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Mid-level Bard played correctly.
This guy gets it
I love his design- something about the mix of semi-west-victorian with the wicker hat just works for me.
He's basically what every weeaboo wants to be
Every weeaboo wants to be Robot Assassin Sammy Davis Jr?
I'm sure there's a bunch of non-weeaboos who also want to be that.
we are assuming S6 is a gestalt campaign
he's a gestalt of an oratory bard and that new kineticist archetype from starjammer that allows them to have a floating weapon
has a shamshir and a rhoka dagger that deals direct sonic damage to any weapon that hits it
he also has a wand of summon golem thats shaped as a flute (that he plays for flair)
> Secret Aku worshiping assassin cult that'll be reoccurring antagonists.
> Have no idea where Aku is.
> Robot Scatman.
> Calls him on his phone.
Holy shit I love this.
Large Magical Beast
The pacing was bit off for me this episode. It seemed like they were rushing a bit through the set up. Normally a bard robot that make golems would take an episode by itself.
It was definitely needed. It didn't really FEEL like Samurai Jack until the moment he walked on screen.
I never really thought about it, but Samurai Jack feels kind of like Fallout mixed with Shadowrun where half the players are into pulp sci-fi and the others are weeaboos.
That wasn't Aku, obviously.
In my opinion Jack is like Gutts from Berzerk but more "child-friendly"
Fun fact, his name was Scaramouch, I'll let you Google exactly why that's funny, because learning is fun.
You mean to say that your Shadowrun games aren't like that?
I'd rather do the fandango
Yeah but jack is cool and wise while guts is an edgelord
Google searching image to find his name just gives me Graduation photos
Tearing open a portal in time and flinging an asshole into the future is an OP ability.
Did they ever say why Aku didn't just do that again, or does even Aku have limits on how much he's willing to procrastinate?
might have been interesting in the original series if an Aku focused episode had Aku just want a bit of peace and quiet for a month and try that again only for Jack to knock AKU through his own portal, where Aku comes out and finds in only a month Jack and peaceful villagers made a frustrating amount of progress and hope without him to direct things.
Or something like that.
Scaramouch, traditional character in Italian comedy, prone to bluster and boisterous braggadocio. But actually cowardly in character. Usually beaten by a Harlequin as punishment for his cowardice and braggartry.
name translates as 'Little Skirmish'
Jack is the one person Aku simply cannot kill. Less because of Jack's skill and more because if he kills Jack he'll have nothing to do with himself. Supposedly in this season he's in therapy and trying to come to terms with this.
I suppose once you've achieved THE FUTURE THAT IS AKU shit gets a bit dull until your samurai nemesis starts decapitating robots all over the place.
My guess is that Jack has to stand still for a moment for the portal to suck him in, and that Aku needs a couple moments to focus on it so he can't get it ready while getting struck by Jack's sword.
Honestly if Aku really wanted an easy way to take out Jack he could simply just kill him in his sleep.
that was pretty much what was implied I think. I mean what fucking year is it even on Earth at that point? You could be in some kind of fucking Numanera situation. Dogs talk, aliens flock to earth, mutants are everywhere and there's little pockets of the earth Aku can't even deal with like those elementals from the episode with the mobster midgets.
Aku is credited at the end. Mako's dead, they got the guy who did Iroh to do his voice.
Not the same but I think he does a decent enough job imitating Mako.
It's been suggested that Aku got a little trigger-happy with tearing open portals in time and flinging random people, groups and even entire societies into the future, hence the wildly differing tech levels and anachronistic cultures. Throw in aliens who migrated to Earth after Aku conquered and/or destroyed their home planets and you've got the current situation.
that sounds like it makes sense. Any time he gets frustrated he just throws his problem forward.
I'm almost convinced the "daughters of Aku" are actually Jack's daughters.
is this robot supposed to be a reference to some gay celebrity? is jewndy tartakovsky trying to crush my childhood by inserting all these SJW characters into samurai jack?
I don't think so... seems a little to on the nose.
But the thing is these are named characters with really high combat capabilities... So I guarantee that as the series moves forward we're going to see Jack reluctantly have to kill a few of these girls, and we're going to have a few X9 moments.
You need to do one of the following
>Ingest ludicrous amount of psychoactives, meditate in a sweat lodge for an entire day, go to the brink of death and your on consciousness and gain understanding on what's really important to you. Exit with a fully realized mindfulness, having excreted gallons of black bile that makes up the Idea of Evil onto the bare ground. Feel that chill wind of the air and breath your first free breath.
>Ingest a ludicrous amount of bleach
Your call, really
can you please answer my questions?
No. Your questions are of little to no import, born of idiocy and the poorly conceived notion that you're clever for attempting to be a troll.
If the questions had any merit in the first place, they soon lost any as soon as they entered your mind.
All psychedelics will really do is focus his faggot hating and anti-sjw stance (since faggotry is abhorrent to nature, along with the false god of equality that sjw follow). You would know this if you ever actually did them correctly, instead of fellating your fucking ego for 12 hours, you sanctimonious shit.
t. MYFAROG player
He did.
Seriously that WE ARE THE WORLD WE ARE ONE ONE LOVE bullshit is a mental rabbit hole designed specifically to impede your progress.
Just because you say it (and probably voted Trump assuming American) doesn't make it true.
My, and what progress you have made.
Now kindly drown in shit, fuck off, or get a trip so you can be filtered off.
Can't handle the SCAT
get a room, all of you. this is a samurai jack thread.
What SJW characters? The robot doesn't come off as gay, just a flamboyant dandy boy, which is a common character type. Even if he was gay how is making gays villains SJW?
When heard "Aku's Favorite Assassin" I was hoping Demongo would be referenced at some point.
-10hp inside 10 episodes.
DeMongo is dead, hombre.
I know, but just mentioning him would have been nice.
I have no idea how this guy managed to get his first soul to start his collection. He's completely helpless without his army.
He probably has or had other talents but grew more and more reliant on his essence collection over time.
When did Jack lose his sword?
I don't recall this episode
During the timeskip.
Presumably it will be elaborated on.
I think it's something that happened between the 50 year time jump that we are going to learn about as the series progresses.
Hasn't been shown yet but we'll probably see what happened in a flashback.
It didn't occur to me until just now, but should a robot be able to play a flute if he doesn't have any lips?
Guts gets considerably less edgy once he realizes that there are things more important to him than revenge.
I think it was stated that he was a fearsome warrior, then got too reliant on his soul army
>not "Come on, baby, stat me!"
one job
To get off this rock in any meaningful way were going to need to get our shit together.
nothin like a crossdressing robot to kill..
Purple Trenchcoat and scarves = crossdressing
I dunno.
I think he might just be really dumb and not know anything about what men or women wear.
I can't believe a Sammy Davis Junior Assassin Robot made it into a cartoon.
Really glad that they kept the lighthearted elements of the cartoon as well.
Same. When I saw him I was immediately reassured that the show was still Samurai Jack.
I got the same vibe from all the mental issues he displayed.
>not babe
Was anyone else a little disappointed that the new Jack didn't pull an Indiana Jones and shoot the robot mid monologue to demonstrate how jaded and bitter 50 years of running away and scavenging would make him?
>yfw you realize he gave up in the end cuz the explosion damaged his neck and he couldn't sing anymore
I was
You don't form a seal around the hole with your mouth when playing the flute. Besides, his mouth was very animated, I'm sure he can manage lip movements
It's a magic flute. As in the villain even calls it "his magic flute".
Jack is a broken man, user. Not just jaded
It was during the fight with The Guardian. You know, the blue dude who beat Jack's ass? That was the last episode, chronologically, until season 5.
>last episode chronologically
I sure would like some source for that
okay i'm gonna roll and let's see what we get.
well nothing below average at least, what's his dump stat? he's pretty dexterous for a bard so it's not that, 15 should go to his CHA.
I was really really hoping for that...
But I guess it would be too obvious
They literally showed how Jack lost his sword
If that pic's based on what I think it is, I fuckin' love the artist.
They draw a lot of Johnny/Jack smut
Oh my god go back to /co/ you massive faggot
I'm just glad that he uses guns
yeah, and the music when he was riding was unnecessary imo.
I distinctly remember Aku trying that exact thing like 50 times.
>BBEG has to finish therapy to come to terms with killing his nemesis before we can have final battle.
Wait, what?
Too bad it's after he does political assassinations and murdering children to cover it up.
To be fair, him murdering that kid was an accident.
but he didn't lose his sword during that fight? and who the fuck is that horse man?
My guess is Aku's zombified Jack's dad,Aku's cult had a son or it's the personification of Jack's guilt or some shit
Sprinting across a room and skewering that kid like a kebab was no accident. It was unplanned, but no accident.
>Aku simply cannot kill. Less because of Jack's skill and more because if he kills Jack he'll have nothing to do with himself
i think one of the comics does this
Aku messes with Jack to prove he is all alone
and then spys on Jack telling himself that he'll never be alone as long as he has Jack
makes sense
nothing can even harm Aku but Jack
thousands of years of getting whatever you want with no challenge must be boring as fuck
hell i wouldn't be surprised if Aku was the one who made Jack immortal
>thousands of years of getting whatever you want with no challenge must be boring as fuck
He technically has some problems since Scotsman has a bounty on him from Aku and also wields a magic sword.
>also wields a magic sword.
magical weapons cant kill Aku
Jack's sword isnt some thousand times folded sword with a plus 1 enchantment
Jacks sword was literally created by 3 gods who kicked the shit out of Aku's "dad"
Jack's sword isnt just "magic" it was made for the sole purpose of killing Aku
just as Jack was raised and trained for the sole job of Killing Aku
I doubt the Scotsman's bounty has anything to do with any threat our kilted friend presents to Aku. It is more that he creates public disturbances wherever he goes that detract from the Evil that is Aku.
This seems like the right place to ask, what do you think of using the Samurai Jack universe for a game? I know its not one that consistent and would require a general system like Gurps or Savage Worlds, but I think there is a lot of potential.