If you were to run a campaign in a Jojo's Bizarre Adventure setting, how would you handle it? I feel like doing something like part 1 with a party going to fight vampires might work but be a bit boring because ripple users mostly fight using similar techniques to each other.
Doing something like part 2 would be mostly the same, with vampires as the common enemy instead of zombies, and the big bad being a pillar man.
However, I have now idea how to handle Stands, because of their unique and overpowered abilities.
Jojo rpg
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Just use savage worlds and the super hero add on. Make some tweaks to for willpower stat and your set
If you're not bullshitting and making it up as you go, you're not adhering to the spirit of Jojo.
In fact if you look on the Internet YOU CAN FIND RULES for JJBARPG ...
And their great
The ripple is basically stand powers except there's no limit to them.
If it involves you breathing, and touching something, then it's the ripple.
Also its fucking hard coming up with only one power for your stand.
They'd either be too powerful to use every single fight, or too simple, and nothing interesting gets done with them.
Friends had me edit the old 1d100 system that was running around so we could use it in a way that makes more sense to us as filthy d20 players. Dont have the original doc but here's my edits
This is why a good JOJO game needs a great GM that can craft unique encounters that can be alternatively broken/perfect matchups.
That looks pretty good mate, but any ideas on how I would make rules for Hamon? I'd also ask about Vampires, but I don't think that they'd really work with a party.
Mutants and masterminds is always the best choice
Could pic related be a good stand design?
Look in the super stand sunday archives for other systems also. Look for the d100 or the updated d10
>ripple users mostly fight using similar techniques to each other.
I want this meme to end, 2 proved this was wrong and 3 proved that the author had no sense of creativity
Ripple can be 'conducted' by anything organic. Lisa Lisa had a fucking silk scarf she used a s a goddamn fire whip. Zeppeli blew bubbles with the water supercharged with ripple causing them to expload. Joseph threw little wooden clackers.
Ripple has all kinds of applications especially when you take into account it's potential for short burst physical enhancement, you just need to have creativity.
This, it should be fun thinking up new abilities, making them better, and thinking up even more ways to use them.
Here is a FATE hack for JJBA
Name this Stand
>However, I have now idea how to handle Stands, because of their unique and overpowered abilities.
It's really a matter of thinking things through. Really make sure the players understand their abilities and that no one is too overpowered. Player character Stands are generally going to need to be more straightforward while also be versatile (Crazy Diamond, Sticky Fingers), while enemy Stands can work in different ways and offer a challenge so the players can learn new ways to use their Stands. Enemy Stands can be more situational and have more to do with "trapping" the layers (Sugar Mountain's Spring).
White Rabbit
I'm currently using a hack of this hack to run a cyberpunk Jojo game for two guys, and one of those guys is using it to run a kind of battle tournament Jojo campaign.
I really like Fate because it's a lot of fun and easy to bullshit stuff, and it's just so fucking simple. It's good for Jojo.
I'm planning on running a campaign with this so far it looks like it's gonna be fun. Some of the enemy stands I have created and my friends stands are sweet, half the fun is making up the scenarios
It can also make for a fun campaign if you let the players try to come up with ideas for Ripple techniques if you're big JoJonerds. Hope I can find a campaign like that sometime, still haven't gotten to use a Ripple coin technique.
You could probably fill a entire thread just spitballing ideas for Ripple shit.
The better question is, what would we call it?
All those names sound way to black.
Those are too direct.
Remember, 「Tower of Gray」 is shaped like a flying insect and 「Superfly」 is shaped like a steel tower.
How about, 「TUNNEL VISION」
Stands should capture the feeling of the song, not the name.
Killer Queen is a perfect example of this.
Part 1 Ripple is simplistic. It's ki by any other name but the main point is that it allows humans to fight vampires.
Part 2 Ripple is just expansion of Part 1 Ripple in that it can be channeled through various media. Joseph's clackers, Caesar's bubbles, and Lisa Lisa's scarf all fundamentally do the same thing but they add character and because their media are different there can be used in different ways that enemies might not expect whereas a straight punch would be an easily outmaneuvered tactic.
Stands take time to really understand what makes for a good or bad one. Stands evolve throughout JoJo too going from the relatively simplistic Part 3 Stands to the rather complex Stands of Part 6. The more you read and watch JoJo the better you'll get a handle on what a good or a bad Stand really is. Best basic advice I can give is that your heroes' Stands should all be versatile, a little simplistic, not too focused. Villain Stands can be narrow in scope because they will only exist for one battle usually. The only exception is the final boss Stand battle. First it must be overtly dangerous in some uncomplicated way. Second the battle should have something to do with time. Third, the final boss battle tends to stack the deck in some way in the villain's favor.
Wushu has been spectacular for my campaign so far.
Help me out with a Stand please. This is a rough draft.
「Under Pressure」
Destructive Power: A
Speed: C
Endurance/Staying: A
Range: E
Precision: C
Developmental Potential: A
Mechanism: 「Under Pressure」brings the points in time between a target's creation and destruction closer and closer together until the two points meet and cancel each other out. Upon this cancellation the target is "reincarnated" into a new state of being based on the positive and negative effects it had on the world. A net positive creates a greater being than once existed while a net negative creates a lesser being. This new being has a new set of points of creation and destruction which symmetrically diverge in time from that point.
When「Under Pressure」uses its mechanism the shifting of creation and destruction affects the time surrounding the target both when initiated and when completed.
Feeling of the song, themes in the lyrics, even outright references to the lyrics. Album covers can also serve as inspiration.
I think two underlooked aspects of Stand creation are how a Stand and its User should form a cohesive whole and how Stands ultimately are storytelling devices. A Stand and its User should complement each other in ways related to theme, motifs, and more music references. Second, a Stand should tell a new and different story from all of the others. Highway Star is nothing like Bad Company which is nothing like Harvest etc. They all told different stories about different characters. These qualities are exactly what makes them so cool and so stimulating to the imagination rather than just being random song names paired with random superpowers as they seem to be at first glance.
What the fuck. I mean, I get trying be unique, but this is something else.
Yeah you pretty much said it the best way possible
Anyways, here's one of my main antagonist's stand
Name: F. Gordon
Stand name: We are the Champions
Ability: make weaker copies of main stand
Precision B
Power B
Speed A
Learning A
Durability C (each copy is weaker and takes more damage)
Range: D, 2 metres for each copy
Requiem: new ability, "Princes of the universe" 4 different color copies of original stand, when they encircle foe(s) they neutralize their stand ability and paralyze the user(s) that is encircled
Araki switched to Stands because they are a simpler means to give whatever powers he wanted a charter to have. Furthermore Stands allowed him to cut loose with his art in ways that Ripple/Vampires stifled his artistic creativity. Finally Stands gave Araki just the element that would make JoJo truly different from its contemporaries. Ripple would ultimately be a dead end because it would only turn JJBA into Dragonball's weirdo kid brother with better art.
It started with wanting a final boss Stand (i.e. something to do with time), then thinking about the lyrics, and then it hit me: karma and reincarnation.
This also involves a pug dog named Bowie. The PCs think Bowie's owner is sending hitmen to kill them and retrieve the dog but Bowie was actually a crime boss who is a victim of this Stand.
oh well now it makes more sense, the way you described it make it sound overtly complicated
Power: C
Speed: B
Range: D
Durability: D
Precision: B
Potential: B
[WHITU RABBITO] gives the stand user the power to alter others perception of time around him, though not time itself. It can make time seem to slow to a crawl, allowing the user to appear to react instantly to threats, or drastically speed up the perception of time, causing events to unfold so quickly enemies do not have time to think let alone react.
>Stands should capture the feeling of the song, not the name.
>Killer Queen
>Song lyrics literally talk about explosions
>killer queens power is blowing shit up
I like Paint it Black or Blackhole Sun DESU. It should drain the happiness and color from it's victims via touch, leaving them as literal greyscales filled with regret and despair. The stand user manipulates it to lash out at those they feel are 'too happy' out of their own jealousy and sorrow.
Currently running a game set in a small Nevada town called Consequence. The game takes place in the 70's.
Basic premise is back during the gold rush, a small mining town popped up in the middle of Nevada. Miners dug too deep and opened up a natural underwater cavern. Old town collapsed into it and mostly everyone died. New town sprung up around new large water source and named itself Consequence because greed is bad and the population is mostly Mormon. The underwater cavern is linked to Native American legend with it being a pool of rebirth and souls. Nobody likes being near the lake for too long.
If you are in the lake and no one's eyes are upon you, the souls will try and claim you. If you are worthy, a soul will "rebirth" itself into the mortal realm and be bound to you as a STANDO. If you aren't worthy you then drown with no escape, buddy.
Bad guys are going to be a Mormon doomsday cult that have achieved Stands from the lake. They are a mix between Mormonism and some pagan American beliefs.
>with better art.
Early araki just had a half assed Fist of the North star style. Toriyama at least could make some pretty charming cartoony designs. Hell, even current araki makes humans look like samefaced aliens
More than just about bombs.
>A built-in remedy
>Well versed in etiquette
>Extraordinarily nice
>Gunpowder, gelatine
>Dynamite with a laser beam
>Guaranteed to blow your mind
>Insatiable an appetite
>To avoid complications
>She never kept the same address
>Fastidious and precise
>Then momentarily out of action
>Temporarily out of gas
>To absolutely drive you wild, wild..
>She's all out to get you
Not to mention Bites the Dust's lyrics also apply. Kira's song names have layers, but Killer Queen's tone is like a tightrope walk between savagery within etiquette, which KQ's design evokes really well.
Currently wrapping up a campaign using a heavily modified version of the d100 system.
One of the PCs is about to get revenge on his father for killing his mother. (And another PC's brother)
The dad's stand is named 「The Wall」, which is a giant, immovable, indestructible, object.
Pic related, stupid title card I made for the campaign.
To be fair, a lot of the really interesting Stands in Jojo are the ones that DO only have one ability but it's an ability with enough applications that even the user may not know their actual power for some time.
Best answer possible.
How about this Stand?
Btw, the anons in the super stand sunday threads started making a stand archive.
The title of the song isn't "Half-Naked Pink Cat Man", is it?
The lyrics of the song reference KQ's power. What was trying to do with the word "black" was pick song titles that directly describe the most obvious aspect of a stand's appearance, and that's almost never done.
Short-Skirt Long-Jacket
>That Ability
Araki is that you?
Needs some new wave song, like New order.
Stupid stand I thought would be funny to have in a campaign
「Funky Music」
Power: E
Speed: E
Precision: E
Range: D
Durability: B
Potential: B
A needlessly complicated looking boombox that has all the components needed to play any form of musical media including vinyl records, micro SD cards, and even player piano reels. The front of the boombox has a back-lit screen with 7 buttons next to it: up, down, select, back, info, and shuffle.
「Funky Music」has the staggering ability to grant the user a copy of any stand in the jojo universe, and many more. However, the stand can only grant the user a specific stand if he finds a copy of the song/album the stand's name references, places it inside 「Funky Music」, and plays the song on the boombox. The user is granted a stand for the duration of the song that corresponds to it, at which point the stand vanishes and becomes unusable for 24 hours. While 「Funky Music」 can hold an unlimited amount of music at a time, it cannot act on its own, forcing the user to browse through his collection of music randomly
>Other details about the ability for the sake of autism
Pressing "info" causes 「Funky Music」to display information about the stand the song/album corrisponds to, but only if the user has used that song on the boombox before
Playing a pirated or damaged piece of media results in a notably weaker version of the stand
Damaging the boombox, or taking it away from the user recalls the copied stand
Forgot one more stupid detail
>if the user plays a copy of "Play that Funky Music White Boy" on 「Funky Music」, it spontaneously combusts.
Guess I'll join in the Stand making autism
「Cake By The Ocean」
Power: B
Speed: C
Precision: D
Range: B
Durability: B
Potential: A
A stand that takes the form of a cross between an astronaut and an old-fashioned diver, 「Cake By The Ocean」, often shortened to 「CBTO」, is a punchghost with the ability to freeze water. Not freeze as in turn into ice, but freeze as in turn completely still, much like how Kraftwerk can freeze objects. Water frozen by 「CBTO」 cannot be moved unless the user wills it to continue its motion or it reaches body temperature, at which point, it will "melt" back into its normal state.
[Cadillac Blood]
Power B
Speed B
Precision A
Range E
Durability B
Potential A
A humanoid punchghost stand that takes the form of an Ancient Aztech themed pro-wrestler draped in cloaks of feathers, and with the head of a tyrannosaurus. It moves rather fast and with reasonable strength, but when coated in oil of some sort (canola, vegitable, olive, motor, gasolene might work) it becomes faster, stronger, and bulletproof.
Wield by the angry short order cook stand user Trick Daddy Gutter.
Name: 「Sweet Death」
Appearance: A lavender coloured humanoid resembling an angel, with lilac wings and navy blue goat horns. They are wearing robes that mostly cover their lower body, which is rarely seen, revealing a somewhat muscular body.
(If you're struggling to picture this, for a vague approximation visualise a cross between Star Platinum and Devil Kazuya from Tekken.)
Effect: The stand's victim slowly but surely remembers everything that they regret having done. This may range from having harmed someone to simply having said something foolish. They will then calmly and gladly come to accept that they deserve misfortune in repentance for their actions, to a degree relative to the volume of their regrets; where someone who only remembers a few stupid comments made during their childhood will only consent to being slapped a few times before they start to lose patience, a long-time member of organised crime can have his life derailed and take it with a smile. This effect is far less effective against other stand users.
That might be the most flattering comment a Stand could receive.
Well if you check their
You could find more ressource. They've even done the spin if I remember correctly.
Depends of user's mentality.
I mean all black can mean A LOT of things
(death, bad mood, depression, sophistication, and MANY other thing)
This is about rules and not posting shitty stand OK ?
This. The best Stands are the ones with one power but a lot of applications. Crazy Diamond is my favorite Jojo Stand because it's got a simple enough ability, but it gets interesting once you get creative in the application of that ability. The last fight of Part 4 was great because it was built upon everything that Josuke learned while staying grounded in the basic principles of his Stand's single ability.
This plus Civil War.
Nigga, it's a jojo thread on Veeky Forums. What else would you expect?
Although I wish I could talk about the system my group is developing, but we still have a few things that need refining
I can't help but feel like that's gonna end up with someone getting Highway to Hell'd.
Name: 「Not My Love」
Appearance: Resenbles a stereotypical pinstripe gangster, with a trilby and a Geordi La Forge style visor.
Effect: The user designates a non-stand user as the victim. While the effect is active, only stand users and the victim can see the user. Any actions taken by the user during this time will appear to be the result of a series of coincidences caused by the stand. For example, if the user closes an open door, 「Not My Love」 will generate a gust of wind that will appear to have caused the door to slam shut.
(If you do not understand, imagine 「Bites The Dust」with Final Destination type powers.)
「Nothing Wrong With Me」: automatic stand, unable to attack. Takes the form of a transparent humanoid with a fishing net outline.
-First form, named [One: Nothing Wrong With Me]. As the user takes damage, the damaged part "appears" on the Stand. The user feels no pain from the damaged parts but is still affected by them. Should the user be killed, he revives by "popping" out of the stand.
-Second form, named [Two: Nothing Wrong With Me]. The Stand is able to "engulf" the user. In this state, the user is not affected by injuries and nullifies any negative status effects from other stands.
-Third form, named [Three: Nothing Wrong With Me]. The Stand gains the ability [Let The Bodies Hit The Floor]. The Stand is able to stab its user and absorb his life energy, which makes the Stand grow in size/musculature and kills the user in the process. Another user immediately pops out of the Stand, and the process can be done a maximum of 3 times in a row. Once it reaches its maximum, the next user that pops out takes the size/musculature of the Stand and is at the peek of human physical performance. Should the user die, the state is reversed and the process must start from the beginning to regain its power.
Name: 「 Who Sold The World」
Appearence: The stand has no set physical form, but may inhabit any staircase as designated by the user. The staircase will appear to glow a with an aura of deep burgundy to any stand user that approaches it during this time. When the stand is entering the staircase, a silhouette of the user may be seen diving inside.
Effect: When the user stands on the bottom step of the staircase, a silhouette of their self exactly half of their lifespan ago will appear to
walk down from the top step and descend it. If the user and their silhouette touch, the sum of their personal property's worth will become that of their past selves. If this is a net profit, they will come into good fortune until they have the correct sum; if this is a net loss, the opposite will occur. The possessions can be both tangible and abstract; things such as favours, health and moral fibre are also counted. The only criteria is that it is the user's; for example, their child self will not count as owning their home, but their 'having a home' as opposed to 'being homeless' will be taken into account.
Name: 「 The Fear
Appearence: A mirror, roughly the size of an elevator wall, with an ornate silver frame that is beautifully engraved with vines.
Effect: The stand does not reflect the real world, but the user's deepest opinions of the world in physical form. If a person other than the user looks at their own reflection in the mirror, they will slowly become what it reflected. For example, if someone who the user thinks is wicked looks into the stand's reflection, they might become a fairytale witch in mind and body. The victim does not need to do so intentionally; for example, if they are looking at something that the stand has been placed in front of, the stand's effect will still trigger.
Name: 「 Silver Hammer
Appearence: The stand appears as several test tube that orbit the user's head like a halo. These tubes fill with green liquid in accordance with how much power the stand currently has.
Effect: The stand's level of power is dependent on the user's level of dissatisfaction with their current state of life. When the user takes an aggressive action that goes against their current lifestyle, the act delivers a corrosive effect to everything effected by it, with an intensity depending on the stand's current power and the surface area of the effect. For example, where a punch hitting someone the user blames their dissatisfaction on would likely be lethal, a scream of rage and despair would somewhat damage everything within earshot.
Name: 「 Technologic」
Appearence: A white skeleton covered in thin grey wires with a green light glowing in it's left eye and a red light glowing in the right.
Effect: The stand can see every stage in an object's life, and move it to any stage by touching it. For example, if it touches a phone that is doomed to be break from falling into water, it can move it to a time where it is waterlogged. If it touches a computer that has installed malware that the user wishes to remove, it can revert the computer a time before it is infected.
, .i. ba , .
Miracles is best stando.
Name: 「 Time Of Your Life
Appearence: The stand appears as a golden moon hanging over the head of it's victim.
Effect: The stand's victim feels immense envy over anything they would usually aspire to, and act on it in a self destructive manner. For example, if someone who would like to be a little skinnier sees a thin person, they may enter a period of self-imposed anorexia.
user this shit is starting to become more confusing than fucking King Crimson.
Can you explain it a bit more simply?
So what about it is funny? I get the music references, but that's Sunset Overdrive levels of winking to the audience.
Here's one I used in my campaign. It was lots of fun.
「Love Shack」
Destructive Power: C
Speed: C
Endurance/Staying: C
Range: A
Precision: C
Developmental Potential: D
Mechanism: After the User makes contact with a target,「Love Shack」manifests inside the target's body and starts to transform them into a building of some sort. The target's body parts all start to transform into construction materials as if they were part of a house or similar building.
Once the body is almost entirely transformed, a second phase begins in which the body grows to the size of a building and is contorted and warped to take on the appropriate shape of one. A target can move during Phase 1 with limits based on bodily materials but they lose autonomy as Phase 2 takes effect. As the target grows so does「Love Shack」until it reaches human size.
Upon reaching the final stages of the metamorphosis into a building,「Love Shack」transforms the victim's heart into a large bomb that can be exploded for demolition on command.
This is what I plan to run although I have a question. What does Stand Range as a stat do in this system? I understand Range in JJBA to be one of two things, the maximum range the stand can manifest outside of the user, or the range of the abilities granted by the stand. It's not consistent between each parts like between 4 and 5 where Range is the former type and stuff like [Echoes Act 1] and [The Lock] have A range and can appear very far away. But in Part 5 Metallica has a range of C but only appears inside the users body, however the stand's magnetic abilities exist a dozen or so meters around the user.
So before I start hacking this up, can anyone explain what the Range number does in actual play or should I just treat it as The stands overall effective radius?
I'd use something with a point-buy system, but have every player build two characters, one lower-point character for "them", and one higher (much higher, maaybe) character for their Stands. Then slap together some rules on how to moderate using the Stand (Something like a power stat, with an energy reserve, and possibly go into the detail to flesh out the details of how a particular character gets theirs running).
If you are rich at 24, and walk up a staircase, you will become rich when you were 12 as well, altering fucking time.
Frankly, I'm tired of time-affecting Stands being involved in final bosses.
Yeah me to that's why my final boss has the ability to control other people and another guy who duicates his stand with some other abilities that involve duplicating
I'm not usually a huge fan of FATE, because while it does everything at the end of the day you're still playing FATE, but it is honestly one of the better systems for JoJo.
(The Night) [Chicago Died]
Power: B
Speed: B
Range: C
Durability: B
Potential: D
[Chicago Died] takes the form of a large muscular, square jawed humanoid figure with a stylized police uniform, complete with a domed helmet that casts a shadow over most of its face- and the rest is dominated by a large handlebar mustache. In [Chicago Died]s chest is a miniature a jailcell, which can only be opened by the stand itself, and is used in its power.
A standard 'punch ghost' [Chicago Died] has one power, [Forces of the Law] centered around shutting down enemy stands. This Stand can essentially negate and imprison other stands if it can subdue them. Enemy stands are defeated, wrapped in glowing chains and cuffs, and then shrunk and imprisoned in the jailcell in [Chicago Died]s chest. The stands are then trapped, separated from their users until released or the stand user is killed.
This Stand belongs to G-Man Elliott Ness, who is leading a special taskforce known as The Untouchables in 1920s Chicago to oppose the criminal enterprise of Al 'Scarface' Capone and his stand using syndicate that rules Chicago from the shadows with an iron fist.
Been thinking of running a JoJo campaign where they see the main antagonist a few times in stand battles, and they see that the stand seems to literally have no weaknesses, A in every stat, and seems to develop new powers on the fly to suit the situation.
The stand saves them a few time from mutual threats to show off how unbelievably OP this stand is
「Pure Imagination」
Destructive Power: E
Speed: B
Range: A
Durability: E
Precision: C
Developmental Potential: C
Ability: Memory Addition
every time they "saw" the stand before it was just an implanted memory the BBEG put in them during the final battle
is this a good idea?
Bare with me lads because I'm not sure how well I can explain this stand, I'm calling its power Non Euclidean Geometric Perspective Manipulation.
Destructive Power: E
Speed: B
Endurance: C
Precision: A
Range: A
Potential: A
Imagine there are two staircases beside each other, unconnected from each other, but the stand is far away and from its angle of perspective the two are one. The user could then walk up one staircase, and when he reaches the top he would transport to the bottom of the second.
If the stand was to look at the user through a glass of water, the user could swim through the air.
If the stand were to look at the user from a birds eye view, then hills and buildings would appear to be on the same plane, allowing the user to walk over the air like flat land and effectively teleport onto the tops of buildings.
I imagine there are near infinite applications for this stand that I am yet to think of.
So the entire campaign takes place in the character's memory?
Uses I thought of for your stand: (assuming I understand the ability correctly)
>move stand so user is more in the "foreground" than his opponent
>user appears bigger than opponent
>user steps on opponent, squishing him
>user has gun
>user can't see enemy
>enemy behind nearby corner
>stand is off to the side
>user shoots gun directly in front of him
>enemy dies
>user needs to get through locked door
>small gap under door
>put comically large lens in front of stand's eyes
>gap now looks huge
>therefore it is
>user crawls through
>you know the close-one-eye-and-pinch-someone's-head trick?
>this stand can do that
>for reals
Yeah you understand it, looking at your ideas I'm starting to think that an enemy with this stand would be impossible to deal with if they can use it to it's fullest potential
I think this would be a really cool twist for a campaign. I would also keep a log of what actually happened vs. what the players thought happened, because I know I would be curious about that if I was playing in that game.
I wouldn't say impossible. The stand relies heavily on environmental features and positioning. A smart opponent could lure and lock him into a featureless room, forcing the fight onto a more even playing field.
I usually gauge how OP a stand is by mentally facing them against one of the PCs in my campaign. He essentially wields "Sub-par Platinum", which has good speed and precision, but nothing else. However, its user is the fucking smart, and he uses his supernatural ability of abusing rules and noticing the obvious to wreck face. And I think he would be able to find a way to stop [Journey]
So I've been wanting to run a Cold War JoJo game, where both sides have access to Stand discs and powerful Stands are another (top secret) element in the arms race alongside nuclear weapons.
There would be three basic categories of Stand involved. Stands with incredibly powerful destructive potential would be a straight analog to nuclear weapons, and are obviously in. With Stands being a known quantity by some governments, though, ones with subtler powers that could be used for economic or political purposes would also be important strategic resources.. Finally, the rest of the Stands would be assigned to agents on various covert ops (or if their powers were really dubious, perhaps some kind of R&D?)
I figure most of the campaign would be dealing with newly awakened Stand users in 3rd world countries, where the two major powers can fight proxy battles between their Stand users, with the occasional operation in enemy territory to retrieve or sabotage one of their notable Stands.
Sounds pretty neat. Suggestion: maintain that Stand Users are still something of a secret club. Normals are almost completely unaware of Stands, Stand battles, or that Stand Users are anyone of note. The governments of involved countries in your campaign have a far more mundane idea of what's going on. Any Stand Users in any government are thought to be doing mundane, conventional things as their duties rather than anything involving Stands.
Sorry, I should have been more clear. I was pretty tired when I wrote this, which might explain where such a strange effect came from.
To put it another way, it judges the amount of 'goodness' in your past self's life, and slowly changes the amount in your present self's life to be of the same value. It judges all goodness, so while having lots of money counts as good fir the purposes of the effect, being content and happy about your current life also counts as good. Taken to the extreme, this means that a buddhist monk that owns very few things but feels as if they are closer to enlightenment because of it might have a similar number of 'goodness points' to a billionaire who is severely depressed, as far as the stand is concerned.
Because of this, the stand might not actually help the user the way you might expect. For example, imagine that the user becomes homeless and tries using the stand with the intention of getting new housing and some compensation. It's entirely possible that they will get nothing for their trouble, but will instead come to embrace and enjoy the life of a drifter where they can; as far as the stand is concerned, that is equally as good as having a home, and consider the job to be completed.
This. Everyone affiliated with a 'stand department' is sworn to secrecy where anything related to stands or their applications in the department are concerned.
Bonus points if both countries' leaders are unaware of stands as well, and they are trying to figure out why people the men in black keep giving titles like 'unparalleled assassin', 'experimental weapon tester' and 'legendary tactician' all seem to go through the little black door marked 'Department S.'
Maybe have a subplot with a Hot Pants-type stand user trying to reach them through their many stand using bodyguards in an attempt to covertly share the secret, perhaps with them having noticed the Hot Pants' efforts and trying to help give them openings to meet.
Alright, let's see how this Stand looks.
[Everybody wants to rule the World] (or just [Rule the World] I guess)
Autonomous, swarm-type Stand a la Harvest or Bad Company. It's appearance resembles small, humanoid figures with cameras or microphones on their heads.
It's ability allows it to find people who are thinking about its user, or who are planning/aiming to act against the user, and listen to their thoughts. As long as one of the humanoids has been listening in, every one of them knows of what was said, and the user can ask them about what they've heard.
i have thought about that a bit, and i have come to the conclusion, that pretty much the only way to do stands properly is with a lot of hand waving.
create some guidelines for your players to define their powers (strengths, weaknesses, detailed mechanics etc). An average human would pose little to no threat to stand users, so enemies would be mostly stand users as well, i was thinking 1-2 enemy stands per session.
The fun would be in figuring out first that the players are actually under attack, this might not be a trivial step, depending on the stands involved. then the players will have to figure out how to beat the enemy. Again, there would be little room for very strictly defined rules and mechanics, instead the rules of individual stands would dominate the game.
Not an easy premise for RPG purposes, but could be extremely fun if the players and GM are not too stuck up and rules-lawyerish.
Name: 「Technologic Requiem」
Appearence: It has gained electronic joints, making it now appear more like the chassis of an animatronic contraption rather than a biological skeleton. It retains the wires wrapped around it, which now additionally form a cape of sorts, with many singular wires dangling from it's shoulders down to the waist. Where the stand is usually silent, in this form it can be heard quietly humming to itself while it is doing something; the noise of this vaguely resembles that of a high pitched whirring blender.
Effect: It can now see and use metaphysical attributes of the object from throughout it's existence, as well as it's physical state. For example, the stand user looks at a chandelier, and sees that it will at some point fall as someone walks underneath it, killing them. The user may then move the chandelier to it's state just beforehand and carry over the attribute 'will fall and crush the next person to walk below it,' turning the decoration into a trap.
While that's a sensible conclusion, it seems like that would be hard to do without somebody treating their stand like a very limited time wizard. Mind you though, it's not as if hamon didn't end up being treated as a time wizard power...
>「Master of Puppets」
>Destructive Power: E
>Speed: B
>Endurance: A
>Precision: A
>Range: B
>Potential: D
「Master of Puppets」 appears as a small humanoid Stand resembling a wooden puppet, it has what appears to be spools of thread or wire making up part of its biceps, forearms, waist, thighs, and shins. Each thread can be sent out to control an individuals motor functions, the more threads on an individual the more precise and powerful the control. Interestingly the user rarely makes use of its ability to control others preferring to use it on himself as he is suffers from total body paralysis, as such he uses 「Master of Puppets」 to allow himself to interact with the world around him and the more he tries to control others the less control he has of his own body if he tries to control the maximum 9 people he will be completely helpless