Can somebody give me a quick rundown on the horus heresy? Was horus really in the wrong or is he truly evil?
Can somebody give me a quick rundown on the horus heresy? Was horus really in the wrong or is he truly evil?
Attached image shows how the Heresy started, Horus has some minor doubts about 'Big E which under normal circumstances would have been ignored.
But then Chaos happened and well...When the voices in your head can also bend reality you tend to trust them.
As for Horus being Evil... Depends on the Era and personal preference.
I see it as this:
Start of the Heresy=Good, if misguided intentions
After tricking Leman Russ into burning Prospero and fucking both Magnus and the Thousand sons into oblivion=Horus became an irredeemable bastard.
Technically, it wasn't really Horus' fault. It was Lorgar, who was a fucking stupid asshole.
Horus is sort of a puppet, because the Chaos Gods are directly influencing him. The real architect is Lorgar, and Kor Phaeron / Erebus.
Horus was wrong.
The Emperor isn't a god. He can and does make mistakes. However, he is essentially on a "Golden Path" like in the Dune series. IE The human race will die unless something is done and the Emperor is trying to prevent that from happening. He does bad things, but in the grand scheme his plan and his actions are for the good of mankind.
Horus never starts out as evil and is not an evil person. However, he was corrupted by Chaos. It is important to note that humans are weak to resisting the powers of chaos due to unchecked emotion/psychic connect to the warp. Only the Emperor has the power to challenge the chaos gods. So when Horus was weakest and the Emperor out of sight, the forces of Chaos sowed the seeds of doubt in his mind. His intentions are good because there are some things that the Emperor does that are kind of dick moves. This is how it gets into Horus' mind that he is right. Overtime he becomes so corrupted though they he cannot see what he has become. Chaos taking over Terra is bad for everyone involved.
So in summation:
Horus a good dude who was tricked and lured into being bad
The Emperor kind of a dick, but in the batman way in that his overall goals and actions are noble despite how much of an asshole he can be.
Ollanius Pius is the true hero of the Imperium.
Horus wasn't evil. Horus was a pawn.
You see it comes down to the standard problem in the 40k Universe, the Four Gods of Chaos.
The Emperor knew of them, and wanted to safeguard Humanity from the warp entities, so tried to eliminate religion, because faith in gods could lead to faith in the true gods.
Lorgar, who'd been kinda worshipping the Emperor as a god, took his father's complaints about his proselytising harshly. This made him particularly susceptible when his foster father, and secret worshipper of Chaos, told him about the true gods.
Lorgar fell to Chaos, and worked on corrupting Horus as well: when Horus was lying wounded from a nurglite blade, Lorgar sent someone -- disguised as one of Horus' comrades -- to reveal a dark future where the Emperor was worshipped as a god. And told him a bunch of shit about the Chaos Gods being peaceful with little interest in the materium, and that the Emperor was attacking them in his quest for godhood.
This, along with the revelation that the Emperor had used warp energies -- that he had forbade research into -- to make the Primarchs, caused Horus to fall to Chaos and start the heresy.
Then later, Horus went into a gate to the warp, which his father had used to gain the power to make the Primarchs, to become a godlike figure like the Emperor.
When he came out he was the Horus most people know, the god-like figure able to oppose the Emperor... but the question is, was he truly Horus any more?
>but the question is, was he truly Horus any more?
No of course he wasnt. He got the dicks of all four gods rammed so far up his ass his soul was fucked out of his body.
And that's the answer. Bit of a pity for Horus.
Lied to, manipulated, a fighter for liberation... but then he gets turned into something he'd hate.
A bit like his dad in that respect.
He was tricked. He was shown a vision of the grimdark shitty future which caused him to rebel, but didn't get the context of that future being the result of his rebellion.
>The Emperor isn't a god. He can and does make mistakes.
To be fair, whether he's a god wouldn't have anything to do with whether he can make mistakes. The Chaos Gods are gods, and they make mistakes from time to time.
>to reveal a dark future where the Emperor was worshipped as a god
To add insult to ironic injury, that dark future Horus saw was pretty much the current state of the 40K Imperium. Some Primarchs? Venerated, honoured. Horus? Not at all. The Emperor? Seen as a god.
That, I think, is the cruelest part of the entire joke.
You know, it'd be even more hilarious if it wasn't Guilimann that got brought back, but the original Horus, displaced through time.
He's just having to pretend to be Roboute because his name has become the equivalent of Satan.
So he's still trying to fight against the future he saw, which he helped bring about, while fulfilling his father's dream, and repenting for all his sins.
you know in hindsight not telling anyone about Chaos and then sending your demigod children in a centuries-long crusade in a universe full of Chaos and Chaos worshippers was pretty fucking stupid
Gotta get back
Back to the past.
Horus, Primarch.
Yes, I know it doesn't rhyme that well but I'm trying.
i love it.
how would Horus react after seeing the current state of the Imperium, though?
Considering that's exactly what he was shown as a vision of the future, I'd say he'd probably react by trying to start a civil war.
And then in the final fight he was momentarily purged of chaos taint, in that moment he was himself again, but his soul had to be erased before the gods could hijack it again, some depictions imagine him begging to be destroyed, silently or vocally
Despair, but also even more despair when he realises it's his fault.
>realises it's his fault.
I doubt it, if anything he'll feel even more justified for his original Rebellion. After all if he had won this whole mess could have been avoided and the galaxy would be a paradise under his rule
They all was wrong. Except Blackshields
But his rebellion was never meant to succeed. He was being played by forces bigger than him, meant to think he was the master when he was the slave.
After being possessed, Horus would now know this, and he'd realise that the Emperor's goal was never to become a god. That his rebellion wasn't needed.
Most primarchs wouldn't be able to handle it. Hell, that's why most of them disappeared.
They were not made with the idea of failure being a possibility
i dont really know the 40k lore.
how did horus even come as close as the earth? and what happened afterwards? did horus' death weaken the chaos forces and they retreated?
>how did horus even come as close as the earth?
he had many dudes
>and what happened afterwards? did horus' death weaken the chaos forces and they retreated?
but most importantly, the space wolves and dark angels (who were both basically untouched by the heresy) arrived
them being on the way was why Horus lowered his shields and tried to tempt sanguinius/kill the emperor
search for the siege of terra short story by bill king, it goes over pretty much everything
>Dark Angels basically untouched
>Half the legion went to chaos
thanks for the insight
they only found out about that AFTER the heresy
-Primarchs bow to Horus
-In contact with aliens
-Possess psychic-like abilities
-Control Black Legion with an iron but fair fist
-Own castles & banks intergalactically
-Direct descendant of the Emperor
-Will bankroll the first cities in the Eye of Terror (Horusgrad will be be the first city)
-Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Mars
-First designer Primarch babies will in all likelihood be Horus babies
-said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & The Emperor
-Ancient Indian scriptures tell of an angels who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
-He owns Hereteck Nano R&D labs around the galaxy
-You likely have Horusbots inside you right now
-Horus is in regular communication with the Daemons Michaelezika and Gabrizafos, forwarding the word of the Dark Gods to the Chaos Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between Lorgar & the Word Bearers (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Word Bearers leader’s first trip to Colchis in history literally a few days later to the Horus bunker in Wilkes land?
-He learned fluent French in under a week
-Planets entrust their Tithes reserves with the twins. There’s no gold in Ft. Ullanor, only Ft. Horus
-Horus is about 700 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
-In reality, he is a timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don’t know his ultimate plans yet. We know the chaos gods are not benevolent beings.
Dafuq are you even talking about?
It's a bad meme.
Horus doomed humanity because despite being given supreme command over the entire imperial military
Despite being made the greatest hero of the imperium
despite the respect and admiration of trillions
just wasn't satisfied. So he killed trillions to try and make an even bigger grab for power.
His "good intentions" are a steaming pile, because he recruited "murderfucker" angron, "Gas em all fuck sorting them out." mortarion, "EAT THEIR BABIES AND POP THE PREGGOS!" curze and "Austistic screeching" perty.
He'd kill himself. Hopefully.
Horus should have been fed to perty at birth. Utterly irredeemable piece of shit. Just like angron, curze and magnus.
And mighty Horus, proudest of the primarchs, was stretched beyond all repair that day.
Started with good intentions operating on misleading information. Though he was extreme in his execution of it, but War is practically all he knows.
But by the end he was just running on pure hate for the Imperium and everyone in it..
Road to hell and all that.
Why on Earth would the DA leave half of their legion on Caliban during the crusade?
>"quick rundown" button auto-Bogdanoffs
Brilliant. I want five.
>‘We failed, father,’ said Guilliman, his
words tired and leaden with sorrow. ‘You
failed your sons, and we, in our turn,
failed you. And now, to compound our
arrogance and vainglory, we have failed
all of them, too. Did Horus not say that
you sought godhood? He built a rebellion
upon that claim. How he would gloat, to
see the Imperium now.
It wasnt half, but he left a lot and they made more marines while they were waiting to go to war. In angels of caliban, luther has 30,000 marines garrisoned on caliban
Guilliman is kind of a whiny faggot desu.
I'll cut off your mon-keigh manhood if you say something mean about Guilly.
Dorn should have returned instead prove me wrong.
No, the Emperor was the real evil.
Picture related. It's our favorite guy Laurie Goulding.
Forced meme on /pol/ perpetuated by an easy to use copypasta and several Australians.
Always came across as a complete dickwad wanker to me. Red font at the top just verifies it.
It actually didn't come down to ideology or anything like that at all.
Horus was just on a Chaos Planet, and had been tricked into using a Chaos Weapon, and then got stabbed by a Chaos Monster, and then was treated by a local using Chaos Magic, and that made him Totes The Worst Chaos Evil Evaaar.
Sooo deep! Many layers! Such wow!
ohh, the neckbeard who happens to run BL and needs folks from Veeky Forums to do his work for him? What a shocker.
why is 40k run by numales and hacks nowadays? wathever happened to the people that wrote most shit for 3rd and early 4rd edition?
>Horus was just on a Chaos Planet, and had been tricked into using a Chaos Weapon
I love how the whole HH books always end up making something else the cause of blame.
40K has become he-man and masters of the universe, Rick Priestly was right all fucking long. No wonder why he left the company, his baby in the hands of such babyadults.
it's true though, you can't be proved wrong
I think they went on to do other things because GW became a less fun company to work at.
>death to the false emperor
>not the enemies of the false emperor
Isn't he currently playing pretend custodes?
>why is 40k run by numales and hacks nowadays? wathever happened to the people that wrote most shit for 3rd and early 4rd edition?
Company went publically traded, scummy condescending businessmen took over (you know the kind, have no idea what the fuck product they're actually selling, like "yeah kid, buy our space elf marines or whatever"), old guard left because they couldn't put up with all the new bullshit and No Fun Allowed being done for sake of profits ("yeah no more articles on the site about building terrain for cheap using craft store materials, we're gonna only encourage our customers to buy Citadel Fortresses™ and charge a fuckton, also get rid of all that background story stuff, the website should just be the models and a lot of BUY NOW buttoms amirite?"), and then these some monkeysuit wearing cocksucking faggots were in charge of hiring new writers and designers to replace the ones who left, and mainly picked ones who would shut up and do what they were told for a paycheck instead of ones that were actually talented or creative.
The only reason 40k is still mildly good is because a few of the old guys who still care managed to stick around through all that (Goodwin, Kelly, a couple others) and lately the company is starting to turn some things around a little bit.
>quick rundown
What about an expeditious explanation instead?
>Wont need legions or Primarchs in webway.
A place that *ALSO HAS DAEMONS* and is full of fucking Eldar.
Horuuuuuuus! Whyyyyyyyyyyyyy?!
(Sobs, hugging his Luna Wolves pillow for comfort)