Brainstorming. How would you create a atheistic religion about chivalry?
Brainstorming. How would you create a atheistic religion about chivalry?
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It would just be a really hardline code of honor at that point. Kinda like the modern idea of what bushido was I guess.
Hellenistic Schools of Philosophy.
>what is Stoicism
Atheism is literally just a disbelief in gods. There are such things as atheistic religions.
Just have it be a religious order that uphold the practice of chivalric acts rather than a belief in a deific power.
>atheistic religion
Just say ideology.
Gay vulcan shit.
but everything, including this statement, is ideology.
The slippy lipped czech of Veeky Forums says so.
Anyway, you can have religions without gods, that's pretty much what scientology and unitarianism is.
> How would you create a atheistic religion about chivalry?
What is Confucius and his teachings?
Scientology sounds like some real shitty lore a DM would make for his homebrew setting.
You mean Scientology?
Cult of personality about a historical figure, probably Charlemagne.
Ancestor/hero worship. People live on longer in the afterlife before their eventual entropy/reincarnation/whatever the longer they are remembered. It is the goal of every knight and noble to gather great fame and glory, go down in history and earn eternal life.
You mean it isn't?
No gods, no masters, no leaders, just men
Men are that exist, so we must seek to treat each other fairly and kindly lest we fall into chaos and disorder and all die or something
Men are all that exist*, fuck
Why is it a religion?
What does that part of it accomplish?
Why fucking can't it be just a moral and social code?
Atheism is not the disbelief of religion, but of god. There are several religions that do not have a god, such as Buddhism.
So just make a religion without deities that encourages honor, doesn't seem that hard.
Fedoras, something-something trenchcoats and m'ladies
Stoicism is literally it.
I'm surprised it took that long to say it.
Might be different things. A religion should be based on something that exists independent of people. The Judeo-Christian God, Hindu Pantheon, concept of Nirvana, etc, would--as they are or were interpereted to be as concepts or beings--would still exist if each person was to just drop dead.
A social code can't do that. If everyone dies, so too would any social mores between them all. There can be no Bushido without people, as it's essence is in practice.
The Force.
And before anyone says they were christian, take the core concepts and only remove the religious part( which was not that strong and for some leant towards paganism)
I thought Stoics were so Stoic because they believed fate was the will of the Gods?
But my setting doesn't have jews because it's Utopian
To start with the founders must understand that morals do not exist and that humans while social creatures that do care about each other are prone to looking out for ones self at the expense of others. The religion would be a tool used by the founders and the elder council to control basic human nature and impulses. They achieve this with the promise of rewards and or punishments.
With this system in place the religion will attempt to steer people into doing the right thing if not because it is the "right" thing to do than out of fear of the repercussions that come after. The elder council or ruling elite will have to be rigorously tested to ensure no unsavory types get in. If one does they are dealt with with extreme prejudice. The religion will also shy away from wealth perhaps even making it a sin to hoard it. To stay in business they will want it to keep circulating but they will want to destroy any class system in place and equalize wealth so it can not be used against the masses. If that is not feasible expect an alms set up like in Islam taken up another notch. The more wealthy you are the more poor you are expected to feed and house for free. Failure to do that would end in being shunned by the religion and losing all support from members of it. As such if its say a merchant they could quickly find themselves without transportation of their goods or anyone to buy.
Everything would revolve around equalizing the balance of power by forcing those with more power to share it with those without or to use that power in direct service of those without.
Necoho, run around like edgy teens and burn down churches.
Atheism is just a label for people who don't believe in gods. So it's a disbelief.
If the atheist does not believe in gods because of faith in science then that would be a belief.
But neither is an example of religion. Neither is organized faith.
atheist, religion
>pick one
1. Understand that religion's existence it to explain the unknown's of life/death and to unify society.
2. Make a religion the exalts a code honor/ethics
3. forget to put gods in.
4 fill out the rest
chivalry rooted in basic human deceny and reciprocity, but married to pragmatism, and divorced from religious connotations
never strike a lady, because its disrespectful
never insult another person, for it too is disrespectful
never strike an unarmed man, a defeated foe, or other similar dirty things because it invites others to do the same to you, and soon battle spirals into chaos and death, by keeping things civil everyone, friend or foe, is better off
always honor your word, for if everyone lied then no deals would be possible and people would resort to violence as a first course
never execute your hostages, for you can just as easily be a hostage tomorrow, as you are the hostage taker today
Imagine lawsuits, but idealistic and clad in plate armour bearing the terms of contract and the moral of a long dead philosopher on their lips.
But you only learn how shit it is after buying a dozen overpriced spalts and slowly learning it isn't gonna get any better but you bought it so you might at least run it once and there's a horde of screaming fanboys if you dare to say a thing's wrong with it.
You mean something like Daoism?
Read some Immanuel Kant.
>atheistic religion about chivalry?
Just base it on feminism.
It would be a philosophy, like buddhism, confucianism and daoism. All three have syncretic religious sects, but the general concept is one that doesn't need gods. So have a philosophy that was founded by some knight who wrote everything down in a treatise or something and have your knights, nobles and paladins follow that and have the plebes follow a bastardized version that combines it with their traditional folk religions and you have something similar to real life china and East Asia.
>If there are Nazi's knocking on your door and asking you if you're hiding desirables you must tell them the truth, because a world in which everyone lies would be bad
The only good parts about Kant are what he copypasted from Rousseau.
You're getting at it from the wrong angle.
>why yes I'm hiding jews in my home
>i'm also hiding a shotgun in my coat
>*blam blam blam* *kills gestapo
>*blam blam blam* *kills gestapo
Now you no longer have a home to hide either them or yourself in. Deontological ethics is retarded because it only came into being to solve the problems of and replace virtue ethics, yet ended up being an overall worse system with even greater gaping holes.
Whatever it is, it's gotta involve fedoras or whatever the medieval equivalent was.
Dude, it's roleplaying! You're not going to live your life by it. You're going to play a role through it.
>Now you no longer have a home to hide either them or yourself in.
Excellent. Now you can go on an ADVENTURE!
But I'd be a shit adventurer
>Meet a starving peasant
>Ask myself if it would be moral for everyone to give eachother food for free
>As it would result in a collapse of the economy and farmers who do their jobs for a living losing their jobs (see: third world and charity) it would be bad to make this behavior universal
>Therefore I will not give the starving peasant food
I'd be only one step above an AnCap Paladin.
Blonde aryan women ?
Look at the witcher 3.
Ahh but what is good?
That's the question
>Not cackling with glee as you smite fools for violating NAP
Can ancestor worship be considered Atheistic ?
that way it can work as if your ancestors are watching you and expect you to act chivalrous.
dishonoring them means going to a chaotic godless hell or the settings version of limbo since your ancestors would not accept you into their ranks in the afterlife.
I would base it on Aristotle's ideas of Moral Virtue.
You don't even need a Hell. Your ancestors are always watching, and if you act like a bitch or fap too much it's going to be a really awkward eternity in the Darkness Beyond.
See this:
If you seek herostratic fame or infamy, thus dishonouring your family and lineage, you will be forgotten, and your soul will fade from existence forever.
Only through glory, honour and virtue can a man attain eternal life through remembrance and reverence in those that follow his example.
>no atheistic religions
>what is buddhism?
There is no god, so must make heaven.
Buddha is kind of a demigod since "he" is the one being revered for his wisdom.
the secular religion of the ultima series seems like a good place to start, covers all things too. No gods, just magic. That and many of the game mechanics can be easily adapted to a p&p game.
make it a youthful counterculture that actively worked against the cynical and apathetic culture they lived in, succeeded, and then formed an order of warriors to uphold their country's new values
The stoics believed fate was far, far above the gods.
And now you're on the run from the gestapo with a bunch of jewish refugees in tow desperately trying to make it to either the UK, Sweden or Russia.
no, just JW's
that seems about right
Literally the setting I'm working on currently.
They're fanboys with swords and just think being a knight is fucking awesome, without understanding the finer aspects.