Stop playing degenerate fantasy RPG systems

Stop playing degenerate fantasy RPG systems

Okay, I'll just throw my copy of MYFAROG in the garbage then.


Make me.

Wrong pic.

Take that back, skraeling! MYFAROG is not degenerate!

Shouldn't you be expanding your rules on wiping your ass with moss?

Stop noticing the uncanny resemblance.

I am going to burn the BURZUM album

>Roman Hamata
>Slavic helmet
>Nordic Seax


Only the finest, nordic moss.

I dunno man. All the focus on the GLORIOUS SCANDINAVIAN MASTER RACE seems sorta...fetishy to me.

Never should have come here, koparmann

Who is this man and why should I hate him?

You don't need to know

He's Varg, a known arsonist, murderer, and worst of all, creator of a rather awful TTRPG.

I played my first game with MYFAROG last night. It ended with my girlfriend failing a willpower check and masturbating to the thought of being raped by a kraken as one attacked our boat and ate our entire party alive.

I like how every description of this game notes that it was made by a murderer, arsonist and national socialist.

Why the hell should I?

So I just looked the bastard up. What a rotten waste of oxygen. But now I'm morbidly curious about this RPG.

Guy stabbed a man in the back a dozen times, then went to jail and wrote a third rate rpg that's basically /pol/'s wet dream.
Some highlight's include:
-NotJews posing as traders to steal white blonde children
-Norse people not knowing the concept of prostitution, because they haven't been tainted by christianity yet and stand above carnal urges
-NotChristian priests being warlocks out to murder any other deity (it is implied that NotYahwe is not in real)

The norse were perfect before christianity corrupted them, skraeling.

Ha, my vargemon beats yours.

there is a scan in the list over at the PDF share thread.
It's a rather tedious read though.

His wife is autistic and worships bears.

It's pretty fucking autistic but I do like how combat plays out in it more than in most systems, encourages more creativity and use of terrain.

I don't have a problem with that; I worship a dual classing cleric/carpenter.
It's how much they're gonna screw up their kids that bothers me.

I thought /pol/ liked christianity.

>not worshiping bears
Clerics plz

How would you stat empowered Varg Veeky Forums?

Stop using crossbows.

Tarrasque stats

Only very specific versions that kinda skip over the whole being charitably and kind to others bits.

>Ancient European nobles were good
If anything they were far worse than even medieval nobles.

it's a gallic piece of mail retard

>Noble swerves