Let's make the evening pass us by more quickly by discussing the Nasuverse's setting and lore. Or we could just homebrew servants for a little while.
Nasuverse thread
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Discarding all the dumb ass god lance and merlin stuff, who would win in a fight, knights of the round table vs paladins of charlemange?
What system can you run both combat with both masters and servants satisfactorily in?
Besides GURPS
Well, considering that one of the greatest of the Twelve Peers looks like this and is weak as shit on top of that, I'll go out on a limb and hand it to the Camelot folks.
I think someone tried working it out with Maid once. He said it turned out surprisingly well.
ANIMA: Beyond Fantasy. Masters are magic users (probably Summoners) and their servants are their summons. Maintaining a summon requires you feeding it Zeon, basically MP, and mages in ANIMA recover Zeon very slowly over a period of days, which seems to fit the Nasuverse pretty well. In return the maximum Zeon pool of a mage is pretty damn high when fully charged. It would also cover all the additional powers and crap mages have, which are just standard spells they're capable of casting.
Physical-oriented Masters might use the Ki Dominion rules instead with the mechanics for summoning and maintaining creatures with Ki. Ki Dominion also covers (explicitly) crazy stuff like the Eyes of Death Perception and other anime bullshit.
Be warned, the system is not well balanced and it's pretty difficult to get used to in the first place. It's 99% point-buy based with hard caps on what percentage of points you can invest in combat/ki, magic, and psychic ability, but skills and proficiencies don't have that restriction. This makes it entirely possible to make a character with zero combat or magical ability but a moderate proficiency in a dozen skills... which means they'll die instantly, or in at most two blows, when combat actually starts. Likewise it's entirely possible to make a magic knight character with badass fighting and spellcasting abilities but zero training in any mundane skills or knowledges whatsoever.
If you use it, I heavily recommend that you force players to use between 20% and 50% of their points in skills (called Secondary Abilities) and invest at least 20% in Block, Dodge, and/or Wear Armour. Otherwise characters can, and will, only be useful either during or outside of combat.
I fucking hate apocrypha so fucking much
Also if its astolfo with his book, literally all of the weapons that the round table uses is now useless
If anything, Astolfo is honestly the one who SHOULD be depicted like that. Since his legends involve him crossdressing.
It was just a one-time thing. A very brief episode in the very long story of his life.
I just want Kerry to be happy.
He's doomed to maximum suffering in every timeline, buddy.
this is your Caster tonight
He's more concerned with the bolt in his heart than fighting for me.
Daily reminder that no one knows how the fuck Nasuverse works, including Nasu himself
>Skills: His staff: A, Summoning: B, Sorcery: A++, Webway Trek: A
>NPs: Rubric of Ahriman B, Ahriman's Exiles A+
If Billy the Kid can be a servant, so can Alvin York!
I just want Simo Hayha already.
There ain't no party like a sniper party Even if Archer is a meh class
Meh they may be, but they get the bone of my sword strengthened, if you know what I mean.
Could be justified as just being one stage of his life. Caster Gil is a lot less of a douche than Archer Gil, and 14-year old Iskandar looks like this.
>I just want Simo Hayha already.
There is even art around already.
Mutants and Masterminds with Servants as heroes and Masters mechanically being sidekicks.
>>Well, considering that one of the greatest of the Twelve Peers looks like this and is weak as shit on top of that, I'll go out on a limb and hand it to the Camelot folks.
Well they even said that he was the weaker of the 12 ... So I'll still go with Charlemagne !
Remove genderbent false kings!
For a brief, shining moment it looked like Super Sendai Multichromatic Sabers were gonna be a thing.
Has there ever been a reason why there is absolutely ZERO stuff from 1001 Nights in the Nasuverse?
I mean, it can't just be that Nasu forgot about that entire mythos can it? There has to be some reason behind it.
How many Artoria's ARE there in Grand Order right now anyway?
Saber - Saber Alter - Saber Lilly - Proto-Saber - Lancer - Lancer Alter - Assassin X... did I miss any?
You forgot Sith Lord Saber.
List gets even bigger if you include non-Artoria Saberfaces.
Leave Simo out of Fate, nothing good will come of it.
Tsukihime > Fate
Nasu vampire lore is more interesting than Nasu hero lore
Arcueid could beat all your waifus at the same time
Shiki could kill all the 40k chaos gods
What a pointlessly bizarre feud.
Which Shiki?
Are those Alice and Suika?
Artoria, Artoria Alter, Artoria Lily, Artoria Lancer, Artoria Lancer Alter, Mysterious Heroine X, Mysterious Heroine X Alter, Artoria Swimsuit, Santa Alter
Other Saberfaces:
Nero, Nero Bride, Okita, Mordred, Mordred Swimsuit, Jeanne, Jeanne Alter, Jeanne Alter Santa Lily
Arthur Pendragon (Prototype) who is a different character with the same story
I agree
Depends on if Gil's yo waifs.
Doubt it.
We all have our own ways of grieving, user. The fact that Tsukihime R ain't happening hurts me too.
Still waiting for 18+ Disturbing Heroine L
>Or we could just homebrew servants for a little while.
How would you stat Cyrano de Bergerac?
Master fencer that went to the moon,
On a sidenote, contrary to the play, IRL he fought a hundred swordmen at the same time after the siege of Arras, so he was already old and crippled with a swordcut to the throat and a bullet to the gut.
If a man can get all the equipment associated with him, I'd rather have John Moses Browning and his noble phantasms.
It's only pointless because Fate won, and it won HARD.
FGO is making millions with gachashit while the Tsukihime Remake is probably going to flop, if it even comes out at all. In a recent (?) interview he said he was still working on it. He also said he wants a Tsukihime collab for FGO with SSR Arcueid. The fact he didn't give any hints or minor details about the remake and instead talked about a collab with FGO doesn't sound good for Tsukihime fans. Or maybe he really is working on it and diverting the appropriate amount of gachabux to the Remake production.
Nasu also seems to be driving a wedge between the franchises. He retconned the existence of Dead Apostle Ancestors and True Ancestors in Fate. Primate Murder is probably no longer related to Tsukihime and it's possible it was originally a Fate character to begin with since Manaka is possibly the original Altrouge. Aoko might also not be in the Remake at all, instead getting replaced with that new teacher character.
Lastly, KnK looks to be done and I don't know if there's been any info about Mahoyo sequels, if they're still happening.
It's looking a little grim for non-Fate Type Moon series at the moment.
>Primate Murder is probably no longer related to Tsukihime
You're a little behind on the news, huh?
Primate Murder is still Primate Murder in worlds with Altrouge. But in the universe of Fate/Grand Order, he became something else, something smaller and more innocent.
He goes by the number Four.
Not every timeline. I could see it eventually working out in kaleid.
I'm aware of Four, but it's doubtful we'll ever see Altrouge and PM together in a Tsukihime work at this point.
Florence Nightingale and Von Nuemann
he kinda deserved it
I'm trying to come up with a good take on Ludwig II of Bavaria, but I'm struggling. The only thing I know I want is a high rank in Eye for Art. Class, stats, NP are all difficult to settle on. I've been considering a few different approaches, but I don't know which one I'd like to go with and I don't think I want to mix them.
So far I've brainstormed ideas about him having mystic eyes, or drawing a bit from Wagner's body of work and piecing something together form those elements, or looking further back and tenuously relating him to fairy kings such as Oberon. Or I could focus on his mysterious death and make an NP from that by calling it a great disappearing act.
I will forever hate nasu for the shitty waifu faging
Ruined sabers for me forever
Also that gun rule is stupid as fuck
>that gun rule is stupid as fuck
There is no such rule. Nasu could never commit to anything so strict. The whole setting is made to be so elastic that anything can happen for any reason as long as you can think of some bullshit you think sounds good. At most the no-guns thing was only a general principle.
At this point there are several servants who use guns. Hell, there's even a whole class named Gunner.
One way to go would be saying that his obsession with Wagner and particularly Lohengrin has allowed him some use of "Swan Knight" abilities, making him a Double Summon of Caster and Rider (emphasizing one or the other, depending on what you're more interested in).
The other case would be just to say fuck it and make Caster Wagner, with a Golden Rule (False) skill representing his ability to make people give him money with his Noble Phantasm the Bayreuth Festspielehaus as a not-a-Reality-Marble like Nero's Domus Aurea.
>Or we could just homebrew servants for a little while.
A couple of pretty complete profiles were posted on Veeky Forums the other day, mind if I repost them? I thought they looked interesting.
Do it. Not like there's a whole lot going on in this thread anyway.
Class: Berserker
True Name: Nikola Tesla
Mad Enhancement -- C
Rank-up in all parameters save LCK and MGI, but most of one's sanity and reasoning is lost. But, in Tesla's case it is difficult to say whether he has truly lost anything at all, as perhaps this is closer to his natural state. He will frequently fall into manic episodes, during which he will typically claim to have visualized electric devices that would defy the common sense of ordinary men.
Animal Dialogue (False) -- B
Since it's not like the intellect of the animals improve, very complex nuances would typically not be conveyed. However, as a symptom of Tesla's warped mental state, his delusional mind will infer complex thoughts and communication from animals. Do note this only applies to birds.
Familiar (Pigeons) -- D
Tesla can direct pigeons with thought alone, without need for a contract.
Profligate -- B
A skill to convert monetary wealth into mana. Tesla's poor handle on money may be called something of a modern legend. As such, he will never be able to hold on to any wealth that is earned by or given to him.
Noble Phantasm
Expedition Wardenclyffe: The Scaffold Detritus of the Galvanic Xanadu
Owner: Nikola Tesla
Rank: C++
Type: Anti-Army
Range: 1~99
Maximum number of targets: 500 people
A sublimation-type Noble Phantasm of Nikola Tesla's failures. By capturing the attention and imagination of those around him with his grand visions, Tesla may entrap his observers in a spiral of wasteful self-ruination. As he gives voice to the visionary inventions of his dreams in infectious detail and makes promises of their completion, his audience will be strongly compelled to give more and more of themselves and their belongings to see his work bear fruit. The trustful and generous will be especially vulnerable to this Noble Phantasm. Even people beholden to powerful avarice will selfishly donate to Tesla's cause. Cynicism might provide some defense.
And the other one.
Class: Saber
True Name: Castor & Pollux
Magic Resistance – B
Spells with a chant below three verses will be canceled. Even if targeted by High-Thaumaturgy and Greater Rituals, it is difficult for them to be affected.
Riding – A
All vehicles and all creatures but those of Phantasmal Beast and Divine Beast-rank can be used as mounts. This rank is high enough to have aptitude for the Rider Class. Should this Servant be summoned in the Rider class, the rank in this skill may increase.
Divinity – B
Though only Pollux was born a demigod, by giving half of his divinity to Castor the two of them have become spiritually linked. Their senses and thoughts are shared to some extent, giving them a positive modifier to saving throws. The modifier will be greater in the event that they fight underneath the visible Gemini constellation. As a result of their link, their senses of self and individuality have eroded to some degree.
Protection of the Gemini – A++
If one brother were to have his body destroyed, and the process of rebirth is not underway, then the body of the remaining twin will be empowered as the perished brother's half of their demigod soul latches onto the living brother's spiritual nucleus. The twin still standing receives positive modifiers to his parameters.
Noble Phantasm:
Genesis Geminorum: Joined at the Hip
Owner: Castor & Pollux
Type: Anti-Unit
Rank: B
Range: 0
Maximum number of targets: 2 people
Inseparable at birth, inseparable in life, and inseparable in death. Each of them carries a half of the egg from which they were born. Even their souls are joined at the hip, so to speak. Anchored by their brother's spiritual nucleus it would be impossible for either one of them to pass on by himself. Should one still stand while the other has fallen, there remains a possibility of reunion. By enclosing the persisting brother in the egg shell's two halves, given time, both brothers will hatch from it in good health come daybreak.
I would have pegged Tesla for a Caster.
Tesla is an Archer in F/GO. Probably qualifies for Caster I would imagine.
It's Takeuchi. Takeuchi is the cancer
>Takeuchi, the CEO, is the one who order the genderswap (nasu said: like usual) which makes the writers scratch their head how to make it possible.
>Takeuchi still making new Arthuria. Nobody ask him. It's just Takeuchi appear with the new Arthuria design for the game.
It really is him. People already joked about Takeuchi bullying Nasu into doing what he wants, and now as CEO he really can.
Yeah, I'd like to incorporate some swan motif, but at the same time I think it'd be cool to draw on the Ring Cycle and use that as a way of associating the character to the cultural legacy of Siegfried. I think it might be an alright angle for world building. But if I emphasize both Lohengrin and the Ring Cycle as elements of the character, then I think I may have to jump through some hoops to keep him out of a knight class.
He could probably be summoned as one. Edison could, and the two of them are similar enough that it'd be weird if Tesla couldn't be a Caster as well.
>There are still people around here that still think the Clock Tower is like going to Hogwarts
Poor fools.
if its like everything else nasu, then the requirements to entry are killing your parents and getting raped
I'd like to think that the organization is big and multi-faceted enough that some of its adherents probably do experience it as something not fully dissimilar to Hogwarts.
And it would still be a better place to study (and scheme, rape, murder and all other stuff that comes with being magic user in nasuland) than Hogwarts.
>yfw we finally get Uther Pendragon and it's a Saber clone again
Th-thanks Takeuchi.
This is your Ruler for tonight
This is one of your lancers tonight
>when someone reposts your Fate autism
That's a first for me. I suppose I'm thankful that someone thought it was interesting.
Stat me
>when someone reposts your Fate autism
That's a first for me. I suppose I'm thankful that someone thought it was interesting.
Most systems, with sufficient homebrew additions. A system capable of running this setting satisfactorily should have a few characteristics:
Supports PvP. A good Nasuverse campaign will, by necessity, revolve an alliance of masters, but at least some of them are likely to need to fight it out. Moreover, the antagonists need to be made in the same way as the PCs anyway, even if some of them (like Bluebeard) summon ordinary monsters.
A moderate level of specificity. Basically, you need a ruleset that tolerates plugging in new material. Time Wizards is a great example of a system that won't work - it's too narrowly tailored to what it's trying to do, so you can't add the new rules to support Servant special powers. Too generic, though, and you can't make any weird abilities because all you're allowed to do is change the fluff.
A high degree of interactivity. A huge part of good Nasuverse stories is powers interacting in weird ways to create overpowered combinations or to totally shut down what should be an unbeatable foe. You need to be able to capture that by letting abilities interact with one another.
A mechanism for creating a wide power disparity between characters. To put it in D&D 3.5 terms, you want your Masters in the neighborhood of level 5 and your Servants in the neighborhood of level 15. You need a game that supports PCs with that kind of gap.
Beyond that, it's just a matter of having a group that can handle the unusual dynamics of the campaign, including writing their own unique special abilities, and a DM that can manage things fairly and come up with an interesting plot.
pretty sure he just never bothered to google it
I'm in desperate need of a Scottish hero who isn't just some slut from an Irish myth.
Please stat Robert the Bruce.
the biggest issue i can see running fate isnt statting the characters,its managing the party- as it will either rolfstomp the grail war through numbers, or become a backstabbing shitfeston par with a last session of black crusade.
also having some members be asters and some servants wouldnt work, as masters are both vital - but also useless.
so it would have to be some kind of scenario like F/GO
jokes on you the scots are garbage
I've run semi-freeform fate games before, and let me tell you:
you can't trust people with PvP. You can't. The only way to get it to work is to have collaboration (like F/GO, or force people into one team like Apocrypha)
I know user.
I know.
I think a quest-like form might be the ideal way for running it.
maybe an all magus party, some kind of church/ mages guild organisation - with servants being TPK encounters (CoC)
Or you can do a FGO and have campaign inside a singularity with party being Servants and enemies being assorted monsters, demons, gods and other Servants. Chaldea optional.
The party is made up entirely of test tube baby demiservants
in that case, mutants and masterminds might work best, with "Mana levels" being a weakness
Something like El-Melloi Case Files might work. Most of the PCs being magi, servants may appear but there's no Grail War going on so you don't have to deal with that whole song and dance.
>Von Neumann
I... what?
What's next, Turing? Feynman?
"Oh, you must be joking, Mr. Feynman, they couldn't have turned you into a cute anime girl for no reasons, right?"
If you want to run a vanilla Holy Grail War, you're right - it takes careful work. You need to do a few things.
First, you need to have at most 4 party members, probably 3, and the remaining Servants need to be built with the party makeup in mind. There's a few reasons for this - one, the numbers issue you mention, and two, there are stock characters in these stories that the DM has to be running. You need, at minimum, somebody who expects everyone to play by the rules and who gets roflstomped as a result (Kayneth, for the best example), a complete monster to provide the initial impetus for cooperation (Ryunosuke, again a good example), and the real primary antagonist who forces them to keep working together (say, Kirei). And you probably want a spare NPC in case the real antagonist designation needs to get changed later on (F/SN is a route-base game, after all). I'm a bit heavy on F/Z examples, but that one just has the best archetypical characters, even though it lacks the cooperative structure; these are just the roles they serve here.
Second, you need to approach Master-building from a relatively unusual perspective. It's critical that you nail down their personalities and motivations before you even start stats, and you need to do it cooperatively so that you can ensure the party will be willing to work together, but not so cohesive that there will never be any tension. A character-building session is almost mandatory, whereas in most other styles of game you can just have people show up with their characters and hope for the best.
Finally, the GM really has to exert some effort to make the legitimately-threatening NPC characters do their work. You need a GM who's willing to pull shit like Caster in F/SN - characters that wouldn't work well as PCs but are good antagonists because they do things like huddle up in a lair and require the PCs to come to them, and whose abilities negate some of the critical strengths the heroes have (Rule Breaker).
what servants would you have them fused with?
It's also important to be flexible as the game proceeds. The heroes should develop a philosophical theme to the campaign, and the antagonist you wind up with should be the antithesis of the position the heroes take.
why is the emperor a fat Japanese man?
>implying Gilgamesh wouldn't end up being a primark
it's mutants and masterminds, they get to pick their own Servant
Then they make skills, and get powers that would be associated with those skills
As for me, personally, I'd want to be fused with someone like fuckin Constantine
Half Paladin, Half Unapologetic thief
At least he's not a fat, faceless old man who gets pleased by twintailed tsunderes for money.
How would most servants fare against the Emperors psychic might? Would it count as magic?
>golden armor
>incredible ego
>terrible at connecting with people
>terrible at actually ruling others
They're the same person.
The Emperor's Psychic Might is beyond anyone's comprehension. He can maintain a Psychic beacon that can be seen for over 100,000 Light Years. There's not a character in the Nasuverse that can do anything on that level.
Moses, actually
Moses splitting the Red Sea actually made an energy signature so massive it dwarfed fully unlocked Proto!Excalibur by like, a hundred fold
Reincarnation shit. Random people use magical knives to slit their throats and thus channel their past selves. Eventually they start to fully identify as their past selves. So a little girl became John von Neumann. And she has LCD-displays growing out of her head.
The series is absolute garbage.
>Apocrypha style grail war
>loyalist vs traitor primarchs
>Emps as ruler
>primarchs have too deal with having masters while dealing with daddy Emps and fighting for the chance of having their deepest wish come true
I kinda want this.
>There's not a character in the Nasuverse that can do anything on that level.
I don't think we have enough information to make that statement. We have no idea how hard that is in terms of Nasuverse magic.
Splitting the Red Sea=\=Splitting the fabric of space and time for 100,000 Light Years.
None of the Nasuverse characters have any powers that go beyond Earth itself. None certainly have galactic level abilities like the Emperor would have.
>it dwarfed fully unlocked Proto!Excalibur by like, a hundred fold
Excalibur in Prototype has never been used at full power.
gilgamesh is actually ciompetent when he wants to be
see caster gil
>>terrible at connecting with people
>>terrible at actually ruling others
First is just blatantly not true. Gilgamesh is exceptionally good at reading people, as shown by him talking Kirei into evil.
Second is later on shown to be untrue in Babylon singularity, where his somewhat older version is shown to be amazing ruler.
>Goetia incinerating nigh-infinite amount of timelines
>Tiamat having infinite volume
Sure thing m8
Could Alice's Nameless Forest beat Alexander's army?