Superhero Edition
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Tell us your hero stories!
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Challenging question. Superheroes are one of those game types GURPS struggles on, partly because it's a game where being able to run at light speed cost a lot of points.
That said, I've had a lot of fun in Grimwyld playing someone that is in that gray zone between 'heroic fantasy' and 'superhero', with tremendous physical strength and toughness. In GURPS that's something of an expensive combo, ST is pricy, but it leads to dramatic and fun characters.
>Creep into lair of monsters and spot an ogre bossing around some evil dwarves.
>Knock on the wall and wait in a shadowy alcove.
>Ogre comes to investigate sound.
>All Out Strong hit the Neck with a SM+1 Broadsword, killing him instantly
>Kick ogre head over to the evil dugar fuckers.
My players whines like a girls each time when I try to accustom them to t-bone DECIDE tweak to bring more logic and realism to our x-comish demon hunters game.The most part of what frustrates me is this tweak isn't complicated as technical grappling, last gasp or broken blade things.
Do I retain the aim bonus when I spray a high RoF weapon at multiple targets? Or only against the first? Or none?
You lose Acc bonus when switch targets.
Unless you have the ability to track/aim at two targets at once?
Doesn't this require different weapons?
>that pic
>"Damnit, I'm on holiday, I should be drinking wine right now, not shooting terrorists."
>"It's a counter-terrorism game. Why does your character have Fashion Sense, Appearance and Goodwife?"
>"Because GURPS is a game of freedom. That's why. You also gave us 180 points and you can only buy Combat Reflexes and Guns so many times."
Wait...What was your question?
Sorry, I should have quoted.
>Superhero Edition
>Tell us your hero stories!
My point was that it's really one of the few game types that GURPS kinda fights for. At least, DC type heroes. It's great for something like an X-Men game.
>when I spray a high RoF weapon at multiple targets?
Assuming you're spraying an area? No
Skipping shots? You retain your aim on only the first guy
>Their only downsides would be restricted diet and (arguably) larger SM.
Which is my fucking point here. You can't make them on a budget, because the race template will bloat into absurdity. I totally can see players who willingly use up 100 points to get ST 20, and only for the purpose of their carry capacity and SOME lift bonus (but only when they use pulley), since it is going to be useless for other purposes. Totally see that in 150 points campaign.
The basic Fantasy dragons are SM +2, so about the size of a small elephant or very large horse. They run 250 points.
You COULD discount them more by Embracing The Suck and grabbing No Fine Manipulators. This gives you a Dragon that can buy ST for dirt cheap (-70% at SM 2) but also one that can't do anything that you'd need hands for.
I think you are right that, unless the GM is willing to make everyone dragons, give them a dragon template, then start them with 150 points after the template cost (IE: 400 point characters if you use GURPS fantasy dragons) then you can't really Dragon on a budget unless you are willing to wait to buy a lot of dragon features and start as a baby.
>I don't want all those racial features
>I still want to play this race
I fail to see point in this.
Make ponytaur with no ST bonus or equal ST across both parts if it bothers you so much.
Or even better, make human with Alternate Form (Centaur; Cosmetic, -50%; Always On, -10%) [6] because that's clearly what you want.
Ahh, fuck, thought we were still talking Dragons.
Yeah, anybody could kitbash a low point Centuar without too much trouble. Rather then 'lower half' ST, 5 ranks of Lifting ST, SM +1 with a racial Feature that the upper body is treated as SM +0 for buying armor, using weapons, ect. (Human sized hands and chest and arms, horse sized body).
After that a half rank of Enhanced Move and a level of Increased Consumption (More food and water) and you are ready to go.
And this is what I wanted in the first place. A "budget" centaur.
Thanks a bunch, even if more than a pinch of salt was made by this
Btw - nice knowing you can pull such shit by making it "cosmetic, always on"
I know, I know, this was discussed to the death, but which companion has rules for cities and countries?
City Stats for the base numbers. The Social Engineering issue of Pyramid has "City Management" for doing something with those numbers. Social Engineering: Boardroom & Curia for treating the government as an organization.
And of course Mass Combat for when things get hairy.
Gotta love those zero point features
I think we should really add those to the opening pdf file, just because how often people ask about those.
Not him, but also thank you!
Does girls voodoo exist for 4e yet?
Gurps* fucking autocorrect
Nope, but what mechanics from 3e need to be brought over?
Hey heroes
Gloranthanon here
Check out the stuff I've done for GURPS Glorantha and let me know what you think. Probably won't make much more progress because my campaign fell through, but I hope what I've got is useful to any of you interested in the world.
One of my players is complaining about Blunt Trauma rules in Low-Tech. Basically he says that if you have full plate, you should never take damage from a sword ever. He says that it doesn't make sense that an ST 14 deal can deal 6 crushing damage on his best damage roll with a broadsword swing against DR 6 medium plate. He's implying that he should be impervious to all forms of damage because "muh historical documents said that plate was good"
Not bad
Plate was good, that's the right part.
But even if you can't be harmed by the weapon smacking at the plate, there are still just minor and inconvinient things like the direct force of impact, causing abrasions and bruises. Sure, they are nowhere near as harmful as direct damage from a sword on skin, but they are still there.
And if you are wearing a plate, one of the last thing you can expect is being attacked by sword. More likely a shield. Or some blunt weapon. So they will cause blunt trauma and also throw you off-balance, to inflict even more damage.
And that goes even without quoting my direct HEMA experience, where plate is doing the good of not getting killed, but it hurts like a bitch anyway when you get attacked and in fact people smack harder when you wear plate, since they know they "can't" harm you.
So no, plate is not protecting from inflicted damage. It simply prevents getting killed outright, but if someone is dedicated, he will just cut your knee or trip you over and then smack until the armor gives up.
Which is very quick and very easy to do. Especially with blunt weapon and/or polearm, since you are outright bending the armour as if trying to get a can opened with smashing it with a stone - it will eventually give away and the content of it will be badly mangled due to all those hits.
Random fast thought experiment, what is the worst possible plain sword you could make? With all the mods across all the books.
It'd have to be like, a blunt broadsword, very cheap quality, copper (bronze? even silver?), unbalanced, and I can't think of any more off the top of my head.
Isn't there an outright malnus about broken weapons?
Costs fatigue (since it's heavy and cumbersome), no wounding, no knockback, no blunt trauma, inaccurate, nuissance effect (like throwing you off-balance), preparation required, reduced range (due to combination of bulk, shape and other stuff), takes extra time (duh)
And of course - unreliable and breakable, the worst of them all
Oh, I'm trying more to model the worst possible sword without it being something obvious like already broken, or made of wood or stone. And not as a point cost advantage, but with actual items in books and weapon modifiers.
A Cheap (Unbalanced) sword made from Pure Silver? Unless there's plenty of things that silver is needed to kill you end up with a weapon that cost a ton and is -1 to Hit and Damage. It's also the kind of thing where you can sort of see why a player character would drag it along with him, in case of werewolves.
Maybe use combined weapons from Martial Arts and add an unweildy flail to the handle or something? That would make it quite shitty
I'd remind him that ST 14 is pretty goddamn strong. This is a very powerful man catching a person in comparatively light plate with a good swing.
Do you mean Edge Protection rules? IIRC, Blunt Trauma is different.
Yeah, his plate would make him pretty immune to slashy swords, but he'd still get fucked up hard by blunt trauma, warhammers, and so on.
Well low tech refers to it as blunt trauma in the box. /shrug.
I've run GURPS Supers games where I just told the players it's a four-color kitchen sink comic book world, you have 1000 points plus 25 pts in disadvantages tell me what you want to play and I'll let you know if it's too broken.
Said yes to pretty much everything, just a few minor tweaks here and there. Ended up with a diverse bunch of stupid powerful noobs which would have fit right in as the Justice League's B-Team after a bit of training.
I didn't bother building their opponents in details I just winged it and trusted they could deal.
It went swimmingly.
[I always wish people saying GURPS can't handle high point games would give concrete examples of what went wrong in their games because I haven't run into nearly as many problems as they claim.]
Different user, but speaking of which - where can I find the list of item modifiers?
And for something completely different - does Fast Draw applies to breech-loaded guns, or inly for muzzle-loaders? I'm in the middle of converting our group from a homebrew to GURPS and I know one of my players will instantly go for that breech-loaded gun from Low Tech, asking if he can reload it faster with Fast Draw. So I'm basically looking for the answer before the question is even asked.
>not bad
What could be better?
Not him, but you need to read that book, just like filename suggests. Not to just get the meme, but because it's a damn fine book.
"Not bad" is used by a high-class British officer describing eating the best egg he ever had in his life. Go figure what he really meant
Your player is fucking retarded, please tell him I called him retarded.
Good =/= inpenetrable. There is a wide variety of weapons, most of them melee, that can fuck up both plate and the guy inside. In fact, most of them rely precisely on the fact they can't exactly dent the armor, but shake the person inside of it instead.
See if he feels the same way after a demonstration: Give him a metal cooking tray to strap onto his stomach, and then smash him in the gut with a frying pan.
Buy some roofies, spike his drink, and then chain him to a wall and rape him for a month or two.
Brutal trips
I see. Well user, thanks for the explanation, and also to for the compliment.
hey gurps!
rate my game map!
Post character sheets.
Receive internet hugbox/hatred
A bit overdetailed. You better run 2-3 simultaneous games in there at once
I've made it big so I can fit like 4 different settings in it, so I can run different kinds of games.
I'm afraid I don't have enough time to run simultaneous games.
Didn't get much luck on its own thread but I imagine this might have a better chance here on this thread
>What would a setting based on Radiohead's music be like? specifically the Kid A/Amnesiac era
>I would imaging it would be a setting based around an invasion of psychedelic genetically engineered teddy bears as the antagonists. I can't think of a setting that has anything similar to that but it would be cool if there was.
I want to combine this idea with gurps
what did i do?
What is your favorite supplement, and why is it Social Engineering?
High tech
Who doesn't love gun porn?
About the same time as Mars Attacks PDF being after the release of DFRPG,
>1000 points
Fucking Lensman.
Low tech isn't bad either. It's a very good for all kinds of games, anyone that needs to survive with low tech tools and equipment.
Alpha Centauri.
Because, well, Alpha Centauri. I just wish the vehicles in it get a 4th ed update.
Are atlatls any good?
So I'm trying to do something a little weird, and I'm not sure how to do it.
Basically, I'm making a character who can summon and remotely control a sword made of magic stuff, fighting with it remotely, like he was holding it.
I figured I can Stat the actual controlling of the weapon, as TK, with a bigass negative modifier of "only applies to this very specific thing". I like TK, because it fits, and also scales super well (I can add range and increase the power of it easily, plus add side effects like "Compartmentalized mind", to allow him to still act physically, while controlling the sword, it even control multiple swords at once)
But I have zero clue how to actually stat/represent creating the sword, especially in a way that allows it to scale well.
You want to basically do Mordenkainen's sword in GURPS then, but fluff it as a telekinetic blade, and have it's damage and the number of blades scale with the characters power?
One issue of Pyramid (I think one of the Alternate GURPS issues) has an article called "Natural Weapons" that are sort of like Innate Attacks that scale to ST. The examples include some handheld weapons (I think).
So its better to do a random roll to use a logic? or vice versa?
You don't need to roll random reactions for the character that swore vengeance on an NPC for killing his father who was the bbeg three adventures ago, even though he never met the players, because you know that the character hates the pc, and getting a reaction of 18+ though maybe rare, is possible, and is probably a phenomenally stupid result.
You also don't have to roll a reaction for the lecherous shopkeeper when the flirty super attractive pc asks for a small discount.
You can if you want, but the guideline is to roll when it is fun. There is no objective guideline for when rolling is fun and when fiat is better.
But to answer your question, I personally leave a lot up to rolls and try to be faithful to the results, even if it "wrecks my story."
Yeah for example, the last session I was GMing, the party bard walked into another group of adventurers looting the same place they were planning to loot. He was separated from the party too, and was surprised when his many attempts at diplomacy did nothing against the group's overconfident fighter.
"What, you expect a tough guy to listen to a pretty boy that dropped in uninvited?"
As long as TL is below 3 they kick ass
Yup, that's pretty much on the nose
How did he "introduce" himself? Because unless he was like "stop you bastards, I'm going to steal that instead!", that's basically the perfect situation to use reaction rolls, unless the NPCs, just have a "kill on sight" rule for any and everything they see in a dungeon.
It's a dungeon.
Relatively lawless, survive by any means necessary
Wat the fuck do you think will happen?
"Let's hug it out"?
How to do Medusa gaze or some similar working spell? It would be nice if there was some eye-contact related limitation, since I assume it would knock out a hefty amount of points.
No dummy, thats what the reaction roll table and modifiers are for.
Read the books
Sense based is in basic set limitations
>it would knock out a hefty amount of points.
It wouldn't, because you are ignoring DR completely.
Then, it depends on what exactly do you want.
Normal paralysis is +150% on affliction. Any equivalent of death is +300%.
Original Medusa didn't have paralyzing stare, it was just her face. I would make it as Aura, +80%; Vision Based, +150%; Always On, -20% or maybe even -40%.
Otherwise it's just an ordinary affliction, possibly with Malediction and Vision-Based, reversed, -20% (the latter is from Powers, page 105)
That was very helpful remark, thanks
Damn. Was hoping to get vision based as malnus, not increased cost. But if I'm right, the "lethal" Always On is -40%, so that's always something
So one of my friends thinks cloaks are OP bullshit and should get the following houserule for balance:
If a dodge or parry is made by a margin of success equal to or less than the cloak's defense bonus, the cloak is damaged as per the 'damage to shields' rule.
>tfw fellow user lied to you
>tfw dubs don't work
>So one of my friends thinks cloaks are OP bullshit
Cloak don't give DB when not readied as shield.
When cloak readied as shield it's same thing as shield.
He doesn't think shields is OP?
>crushing damage to cloak
Cloaks already can be damaged just like shields and have much less DR and HP. I don't see a point in this rule.
He says they basically give free DB for no real weight.
I dunno how you'd resolve that. I was just looking for a second opinion. I think it's dumb because you CAN attack a cloak and it's way easier to destroy than a shield if you do, and you can't shield rush or slam with a cloak. OR block.
I agree. Friendo doesn't.
>He says they basically give free DB for no real weight.
Taking up a hand and using a nonstandard and harder skill for a DB that you'd get with a shield at an easier skill and be able to readily loot from enemies. The cloak doesn't have even a fourth of the durability of a shield, meaning it's good for one or two uses before being ripped to shreds, and thus useless.
Call him an idiot for me, please?
We'll, playing Devils advocate but all that only applies if you block with it.
If you restrict the use to parries and dodge it still provides its bonus but doesn't weigh you down, OR take damage if you make the roll.
This is what had my friend so butt bothered. With a cloak you can make a character who pretty much always rolls dodge 14 and UP for around 200 points.
nWoD has an Innocents book with tips for building and RPing child characters.
GURPS core has basic tips for statting them, but are there any more dedicated sourcebooks? I'd love to see the GURPS treatment for child stats and psychology.
Way too many people RP kids as either adults twice their age or toddlers with babyspeak despite being in their early teens.
It takes damage if you make a defense by the DB, so if you have a 12 parry +2 DB the cloak takes damage if you roll a 13 or 14.
Where is that rule? I thought he was houseruleing it, it seemed dumb to me since you can't block, rush, or make cover with a shield.
>We'll, playing Devils advocate but all that only applies if you block with it.
Eh? B484:
"See Shields (p. 287) for the Defense Bonus (DB), DR, and HP of
shields. If your shield’s DB makes the difference between success and fail-
ure on any active defense (not just a block), the blow struck the shield
squarely, and may damage it."
Why would cloaks be any different?
If your friend is coloncruicified about high dodge scores, then use the Limited Multiple Dodges rule from MA123, or Feint them, or gang up on them, or use an area attack, or any number of options.
So it wasn't a houserule after all. Huh.
Okay, but even when things are "lawless", people don't automatically murderrape anything in sight. If he wasn't being hostile, and approached them in a friendly manner, they'd have no reason to automatically go into "KILL HIM WITH ALL OUR MIGHT".
They might be wary or even hostile, if he gets a bad Reaction Roll, but that's the point of the Reaction Roll. (Again, this is assuming that he didn't do something incredibly stupid, like declare his intent to steal their shit)
>harder skill for a DB that you'd get with a shield at an easier skill
You don't need skill to get DB from cloak/shield
>Why would cloaks be any different?
>I think it's dumb because you CAN attack a cloak and it's way easier to destroy than a shield if you do, and you can't shield rush or slam with a cloak. OR block.
You can actively block with a cloak with the Cloak skill, though.
And hear me out here
What if they ARE motivated to kill him?
I want to run a post-human post-apocalyptic scifi game using the alternative computer & computer software complexity rules and other ideas from Thomas Weigel's "Thinking Machines" article in the GURPS " Tech and Toy II issue/e-magazine. Since this will involve the (cognitively enhanced) Mind Emulation player characters occasionally cut & pasting themselves into such things as "skyscraper computers" using the usual character template which reflects being a static computer (i.e. the Mainframe template from Transhuman Space/THS: Changing Times) is not going to cut it. Therefore, I need a template which instead reflects being computer software (like seen with Infomorphs in Eclipse Phase or the mind uploads in Nova Praxis).
As a starting point, I'm thinking of taking the Insubstantial advantage and giving it the Cybernetic limitation. What other limitations and features can I add to this to better reflect the character being software?
Digital mind
Absolute timing
Domination(digital minds)
Runs on electricity?
And obviously, the standard pack of Doesn't breath, Doesn't eat etc.
TS's Infomorph templates *are* software, which is why they normally have one of Possession (Digital), Duplication (Digital), Extra Life, etc. Their physical template (warbot, mainframe, RATs, etc.) is switched out when running on different hardware.