Less than 10 hours to go until the next banning/unbanning session.
What will be banned?
What will be unbanned?
Are you expecting 'no changes' or will standard cop more bans?
Free Stoneforge Mystic
Mtg Modern General
Other urls found in this thread:
Jace the Mind Sculptor will NEVER be unbanned.
If you've ever played with him in Modern, you'll remember how broken he was.
If anything, Modern needs a restricted list.
PSA: I've been told by multiple sources that distributors are allowed to offer MM2017 packs to big box stores. This doesn't mean that they will. Wizards gave permission to all distributors a few weeks back that they will have the option to sell MM2017 product to all non-WPN businesses.
Let this be a caution to those considering boxes for $200 +
Just bought sets of foil jtms, sfm, preordain, twin, bbe and dark depths
>dark depths
just path it
>Esper Draw-go is fun
>having multiple cryptics is amazing
>HUGE Sphinx's Rev or Secure the Wastes is fun af
>Games take forever
What do I do
>getting mm17 packs with my employee discount and red card
keep playing. im in the same boat but im just u/w no esper. so baller.
>likes control
>doesn't like long games
Guess you'll have to play karn tribal
I'll just chalk it up to my inexperience playing the deck
I already own GB Tron desu
Tron games can take a long time if you don't find anything to actually win the game and your opponent is too stubborn to scoop.
I had one game the other day were I literally removed every permanent from my opponents field with Karn t3 into another Karn t4, but it still took me 7 turns to draw into a creature to actually attack with.
>sfm retard
It could be me needing my first cup of coffee off the day, but wtf is up with this deck? Is traditional Hatebears (read Arbiter/Cat Jesus) really that bad these days?
God only knows how much I hate Todd Stevens.
By the way, the deck is always viable. Hatebear has no really bad or good matchups, it is a 50/50 with everything.
That's a CoCo value town deck. Completely different archetype than hatebears. The only thing vaguely hatebears-y about it is the crucible + ghost quarter package.
>mash the best cards from abzan coco, knightfall, and all the most valuable cards in G/W
>it does well
I kinda hate how the casters are/were sucking his dick so much for just jamming value stuff in G/W together.
That Crucible/Ghost Quarter/Azami game today was fucking lit, though.
Which variant of tron is the best?
Eldrazi > GB > GW > GR > UW > U
He was never legal in modern. You don't know what you're talking about.
It's bait, user. You're not supposed to respond to it.
>UW Tron
I didn't know about this flavor
Tell me more
Usually runs a gifts/reanimator package.
Counter spells
Sphinx's Revelation
Gifts Ungiven
Unburial rites
Elesh Norn
What is your deck's trump card?
Announcement is on Monday
>What will be banned?
STD: Felidar Guardian
MDN: Thought-Knot Seer, Simian Spirit Guide
LGC: Sensei's Divining Top
>What will be unbanned?
STD: no unbans
MDN: Glimpse of Nature, Preordain
LGC: Mana Drain
>What will happen
0 bans.
>What I want
Inkmoth nexus banned.
Preordain unbanned.
Counterspell printed into modern.
Maybe narcomeeba banned. The card seems fine, but it arguably falls into the SFM situation of, the card itself isn't insane, but the ability for it be exploited is the issue.
>map, sylvan scrying, into the north
>depths, thespian stage, not of this world
Aside from crop rotation (and legacy shit like mox diamond/lotus petal/elvish spirit guide) it's pretty much all a modern deck already. Just fill the rest of the slots with decays, kill spells and handhate and you're good to go. Maybe add some ancient stirrings or something like traverse idek
Wizards please unban.
known as 'Gifts Tron'
Fuck that girl is cute. Got any more of her?
nope, sorry. pic is older than the internet.
Oh. Okay.
>Be at the SCG Open
>Sit next to cute grill round 6
>She's on infect
>Strike up conversation with her since my opponent wasn't showing and hers was still mulling
>She's single
>Sperg out
>"I need to use the restroom"
>Get back to find out that the judge dropped me from the event
rate this tezzy
jesus man that's at least 10 infect right there
>She's on infect
Sounds like you dodged a bullet there mate.
Throw a set of Whir of Invention + Pentad Prism and then a bunch of one-of answer artifacts like Pithing Needle in there. It makes the deck absolutely disgusting.
It seems wrong to not have any Trinket Mages. I'm not sure what I would cut, but he's great.
Include a wincon that can close games
Isn't that was colonnade is for?
Its worse than mono U & has never been good.
You can tell because cameras back then usually digital cameras not attached to phones, and the flash + sharpness is vastly different.
Its nearly tuesday here. Your living in the past cobber
What would you recommend
My first thoughts were Gideon Jura, Dragonlord Ojutai or mainboard Geist but I'm not particularly a fan of any of those (without having tried them)
Felidar Cat will be banned for sure. They'll take something else down with it so there isn't just BG and Mardu as the only viable decks. It's sad to say but I predict another 3 card ban in standard.
Even though they will do this Standard will continue being shit because WotC has no idea how to design sets anymore and are policing this shit so hard.
I mean one that can actually win in a reasonable time - Ulamog, Ugin, other planeswalkers that have a game winning ulti
big elspeth is god tier
6cmc elspeth, gidyan jura, ashiok... then its a step down to jace and 3 mana lillys
here you go dude, throw together something like this, it's what i'm running and it's lots of fun and is quite good
nice 2-for-1 there user
Silly user girls aren't real
Speaking of the topic raised in the previous thread.
Take a look at this shitty pic and tell me how obvious it is that it's a fake.
I hope they ban Gideon so I can grab some cheap. Too expensive for such a niche card, modern wise at least
I've created a monster.
Look at this abomination of a deck, I call it Prism Prison and it probably sucks ass.
Trinket mage is a good idea, but I feel like Fabricate is just as good as the butt. Trophy mage could even work too, really all t.mages are sweet cards especially given a diverse (heh good goy) toolbox.
shit pic mb
>not phoneposting
The text of it looks very odd to me. I feel like the spacing between letters is fucked but I can't say for sure if that's why it bothers me
What is your favorite fringe deck? Big fan of mono-G Belcher
Just take a screenshot you retard.
yeah, I noticed this too - while the font seems to be the same, it seems to be less bold.
this by the way, to all fags saying that "le chinaman is indistinguishable from the real thing", is one of the better ones in the test batch I got. Don't even get me started on his Ancestral Vision. The only adequate card is Scalding Tarn and OG duals, simply because the original quality is so shit.
I own copies of those. They're from over a year ago. Yes, they suck.
I'm sure they've fixed them. It's been at least three generations since these were produced.
Nourishing Shoal will be banned
Mono Green Devotion. It awakens my inner Timmy.
Tarfire is 100% gone
Is that like Nyx Wave or am I thinking of something else?
Say bye-bye to Ancient Stirrings, lads
It took me so long to see why the fucking card is just Ponder on crack.
It "touches" 5 cards whereas Ponder touches only 4.
It took me even longer to realize that between Ancient Stirrings and Expedition Map the "meme" of T3 or T4 Tron was much less a meme and a disgustingly consistent reality.
I just sat down one day with the deck proxied and goldfished that shit. It was ridiculous. Playing against it there was always some degree of interaction because that's the kind of deck I play. But if you have no interaction Tron is filthy as all hell.
Who are the scum of the earth and why is it RW Prison players?
>can't keep cards on top
>has a restriction
Naw it's literally not ponder you fucking retard. Is it good? Hell yeah it's probably one of, if not the best cantrip in modern right now. Unlike ponder though, it doesn't go into every deck that runs green and only gets certain cards.
it's fine kys
>inb4 epic t. tron player meme
>A girl playing mtg competitively
Oh boy, I can't even imagine the vaginal odors
>entire deck falls apart if you play around blood moon
Unless you need anus mana I guess but fuck you anyway then
what chinamen did you use ?
These retards send old stock from previous generation as "testers" they don't seem to grasp the concept that you'll buy more if they send you the good shit.
I have a modern esper ctrl deck with
snaps, cryptic, watery grave, colonade as fakes and played in multiple competitive events, nobody ever raised an eyebrow.
Nobody is going to pick up snapcaster or a land to see what they do.
Cryptic tho have to be good because everybody pick up this shit to read the modes.
But never anyone said anything about my cryptics.
>Turn 1 Chalice for 1
Yeah seems fair :^)
just play Force of Will
>he doesn't play abrupt decay
>he doesn't run cavern of souls
Nice meme bro.
It's just narrow enough in scope where it dodges any widespread moaning, but it's still a super good card
I can't wait for Mox opal to get the axe.
>SSG banned
>mox opal banned
>ensnaring bridge banned
>blood moon banned
>ancient stirrings banned
>death's shadow banned
Sell out of these pronto
Yeah OK guy
>tfw play Legacy so none of this shit affects me
>Casting abrupt decay is just too hard!
My dad works at WotC and he told me Splinter Twin will be unbanned
Buy my Splinter Twins guys pls
Your logic is retarded.
A card that read "g, search your library for six mountain cards, put them on your battlefield and then destroy them" wouldn't belong in every deck, but would push the deck it does belong in over the top.
Ancient stirings in Tron is literally a one mana impulse. It's the same in eldrazi decks. Sure, it doesn't belong in every deck, but the decks it does belong in it offers unbeatable card selection that pushes them over the top.
Don't think "does this belong in every deck".
whuao KYS
I fucking wish, just add Urza's Mine to that list
Wasnt he banned straight up when the format was born?
>If anything, Modern needs a restricted list.
Are you fucking retarded?
This is pure bait.
>buys fakes to cheat the system
>complains about being cheated
People who buy chinaman fakes are retarded, what did you expect?
>mfw I'm going to make a ludicrous sum of money from the unbannings
When's the B&R update?
I buy fakes to sell them as real, i need god quality
till now, no problem, got more than a grand on gp vancouver last year
Where did i complain about being cheated ? Do you have a reading comprehension disorded ?
When buying from the chinamen, you can, for a small price, buy what they call a "random sample". But chinamen are not good salesman, instead of sending you the good shit for you to buy again, they send you their leftover stock from previous generations.
Instead buy sets, or singles, like I did and never had nothing to complain about.
So don't buy "random samples" was my message. Learn to read retard
>not wanting to pay obscenely inflated prices for pieces of cardboard is retarded
ok guy
Villa Zheng
Most of the cards he sent are k, but there are some problems with that snapcaster (which idc cause I own a real playset and he thrown it in as a "bonus") and, unfortunately, ancestral visions - which appear quite shady on reasonable inspection
Yeah like i said, the "free" shit he sends is old leftover from previous generations that nobody wants to buy anymore.
The new ones are top shit.
>t. retard who spent 200$ on a playset of snapcaster
I would be mad too.
I cant blame people for not wanting to get gouged. Luckily fakes are still quite easy to spot if you bother looking at them.
Don't really care what motives you have, but kudos for duping careless vendors.
The way your first paragraph was written in passive aggressiveness speak volumes, but sure, have your >damagecontrol.jpeg
Also remember that you know that they are fakes, so you notice all the minor details that give it up.
But people will not suspect a single shit in a competitive event, with a double sleeved deck, from accross the table when you sac your fake fetch.