Mysterious armor-clad merchants have started appearing in every city and every kingdom

>mysterious armor-clad merchants have started appearing in every city and every kingdom
>they show up to peddle their wares wherever adventurers or sellswords gather
>the merchants offer a wide variety of armor, each suit fully covering, no stupid female armor stuff
>they mysteriously always have a suit perfectly tailored for one of the people present
>offer them up to him or her for a reasonable price
>the armor proves to not only be perfectly sized, but also extremely comfortable
>soon, adventurers everywhere appear in the armors
>not just fighters, paladins and other melee types, but rangers, rogues, wizards and clerics too
>even formerly slutty sorceresses now strut around in ornate gothic-styled plate

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And? What does this have to do with traditional games?

Interesting, although I imagine it being a little strange.
No matter how comfortable their armour is, it's still heavy and such.

Also sauce on that pic?

its an adventure hook or a good plot idea you dense motherfucker. Ask your DM.

Going by D&D rules I would imagine it automatically bestows the heavy armor proficiency on the wearer, meaning that while it may still be bulky and uncomfortable in some situations, they instinctively know how to wear it "right" to distribute weight and similar. It's an abstraction, sure, but most games have something like it.

Or it could be a construct, slowly taking control of the host for....well whatever reason a bad guy would need it...or hell, it could be a new race of construct that need mortal to survive just like the symbiote from spiderman (symbiot? My grammar suck)

1.) you missed a much cooler plot twist where the adventurers become the armor over time.
2.) I reverse image searched the sauce. here you all go.

OP seems to have left it open whether this is a benevolent or malevolent plot on purpose, so yes I would think it could be a trick of some kind.

Personally I'd say the armor is sapient and speaks to them, but doesn't outright possess them.

>1.) you missed a much cooler plot twist where the adventurers become the armor over time.

Nah he just left it open to what the endgame is I think



>you missed a much cooler plot twist where the adventurers become the armor over time.

Like physically turn into a suit of armor? Okay that's fetishy AF but I like it. this just feel weird, my dnd mojo is giving bad vibes on those a monkey paw sorta thing.

but a good plot point would be to know how come people are buying thoses armours like they are hot cakes....I mean from what OP said, even wizards and rogues are getting this stuff....why? This is giving me the gibblies...

I'm weirded out by the animal themes on the armors. Like, will they start influencing the wearer with some kind of animal spirit? Give them animalistic urges?

That sounds like it would seriously fuck up any non-warriors.

i love this guy's art so much

>1.) you missed a much cooler plot twist where the adventurers become the armor over time.

And eventually end up on the merchant's rack themselves, waiting for a new wearer.

Wasn't there a collaborative story a few years back with a premise similar to this? A community was cursed so that they couldn't not wear heavy armor, going kinda crazy feeling naked if they weren't in it. In addition, the curse was infectious so that if someone saw a cursed person's face they became cursed as well?

>see a pretty picture on deviantart
>need to steal it and make a lame backstory
Veeky Forums as it is.

all the suits joints sieze up at once and the merchants rob the country blind

wait... are the merchants rubbing their hands together while this is going on?

I remember that story! Some bandits tried to lay siege to the town where the curse originated, so the mayor came to parlay and spent as long as he could at their camp with his visor up. About a week later the bandits were begging to be let into town.

Those look like CORPSES not armour

That's one strong midget to carry all that

>On the third anniversary of the arrival of the merchants, a great armoured host arrives at the border of the northernmost realm
>As the kingdom's forces gather to ride out and meet them, their armour all simultaneously locks up, utterly and completely trapping everyone who wears it
>The vast majority of the kingdom's fighting population are trapped and die, as the armour can no longer be removed
>Before a warning can get out to any other kingdoms not to wear the armour, the entire kingdom is destroyed by the incredibly rapid, inexhaustible march of the invaders

Probably a demon


Or a fey/more traditional goblin.

It reminds me a lot of Brian Froud stuff



armor is for scholars

I love this kind of art

Aren't there guys from 2nd edition D&D that are like this? They're blue and stuff and sell stuff, but I can't remember their name for the life of me.

