Have always existed, same with Chaos Eldar.
>chaos eldar
What the fuck are you saying?)
Read the RoC. There's rules for making eldar chaos champions
have existed since the first fucking edition.
As a matter of fact many stormboyz worship Khorne.
Stormboyz were originally Khorne worshippers
Croneworld Eldar who worship Chaos in order to survive or because they just want to.
Source on the Khornate Stormboyz claim?
the first two ork codex equivalents
Eldar who were trapped on the worlds that were swallowed by the EoT. They're still around, or were recreated from Warp stuff.
Not all Stormboyz, I mean, dem gits are weird, wot wif all dere marchin' and such.
But da Khornate Stormboyz, dey'z just mad. Dey kill even when it ain't funny (which ain't oft'n I admit) and even worse, dey don't laff when they do it! They kill not coz dey orks, not coz it's fun, but coz of dis big red git.
Now, ded ard gitz in a fight. So dey'z not that bad.
>that middle finger icon on the last ork
Chaos Grey Knight mirror match!
Believe it or not, that's the Orkish pictoglyph for "god."
Which pretty much tells you what the Orks think of gods in general.
I thought Grey Knights are so pure they can't fall to Chaos? Or have things changed since I last played at the beginning of 4th edition with a 3rd Edition Daemon Hunters codex?
>I thought Grey Knights are so pure they can't fall to Chaos?
They have runes inscribed in their bones to protect their souls and if they should fall to Chaos I believe the same runes explode.
Yeah. There's a subplot where a tzetch deamon is trying. But none have ever fallen as of yet.
>tfw GW will never release Crone World Eldar rules alongside Laser Dinosaurs, Fuck Yeah! Eldar rules (ie. Exodites)
Seriously feels bad, man.
>Tau, Necrons, and Tyranids are exempt from daemonic possession
What? That doesn't make sense.
>Orks are melee race!
Ork players are the worst
Necrons and Tyranids I understand, but there's no such thing as Chaos-corrupted Tau? Really? That's never happened ever? I find that a little hard to believe.
Tau dont have souls
Tau can be affected by warp possession, but they're naturally resilient
If you consider the Fire Warrior novelization canon, a lot of it is O'Kais being affected by khorne influence until he becomes Tau Rambo, but it doesn't make him ragecage.
Tau do have souls, its just so small and pathetic demons dont care about them.
Eldar souls are like a delicious gourmet food.
Human souls are like a nice cheeseburger.
Tau souls are your sloppy 99 cent ramen cup, reheated after its been in the freezer for a couple of days.
>horne influence until he becomes Tau Rambo,
That did not happen. Read the novel agaon.
So why is it that chaos can't corrupt Necrons and Nids?
Crons are basically soulless machines, so am I right in thinking that any chaos influence on them would basically just be a temporary magical effect on them, and wouldn't really leave a permanent taint?
Why can't Tyranids be corrupted?
Is their hivemind just too strong?
Tau are obviously incorruptible because anime fightan robots, so that checks out.
>Crons are basically soulless machines, so am I right in thinking that any chaos influence on them would basically just be a temporary magical effect on them, and wouldn't really leave a permanent taint?
Their physical bodies can technically become corrupted (though it's extremely difficult, due to the nature of Necrodermis and its natural resistance to the Warp) but they have absolutely nothing to offer a Daemon to justify the possession. Any taint they have would be a side-effect of proximity to the Warp, and would not allow for use by a Daemonic being like a souled being would.
Tyranids are basically organic Necrons - while their flesh can be warped and changed, they have no souls because they are a hive-mind, and have nothing to offer a Daemon to justify possession.
Tau really should be able to be corrupted by Chaos, but to their credit the AI and wargear of the Tau are far, far more likely to be corrupted than a Tau is because of the proto-sentience of their tech and the fact that their souls are little more than glitter-flecks in an ocean.
>Why can't Tyranids be corrupted?
>Is their hivemind just too strong?
I think there are a couple cases of Nids being corrupted by Chaos, but the only ones I can think of involved a small splinter fleet flying right into a warp rift and being radically changed in every way. So yes, the hive mind is too strong, because the Shadow In The Warp drowns out all but the very strongest Warp interference.
It was a different time, where Imperial Guard Generals were S4 T4.
Chaos 'nids when?
Something something Kaldor Draigo.
This is fucking wrong and always has been. Tau do have souls, they are just so shitty that the Chaos Gods don't care. They aren't resilient, they are a tiny fucking candle next to the bonfire of a human and the wildfire of an Eldar.
And you don't need a soul to become possessed anyway. There are possessed cars, for fuck's sake. Which is why chaos tyranids have been a thing, to an extend. They are just a blob of flesh with a demon riding it.
The only thing maybe, possibly exempt from that are Necrons. And that's a huge maybe.
You can't corrupt something without a soul.
reminder that ancient daemon prince crone eldar chaos champions are the most powerful beings in warhammer
Nice Khornate trips, an spot on.
De uvva gits, dey hav de okkasional ork who follows dem, or at least it could do (see )
You gots dem madboys who follow dat birdy git, ho, you fink you seen mad, you ain't seen nuffin 'til you see one of dem - dey's madder than a squig wot got kicked into the drops, an always mutterin' to demselfs "jus as planned".
Dey's like a walkin zzapp gun in a fight tho, which is pretty funny, and dey's quite blue, so dey got some funky luck. 'Til it runs out, anyways, which it always does.
Den dere'z deze uver gits, dey'z big and dey'z really green, but not in a good way - like wen you have to go to da doc cos somefin's rotting off - and dey zoggin' stink. And dey's dumb, real dumb, like a grot.
Dey are ard to kill doh
And de uvver git, well, no-one's ever seen a purple ork, right?
But I heard dey like fightin. Like, really, really like fightin, even more dan wot's naturul
Saved. Thank you, sir, that was hilarious.
actually they're not. they just can't take whatever option is listed on the rest of the page.
tyranids can be physically corrupted. like a dog or a rock.
but they'll never be corrupted in the sense of worshiping chaos or trying to summon deamons and shit.
I gotta admit, the concept of nurgle orks is fucking terrifying.
As a nidfag, the idea of a Khornate mutated Carnifex is pretty neat, sorta like those looted fexs you see.
i don't think carnifexes' brains can feel the thrill of slaughter, blood and taking skulls what's the point
The Emperor is the strongest.
I almost want to use Adversary St Celestine as Miriael Sabathiel at the head of corrupted space marines (As St Celestine can be added to any Armies of the Imperium group)
But then, painting up that for the single game against grey knights I'd actually get to use it seems pointless.
Anyone have the full rules for that?
Meant more like those daemon mounts you see bloodleters ride for example.
Do it anyway, and just ask the player if it's okay.
You can have demonicaly possessed leaders for any faction. You cannot upgrade every faction leaders to be psykers though.
I have this. All I have though.
Well obliviously you will have to put a demon inside it to do the feeling part.
Or you mute it a brain that can.
Most of the time chaos must add the killing part to the thinking part to have a nice murder thingy, but here maybe they have to do the opposite?
Because those are the two mistake armies that should not be in 40k to begin with and still should be removed now.
but chaos is partly formed from the killing part you're talking about. why would it need to add it back?
>Why can't Tyranids be corrupted?
>Is their hivemind just too strong?
To corrupt them you have to remove the hivemind and take its place. Or I would say tyranids are defined by their hivemind, so from a certain point of view they wouldn't really be tyranids anymore. It would be like possessing somebody arm after severing it.
>but chaos is partly formed from the killing part
In the large scheme of things, yes. Locally chaos can corrupt perfectly inert things with killing juice coming from elsewhere.
Beside, when chaos corrupt something inert (like a sword or a vehicle), it doesn't need it to feel anything, the feels of its users/victims can be enough.
So in case of a carnifex, as long as the hive mind isn't interfering and even if its brain couldn't process the thrill of killing (which is arguable), it could still be corrupted through another source or through the feelings attached to it by others. Then, why not mutate it to make its killing joy self sustaining?
>Jackbooted Ork Khornate literal Storm fags
The Day of the Dakka will soon be upon us! The Fourth Waaaaaaaggggh shall last 10000 years! The Armageddon Putsches were only the beginning! Sieg Kaiser Ghazghull! Sieg Kaiser Ghazghull! Blood und Skulls! Skulls und Blood!
Thanks. That's very cool.
Man, that's a LOT of free level 1 psykers for some forces. Mind you, I've zero clue how good Daemonology is, I've never played with it.
It's got three drawbacks.
One, you need a lot of warp charges. Not hard if you're suddenly able to take a pile of ML2 psykers; see, Guard with a lot of regimental advisors.
Two, you peril on any doubles... Except not any more, because you get Daemon for free.
Three, the summoned Daemons are normaly Desperate Allies or worse to most factions... Except not any more, now they're Allies of Convenience and One Eye Open no longer matters.
Tl;dr the daemonic adversaries rules do nothing but fuck over the GK player.
Right. Guess I'll have to drag up the list of powers and see what they are.
ML2 Celestine sounds fucking hillarious (And with her innate adamantium will it makes her even more silly resistant to psyker powers)
So free invulnerable saves, fear and Psychic Mastery Levels. Did they even look at this? I would have made the daemon upgrade 20 points, the first mastery level with Daemon 45 points and two mastery levels with daemon 70 points.
It's supposed to be 'Balanced' by the fact that Grey Knights fuck up demons with favoured enemy/nemesis force weapons.
But then you get shit like Daemonic St Celestine or basically any HQ model with Eternal Warrior and ask how many fucks they give about Nemesis Force weapons.
I find it funny that basically all the best options to make Daemonic are imperial. You know what needed to be tougher to kill? Cawl. That sounds good.
Cawl wouldn't become any tougher, he would just gain fear since he already has a 5++ invulnerable save. That being said, the upgrades should be barred from the Armies of the Imperium, that I agree with.
Really? He sounds like the Warlord of the army most likely.
That 3++ on the warlord sounds mighty nice on him.
>basically all the best options to make Daemonic are imperial. You know what needed to be tougher to kill? Cawl. That sounds good.
The dark mechanicum are usually too busy making shit for warbands and the remnants of the Traitor Legions, but when they do go to war they're pretty horrific - Scoria was one of their first members, and they take cues from him.
Also I imagine, rather thematically, that some high-end eldar heroes are pretty rapetastic when daemonifed - consider the Phoenix Lords or a Solitaire, for example
Invulnerable saves from multiple sources don't stack. The only exception is the Mark of Tzeentch.
They don't but a 3++ is better than his current 5++ so he'll take the better.
Where is he getting the 3++ save from? Daemon only grants a 5++ save.
From the rules here: >The adversary's warlord gains the Daemon, Fleshbane, Armourbane and Smash special rules as well as a 3+ Inv save.
Wow. Makes for incredibly overpowered Warlords as well. Equip them entirely with ranged weapons and two close combat/pistols weapon and it's like they are always equipped with two chainfists without unwieldy. Even squishy Eldar and humans become incredibly tough with a 3++ save.
Yep. It's why I was talking about Celestine. Because with all her other bullshit survival stuff she REALLY needed to up that 4++ to a 3++ and gain access to Str 8 AP 2 melee attacks.
Oh and you know, be a psyker.
Tau aren't likely, but I could still see it happening.
Necrons are obviously off the hook because they have no souls to possess, and very little for the Chaos Gods to latch on otherwise - Necrons don't have many excesses or senses of pleasure, their stratagems are just doing the motions of plans from millions of years ago, their warfare is done by rote and without anger.
The Tyranids don't have much emotion to latch on to obviously, beyond the instinctive. No blood but acidic alien ichor, no scheming beyond alien cunning, any plague will be defeated by rapid evolution and immunity, and there's nothing to tempt. And while this is just guesswork, I imagine the Hive Mind is the equivalent of an electric fence for the Chaos Gods. You can go ahead and try and grab it, but there's so much energy constantly moving back and forth that they'll get shocked by it.
Cars have souls though. Codex Chaos Marines says that typically, even the smallest scalpel has a reflection in the warp.
Because Nids are C'tan product, in fact Outsider product
Don't you think that Kerrigan/Tsara'Noga woundn't be pissed if she discovers that everyone in the galaxy, even her own brothers fooled and banished her out?
woudn't you think that SHE is the real Hive mind of the Nids?
Chaos Necrons should be a thing.
Demons posses inanimate objects like vehicles all the time.
>play guard with priests and commissars
How do I hold all these psykers?!
As a grey knight player, this shit is stupid. We're better at fighting daemons, but this makes them so much more powerful it basically nerfs us.
But Necrons aren't just inanimate, they're almost anti-Warp.
>they're almost anti-Warp.
Where does it say that?
Wouldn't have have some army wide anti-demon anti-psyker stuff if that where the case?
>Chaos Necrons should be a thing
>Demons posses inanimate objects like vehicles all the time.
only with lots of hard work from warp smiths
Nope. Rhinos etc have Machine Spirits that can be corrupted. For a daemon to possess an odinary groundcar would require Warpsmith to perform a ritual of binding.
But Chaos Androids were never Necrons, they were man-made.
>Can't pick genestealer cults
Very odd, considering in the GSC codex there is a blurb about a cult being corrupted by Nurgle.
The C'tan couldn't interact with the warp or understand it, they've had technology that keeps the Warp at bay like the pylons on Cadia...
Are they all Slaaneshi or do other gods get Eldar slaves as well?
Nurgle already has one
>3+ invuln
Everything in 40k has a machine spirit. As demonstated by techpriests being able to unjam lasguns without touching them.
Are non-AI machine spirits souls? I dunno.
>Kroot and Gue'vesa are immune to daemonic possession.
The greater good truly reigns supreme.
>captcha wants me to stop on red.
That's way too unorky.
If the tiniest scalpel in the warp has a reflection in the warp, what could possibly convince you to believe cars don't?
Actually it's just Ork Kommandos using this as cover to get close enough to the Chaos Gods and then blow them up.
Reminder that there's a Warp portal opening on one of Armageddon's poles.
Reminder that Angron might be coming to Armageddon.
Reminder that Tuska da Daemon-Killa has been training for millenia of subjective time in slaying Khorne daemon scum.
Tyranids don't have individual souls to corrupt, they're all linked to the mega-soul of the Hivemind which is far beyond the emotional concept of beings in the Milky Way.
Weren't chaos orks mentioned even in older fluff?
Its not really a new concept by a stretch.
I want to see corrupted Tau or some shit. That would be mindblowing.
Why did you quote when he basically said what you said about Chaos not caring about Tau souls because they're not really good for anything?
CHAOS is the only big-bad threat and all will fall to CHAOS and anything that has a chance of resisting CHAOS is a mistake and should be removed amarite?
Accusing someone of being a black library author is a pretty hefty charge.
The defense calls their first witness. Will user please take the stand.
I saw the defender, your honor, say that races that were resistant to chaos were a mistake! Surely such an extreme and pro-chaos statement could only come from the mouth of a Black Library author!
This court finds the defendant guilty of autism and sentences him to be ridiculed on the internet.