In an earlier thread (), I recounted an experience wherein our party was performing splendidly throughout several sessions, only to abruptly blow up a country and doom the whole world, all without warning. This was because we unwittingly empowered MEMES in a plot twist out of nowhere, with minimal warning or foreshadowing.
The GM has gotten back to me a second time in defense of their storyline, but I would like to give some context first.
Before the campaign started, the GM offered us two choices of storylines. The first was a fey-themed adventure, and the second was an eldritch/cosmic horror adventure. The group unanimously settled on the fey plot.
At the start of the campaign, we were offered an in-character choice: investigate the mysterious disappearance of an important person, or investigate and fight off pirates and sea monsters with mystical powers. We chose the latter, but rather than rush off to board a pirate ship, we opted to do gather intel first.
We discovered that these pirates and sea monsters were cultists of some entities called "blood gods." The pirates and sea monsters were growing stronger and constantly regenerating. We held off from fighting them directly, and instead traveled the world to uncover more about these "blood gods."
We spent several sessions traveling the world and piecing together information on these "blood gods." We relayed our discoveries to our allies, and we heard of the pirates and sea monsters growing stronger. There was a climactic moment wherein we encountered an NPC trying to incinerate a whole city. She knew much of the "blood gods" but was unwilling to tell us about them. After a showdown, we knocked her out and psychically compelled her to tell us everything she knew about the "blood gods." This was at the end of a session.
The GM announced that we had hit the "bad ending," the country had been destroyed, and the world was doomed. This was because the "blood gods" were memetic entities.