/pfg/ pathfinder general

Pathfinder General /pfg/

/pfg/ Gods and goddesses Edition:

What are the /pfg/ deities that should be added to the official golorian pantheon?

Amalthea seems like a popular choice.


Unified /pfg/ link repository:pastebin.com/hAfKSnWW

Avowed Playtest 1:drive.google.com/open?id=0B5HkyGRtGZy3SWVhdWFBWERWWjg
Avowed Playtest 2:docs.google.com/document/d/1rV7kaF9JL2gw9xQalkEnlEDL9WXtbsaCqNABm_pLIgc/edit?usp=sharing

Spheres of Might previews:
Part 1:docs.google.com/document/d/1aLaYQEFAWU4zQBx58boJPPaySLgJc0Emmw9eKyIJeGI/
Part 2:docs.google.com/document/d/1pyLq03W2ju58PcKOUq5YXoFowf_weBNzuWtjCMdINXk/edit
Part 3:docs.google.com/document/d/1-LAt9Ti5pcnvHY4KnFRuItCjqtGM-YJC5r_0zXiKKUk/edit
PS: Outdated, playtest should be out next week but that's not a promise.

Bloodforge Infusions updated playtest:docs.google.com/document/d/1GvwMclLSw15slYI7D5xLdjMzr-Nau92hNha9Sx0LOk4/edit#

Old Thread:

its just fuckups all the way down isn't it

When did /pfg/ get all these games? I don't even know which of these are still open or what they're about.

I vote for Rory as official god of shitty memes

Anybody else find it weird how /pfg/ screeches autistically at "slender animu fuccbois" yet small, fey young men are always the ones they push to be the biggest manwhores?

Old Thread:

>buying the autistic screeching

It's the same reason why /pfg/ will call a character their waifu in one breath, and then yearn to see her cocksleeved on a werewolf's knot in the other.

cody shouldve gotten in

there i said it


>nice pairs

Literally anyone but.

Not gonna lie, the only reason I was upset about the early closure of dragons 2 was because I wanted to see people autistically screech about the 7 Str, 4'7" guy.

"You and your damn elves, I'M SICK OF IT!"

>literally a blatantly recycled dragons2 app

Nah son

look i don't mind recycled apps... But put some effort into it.

Str dumpers need to be burned at the stake

the other butler that applied to HV that was some kind of reverse trap or trap or something

Why do we still give a damn about Amalthea when she's a non-existing character in no games? SwimmingEagle chose Onryou over her, she's never going to Apothesize much less star in a session.

No its not.

See also: Onryou, Shizuka, anybody from WotRaunchy.

How /m/anly your character, /pfg/? Are they filled with hot-blooded courage and GUTS?

You mean an app recycled because it didn't even get a proper chance at its first game because eagle quietly shut down applications an hour before it was posted.

What does Shizuka have to do with being a waifu.

Did Amalthea pass the test of starstone? Or did she just have THAT many kids?

honestly they added a lot more detail it seemed in the HV version than the dragons version

Could you burn this at the stake, user? Could you really bring yourself to do it?

>guy pitches dark lewd game
>pfg demands it
>he posts it
>hammered by shitposters

People have forgotten when Amalthea was first posted, everybody called Eagle out on how blatant it was

its still obviously a dragons2 app


so what? It deserves a pity-fuck of a game?

Fuck no.

My characters are better than that. They have Justice, Mercy, Generosity, Faith, Nobility and Hope.

You mean the Puella one?

I want to apply to it but after the app thread got deleted last time I don't want to risk it.

/pfg/ drooling over her boob size is what.

>guy originally says he's taken the monster rape elements out of the game in order to focus on the corruption instead

>game pitch happens, it's rapists and ravagers

He posted the full setting idea and people rightfully called it out on being creepy rape fuel and the GM kept digging the hole from there.

i guess thats a thing sure.

She's still very obviously an aromantic character

I only applied Cody to HV because I got shot down from dragons before I even had a chance.

Did try to rewrite as much as I could while still keeping the fundamentals of the character story but eh. Recycling is recycling.

Plus I figured I probably wouldn't have gotten along with Eagle anyway because the way he hype posted about the applications here.

tfw interested in monster rape but not corruption

Generally, yes. But they get called fuckboys anyway because anything even remotely anime triggers people something fierce

>literally said you don't get in if you build a character who doesn't want to get raped.

>Not knowing that victory goes to those with courage.

>taking shitposts in /pfg/ seriously.

What are the options for forceful character replacement? Say he breaks his leg, badly, and can no longer fight for the rest of his life. When such even should happen, at negative points, accordingly to a table of criticals, as an alternative to dying...?

i want to make Basara someday.

She's not even an existing character, I bet Eagle deleted her app.

Honestly that's mostly due to the piss-poor explanations Eagle gave for her being as she was, when people recommended alterations she was significantly improved.

Honestly, I would've preferred Amalthea over Onryou if not simply because she's a dedicated healer in a party of meatsticks.

she's still an annoying pregnancy fetish.

You need more than just courage to be a man.

Dogs have courage.


Aaaand? Onryou is a Big Girl fetish, Jolly has a thing for brawler girls.

Sorry that I write too much but I am aspiring to actually make published works outside of my shitty weaboo OCs. I tend to go overboard with character plotlines.

Same here.

well here's your first fucking piece of advice from an editor

Less is more my dude.


That's not taiga

How useful is a party dog?



>not knowing where you are

Holy shit this, whenever a moviefag insists the movie didn't make sense because they had to remove 3+ hours from the movie I just laugh and laugh and laugh.



The issue is when it's not a simple story.

It wasn't good length. There are other posters who make apps that make use of their length and yours didn't.

>its not a simple story

Your story isn't that complex.

Edit your shit.

Why does everything, even simply things, cost gold coins? Does it make sense?

Is it a shitty memedog?
>Douging it wrong
You shut your mouth, Doug is perfect.

The writing was bad, you didn't make use of the length, it felt like shitty filler. Fucking hell if you want a well written long app in the same game go read Falafel's. His actually uses every bit to get his point across and reads well. Yours didn't.

There's a fine line between complication and convolution.

I'm not him. I didn't even apply to HV. I'm sorry that not everyone just rips off anime so they can just leave a quick blurb that doesn't matter since everyone fapping to the character anyway.

Of course it's a simple goddamn story, and if it's any bit complex than that's where editing comes in.

Lord of the Rings was able to tell a vast epic in 9 hours while the director of Batman v Superman bitches he couldn't tell a "man beats up other man" story in 5 hours.

I am not sure what you mean. A pound of flour costs 1 copper coin.



A generally agreed upon intermediary form of exchange allows for indirect trade. If you want my apples but I do not want your orange, how do we trade? Fiat currency solves this problem in a rather elegant manner.

Just don't tell a leftie because they'll get angry.

None of them.

Cease this at once.

Cease all of this at once. This isn't even about the system anymore, is it?

There's nothing left but this endless celebrity slavering, is there?

I want to go back. I want to go back to before this began. To before the memes overtook the actual purpose of this place.

Who are some characters in *any* game that, you think, made excellent use of their backstory space to tell a story? Are there any users who seem to "get" it?

The thing is there were other apps, even long apps, there were well written besides his. His was just shit and used its length for nothing.

Honestly I don't even think backstory is important.

Why are you constantly trying to start up a circle-jerk around someone?

Cancer Elf. Next question.

I only come to these threads for the cheesecake :^)

But that is taiga. Have you not seen GGG?

My GM refuses to allow his NPC bargain with me or my character. He only allows me to bring down the value of object once.

He's saying gold coins should be worth more.

As much as I hate his other policies, GRRM understands how valuable valuable metals were in the olden days. A suit of full plate armor costs 100 gold dragons, and a gold coin could feed you for a year.

>Opening line of my back story
>Benjamin Moore was born at an extremely young age.

Rate it /pfg/.

its shit

Because I like causing popularity contests on /pfg/, sowing disorder and petty arguments.

Backstory is actually irrelevant

What matters is personality.

Can a player makes the setting indirectly grittier just with his backstory?

its great


Gold is the opposite of fiat currency, dipshit.

falafel is among us!

Gold generally is not a fiat currency, since as a precious metal, it has value unto itself. "Fiat currency" is something that only has value because the state says so, independent of any actual worth. USD is a fiat currency because a dollar bill is just a dollar bill - the only reason it has any value is because US government has decreed that it does. This in contrast to non-fiat currencies, like dollar used to be - that is, the dollar was worth money because the US treasure guaranteed that it would pay a certain amount of silver for one dollar.

I'm still surprised the 3 paragraph mental diarrhea I shat out for an app in dragons 2 got the praise it did from reviewanon. I probably should have spent some time reworking a paragraph so it expanded more on personality and thought process like the guy said, but... Well... It was fun to write and makes me want to revisit it at some point.

You forget that magic actually exists

>backstory is irrelevant
Go fuck yourself. If someone's backstory never comes up its the hallmark of an, at best, mediocre GM.

Backstory should convey and explain personality and tell you WHY THE FUCK THE CHARACTER IS GOING ON THE ADVENTURE. Without a backstory how the fuck do you explain why the character is there, how he got there, and why he is going on their adventure?

I throw him to the ground, and I break his legs.

>new apps for the Ruse Cruise
>Reviewanon hasn't reviewed them yet

Remember, user.

Whenever you brought up DHB or 2hu's name in something completely unrelated, you were complicit in what /pfg/ has become today.

Whenever you posted about how much you wanted a game that pandered to your fetishes, you were complicit in what /pfg/ has become today.

Whenever you spent time writing about how you wanted two characters in a game you weren't even in to fuck each other, you were complicit in what /pfg/'s become today.

Whenever you 'ironically' posted about how you wanted to marry a kitsune shota, you were complicit in what /pfg/'s become today.

Whenever you decided that /pfg/ was the best place to talk about your shitty game, you were complicit in what /pfg/'s become today.

Look around you, buddy. This is your fault.

I literally don't even care about backstory

I care about a character's personality far more. How they mesh and react to events is far more important

Backstory is simply a means to that

I have done none of this.

What was my sin?

>implying I did of that
>implying I don't long for the days of water balloons and wrist-mice

>Without a backstory how the fuck do you explain why the character is there, how he got there, and why he is going on their adventure?
He's being paid by the Adventurer's Guild to be there. He got there by walking. He's going on an adventure cause the Adventurer's Guild pays him to go on adventures.