Not seen a thread about this game I stumbled upon when a bunch of people were recruiting for a game, and I'm quite enjoying myself thus far. What does the rest of Veeky Forums think of it?
What does Veeky Forums think of Frostgrave?
There are two factions
1. Those who like Frostgrave as a cozy adventure game to be played with friends. Tend to skip over or home-rule the most obvious flaws and insist that the game isn't competitive, so it doesn't matter as much if it's perfectly balanced or there are exact rules for all situations.
2. Those who hate the rules for perceived flaws, the validity of which vary, and are not content before the game's designer, its player base and anyone asking about it are all face down in a ditch being buried in wet concrete (bullet to the back of the head optional). They coined the term "Frostgrave Internet Defense Force" for anyone who argue their point.
There used to be good a Frostgrave General on here up till a few months ago. I guess the constant shitposting and fighting from the anti-Frostgrave crusaders put an end to it.
>retarded shill fondly remembers his retarded shilling
I'm still waiting for their proper solo supplement
It's a comfy beer and pretzels skirmish ruleset. You can play with a handful of minis and dice and is perfect to get new players into wargaming.
If you are looking for something more complex you better look towards Mordheim or Star-struck city
Also the plastic kits are top notch, probably amongst the best multi-part plastics out there.
What is star struck city?
Not-Mordheim by Mantic
There we go.
Frostgrave is one of the best games to emerge in the last 20 years. It is easy, fun and won't drain your pocket book. A great game for introducing people into miniature/rpg/wargaming.
>A great game for introducing people into miniature/rpg/wargaming.
>introduce people to wargaming
>so that they can piss away thousands of dollars and hang out with smelly neckbeards
Why would you even do that to people you like?!?
>thousands of dollars
>skirmish games
I can back that up, even with my hideous painjobs, they look great.
>not building them warbands from your excess of models
>not playing as a closed group of friends
>not making it a week/fornight/month-ly beer and pretzel catch up
>not seeing them buy their own models to represent their warband as your campaign builds
Your the shit friend user.
>I guess the constant shitposting and fighting from the anti-Frostgrave crusaders put an end to it.
That is very far from the truth. This game just isn't popular enough and can't sustain discussion for constant threads like other games.
I have a hard time seeing it that way, especially when Kingdom Death and Malifaux exist. I bought the cultist and soldier kits and they are closer in quality to Mantic's kits, but with poorer proportions.
The only problem I have with Frostgrave is all the terrain you need to get.
And the Bestiary could be more generic. Reaper Bones range cheaply covers some of it though.
>Frostgrave is one of the best games to emerge in the last 20 years.
Hyperbole like this is what killed /fgg/ and prevents any serious discussion about the game.
The fact that you retards don't understand the damage you do to a system you claim to love by spewing utter bollocks like that is truly staggering.
You are your own worst enemy and deserve all the shitposting you get.
Frostgrave is at best a mediocre and poorly designed game that can be fun with the right people (like literally any game on the planet) and at worst a completely unbalanced D20 rolling contest that punishes players for playing thematically and rewards powergaming.
I don't mind a generic beastery. Not everything has to reinvent the wheel.
At least it's better than AoS.
Dead game with not enough meat to it, wow only my Mage gets to level up how fun! Now I don't need to worry about these 11 other jabronis!
Not an arguement
Don't forget that the expensive jabronis have literally no reason to exist because Frostgrave is roll high the game.
What's that? Your knight rolled a 13 and my thug rolled a 16? Looks like your 100pt unit just got beaten in combat by a 20pt one! It's almost as if stats don't matter at all! What a great game!
This is of course implying that a fight ever happens at all, as we all know the best way to win at Frostgrave is to bum rush the treasure and leg it making all stats but move completely and utterly irrelevant.
That suits me fine though, if there's one thing I hate in wargames it's player interaction. I hate it almost as much as player agency.
The best part of Frostgrave are the plastic minis.
Yes, people likeing a game is awful and needs to stop, and clearly has no place on Veeky Forums
Frostgrave is a peice of trash, as far as the 'Campaign Gang Skirmish' games go. I gave it a chance, because I love this type of game. But it's just bad.
Let me list why.
1. The base dice mechanics don't work.
You have a target number to 'hit' a target, and how high you roll on that die determines your damage. But modifiers such as enemy having cover only increase the target number, not modify the final roll. Models have 10-15 HP, and a target number of usually 10ish. What does that mean? That rolling 11-14 is just meaningless chip damage, and 18 or especially 20 is instant death. Stuff like cover, throwing up smoke walls, windstorms to deflect arrows... do nothing. You still get headshot out of the blue.
2. The campaign system lacks variety
You can hire gang members. They're mostly identical except one has 12 HP instead of 10, and a bunch of barely meaningful 5% stat differences. The most effective two units are just attack dogs, or thieves that are just porters for objectives. The magic items are boring as hell (ooh, there's like 12 magic items, and 5 of them are '+1 weapon' type boring)
3. You barely have progression
Only your wizard gains levels. And that sucks. He can gain spells, and most of those spells are useless.
4. Magic sucks.
Your spells have a high chance of hurting you when you fail to cast them. Imagine if Warmachine caused your Warcaster to lose life whenever he missed. Ugh. This is made worse by the fact that wizards with even a half dozen games of XP suck at casting, and usually fail about a third to half the time at mid difficulty spells. Other spells barely do anything (ooh, you raised the target number to hit with arrows by 1 or 2? That did nothing.)
5. Elementalist does everything best.
Only one school of magic is good. It's the school with the best attack spells. Some (like the Witch) have useless spells that don't do anything.
I can go on, but this is just from a few games from a campaign everyone walked away from.
We have a small number of people that like it. It's a nice game and we had a general (frostgrave fridays) but there wasn't enough people to keep them alive here.
I like it. It's casual skirmish with fun dice blunders and my wallet doesn't need to be wrung out to play.
On a related note, anyone have experience with star-struck city?
like clockwork
As someone who owns a lot of KD and Mantic stuff... I think they're just aimed at different audiences. A single KD mini is the same price as a box of Frostgrave Cultists, Fighters, Barbarians or Gnolls... They're also not regiments, like the Mantic stuff.
I found the rules a bit... lacking in detail. Having picked up the 'Breeding Pits' book, I think that it could be made into a decent dungeon-crawl ruleset though.... with some modifications.
>That is very far from the truth.
Funny, when /fgg/ died and the game became a topic in /awg/, the same happened, to the point that various /awg/ iterations got completely derailed due to frostgrave turf war.
Do you want a tight ruleset for a nice competitive brawl with your friends? Look elsewhere.
Do you want a simple game to play with friends and have fun and laugh at the dice results? Play bloodbowl,
Do you want the same as the above but with glaring rule flaws, that will let you push a barbarian into a giant frost worm or chew a 100 gold knight with a 10g dog, then try frostgrave?
People liking a game is fine, people putting a game on a pedestal and talking about it like it's the second coming of christ isn't.
It kills discussion, sours interest, and leads to shit posting.
Seriously this was the sequence of events that lead to the downfall of /fgg/:
>hey guys let's talk about frostgrave
>why? what is it?
>"it's one of the best games to emerge in the last 20 years! It's like Mordheim! It's the fantasy skirmish game you've always wanted! You can do anything!"
>wow I gotta get in on that frostgrave action
>*plays game*
>I dunno guys I played it and it's nothing like Mordheim, and the balance and game design are pretty crappy ...
So with actual discussion impossible as /fgg/ had established itself as a hugbox full of man babies with all dissenting opinions dismissed as shitposting the actual shitposting started and it never stopped.
The End.
Yeah, no. That's not how it happened.The only bit of it that's accurate I'd that Veeky Forums thought it was a new Mordheim game.
Yes, yes it is.
>People liking a game is fine, people putting a game on a pedestal and talking about it like it's the second coming of christ isn't.
THIS. You couldn't seriously discuss Frostgrave's flaws - and there are many - without someone shitposting about how great it really is, how anyone who doesn't like it is being mean, etc., etc., etc.
Is it the worst game my group has ever played? Hell, no. Not by a long shot.
Is it even mediocre enough to be part of our rotation? Hell, no. Not by a long shot.
It's a good beer & pretzel game for people who don't know there are other beer & pretzel games.
It's kinda weird how...meh...most of the mage stuff is. Considering the mage is the cornerstone of the game.
I could see a lot of room for 'Badass mage and his expendable mooks' as a game. An elementalist calling up creatures of elemental power to smash through ranks of undead or summoned fey...but the mooks are all rather generic/mordhiemy.
If I was going to do something like it I'd make minions more based on your wizard type and come in either 'Named + gets experiance' (Very rare. So a witch might have a Sidhe knight or an elementalist a Djinni) and 'Doesn't gain experience but are so expendable they can even be resummoned in the same game' (Carrior crows, zombies, pixies, minor elementals etc)
A bit more like Mordhiem where you have your Badass Motherfucker Master, an also badass motherfucker (If less versatile or a bit less badass) henchman...and then the expendable guys.
>I could see a lot of room... (snip of good ideas)
There are many ways the game could be fixed or improved, but any discussion of them will be derailed by Frostgrave boosters shitposting.
It happened in previous /fgg/ and, sadly, it will happen in this one too.
Seems to me you keep derailing the thread to bitch.
Anyone has the link to the .pdf ?
woops sorry I'm a retard
What games would you guys recommend for some campaign based fantasy skirmish? I liked the concept of Frostgrave, but hearing about all the problems it has is somewhat disappointing.
I bought a pack of gnolls for the minis but hadn't considered actually playing the game. I like the models, good variety and relatively cheap. I might get more just to have more models for DnD.
Song of Blades and Heroes. Base game doesn't do magic very well but it's better as a skrimish game and the rules mean there's plenty of statlines to borrow for similar miniatures, or making your own is easy.
Open Combat is also pretty nice, more for historical skirmish though and the unit creation rules are a bit bland compared.
Does is it do injury tracking for individual models?
Yes I believe that's included in the campaign expansion, Song of Deeds and Glory
I can post what I've got when I get home
Oh, that is kick ass. I will certainly be giving it a shot.