Itt: real life locations that will be appearing in your future campaigns
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Wish I could find good high rez images of Shiprock and it's spine like this
if i were to submerge myself in one of those pools, how dead would i be?
i'd post a picture, if i had one.
The water comes out at a bit over 200F and is really high in calcium, you might be ok if you can find a cool enough pool.
There's a geothermal pool a bit aways that is safe to swim in, but the water near the geyser itself will burn the fuck out of you.
huh, neat.
I now have a location for my next Delta Green investigation. Thanks user!
is it just me or does that have forestation up there?
Yep. The Pacaraima Mountains are fucking amazing.
There are indeed trees up there.
fuck, that looks so comfy. i know where i'm putting my elves.
Guys scale the sides of that. Niggers straight wallin.
I've used that location before in one of my games. Giants lived up there and liked to throw boulders at invading armies.
Definitely like something out of myth
But what if the campaign is set in this world?
This should have been first post.
You're goddamn right.
>PC tips it over
Look at the buildings in the foreground to get a sense of the scale of that hole.
Because if my party is going to die, they are going to die confused and probably on fire.
>is it just me or does that have forestation up there?
It's not just you. There's more than just tree, there's an entire ecosystem up there.
Reality always trumps fiction.