How do you handle it when you've got a player/players that are ERPing?
How do you handle it when you've got a player/players that are ERPing?
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I don't care if my players ERP, as long as they don't perv on uninterested players or try to sexually charge standard gameplay. Then again, I'm not easily put off.
Sounds like you've got a tale to tell.
Fade to black.
If they try to continue, tell them to cut it out and then speak with them after the session about what is and isn't acceptable at the table.
Alternatively, unleash your magical realm on them and see how much they like turnabout.
I break out the graph paper and make that shit as mundane and lame as possible.....maybe throw a pie graph in there for good measure
I am the piss wizard, the whizzard of pee
enter this magic realm by me!
So long as they keep it off the table, I ain't saying nothing
>sounds like you've got a tale to tell
I wish I did desu. I haven't played a a TTRPG yet, but it's always cool to read some quality greentext stories from Veeky Forums.
sex stays out of the campaign.
>you wanna flirt? okay, thats fine and normal, that happens during gameplay events normally so it makes sense
>you wanna fuck?
>like, in the middle of travelling or combat?
>we just had downtime from the end of last session, why didnt you just have an orgy during that time?
Depends on what platform you're running your game.
If you're doing it in meatspace, at a physical table, tell them to knock it out and pay attention.
If you're doing it online, tell them to wait until game's over, and take it into private messages.
Just have enemies interrupt them and erpcuck each player
Slowly and with lots of lube.
Tell 'em to take it to a private chat after session. We're all adults (I hope) and so we should be able to deal with it.
Are they doing it during session time, actively detracting from the experience of others? Just tell them to knock it off or get out.
If you know or suspect some players might be, during their own time, enjoying ERP involving the characters from your game... There isn't really a problem or anything you can do. They're reasonable adults entertaining themselves as they wish. It only becomes a problem if it starts to unreasonably affect the experience of the game for the other players.
Not necessarily Veeky Forums per say, but on vgstation for SS13, if you're caught ERPing it will sometimes result in Bear Force One being deployed to maul the offenders.
Now I understand the appeal of sig braces, thanks user.
Fade to black.
establish shared fetishes in advance, insist that they give you logs of anything between themselves, indulge them as time permits between sessions
>insist they give you logs
user you're just looking for smut arnt you
sounds to me like you actively hope this winds up happening to you desu
joke's on you, though. ERPers tend to show actual interest in the fictional worlds and characters you've written. if they can't even be interested, you'll never know they play their characters getting ass-fucked on the reg in games they enjoy.
Meme them into screeching
Sick digits, mate
I don't care so long as they do it in private chat/on their own time. Unless I'm running an ERP game of course. Then post that shit for everybody to enjoy.
I tell them to take it to PM.
The dedicated lewdites are basically embodied.
It depends.
How does everyone else at the table feel about it?
That's really the overriding question. If people are uncomfortable, you either knock that shit out or I will treat you like a child and pull out the X-cards. I'm kidding, I'd just boot them before I'd resort to that. If nobody really minds, it's probably best to lay out some boundaries and proceed in a way that everyone will have the most fun with.
I'll be honest, I really don't mind that much if I inadvertently stumble into a player's magical realm so long as they can hide their power level. We even joke about it, like I know one of my players has a real thing for redheads and often make characters who are supposed to come off as seductive redheads as an in-joke.
Just do a variation of this, but to both players.
I let a bud add his GF to the game, which wasn't as cancer as it sounds cause we all knew each other well enough. He did keep trying to ERP tho. I had a few different strategies to end that shit:
#1) "It is impossible to have sex as your character has no penis"
#2) "a character that looks like me in real life bursts through the brush/wall/livestock naked and fully erect, ready to join in"
#3)"You're afflicted with a curse, if you get an erection you will explode"
Nah, I just find the stories funny. I don't actually want to end up in someone's magical realm.
One of the other players in a game I'm in has a horrible bestiality fetish and no ability to hide it. It's starting to creep everyone out when he makes utterly random out of the blue comments about things like villains being raped by wolves and so on. He's a bit of an autist and doesn't seem to pick up on how much it's creeping everyone out, but he hasn't taken the hint yet.
seriously R, if you're reading this, please stop.
I'm going to need some details user. Does the ERP happen during the game? Have you got logs?
"Guys, guys. Take it to PMs, I'm sure everybody else doesn't want to hear it."
And then send the logs to me later
If I suspect magical realm shenanigans, I will play chicken. I have spent years reinforcing the idea that I'm as dense as your standard harem protagonist for other reasons. I will walk headfirst into it and have everybody believe you're the weirdo when you're forced to back up your bluff.
If I suspect a single player of ERPing, I try to play along but make it turn out all wrong. I.E. the dwarf they're hitting on is really a guy in drag, the succubus they're trying to seduce turns out to be into some pretty sick shit (literally and figuratively), the elf princess you got lucky with is going to come after you with half an army to MAKE you into their little husbando bitch because you got her preggers and by Elune, she is gonna make you settle down and stop "adventuring" so you can be a proper father elune-dammit!
Etc. etc. You get the idea
If it's multiple people then I ask them to take it to another room and videotape it for the rest of us to enjoy later
No one has done the latter, but if they do I'm fucking posting that shit on here. No one ERPs at my table and gets away with that shit.
>the succubus they're trying to seduce turns out to be into some pretty sick shit (literally and figuratively)
That's boring and shallow.
Why not just have the succubus turn out to actually be a fucking succubus and just be playing along and acting because she thinks pretending to be seduced is the best way to get into prime soul-enslaving position?
Succubi and incubi are shit-tier when they're just fantasy sex symbols. They're great when they're actually seducers, playing in to what a character wants or prefers to be true, identifying their weakness and manipulating it.
>Elf princess chasing you down with half an army to MAKE you into her little husbando bitch.
That sounds like fun in every possible way.
>Bickering egotistical "TAKE RESPONSIBILITY" vs "I'm being all heroic and shit!" that just makes the rest of the party roll their eyes.
>A constant "threat" to drive the character forward and prevent stagnating by staying on place lest the elves get them
>Possible character building. "You stopped going to whorehouses since that thing with the elf..." "Well, I figure she'll get me eventually, might as well be faithful and take away that little bit of ammunition so she can't use it against me".
>Elf princess wants to turn you into her little husbando bitch.
Muh Check.
>Eventually falling in love and coming to an agreement where you can still go out on occasional adventures, but only important ones. And unless the world is ending RIGHT THEN you always come back home for the winter harvest.
>Enjoying the idea of having a home to come back to, someone who you can hug when she gets home from politics, and who will be waiting to hug you when you get back from adventure.
>Eventually wedding scene
When the eventually villain comes to crash the party, they will feel the wrath of a woman who took an army half-way across the continent just to make it happen.
How do you handle players who commission porns of other player characters?
Extra bonus if you can find the porn of that one.
Counter commission porn of their character to see how they like it.
Which they probably will.
I give my players a little list of rules during Session 0, so they know what they're allowed to do in-game. My list includes "I will not narrate, or tolerate players narrating anything past sloppy makeouts"
Please no, in all likelihood the offending degenerates will be into this stuff too.
I don't bother formalizing rules governing etiquette and behavior unless something gets out of hand, with the passive assumption that the people I'm playing with are decent people (assumption: that the people who aren't decent get asked to leave)
But then, I don't often play with strangers, so if you run a lot of open to the public games I can see why that's more necessary.
It hasn't come up, so far. In 4 years with two different groups I DM for.
We're all adults.
>one of my players has been commissioning art of my PC as a treat since they got some more spending money
>the first ones were cute, but the last was lewd
The same thing I do with all autistic behavior.
I kick them out.
Are you in the same game? This literally happened last session.
>drunk lesbian: "how about you and I make things explode tonight."
> faithful innocent cleric: "Explode? I am a cleric not wizard, what are you talking about."
Get into it with them and have them drugged and abducted by a Jeffrey Dahmer type NPC. Force them to experience the rape, dismemberment, and murder of their characters while settings DCs for escape higher than they could ever roll.
But that's retarded.
Frankly this was the first thing that came to my mind too. Have the guy starting to punch her in the face during sex, dealing subdual damage first then carrying over into actual damage once she's been beaten unconscious. Have her get dragged on the floor and get stomped on her face until the bitch gets what is coming to her. Thats just how I roll :)
You don't know much about Jeffrey Dahmer, do you? Fucking retard.
Scrub a dub dub three men in a tub
Jeffrey Dahmer took showers
With dead men in his tub
Your sarcasm would be better with an actual image instead of a smiley.
I don't get it. You don't want two players ERPing in private in-between sessions?
I hope you don't have any accountants in your party.
Tell them to save the fapping for Veeky Forums threads.
Tfw trying to aggressively rp with another player over the two tards playing out lesbian sex in text based rp
Tfw gm won't intervene
Tfw one of the guys playing one of the lesbians gets removed from the group for playing at work
One of my first times playing DnD, in high school, it was a group of 7 including DM and most of us were really into it, but these two clowns tried to do shit like "rape the barmaid," "pickpocket [the biggest and meanest looking asshole in the tavern]," and "rob the stores outside." All this shit took like an hour and a half when we were meant to just meet and get a quest in the tavern and then head of dungeoning after about 10 mins.
Luckily for our wicked and crafty DM, they also thought it would be hilarious if they got their characters drunk. So drunk, in fact, that the DM was free to simply dictate what happened for the rest of the night. Essentially he had them have nasty gay sex. Then wake up inebriated and helpless when the various people they'd pissed off came back for revenge. Their characters didn't quite get castrated, but it was a close thing, and there was severe bruising. Plus everyone mocked them or spat on them for being gay (typical medieval Europe setting).
The players felt suitably chastised.
So ERP that is wanted by literally not one person at the table can actually be a good thing.
Just straight up tell them to knock that shit off, this isn't an ERP campaign.
Or tell them to continue, because this is the munch group.
Quads of levelheaded unquestionable truth
Book of Erotic Fantasy, Encyclopedia Arcane - Nymphology, and book of Unlawful carnal knowledge.
I'm looking for the Romance and Relationships one, and a torrent of that subsequent publishers works, anyone?
If it's not on group channel and they either wait until later to play it out or manage to multitask well enough that nobody notices, I don't care.
If you're running an ERP game, aren't you?