I am looking to move and was wondering if any anons have insight on how popular nerd shit is by state in burgerland
Face to Face popularity
>Northeast, Northwest USA
Optimal. Still seen as a niche hobby but pretty easy to find players if you actively look. Lots of closet nerds and "would try it if they had friends to teach them" types hidden in the normie crowd. Northwest is pretentious and backstabbing, Northeast is rude and aggressive. Pick your poison.
Never met anyone out of there who plays, but I can't imagine they don't exist. Not like there's much else of note out there so they must have some kind of domestic hobbies market.
>The South
I know a lot of players from this region but almost all of them speak ill of the reputation the hobby has. Rarely all the way into "burning D&D books at the church gathering" but closer to the whole "people who play Veeky Forums games are seen as antisocial crazy people" thing.
This is the only state I've gotten confirmed reports of a "D&D is a tool used by Satanists to convert children to devil worship and suicide cults" parent from one of my players. That is all you need to know, aside from the fact that it is Florida.
We don't speak of that shithole.
>The South
Can only speak for Georgia, but I know lots of players from here (as I live here). I run Numenera modules every year at a local con and it's often well received, though most people in my area are AAA-Title vidya players, so when you bring up Veeky Forums stuff they go "like Skyrim with dice?" and it's easier to say "yeah kinda."
All the best gaming stores I've been to were in Florida. FLGS and Borderlands in Jacksonville (even Jax's Games Workshop is full of pretty cool dudes) and The Game Academy in Tampa (go there about every three months for medical stuff, always stop in while I'm in town). Can't speak for the rest of Florida, but the only other cities that matter down there are Orlando and Miami, so...
I come from Jersey and it seems like I cannot get a consistent group.
Believe it or not, tabletop is extremely popular in Utah.
Yeah but they only play Dogs in the Vineyard
Very popular in NYC, but unfortunately being taken over by disgusting nu males, to the point that I'd rather go fuck it and play online.
Orlando is pretty good for gaming. Plenty of game stores and megacon comes around every year
In West Virginia, the Nerd culture centers mainly around South Charleston, Charleston (capital), Beckley, Vienna and Prinston. Once a year in October we have Charcon in Charleston, which is where a decent number of our local nerds congregate because they can't afford to go to Origins Game Fair in Columbus during June.
> Florida parents think dnd is devil worship
Florida is pretty varied. My grandpa thinks it's satanic but in his defense the only book he found if mine is my copy of call of Cthulhu 6th edition
I live in Montana and tabletops are pretty easy to find here, if not a little vanilla. Many of my friends are reluctant to try anything past DnD.
What about north dakota any one from there it was where I was looking to move
Wow my auto correct had a stroke. I was looking to move to north dakota does anyone know anything about nerds around those parts.
More people should play DitV.
North Dakota has no people. everything is grass and snow
What would be a decent and affordable area to move in to Florida? with stores for tabletop and vidya close by of course?
>California, Sacremento area
Only social outcasts and drama club members play TTRPGs.
You don't really get game shops here, so they're usually combined with shops of other nerd hangouts. The one I go to is also a comic book shop.
You'll probably going to be the only one in ND since no one lives there. Might want to find an online group to play with or maybe see what options you have for game shops in the city you're moving.
Well game stops litter places around Florida. Orlando has a lot of game stores but its very expensive to live here. You will want to find a place that's inland and not a major city. Like Davenport or something. Although my 2 favorite game stores near me both shut down.
>I know a lot of players from this region but almost all of them speak ill of the reputation the hobby has. Rarely all the way into "burning D&D books at the church gathering" but closer to the whole "people who play Veeky Forums games are seen as antisocial crazy people" thing.
I may be an outlier but whenever I mention DnD to friends and (under 30) family they seem interested in playing. Kind of oversized as a group already so I may need to learn to DM and split up the main group when our campaign ends so we don't end up with 15 PCs eventually (currently we have 7 with 4 people who join one-shots we run on weeks where one or more people can't make the usual session).
Yah I had to split my group a few years back. Now we cut down in size enough to come back for 1 big pathfinder group.
>Never met anyone out of there who plays, but I can't imagine they don't exist.
Fool, I'm in the heart of the midwest (Columbus, OH) and the tabletop scene is huge here. Tons of people play, it's a big thing here.
Anyone here from Nashville TN?
I used to play DnD5e with my brothers but they are moving out of state this summer so I need a new game group of cool dudes.
I was thinking so because isn't gen con out there?
Origins is in Columbus, GenCon is in Indy. But yeah, Midwest has tons of Veeky Forums content.
Of course, Columbus would have a large Nerd Culture, Origins Game Fair is held there and is basically the Nerd Meca of the Eastern United States.
Can't possibly do state by state. I'll do our major regions.
>Northeast USA
Modern and Populated. Probably the best bet. Couldn't go state by state, but the major cities will all have you covered.
>The South + Texas
Populated but not Modern. The major cities are still probably okay. But if you leave there you're done. Y'all ain't finding no game hobby stores in rural Georgia.
Neither modern nor populated. Vast and empty. I've never met anyone from the Midwest. I'm not even convinced it is real. It couldn't possibly have a gaming community. Don't take the risk, avoid.
>West Coast + Arizona
Modern and populated. A lot like the Northeast, but insufferably gay about it. California in particular has vibrant gaming culture for almost every niche.
user no...
SoCal and AZ do actually have a scene for it, but the attitude is kind of varied. Where one will want to make a podcast or some shit, the other is just looking for an excuse not to leave the house and remember what a barren desert it is they live in.
North Carolina has a 40k scene in Charlotte, the Wilmington area is ALL MTG ALL THE TIME. It's retardedly popular here.
Seeing as you have computer access, there are options like roll20 available. Just keep in mind that the typical group there will consist of a few regulars:
- the english as a second language creeper
- the guy with the shitty fucking mic blaring all the time
- the two players that won't shut the fuck up
- the GM who is inept in some form
I wouldn't take it as a first option, but if you're willing to risk the headache it's there.
Don't forget Morgantown - the eternal college. It's where I picked up my group. It's rare I see someone of the same state post. If I were't on mobile, I'd post that picture of the skeleton weatherman pointing to Charleston & saying it's going to be spooky.
I tend to be the inept gm
in KS. Tabletop's not hard to access here, assuming you don't live in nowhereville, but even smaller towns might have hobby/game shops I've seen. If you're in a city area, it will be no trouble at all.
I also like the embrace the nay culture has for nerds but hate it politically in almost every other aspect. I tried to play with self proclaimed feminists and social justice warriors the kind I think will be common on the west coast neon hair and all and wanted to hang myself. I guess Veeky Forums has made me a jaded person but it seems like any topic you try to have in a game they start to virtue signal and try to shoe horn there ideology into everything they touch.
the stereotype is that you will encounter that kind of crowd in CA and concentrated in colleges, doubly so in art/community colleges.
My personal opinion that is absolutely biased is that you need to go to places with bad weather because then everyone is too busy being miserable to be shitty about politics.
I'm in southern California and it's not hard to find a group, in my town anyway. There's plenty of game shops but you have to know what you're looking for, I still run into people asking "Wait, people still play D&D?"
People that unironically use the word numale should just be gassed.
Few hours west in Indianapolis but yeah.
>using voice chat to RP with randos
America is huge.
Like ridiculously huge.
And contrary to what Eurocucks seem to believe, America is also extremely varied. Not just by state either, but counties and even towns within counties can have wildly different local cultures.
Thus, what you're asking depends on so many variables that it boils down to nothing more than an argument starter.
I've never had any trouble finding people in east and central Texas.