How common do you prefer supernatural/mystical/magical/etc creatures to be in your settings? Common? Rare? Common, but unknown to most? Something else?
How common do you prefer supernatural/mystical/magical/etc creatures to be in your settings? Common? Rare? Common...
Medium Rare.
Depends on the tone of the game.
I have no real preference.
I guess it depends on the sort of game I'm expecting/planning on running?
Well done.
Magical creatures are relatively common in my setting, but the magic is rarely very powerful. A species of chipmunk may be able to make itself magically invisible, but there are non-magical predators which are specifically adapted to sniff out and hunt such creatures. A magical snake may escape by summoning a magical darkness, but it uses this defense only when provoked, as magic is energy intensive and its venom is weak.
What's the source of this webm? I want to watch this anime now
Mahoutsukai no Yome/The Ancient Magus Bride.
There's two OVAs out, with a third coming later this year, and an anime also coming along sometime. In the meantime, the manga is still chugging along.
Thanks user!
I prefer them to be common and mostly adorable.
I'd rather have enemies be mostly known (or at least have their strengths and weaknesses telegraphed to the players for fairness' sake), but have them represent new kinds of challenges rather than always being meat-pinatas with different flavor text. Kind of like, you have some enemies that work by pushing players off a ledge, some that do CC by constricting players, some that lure them into deep water to be drowned, some that distract and penalize them, and so on. Combine that with different kinds of objectives and terrain complications to keep the players on their toes, or at least keep them from getting to settled into the same rhythm.
Either the rare side of uncommon or very common but easily hidden from humans so they are rarely discovered.
Can you be any fucking more cancerous?
Hey that's insensitive my favourite board died of cancer.
This is how I like it done. A telepathic rodent here, a magically camouflaged predator there, and a mystical whale that knows all of time and can grant wishes that only reproduces once every 10,000 years.
>Hey that's insensitive my favourite board died of cancer.
Fuck off to reddit
Uncommon meaning every commoner has seen one every year or two and they are regulary hunted.
I shamelessly copied the Imperium's policy of "you saw what? YOU FUCKING HERETIC!"
*Secret police arrest you for disturbing the peace*
The chance of having any supernatural talent is literally 1/1,000,000 so anyone who shows any supernatural talent needs to be under strict gov't control, usually spiced with breaking the person and then indoctrination. Usually the only people able to deal with the supernatural are these subjects.
Would YOU want some random asshole running around with the ability to throw magic shit?
The harmless shit is pretty common and fill up a large portion of the marketplace.
The NOT harmless shit is rare and hard to find, as it actively hides itself.
>reddit posting
back to the /pol/ /r9k/ for you.
He literally just answered someone's question, and quite informatively at that. I don't get the problem.
Common, but avoidable. Like they stick to their own area, but every town near by knows about them. I also like including powerful creatures which aren't known to exist and are more of a myth or legend. That way coming across one makes it more satisfying.
>How common do you prefer supernatural/mystical/magical/etc creatures to be in your settings? Common? Rare? Common, but unknown to most? Something else?
In actuality; relatively common, but with the stipulation that they're so discreet, concealed, or secretive that people are often under the misconception that they're rare.
Oh, but not, "Monstrous" Creatures.
Like, if it's just some kind of chimeric-creature or it's an otherwise "mundane" creature that looks weird or has a special offensive or defensive ability? Then they're just as common as wild animals- with their uncommon/occurance being linked to their respective ecological niche, etc..
A Unicorn is something people talk about only in local rumors and cryptic sightings, but a Griffon? Fuck, a griffon literally flew off with two of farmer Budkins sheep last week.
The sort of situation where you ask someone if they've seen a "Dragon" before and if they could maybe describe it or draw a picture and you.. You get everything but a dragon: several different Wyverns, a cockatrice, a large monitor lizard/komodo dragon, one fisherman drew a fucking plesiosaur.
You know? Shit like that, I LOOOOVE shit like that.
Depends on where you are and the time of day.
Just like in real life, you may live your entire life without seeing a wild wolf or you may be a night-shift park ranger in northern Washington.
You may live your entire life without seeing a reanimated corpse, or you may live in the playgrounds of a necromancer.