>the BBEG never wears more than a bikini
Why? Aren't they supposed to be scary? You can't be scared if your brain is in fuck-mode.
And plus, the players will always try to fuck her instead of kill her.
>the BBEG never wears more than a bikini
Why? Aren't they supposed to be scary? You can't be scared if your brain is in fuck-mode.
And plus, the players will always try to fuck her instead of kill her.
Other urls found in this thread:
No-one is ever truly afraid of a female BBEG. Like, women are not physically intimidating the way men are. Besides, dressing sexy might make PCs 'pull' their blows or hold back so as not to hurt a woman, which gives her a way out if she loses.
>You can't be scared if your brain is in fuck-mode.
>OP never starts a thread with more than greentext and shitposting
Why? Aren't posts supposed to be insightful?You can't be interested if your brain is in troll-mode
and plus, the posters will always try to argue instead of be creative
I'm just gonna go out a limb and suggest that this has never actually happened to you or anyone else who comes on this thread.
I've never even HEARD of it happening anyone and I live in nerd central.
They might just be throwing you off.
Or, they might just be so far above your level that the bikini is a handicap because otherwise they'd feel like they were picking on ants.
It's not meant to scare, it's meant to tempt. If it tempts the players into fucking instead of killing her, it's succeeding. It means she can pretend to be seduced to the side of goodness and then when she crawls into bed with the paladin, she can activate her vagina dentata.
She's kinky like that and wants to put things in your holes. All of them.
What said... Females are not programmed as 'scary' or 'intimidating' to the average human. Aside from the common fear for 'mystical' stuff.
As such, physical intimidation holds no merit, and will often be replaced by abusing the human notion of fragility in females.
And when advantages are not considered, female evil-doers are often considered much more vain in terms of appearance.
point is: If your BBE-girl doesn't look like Vikar Amelia or some shit, she probably looks (or tries to look) good. Hags are a good contrary to this.
"Feminism has tried to dismiss the femme fatale as a misogynist libel, a hoary cliche. But the femme fatale expresses woman's ancient and eternal control of the sexual realm. The specter of the femme fatale stalks all of men's relationships with women."
Her cleavage is way too wide
>she can activate her vagina dentata
My fucking sides
It's almost like she's spreading it with her hands.
I know, but there's still something wrong with it or with how her breasts are being pulled.
She's the demon lord of succubi.
This right here. One of the oldest tricks in fantasy and people still fall for it.
I was leaning elf until I saw that she smells like cigs, give me the dorf
Multi-track dri
Jump on the tracks, try to derail with my body, hope for the results of multi-track drifting.
No matter how much they know it's a bad idea, players can't resist the idea of boning a hot evil check. Seriously, they always do it. Not only that, but they know they're falling for it and they do it anyway.
It's okay as long as you kill her afterwards, or fuck her over as well as fuck her. James Bond does this all the time.
why are all the gorgeous ones homicidal maniacs?
>kill her afterwards
>she slipped a delayed ingested poison in your drink, and would have slipped the antidote in your breakfast if you'd let her live and not fucked her over
Evil-aligned characters get a +20 profane bonus to their seduction rolls
>You can't be scared if your brain is in fuck-mode
That is objectively false. If you've never had a confusing fear boner you haven't lived life.
>BBEG is a woman
Give one example from history of a woman who would make a capable BBEG.
Does this happen outside of Vidya?
Who the fuck is comfortable describing villains wearing really skimpy outfits in front of their friends? It's impossible to hide you're doing it for any other reason than you find it hot, which makes it kinda awkward for everyone else who just wants to hang out and make some dumb princess bride jokes.
Adding to that, who the fuck describes their character as wearing shit like this? I'm comfortable with dudes playing chicks, but if they're prioritize describing their chest size or how revealing their outfit is I'm out.
Mother Teresa
If magical realms are in play, PCs wanting to fuck her is a viable alternative to combat, they either fuck her good, she fucks them evil or both parties end up not sufficiently satisfied and must use combat as tie breaker.
That aside, chicks aren't scary, they can do scary things but they aren't really scary in and of themselves scary. If your BBEG chick is Plane Jane and sensibly dressed PCs will not give a shit and murderhobo her all while expecting the real BBEG to show up. If she's ugly/crone they will just murderhobo her with extreme prejudice and call it a day. If she's hot they might actually hesitate or feel bad about murderhoboing her.
Naturally, most DMs will go with what will make their PCs think twice; the hot chick. Pretty simple really.
Why aren't people afraid of women exactly? Like, I know there's the whole "men are stronger" thing, but is physical strength the only limiter in capability to elicit fear? Or commit atrocities for that matter?
Is this a joke I'm not getting? Or do you people seriously lack the ability to be scared of a woman?
name an rpg where a BBEG is like pic related.
I can't because I don't know who that is
my bad, to make it short, she's simply a female 'war hero' turned into a mafia head/gangster
but my guess is, the sexy BBEG is more dominant than the actual menacing mature female BBEG.
people are more interested in the sexy baroness rather than a grimdark-esque villainess
Same. If anything in the goddamn world, I cannot be around people who reek of ash and nicotine. It's disgusting.
It's instinctual, men are wired to see women as desirable not threatening. You might be (very) worried about something a woman will do or has done, but you won't have the same visceral reaction that you would have when faced with a really scary dude.
Even if she were roided out to the max and had a similar physique to said aforementioned scary dude, you wouldn't be scared on an instinctive level. Because your instincts would be overwhelmed with confusion and disgust at the freak of nature across from you.
She'd fit well in shadowrun.
Online games, user.
If you've never met the other players in person and none of you will know the other's identity, it's a lot less awkward to be lewd.
>dressing sexy might make PCs 'pull' their blows or hold back so as not to hurt a woman, which gives her a way out if she loses.
My DM tried to pull this on his bbeg and almost succeeded too, if I was it playing a quasi-khornate berserker. The party went non-lethal to try and "change her ways" while my berserker, who arrived late because I was the only one to care about getting analy raped from behind by all the soldiers they skipped over, two shot her with two nat-20 axe attacks. Party was pissed in game but less so out of game. For those wondering who the bbeg was such a push over it was because she wasn't special in power besides being a sorcerer and was more of a threat because she controlled 2 of the largest kingdoms via seduction and charm spells.
Ignore the "OP" that's from another thread.
Black Lagoon is Shadowrun without Shadowrun.
>sheltered fat virgins pretending they know anything about fear
Overwhelming confusion and disgust sounds like a pretty good tool for creating fear.
Also, what is a "really scary" guy to you exactly? Is fear coming down to physique or attitude at this point?
Bloody Mary
Joan of Arc (evil campaign)
There are probably some others but I don't care enough to think
8/8 You're doing Khorne's work there.
Skimpy clothing is not meant to be scary. Its meant to exude evil. Puritan ideals pervade fantasy stereotypes.
>Homo forever doomed to live in fear of vagoo.
Honestly? I'd say it is down to combination of perceived physical threat/intimidation and aggressive posture/behavior. I've met guys that ticked all the boxes, but I've never met woman who did even when it was otherwise fairly clear she could probably beat me up.
It's a BBEG thread. They're all shit. Can't believe it's taken you so long to recognize the pattern.
Stupid bitch detected. No one is afraid of you.
Selective pressure.
Women with personality disorders have to be hot to keep a man invested in the relationship.
Conversely, plain but peasant women can build and maintain relationships based on their personal appeal.
This creates a situation in which personality disorders are overrepresented among physically attractive women, and good personalities are more common the further down the attractiveness scale a woman is. Hence the cliches about all hot chicks being crazy and the phrase she has a great personality" translating to "she's not physically attractive".
Okay that explains just looking at them yeah, but if I was being held at gun or knife point by a woman I would still be afraid
You'd be afraid of the gun or knife.
Think of it this way: dumb ass toddlers aren't scary, dumb ass toddlers with a gun are.
I was thinking about that too. Or if the BBEG in this case was a woman; If she were a particularly dangerous caster/fighter/whatever and the party knew exactly how likely they were to get killed would the threat of death instil a proper fear reaction? Or does the fact that everyone knows it's not real life kill that possibility?
>Crazy mothers are best mothers, there's no psychological damage or emotional wear and tear your crazy girlfriend can possibly inflict that you didn't learn to shrug off by the age of 10.
Okay but this feels like a cheap answer.
You might as well say snakes aren't scary, teeth are. Or guns aren't scary, bullets are.
It doesn't actually explain in any way why women can't be scary villains, because presumably they'll be in a position where they have access to something that makes them dangerous and won't just be ordinary people standing around trying to intimidate you with their posture and physique.
>"Women aren't scary"
>What if they could hurt you
>"Doesn't count unless they use they're bare hands"
Elizabeth Bathory.
You fucking did good, my man.
I'd rather kill her and take the xp and loot
Just kidding guys, I'm normal like you I want to put my penis inside her or something?
It's not cheap though, because all those things are intrinsic to the scariness. Snakes are scary because of poisonous bites, guns are scary because they shoot bullets to kill you.
You added an extra to the woman variable and I proved it was the extra which was scary by adding that very same extra to another even less scary variable.
Women BBEG aren't scary because by the time the murderhobos get to the BBEG they should be an par more or less. You won't have the unfair gun-to-head bonus to tip scariness factor in the BBEG's favor which means the murderhobos will most likely respond to threat on an instinctive level. Do it look scary yes/no? Then it is/isn't.
That sort of thing can be done well, for an example look at Poison Ivy or Commodore Whatsherface from Faracape.
Basically, they use sex appeal (and use it well), so you can't necessarily trust people around her to follow the plan (including yourself).
It's difficult to do properly, though, especially I'm a ttrpg where the players are going to be sitting around the table completely unaffected by her while they're told "you totally have the hots for her and want to do what she says."
>"Toddlers are scary."
Women can be scary if they are a danger. Table top women can't be dangerous because they aren't real. It's easier to imagine dudes being scarier than women, because we don't want to fantasize about the dudes.
Others that I haven't seen mentioned yet:
Agrippina the Younger
Biljana Plavšić
Dowager Cixi
Echidna (if myths count, then lots more figures like her)
Empress Theodora
Ilse Koch
Mary I/Bloody Mary
Ranavalona I
Wu Zetian
Mostly leaders of a state, and some based on perspective - but chuck in a serial killer or two, plus a horrifying mythological "mother of monsters" and you're getting a solid list of examples of monstrous women in history.
If you're BBEG is on par with the heroes more or less than of course they aren't scary. You're setting the base precedent that they're essentially no longer dangerous, or at least not extremely so. Fighting a male villain who isn't particularly stronger than the party is also not scary, and it's not because he's got a penis.
Pegging and /pol/? It's easily the elf.
>Toddlers with a gun aren't scary
Nigga, you some special kind of stupid.
>You can't be scared if your brain is in fuck-mode.
Dis nigga. Some day you'll wish you could be innocent vanilla virgin shithead like that again.
Is that Paglia? Fine taste my brother.
Because they're stupid. Men would eat poisoned apples to prove they're stronger and smarter than the stupid women.
Alternatively "my pure waifu can't be a homicidal maniac".
This should be awarded the most autistic thread award on Veeky Forums. I seriously hope no one here actually thinks men are intrinsically scary and women just aren't. Are you genuinely scared of every man you meet in day to day life? It is the individual you find threatening, not the gender, and some people need tools to be threatening, some people are just threatening because they're big. Yeah women are less likely to be a threat because of just their attitude and physique, but there's certainly no evidence that I've seen or any of you have presented which suggests "Females are not programmed as 'scary' or 'intimidating' to the average human" more so than ANY human is programmed as inherently 'scary' or 'intimidating'.
What the fuck am I looking at? I just learned a thing. It did not make me happy.
It's called shitposting user
It comes down to OP being a virgin and not wanting to diminish his already minimum pool of potential sexual partners by ironically putting pussy in a pedestal.
Once you've had enough sex, your masculinity is proven and the mistique of feminity is gone, you're more likely to accept women and even children can pose a threat and you don't have to play the equivalent of "nuh huh I have a jetpack and a forcefield" with the other fa/tg/uys.
If you've never felt threatened by a female BBEG, it's probably for one of a few reasons
a) Your DM doesn't make the BBEG feel threatening, either because they don't want to, or they're not good at it
b) Your DM does a bad job running female BBEGs specifically
c) You don't get invested enough in the game/your characters to feel threatened by anything in the game world
It's certainly not because of an evolutionary trait which means that when a dude turns up with horrifying necromancy in a piece of fiction it's spooky, but when a women does it it's all chill.
Also, do gay men never find men scary? Because they're programmed to be attracted to them? Do women never find men scary? Do gay men find women scary? When does a child become a man and become and therefore scary?
it's weird to me that some fa/tg/uys wouldn't know about Bathory considering she's literally the origin of every female vampire trope there is
There are a few other's like that I can't exactly remember the names of, so I might look into it later.
Females can be fucking terrifying if they're unstable enough.
You're right, I was finally triggered by shitposters. If only I was more zen.
This thread is a 10/10 harvest field for kidney thieves.
>d)You're insecure and ruining everyone else's fun because of your emasculated fee fees
Exactly the same as with horror settings. no mood can be set if there's an asshole on the other side of the table screeching autistically about how not scared he is.
Simple. Men = competition, being scared of competition that looks overpowering makes sense. Women = prizes inherently desirable unless there is something obviously wrong with them.
It's part of the reason straight guys don't like homos, unless socialized to tolerate them, because being viewed as a potential prize as opposed to competition is unsettling as fuck. Guys also don't believe in 'pure' lesbians for similar reasons, women can't not be prizes unless something is obviously wrong with them making them undesirable.
Conversely, women are fine with homos because they're basically just another chick interested in guys, while being indifferent to lesbians because their default state is being desired any ways.
>You can't be scared if your brain is in fuck-mode
That's how she gets ya.
Hillary Clinton
That's nothing some good old fashion child abuse can't fix
Idunno man. Women remind me of my mom, and she's real nice. But men remind me of my dad, and that guy's terrifying.
>posts on pol
Going to have to save the elf on this one
> >the BBEG never wears more than a bikini
Yes, and?
>The Dwarf enjoys JoJo. The Elf thought Kill La Kill was an instant classic.
I clone the trolley and place one on each track.
Don't forget that men are also more willing and prone to engage in violence.
>1 Billion dollar campaign funds
>Full aid of both Democratic and Republican establishment
>Endorsed by the president
>Full mainstream media shilling
>Still lost
Funny, I'm the opposite. (Not that guy though)
The greatest fears are not rational. It's only natural that you'll be less afraid of women. Not only due to your instincts (although those are important), but due to the fact that you've probably been told that girls are weak and must be protected since you were young. It's like children, a kid in charge can be potentially more dangerous than an adult (specially for those who serve him) but it's hard to fear him himself. All fear would need to be logical and based around actual horrible things that he/she made, and that kind of fear is never stronger than irrational terror.
Elf, any time.
This has been my experience
Mostly from fapping to vore art and stories, but fear boners are fear boners
yeah Elf would be easy if not for that. Also liking smurfs and BBT.
There's like a dozen metal songs and at least one metal band named in her honor, I don't know where you've been
Irma Grese, the Hyena of Auschwitz
The Angel Makers of Nagyrev
Just for WW2.
>Being an unchallenged ruler commanding powers beyond reckoning.
>Not walking about in your skimpy undies.
Twilight 2000 or Merc 2000, depending on the level of nuclear holocaust you like.
Dunno about former VDV officers, but there's a couple female soviet warlords and mercs.
This guy gets it. If you're a high-level ruler (ESPECIALLY a tier 1) you can do whatever you want. You can wear nothing but a bikini and you'll be secure in the knowledge that while your subjects can look as much as they want, not a single one would dare touch you without an invitation.
Party of heroes come to overthrow you? Irresistible Mass Hold Person and you can flirt with their paralyzed bodies while flaunting your own. Play up how you're not really such a bad person, and the idea that you were was just started by your enemies. After it wears off, the naive and the romantic among them won't even have the heart to fight you again.
If you don't think women can be terrifying unstable psychopaths then you're retarded. Someone unpredictable, dangerous and willing to hurt you is scary no matter what. Especially if they have a weapon, gang, army etc.