Death > your alliance
>General's Handbook pdf!DxRGmTZL!x_L0eobCjr4qrF7enhVlZ2DffTtRa3hdDrc5RctcAbE
>army builder
>Current Rumors
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Death > your alliance
>General's Handbook pdf!DxRGmTZL!x_L0eobCjr4qrF7enhVlZ2DffTtRa3hdDrc5RctcAbE
>army builder
>Current Rumors
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Also the poor cunts that get all the needs and no releases
>Elves in Age of Sigmar
What were the most popular factions in WHFB?
Vampire Cunts, High/Dark Elves, Chaos Warriors, Skaven, Lizardmen and Empire.
Tell me/us about your dudes in AoS!
>Horses in age of sigmar
Haven't given it too much thought. But as far as i've come is that my Scourge privateers are a raiding fleet, who are led by a cruel and eccentric captain with a taste for theatrics (Mainly to give me a reason to use Lokhir's old model)
Kinda like a gay sea hitler?
Out of curiosity, how many months were there between the last release for End Times and the reveal of AoS?
W H E N ?
>Sigmar in Age of Sigmar
How's this looking for a changette going to run her as a Herald of Tzeentch on Disc? Wanted to go for a less scantly-clad barbarian furryslut look than normal and I think that worked out fairly well.
Rose in her hair is going to be replaced by a tiny mark of Tzeentch.
Might sculpt some bird claws in place of the boots and I'm not sure if I should lose the ruffled collar or add ruffles elsewhere on the mini.
Yeah i suppose that's apt. I blame elves and their mannerisms!
Ogroid Thaumaturge (160)
- General
20 x Gors (160)
- Gor Blade & Beastshield
20 x Gors (160)
- Gor Blade & Beastshield
20 x Gors (160)
- Gor Blade & Beastshield
20 x Gors (160)
- Gor Blade & Beastshield
3 x Bullgors (180)
- Great Axe
3 x Bullgors (180)
- Great Axe
3 x Stormfiends (300)
- Warplaced Armour & Doomflayer Gauntlets
Cygor (200)
Hell Pit Abomination (300)
Warp Lightning Cannon (180)
Warp Lightning Cannon (180)
Doomwheel (140)
Total: 2460/2500
Rate please.
>2500 points
What's wrong with 2500?
Rate my tournament list
Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals
Lord Celestant On Stardrake (600)
- General
- Celestine Hammer
- Trait: Shielded by Faith - Stormcast Eternals
- Artefact: Mirrorshield
- Stardrake Trait: Keen-clawed
Lord Castellant (100)
Lord Castellant (100)
Lord Castellant (100)
Lord Relictor (80)
- Prayer: Divine Light
5 x Liberators (100)
5 x Liberators (100)
5 x Judicators (160)
3 x Vanguard-Raptors with Longstrike Crossbows (180)
3 x Vanguard-Raptors with Longstrike Crossbows (180)
2 x Concussors (280)
Total: 1980/2000
The plan is to put all castellant buffs on the stardrake to give him +3 save and healing 3 wounds every time he rolls a 4+ to save. Mirrorshield and Relictor prayer help ensure stardrake survives focus fire. Even with Rend-3 the Stardrake still has a 3+ save that rerolls 1s.
Stardrake tries to engage the entire enemy army while virtually immune to regular combat damage. The concussors flank and raptors shoot key targets like buff heroes and wizards or anything that can deal mortal wounds to the stardrake.
I'm thinking a 4th Castellant might be the way to go instead of the Relictor.
Why are darkelves in grand alliance Order?
Unless your local store plays that point value alot, you wont see many games. 1000 or 2000 for those strictly using the book since those are what tournaments use. If you do find a 2500 game, its cause some tourney decided they wanted a 4 hr match per round.
Oh okay.
Congrats you've made a no fun list. He is still capable to getting mortal wound sniped. Skyre would remove him pretty handily with 6 stormfiends. Tzeentch could throw enough spells at him just to hurt him enough, and skyfyres could also lay some hurt into him.
Order wise, a hurricannum can do some damage to him.
Destruction wise, i think it won't die to him, unless you fight some spiderfang grots with momma spider who could get a 4+ do d6 mortal wounds.
Death... just trying to kill everything would be annoying enough. Again it's a bodies thing. A horde of zombies could attempt to tie up the stardrake for a long time.
Is khorne or tzeentch better in AoS?
What about undivided?
Pic untelated
Trust me, I feel ya though. I own roughly 3k points of destruction and I will never get to field it outside of a few games, and the only opponents that I know who can field that might, are sylvaneth players who are my worst match up due to their ability to modify saves and not awful range or melee.
Why blades and shields?
>Not Chaos
>Actually build civilisations instead of rampaging around destroying shit.
Ordered doesn't mean nice.
I want them for tarpitting, so shields make them a bit tougher.
im onboard with that.
Ok guys, I will be keeping this updated as they come along. Is there anything you can think of that I missed?
These are specifically the rumour engine teasers
Are chaos warriors, knights, etc. decent as tzeentch? I bought the Getting Started box set
They can take the tzeentch keyword and become tzeentch, providing synergy with that stuff in the disciples of tzeentch book
Tzeentch is stronger with its unique units, with the Slaves to Darkness stuff the playing field is a lot more even.
Can't I just take both? Or should I take Tzeentch unique stuff for some formation?
>reddit rats
Stop bullying Skaven.
Do chaos warriors with the Tzeentch keyword count as having Allegiance to Tzeentch?
They can take it, yes.
They obviously can't take Tzeentch and Slaves to Darkness allegiance, though.
I don't get this allegiance thing.
Can anyone explain?
When armybuilding, you get to take one Allegiance that corresponds to the build of your army.
Say I have an army of Bonesplittas. I can choose to either have them take Bonsplitta allegiance, or have them take Destruction allegiance. This gives them a selection of special abilities and items corresponding to their Allegiance.
It's easy. Let's say you want to build a nice mixed chaos army. You can use both skaven and slaves to darkness in one list because they all have chaos keyword. On the other hand you can't run stormcast + ironjawz army because first have order keyword and orruks have destruction keyword instead
What parts did you use for that? looks neat
Makes way more sense when you start looking at how stuff works in AoS using the keyword system.
I want to start an FEC army and use Death Allegiance stuff for CTs and Artefacts.
Is my army now marked as Death and I can't use any FEC abilites anymore?
FEC can use both, but Death can't use FEC stuff.
>my hobby shop's skaven player goes to reddit rather than Veeky Forums
this maymay checks out.
Can love bloom even in Death?
Depends on the edition. Wood Elves were everywhere when they got their 6th edition Army Book. Then in 7th edition there was a time of Daemons of Chaos, then Vampire Counts and Dark Elves got their OP books. Also Ogre Kingdoms became pretty popular. Also Dwarfs were always popular because they were Dwarfs. But you might be right about the most popular one at the end of 8th edition.
If you use only FEC units you can use both death and FEC
I'd said that those unknown pictures are Death and Duardin.
I'm sure, I am just only putting up there what's been confirmed on release. I'm not doing assumptions or rumors.
Never probably, and I say this as an elf fag. Pretty sure they're all going to be progressively phased out in favor of Sylvaneth-equivalents.
I don't think the old elf armies will actively be shunned, but I don't see them getting any notable support.
That said, I won't say it's impossible. Normal elves have had some minor spotlight, such as the characters in Warhammer Quest and the Scourge Privateers making an appearance in City of Secrets. Plus, Bonesplitterz got their own battletome.
If they do release battletomes for the OG elves, they'll probably have to recombine and redesign some of their rules, since the synergy and unit count for most of them are absolute shit. Probably bring back the high/dark/wood elf umbrellas with new names, such as the initial compendium categories of highborne/exiles/wanderers.
Head, body, upper arms, and right hand are from the Coven Throne.
Forearms and staff are from Witch Aelves.
Legs and magical swirls from the IoB/SoD Aelf Archmage.
Sword from Chaos Sorcerer Lord.
Wings and tail not in pic, but will be coming out from under the dress to connect with swirls and hide where I had to cut the swirls from the aelf's cape from Kairic Acolyte's Vulcharc.
first one is Custodes vent form Burning of Prospero
no idea about spear
gate looks like a token for board game
coil/engine thing looks orky (40k)
tombstone mite be either scenic base, token for board game or it could be part of big undead abomination
next thing looks like back of blood bowl player
bloodthirster vs no freakin idea, it's supoosed to be lookin in each-other faces, but it could be only shield/weapon/scenery
last one could be either part of board for another warhammer quest or blood bowl pitch
Reposting because not wanting to show off, but just coming to the conclusion of feedback from last thread and wanna make sure I've got the list right on things I need to improve on for the next mini.
>Lighten up on wash, so that it looks more natural
>Be cleaner and use thinner layers of paint
>Don't let wash bunch up on shield and shoulders because it looks too messy
>Lighten up on wash on weapon in particular, as it looks too messy
>Be cleaner on highlighting scale armor
>Be cleaner on gems
Any other things I missed? I'm genuinely trying to make sure I improve with each one. This guy will obviously be in the back regiments lol.
Warshrine + Tzeentch Warrior blob actually any good?
>first one is Custodes vent form Burning of Prospero
nope. pic related
And nothing else has been confirmed. We have yet to see the releases for the unlabeled teaser images.
>first one is Custodes vent form Burning of Prospero
im pretty sure the custodes were already released before they started the rumour engine teasers. and it clearly has a dwarf ancestors symbol on the original image, that one has been cropped for some reason
>no idea about spear
the spear and the coil thingy definitely look related
>gate looks like a token for board game
or a vehicle or piece of terrain. i don't understand why you think it's a board piece
>coil/engine thing looks orky (40k)
too clean. its either 40k or rumored dwarfs
>tombstone mite be either scenic base, token for board game or it could be part of big undead abomination
probably. im guessing stuff for undead in bloodbowl
>next thing looks like back of blood bowl player
i can see that, but not sure which right now
>bloodthirster vs no freakin idea, it's supoosed to be lookin in each-other faces, but it could be only shield/weapon/scenery
its been discussed a lot and pretty majorly agreed to be related to the first one because there is a ancestral dwarf symbol on it
>last one could be either part of board for another warhammer quest or blood bowl pitch
if they are doing an undead team for BB, i could see it being part of the pitch
> or blood bowl pitch
I hadn't even thought about that, I bloody hope not. It'd be nice for AoS to get some real acknowledgement, we've got some nice new releases but it feels like we've really been on the backburner
desu I'm not seeing anything dwarf-related in any parts you mentioned there. Those vents and that thaing that is fighting bloodthirster is not even close to models form dwarf range (like gyrocopters)
>inb4 another (3rd or 4th including fyreslyers) subfaction of dwarfs with whole new line of models
I would not put my hope in something like that
Yeah sounds about right. The level of wash you've done on the armor is a good shade wash if you do another layer or so of metal over it,leaving most of it in the recesses. Though I'd recommend a darker wash if you'd go that route. Keep at it though!
Except those are obviously dwarf symbols found on a lot of the current range
General extremis armor skew list tips
You'll find objectives a little difficult with such small model count
Dracothian guard are the real heroes of extremis, the star Drake is awesome but he's a distraction carnifex + artillery combo who can eat sergeants
The issue is that he doesn't really clear units, you need fulminators or more cuncussors to do that. The real issue with your list is that two cuncussors + 2 units of raptors won't kill enough.
You've got the tarpit, but not enough of a hammer.
What do you think of my proxy greatsword idea for hinterlands Veeky Forums ? Needs a bit more work to make it less obviously a SoS but I'm happy with what some perry arms and heads can do.
>go on facebook
>see this
>come into this thread
>see this
it looks good mayne, maybe a little hair-crest or candles on the head/shoulder to aos28ify it a bit more.
the SoS kit is awesome, and she doesnt look too much like an sos. i think you converted it well
My stuff
Since I post it so often, I wonder if I should be a namefag?
I am a fan of AOS and WHFB.
Would you want to see GW throw WHFB folks a bone.
How would you want it to be done? Not gameplay wise but just lore wise?
My idea: Have random pocket dimensions of old world shit that in the explosion of the old world shattered off and froze separated from time/space only to be accessed by realm gates.
Maybe do a boardgame about exploring and salvaging shit from them.
Shielded by Faith gives the drake a 5+ ignore MW.
With a 5+ save against mortal wounds and good healing output it's not very likely to do 16 wounds to the drake in a single turn.
Stormfiends are a problem but the stardrake can easily outmaneuver them, even with Sayl buffing them, until the raptors can wear them down and get them low enough for the stardrake to finish them off.
>Would you want to see GW throw WHFB folks a bone.
They did. It's called total war: warhammer
So you mean I should go over it again with another layer of retributor armor and avoid the recesses where the wash is?
New to the game and here's my first attempt at writing a list, it's essentially based on what what models I thought looked nice, is it workable or in need of some serious revisions?
Allegiance: Order
Spirit of Durthu (400)
- General
- Trait: Warsinger - Sylvaneth
- Artefact: Briarsheath
Treelord Ancient (300)
- Artefact: Acorn of the Ages
- Deepwood Spell: Treesong
Branchwych (100)
- Deepwood Spell: Regrowth
20 x Dryads (240)
5 x Tree-Revenants (100)
5 x Tree-Revenants (100)
3 x Kurnoth Hunters (180)
- Scythes
3 x Kurnoth Hunters (180)
- Scythes
3 x Kurnoth Hunters (180)
- Greatbows
3 x Kurnoth Hunters (180)
- Greatbows
Free Spirits (40)
Sylvaneth Wyldwood - Sylvaneth Allegiance (0)
Total: 2000/2000
I think a Battles in the Old World supplement would be pretty good but lore wise I would be fine with a gate being found to another version of the old world.
Parallel worlds in WHFB are a long tradition anyway, with planescape going on in AoS it doesn't seem like a stretch at all.
Hey I'm that extremis player that gave some tips earlier: skaven are absolutely capable of melting your celestant with mortal wounds but you've got the tools to stop them before they ever get the chance (star drake meteors, raptors, judicator primes)
The stardrakes fun, I love him, but he's the party tank not the dps. Let your opponent think he's the big fucking deal when in reality it's your dracothian guard
Candle, good call.
I was thinking of shaving some of the details off the tabard and replacing it with the twin tailed comet talisman from the flagellants kit, But I'm not sure how sigmary i want her to be yet.Need to mess around abit.
I like to spread myself around...Like herpes.
There are little bits of the old world here and there. Mordheim apparently just warps in and out of the realms in different places, The flesh eater courts believe that they're bretonnians, And kislev is in the realm of beasts being rules by an ice queen.
Don't forget that the entirety of east Asia including the land of qin, ind and nihon exists in the realm of fire
Where can I read more about this?
Yeah. It's a bit harder with the large ammount of flat areas on it, But it think it's a good idea. THough i'd recommend a brown was for the next one, like reikland fleshshade or Agrax earthsahde. But give it a try. Can't hurt!
For highlighting i'd recomment something like Liberator armor and stormhost silver, but that's something we can discuss later.
It's all spread around the campaign books and novels. I barely read them but I do get told them by customers and by other staff who do read all the new releases. I'm pretty sure alot of it is in godbeasts or the novels accompanying it.
Currently, as is, it's got a wash of Biel-Tan green, then on the metal areas, highlights of Auric Armor and finally Liberator. Then I put a glaze of Waywatcher green on the whole thing to make it a bit of a brighter tint. The goal is to make the thing have that greenish tint. If I do the Agrax Earthshade/Reikland fleshshade, would I still be able to make the thing green overall?
Did not know this. cool.
(And then the fire nation attacked..And got raped by chaos.)
No using reikland or any other brown was if your goal is to give it a green tint is probably not going to work.
If you do a waywatcher green tint over the whole armor, i'd recommend thinning it, like 50/50 but maybe even something like 75/25 with lhamean medium as the primary thinning agent (Or glaze medium, or whatever medium-like you can get your hand on) Because currently it's a bit too thick and covers your highlight work, which sounds to me to be proper.
Here's my take on your intention with your list
Allegiance: Order
Lord Celestant On Stardrake (600)
- General
- Celestine Hammer
- Trait: Shielded by Faith - Stormcast Eternals
- Artefact: Relic Blade
- Stardrake Trait: Keen-clawed
Lord Castellant (100)
- Stardrake Trait: Keen-clawed
Lord Castellant (100)
- Stardrake Trait: Keen-clawed
5 x Liberators (100)
- Warhammers
5 x Liberators (100)
- Warhammers
5 x Judicators (160)
- Skybolt Bows
2 x Fulminators (240)
4 x Concussors (560)
Total: 1960/2000
You really don't need 4 castellants, 2 is fantastic and more than sufficient. 6 dracothians will fucking decimate whatever they hit and that list is surprisingly shooty
>Worded that they stack, I think from memory one is for wounds the other is for slain?
>Deathless Minions: "Roll a dice for each WOUND OR MORTAL WOUND inflicted on a Death unit from your army that is within 10" of your general or another Hero in your army."
>Wight King's Infernal Standard: "Roll a dice each time a Death model from your army is SLAIN within 9" of an Infernal Standard."
Oh yeah, that seems to be the case. So, Deathless Minions is basically a second Save, whereas the Infernal Standard is more like the Necrons' old Resurrection Protocols special rule. Thanks, user.
Gotcha, so keep doing what I'm doing but thin the waywatcher green to those amounts and I should be good?
I think you need at least 3 castellants because Rend reduces your save roll, which counteracts the bonus to the save roll, which means rolling a 7+ is harder to do
If the enemy has Rend-1 you only heal on a roll of 6, and with Rend-2 it's impossible to heal in combat
Partly this which is a great adaptation of WHFB.
But I also like this >I think a Battles in the Old World supplement would be pretty good but lore wise I would be fine with a gate being found to another version of the old world.
Especially since I don't think full-on planets have been dismissed as existing in the Mortal Realms.
>And kislev is in the realm of beasts being rules by an ice queen.
Wait, what? That sounds awesome. I need more on this, or at least a source.
Anyone has that image of two lizardmen/seraphon trying to get laid with a human girl and going
>It's ok we're angels now
>We promised 2017 was going to be an awesome year for both Warhammer 40,000 and Warhammer Age of Sigmar and we meant it.
>Over the next few weeks, the Warhammer Community team will be attending several events around the world, and we’ll be showing off some of the incredible new releases coming in the next few months, as well as a few projects the studios have been working on.
I must admit that i've never tried tinting, but i think it might help, since at the moment I think it's a bit too powerful.
If it doesn't work out you're more than welcome to blame me, though!
or rather; never tried tinting metals.
I see what you're getting at, but remember they FAQ'd it so that the castellants buff only heals wounds you've already taken (you heal all your 7+'s and then take all your wounds, in that order)
On the other hand the real benefit of castellants is that they're a GUARANTEED and unbind-proof arcane shield caddy that also stacks plus comes on a beefy hero for the same cost as most wizards.
A star Drake with a 1+ save rerolling 1's will be essentially immune to shooting and can tank -2 rend very easily.
Come on Duardin, I want some cool steampunk shit.
What are even those things and stickmen under nef and ark?
Doing a Tzeentch allegiance army, are Chosen or Knights better for Tzeem?
Honestly, I'm not a big fan of chaos knights in general. I feel they need a lord on demonic mount to really work.
Tzeentch has enough options without them. But they wont be any worse in Tzeentch if you run them with a demonic mounted lord, than if they were in Slaves to darkness, they'll just be competing with better units.
Soon indeed.