I've been putting thought (and money) into starting to collect minis from 40k and eventually playing them. I have a budget set out and now it comes down to what to start with. What's the least expensive army to start with? I've been putting $50 each month aside for collecting and I now have about $500ish set aside.
I want to get into 40k
I would suggest you to wait a little more. The new version (v8) might be up during the summer and there's still this rumor about some change in the game. If I were you, I would continue to build my budget while waiting this.
And about wich army to take, do not decide it with the cost of it ! You have to love your army or you will sell it in less than one year to get another one.
Take everything slow. Dont go out and blow 500 dollars in one go, start with a Start Collecting box of the army you like most. Painting them at first will make you hate yourself and your models but if you watch the warhammer tv tutorials you can get some nice tabletop standard models
I've been planning on doing both of these thing. I'm waiting for 8th and I'm not going to blow $523 (I counted) in one go. I'm gonna buy a set, paint it over a month or so, rinse repeat.
I've boiled it down to: the guard (tanks), Space marines (WE ARE THE EMPRAHS FUREH), CSM (things shall get loud now~), nids (more units=more fun), and harlequin (because space elf uber trolls is hilarious). Other than that idc.
I might suggest you to avoid tyranid at first. More models = more time to invest in the painting. Trust me, a lot of new players thing big in their start and that make them stop quickly the game. Painting is fun, but having hundreds of grey miniatures on your table could be quite painful.
This. I picked orks and still haven't fielded an army large enough to play without getting demoralized.
I switched to skitarii too
>CSM (things shall get loud now~)
Mah nigga
The other day I decided this is the Noise Marine soundtrack. It may not be to your taste but I thought I'd post it anyway for the lulz. Skip to 0:50 if you can't deal with the intro (but don't skip past that or you'll miss the best part of the album)
Tzeentch stole my video embed
fucking Tzeentch
>And about which army to take, do not decide it with the cost of it ! You have to love your army or you will sell it in less than one year to get another one.
not OP, but i'm also getting into 40k, thanks for the tip
my army in mind is adepta sororitas with assassinorum execution force as allies
also, are imperial knights any good?
>are imperial knights good?
They're almost required in the higher point games with wraithknights, morkonaughts, etc. Expensive but worth it even if you just want a display piece.
I have a handle on the game btw, I've watch battle reports on yt to help get a grasp on the basics of the games. I'm not new to 40k but I'm not experienced.
>also, are imperial knights any good?
Probably best to stick to only one of them, but yes. I say that because of the following:
>The rules are pretty good and there is certainly one or another that would fit your force's weaknesses
>People may complain if you bring too many
>Kind of a bitch to paint
>Should be a centrepiece model (my personal opinion)
>Look cool as fuck tbqh
>More than 2 is usually overkill and you won't have enough models; you'll either win because your opponent can't deal with the armour saturation, or you'll lose because they can, and that's basically it. RIP tactical depth and gameplay.
But 1 (2 at high points values if you really want) is fine. And really it fits with the fluff of your elite "Ecclesiarchy really fucking needs to deal with something now" force
Speaking of, would an chaos imperial knight be legal to field with CSM? Or just chaos in general?
I've done some thinking and I've narrowed it down to either SM, CSM, and or the guard. Mostly because I want to paint and field an imperial knight.
>I want to get into 40k
don't. save yourself the time, energy, money, and butthurt
They got Renegade knights just for that OP
Plus they're ironically mono-build with flyrants.
Not him but this is the real Noise Marine soundtrack:
I suggest you to not get into it, as it will be soon be killed off like they did with fantasy, i suggest you infinity or stuff like that
What kind of play are looking to get into? If you want to get into tournament play, some of the armies you named aren't really viable. If you're looking for casual play with fluffy lists, obviously go with what you love the most.
If you want both Nids and Tanks, check out Genestealer Cults.
Consider starting with Kill Team, which is like a skirmish game variant of 40k. If your local store is a GW store there are official rules, if not you might be able to try to Heralds of Ruin rules, which are generally considered cool and good.
Do not buy books at the moment, as 8th edition might be coming out soon, which will invalidate current books. Check out the 40k general for links to the eBook version.
Do you people really need to shit in every GW thread now?
Nothing serious, but torniments sound cool. I just don't want to be that guy and strictly play tau and jet bike eldar. I have friends I want to keep.
>Nothing serious, but torniments sound cool
If you're going to play in tournaments you'll need a tourney-tier list, which is vastly different from a normal one. You can't just take the 1750 pt army you play against your friends to a tournament and hope (or rather you can, but you'll lose absolutely everything).
fail to prepare your ears mortals
Hear this dirge and despair
you call THAT a bass cannon?
as most armies need some super expensive elite unit to be made useful, I think if you did a chaos daemons horde army you'd get more models per spending, needing only 3 or 4 really elie or hq choices, plus they're the easiest to mod upon cheaply
This thread has been claimed by Slaanesh, things shall get loud now~