Post photos of real life fantasy locations. No art, please!
Post photos of real life fantasy locations. No art, please!
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Alsace is a real life fantasy kingdom occupied by a real life evil empire. I'm gonna dump pictures now and see if anybody is ballsy enough to disagree.
Come to Alsace, dear goyim, forget that fake and gay Paris (built by an Alsatian, btw!).
>there is at least one other Alsatian on this site
Are you from Strasbourg?
Google "traboules vieux lyon"
It's a series of inners courts and passageways that went through the medieval town of Lyon. Pretty neat architecture.
Nope, I'm a filthy haut-rhinois living in a small village near Colmar.
This is where I live. Comfy mountain campaign material, I think.
Do you have a roleplaying community there?
>Quaint European towns, the thread
C'mon. Get a little stranger.
I've met a few people who play (mostly shitty homebrewed systems or SimulacreS).
I do have a regular online game of dnd 5e though, but seeing as the group is in different timezones we can only do it every other weekend or so.
>occupied by a real life evil empire
That was a hundred years ago. The evil empire is gone, vanquished by the forces of good.
In all honesty Alsace looks like a nice place. Would love to visit it once especially now that Paris is being runed by both mass-migration and post-modern architecture.
More on topic, I think Rome deserves a mention.
>The capital of a mighty but long dead empire
>The seat of a powerful religious leader
>More old ruins than you can spit at
How is this not THE adventurer city?
Because the main enemy would be gypsies?
The main enemies would be G*rmanics. As usual, they're back to their old tricks trying to ruin SUPERIOR LATIN CIVILIZATION.
>tfw Lyonnais
Feels good
>captcha : mountains
Does this count?
I never understood the Rand*mly Blan*ing a Let*er meme
Got plenty of city pics that would fit the for cyberpunk games
Paris has always been a shithole, but the centre has nearly no modern architecture at all. You're thinking of London or Berlin there.
imagine if that thing come to life and can controll the terrain around him
Needs some cute villages in here
La Roche aux Fées (Fairies' Rock), real-life quest location name.
>Paris is being ruined by mass-migration
Strasbourg is not far behind.
>Paris has always been a shithole
Nah mate.
>but the centre has nearly no modern architecture at all
Between the Tour Montparnasse and that disgusting glass skycraper the Catalan whore who runs the city has planned, it's aspiring to become just as much of a mess as London.
Ladies and gentlemen...
Gates of Hell.
Ghent fuck yeah!
>Stairs to heaven's gate.
What' there's going to be suicide and sneakers at the top?
The Puzzlewood was a confirmed source of inspiration for Tolkien, C.S. Lewis and J.K. Rowling. Whenever you're reading about an ancient and mysterious forest in a British fantasy book, chances are that you're reading about the Puzzlewood.
>Between the Tour Montparnasse and that disgusting glass skycraper the Catalan whore has planned
It's both in the far south in ugly districts already.
>Nah mate.
Yes it has. People say mass migration but it's not like parisians have ever been better than africans.
What Parisians? Parisians don't exist any more. It's a bunch of people who immigrated from all over France in the past century and their culturally disconnected kids.
See, just like africans then.
So turns out Chile has some amazing caves....
>t. Pajeet
Just hating France won't make you "quintessentially British"
Believe it or not, this is a natural cave in the Urals.
Here in the south of BRazil, we have two cities called Gramado and Canela. Gramado specially was pretty much made to look a bit fantastical and survives out of tourism. Their christmas parade is quite known around here.
>Alsace is a real life fantasy kingdom
Howl's Moving Castle was explicitly based on it, you can even spot specific real life buildings when watching it
I'm sorry BRo, but this looks like those disgustingly fake "German American" cities built by Americans with a severe case of muh heritage poisoning
There's a huge gap between hating parisians and hating the french or hating France. The french hate parisians as well. Parisians hate France.
If there isn't massive hatred between your capital and your country, you probably live in Luxembourg.
Eh, not even mad, the people here are quite nice (I bet they need to be) and theres not much thieves and buglars, the place is clean and peaceful. Sadly I forgot the true german cities, because they tend to have... unfriendly people here if you doesnt have blue eyes and blonde/red hair. Also they speak german, not portuguese.
By Brazilian standards, it's fantastic. No government death squads, no crumbling ork-tier favelas. No streets literally (not figuratively) flowing with raw sewage.
>they tend to have... unfriendly people here if you doesnt have blue eyes and blonde/red hair
Wow, what a crock of shit.
I mean, at least Parisians always limited their particular brand of cancer to being smug cunts, rather than durking to allah and exploding, running over christmas shoppers with a truck, or gang-raping a mentally retarded girl.
>I mean, at least Parisians always limited their particular brand of cancer to being smug cunts, rather than durking to allah and exploding, running over christmas shoppers with a truck, or gang-raping a mentally retarded girl.
They are the ones importing the former, tho.
The latter I mean.
The baguette has been invented to stop parisians from stabbing each other with bread knives.
Good point.
Even so, you must admit Parisians killing Parisians is not exactly a great tragedy.
I didn't weep for the Bataclan. What happened in Nice is a tragedy trough.
speaking from experience?
Germans are the LEAST racist nation in Europe.
Meh, they are tryhards. They speak german and live in german comunities to not mix with the Brazillians. Fun part is that they still took all the african migrants to their land because they are ridiculously cheap labor. The africans are happy, because the germans pay well compared with what they won on Africa, and we just leave them alone.
Here, have a detail from my city tiny cathedral.
why am i getting counter strike vibes from this?
Someone with photoshop skills could probably turned that solidified lava into a big pile of human bodies.
Not sure, there's an Overwatch map carbon copied from Rothenburg though.
He is 100% right. germans are hell bent on atoning for WWII and all the negative stereotypes. If you want proper racist Germans, go to Austria.
Well I put on dump a folder called "real life video game locations", hope you don't mind the occasional modern building.
>you are now manually aware that this reference is too dated for the average Veeky Forums browser to comprehend
Germans are dying out.