provided they are flexible enough and still have a degree of elasticity but there is an artform to it, it isn't comfortable unless you like the feeling of bondage and you are reduced to a snails' pace.
But then logic tends to take a back seat in fetishwear.
There is no bikini armor that is logical, they are all equally retarded and wouldn't even work in a fucking desert.
What, you just want the tits flopping about? So do I but a bikini or some other boulder holder is really more practical than nothing.
Wrap them and then put on some robes. Loose fitting ones if you're in a desert so you're kept warm at night and can sweat and cool off in the day. Wearing fuck-all for clothes is only reasonable in a heavily forested jungle with 80% humidity. In anything without heavy foliage however, you'll have to worry about sun burns and skin cancer.
Where is my wargame based off the art of Biz?
What if you're in a setting where realism isn't a concern?
The Rock wearing an Idealized form of his torso.
It is less muscular than reality.
You will need more to cover from the rain.
>covering from the rain
>not using it to enhance your appearance
Low-Style pleb.
Then it's idiotic by nature. It's not just realism, it's common sense. Running around in a bikini is nothing more than magical realm and like any other retarded dress not befitting the environment, stamped out.
...Common sense that is rooted in, you know, realism.
Settings exist in which aesthetic and style is more important than any consideration of the environment or reality. And you might not like them, but some people do, and they're fine.
There is no time where bikini attire is ever sensible in any setting unless there are absolutely retarded and arbitrary reasons, and again, almost always degenerate magical realm bullshit which ought to be kept off the table and in the bedroom. The best red flag for any character as a DM is if they aren't fully dressed. Or wearing a skintight body suit in something that isn't Cyberpunk.
Can't argue against those dub so I will give two lady away
It's obviously magical realm, but that doesn't mean it couldn't make sense in-universe.
So, basically, because you don't like it and don't understand it or why it appeals, it is badwrongfun which is never ever okay? Alright then.
If you don't have anything waterproof and all your clothes are going to be completely drenched, might as well be wearing less.
You sound like the typical That Guy on this topic with your standards for magical realm as it pertains to necessarily pervy material in settings. Conan, Red Sonja, hell even John Carter from Mars (a very clothing optional planet). A vast majority of the historical scifi and fantasy genre, even to the modern day. For instance there were many reasons to walk out on the movie Prometheus but if you stormed towards the exit screaming, "MAGICAL REALM BULLSHIT SETTING!" then heaven help you.
Now you might counter, "But those are movies and books, I'm talking about tabletop games!" by all means please don't bother because demanding more realism in a damn game than in any of the settings that might inspire it, that's just ridiculous.
I mean seriously, do you imagine everyone jacking off under the table just because someone is making a nod to any particular setting?
My problem with the Prometheus space suits oddly enough wasn't the slinky form fitting quality but the ridiculous total glass dome that yes tended to smash each time someone tripped over.
Not a huge problem, though, since it was clearly to show off the actor inside rather than be anything close to practical.
>liking bikinis
Pick one
Wear a nice cloak on top that you can cast open and use as a back-splash accent to your outfit, or cast off seductively.
Imagine being in a cozy tavern room when a woman walks in wearing a huge comfy blanket, then casts it open and reveals almost everything underneath, warm, buxom, and ready for reclining by the fire...