Game Finder Thread

>System Preferred
>Times Available (with timezone!)
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
>Contact Info
>Additional Notes

Other urls found in this thread:

>System Preferred
>Times Available (with timezone!)
EST TZ, Saturdays/Sundays. Almost any weekday.
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
>Contact Info
>Additional Notes
Preferably something open world. I've got nothing going on and my last/current game is falling apart.

Both? Mostly player.

>System Preferred
Dnd 5th ed.

>Times Available (with timezone!)
Can start anywhere between 6 am to 6 pm. GMT +0

>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Roll20, Discord. Text only!

>Contact Info
Miro / Panda#9181

>Additional Notes
Again, text only.

>Text only
It's terminal.

I still can't wrap my head around the appeal of text only

>System Preferred
Pathfinder, 5e, and I'd love to try eclipse phase if you're willing to teach
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Monday/Wednesday daytime(noon-5pmish) PST
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Roll20, Skype, Discord, whatever you want Voice heavily preferred
>Contact Info
kingfr0g on skype or Darryl Speed#4136 on discord
>Additional Notes
I sometimes have weird work hours that may interfere if we play at time other than what I listed above, I'll be sure to tell you 1-2 weeks in advance

The ad gives off the feel of a circlejerking magical realm sorta environment.
>ERPing is easy when you don't have to talk yourself and engage the "masculine" stuttering autist on the other end.
Strictly non-magical realm, text-only is much slower and restricts the GM further; ostensibly slowing the campaign down as well. If you are all for taking five hours of real time to cross the street from the tavern to library, by all means, go for it. For people who do not need the most minute detail on a blade grass, text-only can only ever be a trap.
Which brings me to my next point. While playing text-only, you might as well facilitate a play-by-post game. Also boring and runs the risk of being cancerous. (Due to the lack of headway before posting)

>restricts the GM further

How the fuck is that the case?

Gee, if only the GM could grow eight pairs of arms to respond to each player and their individual role-playing.

I don't even know why we have these threads any more.

Nor I. The amount of respectable role-players that you used to be able to find on Veeky Forums has dwindled to almost nothing. Everyone is either autistic, an ERPer, a furry, that guy, a black man, or a cunt.

What day of the week exactly?

You have to go back.

>Not denying your verbal enemy (You)
Seems you are the one that needs to go back.

I'm too sick and out of it right now to explain, let alone argue my point, but I just wanted to say that I've GM'd and played for many years, I genuinely disagree with what you're saying, and think you're completely wrong.


>being this retarded

>Not just enjoying the best of both worlds. Voice for OOC, text for IC has the autistic circlejerk call where everyone spouts memes of voice and the loli ERP without immersion breakage of text only. It's great.

kys cuck famalam

You first negro.

H- he's fast!

>Anime Stuttering


Need two players

>System Preferred

>Times Available (with timezone!)

>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Discord & roll20

>Contact Info
Invite via discord

>Additional Notes
Leaning towards before Robert's Rebellion, Westerlands for House generation
Nobody will be the Lord

everyone, every single one of you and me included who posts in this thread with anything except lfg posts is fucking cancer and needs to shut the fuck up
nobody cares about your autistic opinions about posted games.
if you dont like them dont apply to them


This man understands. You earned this (You)

>System Preferred
GURPS, D&D 5e, Only War
>Times Available (with timezone!)
After 6pm PST
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Roll20, Discord
>Contact Info
Discord: Pwnage_Incarnate#4688
>Additional Notes
Might be willing to try new, unusual, or obscure systems

>no tards
>no autism
>no memes
O-oh... never mind.

Don't need your type, craven.


>System Preferred
Warhammer 40,000 Deathwatch
>Times Available (with timezone!)
EST TZ, Thursdays after 6 pm
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
>Contact Info

GM (actually a player who is the designated party member finder but whatever)
>System Preferred
Palladium Heroes Unlimited. It's a superhero system that's very intuitive and easy to learn, if you're new there'll be no problem with the GM and two players helping you learn the system as we play
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Depends on everyone's availability
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Discord for OOC chat and bullshittery outside of game times, Roll20 for playing
>Contact Info
[email protected] (no that isn't a typo), send that an email and you'll get a discord link
>Additional Notes
This is a text game for RP. Sometimes if we're in combat and it's kind of a long fight we'll hop in voice chat to make it go faster, and sometimes the DM would just rather talk than type, but all RP done by players is text unless you really feel like just talking then whatever.

Dark Heresy 2
6pm EST - 10pm EST Saturdays
>Method of Play
Roll20 & Discord Voice
>Contact Info
>Additional Notes
Pretty straightforward. New Dark Heresy game running on Saturdays. Apply at the link above.

>no tards, autism, or memes
>likes a song of shit and faggots


You're saying that you are not tired of the baggage this hobby has accumulated over the last couple of years?

Now we have to deal with a unfunny comments, boring jokes and memes. The same ones we've all heard. It began as a little laugh but now detracts form storytelling.

>unfunny comments, boring jokes and memes.
An accurate summary of the average GoT fan.


>System Preferred
Pathfinder / WFRP 2nd ed
>Times Available
Weekends around 8PM GMT
>Method of Play
Skype, Discord, Roll20
>Contact Info
>Additional Notes
Never played pathfinder before, but I learned the rules, so it should be fine


40k [OW, DH/2, RT, BC], WHFB RPG, Shadowrun, FantasyCraft, Mutants and Masterminds, nWoD, others just listing the ones I have some familiarity with and I am interested in playing.

Haven’t played in the Cthulhu-verse, but would really like to. Would absolutely love to play some Degenisis or other post-apocalyptic setting. Fragged Empire would be super fun to play as well, have the rule book. Legend of the Five Rings sounds incredibly fun, excited to play.

Open to other suggestions

MST (GMT -7) - Tuesday afternoon / night, Wednesdays, Thursday mornings specifically. I work nights and it sucks.

Discord - RichterRaf #8242

Something that isn't entirely murderhobo would be nice. Voice and Text necessary. Discord is best way to contact me.

Have a ton of RP books that I am willing to share.

Can I get an invite?

We do this to keep the thread bumped. Otherwise the thread would die with every 3 games posted and we might as well just post in an individual thread that we're looking for games.

>System Preferred
D&D 5E, Halo Mythic
>Times Available (with timezone!)
2pm-2am CST not available Fridays after 6:30
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Preferablly tabletop simulator
>Contact Info
Discord: Tish_Guy #1789
Skype: Tish_Guy
>Additional Notes
I don't really play anything besides 5E but I can learn other systems if need be

Do not play with this man, he is a cuck.

Reminder that posting as a player is pointless and that advertising yourself as a forever GM looking to play just sheds light on the fact that your group doesn't like you.

Reminder that pissing in your cheerios is not actually a required step in making cheerios.

Reminder that being a cuck is not a good way to recruit players

Good setting, interesting gear, but I'm really not a fan of how combat works. You're reliant on getting good Initiative rolls in order to actually have some defensive capability, because for some stupid reason defending yourself takes away actual actions.


>Morning GMT (Monday)
>Skype for OOC, roll20 for rolls

Can... can you back that up?

I actually kinda agree with the player part of this. For some reason it comes across at entitled. Like you are too good to ask to join other people's games or something. I know that's not the case but i cant help but feel people who do this are kinda entitled.

Yeah? Your wife is my girlfriend, we were actually just talking about you and how I considered inviting you to our game.

Sorry buddy, she doesn't want you in it. ;)

>a black man

Exactly one. He's not bad, really, just keeps switching games and insists on being a wizard

Forgot to mention time is negotiable on most days so long as its morning.

dumb cuckposter

Do not play with this man, he is a cuck

I'm not him, the guy you called a cuck. I was just wondering. Sorry your... whatever you wanna call it was wasted on me.

>whatever you wanna call it
"fit of autism" would be appropriate

It genuinely makes me sad that these threads don't seem productive anymore. I've met a few cool people here, but it feels like that age is past.

I got a solid group here a few weeks ago. But yeah, all the good players have successfully found groups, evidently.

There's a real problem with Veeky Forums altogether with people not being able to ignore trolls and shitposting.

Maybe if we posted examples of people finding games people would be more motivated and ignore the trolls for a bit. As it stands now the thread coud be renamed to GM Finder.

I don't believe it is Veeky Forums, but general internet communities as a whole. I despise what we see here. Shitposting is everywhere.

I would try to find it, but I honestly feel self depressed and lack being able to keep a group going. Really doesn't help when I finally get the urge to post it and I only get one or two people who respond, and usually both say 'oh well actually doesn't sound like my kind of game' even though I fucking PUT what kind of game it is in my game finder.

I don't even consider myself as having social anxiety but maybe I secretly do.

"normies" came to these websites (really, just younger people and people in general) thinking that being an asshole is expected or enforced, instead of being just an option.

You should only flame people and act like a cock if they are also a cock. That's fine, that's what works. But acting like a cock constantly is shitty, and you can look at some of the boards on this site, like /v/, which literally poisons its own userbase by being full of edgy cunts.


I doubt it is, I suspect it is veteran members who are try desperately to be amusing, entertaining and gain 'you's.

I've been thinking of recruiting players but I will be gming and my girlfriend will be playing I'm torn between just playing one on one with her or subjecting some poor players to a gm gf scenario so she can get the actual experience

Can I play and then rape her IC-ly?

Can I play then rape her OC-ly?

(Though I'm seriously asking about the game because I'm starved for a game right now)

Are you two into cuckolding? I have some character ideas if so, post your contact info.

Honestly to me someone having a girlfriend but being aware of the stereotypical consequences sounds like a positive "GM has a social life and isn't a poorly adjusted neckbeard" to me

>Text-only breaks immersion

Nigger now you've huffed too much spray paint. Have you ever actually played an RPG with real people? It's very hard to enjoy with the type that are normally drawn to this sort of game.

Either they roleplay the hell out of it but make everyone cringe so hard that their asshole prolapses, or they barely say shit and are boring. I much, much prefer text-only and play-by-post, but it's somehow fucking impossible to get a group of 5 faggots to log into one website every day and write a couple of posts despite most of them practically living on the internet anyway.

It blows my fucking mind.

>veteran members
>on here for desperate grabs at attention and not because they actually want to talk about the topic of the board

What kind of faggot is this?

>log into one website every day and write a couple of posts
That's your problem right there. Play by post is cancerous and the worst possible method of playing these games. If you're going to play through text, you need to schedule weekly sessions and have everyone show up at the same time. Use a chat client instead of a forum.

>can't understand why some play text only

Well it's my only option because I'm mute. This is the only reason why I haven't played a game ever.

>ave you ever actually played an RPG with real people?

Yes, playing online is a pale and shallow comparison.

>Not huffing the gas out of airhorns

Be honest to yourself, user. Who is more desperate for attention, recognition and louder in general, younger or older people?

People who drive all their self worth and confidence from replies. Age is a poor indicator.

What kind of system might you guys want to play? Roll20, or email contact?

Tell it to the guy who suspects "veterans"

As someone who doesn't mind text, play-by-post is utterly boring. Text needs the option for snappy, instantaneous remarks to keep it flowing, not just I post a paragraph you post a paragraph.

You are proving the point.

Oh, by Roll20 or email I mean I can give you either, or Skype even but I don't quite have anything else.

Don't bother if you want to play D&D/PF though.

What do you want to run then

>I will be GMing
>what do you want to run


Whatever you say

What systems do you enjoy?

Bringing more attention to this.

That poster presumably got confused and thought you were the person you replied to replying to yourself.

Not a player, but you might want to just up and give some contact information and systems you'd like to run next time

Eastern USA, night/late-night
KusoDM on Roll20, Dusty Attenborough on Discord.
Looking for some players for a fun little generic fantasy game. Not much in mind for now, just wanna be running a consistent game. Text only.

My bad, listing for applications here-

Oh yeah Discord #8431
If you wanna talk about Kamen Rider or Lucha Underground you can go ahead and add me.

Starting level? Setting?

Level 1. Original setting technically, don't really have anything specific in mind. If you wanna go ahead and make some setting stuff up for your character go ahead.

Do you want some cute anime girls here?

I don't mind so long as you type well.

Mystic v3 allowed?

Damnit, Veeky Forums