More like this
You knew it was coming.
Good old Fidel is gone like fine cigar's smoke on a windy day, but the roaches have been getting rowdy lately, we might have something coming up there.
This is where I got the name Mohelius Evilskull McGenocide. He was a great kinda guy. CG to a fault.
anyone have gastons stat list?
he was an awesome paladin
It should still be in the archieve.
I liked that. Even though I wouldn't want it anywhere near my game
RiP my sides
>muh things that never happened ever
>muh online game being full of people that no one would ever actually play with
>muh super normal regular dude character who just so happens to succeed at everything important and also possesses god-like abilities
Shit story is shit.
GM is God. If the GM didn't think it was evil, then it wasn't evil. Hell, it's entirely possible that it WASN'T evil based on the fucked up objective moral metaphysics of DnD-land.
If Gygax can rule that actual genocide isn't evil, then the Taxxon-treatment can also be non-evil.
You must be fantastic fun at parties.
Actually, he's got a point.
I'm all for fun stories of games, but that one is exceptionally shitty.
Hell, I wouldn't have said anything if it hadn't opened and closed with "hurr, dude killed superman with just a normal thug, I'm so scared of him," neglecting to acknowledge the supernatural stealth capabilities AND being bankrolled and equipped by a super-genius. There was also probably some GM-player collusion that bent the rules in regards to the whole "stealthy dude was following you around, video-taping you for days/weeks."
Edgardo is such a stupid fucking name
The guy who told the story says as fuckin' much.
not gonna lie, with all the stupid shit i've heard and read i really want to play deathwatch right now.
Same with almost every tg story, at least the best ones. And that's part of the reason they're really good.
Take lovable Edgardo. His player is kind of a dick. A much bigger one if we assume that the everything is real but he's weighing the story in his favor.
Imagine that what he calls "edgy" is actually just a dramatic freeform RP, and that the anime influence he listed was actually just him. I mean all the other characters are fairly generic, while his is basically just Goku. So he's a weeabu with a silly friend who just has a squid for a head.
Now, given that the mods don't care about travel restrictions, high level numbers, or really any numbers at all, it seems likely that the format is really just a freeform RP with very few rules. Some I've played it are more about story. In that case Edgardo is just that kid on the playground always saying he didn't get hit and that his attacks always win. He's just a dick.
On the other hand it's a silly made up story like the ine you're posting about and it's fucking hilarious so go to hell.
>getting this pissed that not everyone has as shitty standards as you do
Fuck off. Most Veeky Forums stories are shit, and these threads are 95℅ reposted circlejerking.
Also, the post immediately following your spergout is far better than Edgardo. Brevity is the soul of wit.
Does anybody have the one about two players making Niles and Frasier for their game?
>not reading the whole post
>thinking the post is actually againdt Edgardo
gods why
>maxed out marine could juggle terminators
>it is agreed that terminators weigh more than regular space marines
>which are also capable of juggling terminators or below equivalent meaning they too could easily juggle their fellow marines
>mfw space marines juggling space marines juggling space marines juggling terminators
someone get GW on the line
Are you illiterate or just pretending to be retarded? That's such an absurd nonsequitar that I'm not really sure how to respond.
Fucking EPIC!!!
I remember that thread.
It started like that but by the end of it we had invented Tank Flipper Company.
(sniff) omg... I love you, OP
you just made my day.
BobRoss.jpg (rest in peace)
I'm picturing this in joey/erics voice
his gremlin voice
kek long walk but you got there
This isn't a filename thread.