Pathfinder General /pfg/

Pathfinder General /pfg/

What's the best way to play a maid in Pathfinder?

Unified /pfg/ link repository:

Avowed Playtest 1:
Avowed Playtest 2:

Spheres of Might previews:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
PS: Outdated, playtest should be out next week but that's not a promise.

Bloodforge Infusions updated playtest:

Old Thread:

Other urls found in this thread: stun vial

A group of 4 friends of mine and myself once invaded a living campaign by having each of us make a maid character application to get in.

Suddenly 5 maids were running around in the campaign doing the cleaning duties of the higher levels until they got annoyed it.

Phantom Thief Urogue, all the skills with unlocks, and vigilante talents for companion to the lonely.

What are the gods like in your setting, user?
Are they chatty or quiet?
Do they spend time with their worshippers or are they aloof?
Are they nigh incomprehensible beings or humans?
One or many?

Tell me about your deities and other figures of worship!


By being a shapeshifter

Let's also continue this from the last thread:

Stat your character as a deity

>Name, with 2-3 other titles
>Patron of X, Y, Z
>Holy Symbol
>5 Domains
>5 Subdomains
>Favored Weapon
>Deific Obedience

Tfw no cute battlemaids in puella yet

At least the one detailed character is kinda cute

Did some more Spellburst Savant homebrew. Broom Jockey is a mobility/flight/speed based spellburst savant with a melee theme.

This is the beta so feedback is highly appreciated. Among other things, I'm a little iffy if it's got enough melee boost to be functional in combat as most of it's stuff is about mobility and it lost some nova spell getting there. Still, Flyby Attack works nicely with Wave Motion Strike (As it allows a standard action, NOT just an attack)

Sorry about there being a few postings but I'm trying to get feedback to help it get out of beta. Some changes have since the last posting. Faster'n You has seen significant rewrites.

Explain /pfg/'s shilling of Rory.

Serious talk, serious explanation.

Attention whore player

shitty memedog

Rory's player tried to overmeme his character in an attempt to stop the memeing of his character. It did not go as expected.

Like the Goddamn Fucking Maidman.

You don't pay me enough to do your worldbuilding, user.


We even have childhood pictures of him

No, no, no NO NO NO NO NO NO NO
It all really was leading up to this, wasn't it.

Battle Butler class from Gonzo2

>tfw no 1pp only campaign

Would you settle for a game that's 1pp+Avowed only?

That's a blinkling.

As long as I don't HAVE to use anything outside of core and the house rules aren't completely stupid like that one dude not allowing armor, I would be interested.

Do Evil means compromise a Good intention?

>tfw running one right now but only managed to get 2 of my friends to join


What if instead of increasing your AC, Armor and Shields gave you Temporary HP while Natural Armor gave increased your HP? Say you scaled it so that you gain a number of temporary hit points equal to your level times the AC bonus, stacking with other temp HP sources.

>tfw don't want pure 1pp game
>tfw the only groups I can find are either "FULL 3PP, BETTER BE POW IF YOU WANT TO COMBAT" or "1pp by PFS rulings only"
>I just want to play a goddamn Jollylock, or an alchemist that uses the discoveries from LV:V


Why not Puella Librum Daemonium then?

What about Neutral means?

As a general guideline, you should remember that being Evil is easy while being Good is hard. To be Evil you only need evil intentions OR evil actions, while to be Good both need to be pure.

>don't HAVE to use anything outside of core

Why would you WILLINGLY play with just core if the only limit is "1pp only"? CRB is garbage.

Minor avowed infodump: the full-BAB, lowered Aether Pulse progression archetype will not have Aspirant or Betrothed as options, for exactly the same reason Aether Channel having a reduced dice progression wouldn't have worked.

Which is to say, classes balanced by reduced aether pulse damage do not play well AT ALL with a further reduced source of aether pulse damage, regardless. An Aspirant with a reduced aether pulse progression but full BAB would have effectively no drawbacks from less aether pulse dice - as they're barely using that anyway.

Thought it would be good to clarify that, before anyone gets their hopes up for full BAB Aspirant or Betrothed builds.

Being Evil is not easy
Not only do Good people try to kill you, so do other Evil people

What about Filthy Deeds Performed at Low Affordable Prices?


what is pathfinder's cyanide poisoning?

>lowered Aether Pulse Progression
>it's not just an Alternative

I sure hope the option to have backup ranged blasts of some sort doesn't get thoroughly dicked on with that. Or that you tell us we won't have those as an option.

>Name, with 2-3 other titles
Adela, the Dreaming Desire, Damnation's Gift, the Sapphic Serpent
>Patron of X, Y, Z
Contracts, Dreams and Misandry
>Holy Symbol
A ruby heart surrounded by thorns
>5 Domains
Law, Evil, Magic, Charm, Scalykind
>5 Subdomains
Slavery, Devil, Divine, Lust, Venom
>Favored Weapon
>Deific Obedience
Spend one hour dominating or being dominated by a woman. Male worshippers may never be dominant. If no one is available, female faithful may inuldge in vivid fantasies while men should punish themselves with needles that curve like snake fangs.

Because that's rape and the house rules are fucking stupid
>Have to play rape bait
>Can't even try to get out of monster rape when it's your time.

I mean, we'll do our best to keep backup ranged options... an, uh, option. I'm not sure what you mean by 'not just an alternative'? Like I said, we can't do an alternate Aether Channel because it's impossible to balance with Betrothed or Aspirant, as well as just being messier overall than an archetype which we can tune appropriately.

How do I Spheres Gish? Which Spheres should I focus on?

Theres a difference between resisting it and being unrapeable

Liozis, Star Emmisary, Lady of Joy
Patron of the Sky, Friendship, and Support
Holy Symbol: a dark circle with an outstretched hand outlined in stars
Alignment: NG
Domains: Skies, Stars, Friendship, Joy, Dance
Subdomains: Weather, Sun, Hope, Maps, Love
Favored Weapon: Magic shock weapons
Deific Obedience: Spend one hour observing or artistically representing the sky. When complete, gain a +4 sacred bonus to diplomacy checks and +2 to Will saves against emotion effects.

>Finding your old character's weapon in a treasure pile


That's some feels I never want to know.

They got a new weapon and sold the old one, like all PCs do!

Understandable once I think about the hot mess of options you've all been trying to balance at once. I never really considered how it would interact with those archetypes, even when it was just built into channel by default.

Only frustration left in me is trying to be patient, and wondering how many magic knight/warrior types I'll be able to recreate with it, and what cool options will get suggested and implemented.

It was her Heirloom Weapon she spent thousands of gold upgrading.

Not if they're a Bladebound Magus

>Finding your old character's wedding ring at a pawn shop
That's why I stopped playing married characters.

That DM sounds like a real meanie.

>Name, with 2-3 other titles
The Protector Embraced Thrice.
>Patron of X, Y, Z
Dreams, True Love, Murder
>Holy Symbol
The Faithful's own mutilated arm.
>5 Domains
Madness, Charm, Destruction, Strength, Protection
>5 Subdomains
Insanity, Love, Torture, Resolve, Purity
>Favored Weapon
Folding Knife
>Deific Obedience
Ensure the safety and happiness of your loved ones, at all costs. Swiftly and viciously put down any and all possible threats to your loved ones, no matter how small or great. Ensure you or your loved ones do not become a threat to the safety and happiness of other faithful or their loved ones.

Glennodis, The Safekeeper, Hound of Relics
Patron of Artifacts, Vaults and Exploring
Holy Symbol: Scroll bound by heavy lock
Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Eh actually forget it rest is just kinda busy work

>God of yandere

He was a total fucking douchebag who loved fucking with his players in ways like that. The worst part? The vendor was selling it for 1GP if I bought something else too.

I try not to let OOC things affect IC behavior but I really wanted my alchemist to just molotov cocktail that building to the ground.

>Meeting your old character and his family at the cosy tavern they opened when they retired.
>It doesn't get raided, burned down, destroyed or disintegrated by the BBEG

Deific Obedience is a specific action, not a general pledge.

I'm pretty sure there's also a Daemonic Harbinger of Yandere.

Yes, the specific action of murdering anyone who gives you an excuse.

If you have any suggestions, we'd love to hear them. ^^

>Your old character opened a shop
>His prices are insane but he's made sure to monopolize the everloving shit out of potions, scrolls and magic items
>Everyone in the party fails their sense motive and appraise checks and fully believe he's cutting them a great deal when he "gives them a discount"

No, because that's dependent on if anyone threatens your loved one; if you lock them up and keep them safe, you're not actually DOING anything, therefore the Obedience is meaningless.
Consider Lamashtu's obedience, which requires the sacrifice of a person every day. Or Asmodeus, who asks you to carve a pentagram into someone's skin with a ruby knife every day. They key is Symbolism and Repetition.

A Deific Obedience is not a deity's code. It would have to be "Find someone who's a threat to your loved one and murder them. If no one is available, think about doing it."

Best part is that the other deity with "Murder someone," as an obedience is Ragathiel.

>old character kills you

>Find someone who's a threat to your loved one
For a yandere... Wouldn't that technically be any other female/male?

Alternatively, "If no legitimate threat is available, murder someone who has offended or otherwise slighted your loved one in some fashion."

>Your GM does a better job roleplaying as your old character than you ever did

Not a romantic threat, but a danger-to-their-life threat. Just because you're Yandere, doesn't mean you automatically fulfill it either, so no cheating that way!

Oh, huh. That's awkward. Well, I'll admit I got that one wrong.

How do we Make Poison Great Again?

Even the PoW poison discipline is mediocre.

Do you play the official setting/s or have you made your own?

No, a yandere who murders without reason quickly draws attention to themselves and their loved one and makes more threats.

Thus fulfilling their Deific Obedience!

Should enemies fight to the death, or do you make surrender run/from their lives? Do you use a morality check?

Wait for the Poison sphere from SoM.

These two get it.

Yes, but why would you intentionally go against your god's code and waifu/husbando's and safety happiness to create more opportunities to go through a ritual?

>You then resume playing the old character
>Your new character who died was working for the BBEG

generally speaking the only enemies i have fight to the death are ones with int or wis at 3 or lower

otherwise they will try to plead for mercy or escape if they lose the fight (barring any circumstances such as honor, rage, blindly following orders, etc. etc.)

Currently I'm playing in Dark Souls, Eberron, a homebrew setting based on Arthurian mythology where Morgan le Fay fucked off to rule after Arthur died. Stalled games include a homebrew setting with magnetic seas and a hell of a timeline clusterfuck, a VRMMO, and... I wanna say Greyhawk?

the fuck is a golarion

I'd say I'm savin' my shit till I see what you got, since a lot of what I'm hoping for boils down to "I sure hope someone takes magus out back, shoots it in the head, and reincarnates it into something better designed"

It's not going to be an incredibly transformative archetype, for what it's worth. Full BAB, a heavier push towards weapon use, lowered aether pulse progression. Effectively we're trying to recreate the old full BAB aether channel, but with the ability to actually tune numbers around it better.

My hopes for the class come from the class as a whole. Hopefully I'll get a chance to play it and provide some real feedback now that the changes have calmed down to be smaller.

Not the same guy, but let's be honest. The setup in that game is more a matter of 'when and how much', not 'if'. As the game's author noted, it will appeal to a very select group. A lot of people will not be interested.

I think there's a stronger demand for games where the themes are mature and bad things can happen, but aren't baked into the narrative so much as just a natural consequence of people's potential to be cruel. But fade to black would be the more appropriate way to handle it.

So what actually is the limit?
What is the next step from rape rules?

there is no limit

PC Eugenics System

rules for intercourse between creatures that are 2 or more size categories apart stun vial

What is the range of one of these?

Presumably the same as Alchemist Fire or other splash weapons of that sort, so 10ft.

Also, please delete.

I'm sure you can find that somewhere in here:


10ft. or 20ft. with a Flask Thrower.

>rules for intercourse between creatures that are 2 or more size categories apart

I'd argue that a woman needs to be a certain size, have a certain constitution (15+) and maybe a special feat to be treated as one category larger for the purpose of sex, same with a guy. It will still be a tight fit for the girl and a touch loose for the guy, but it'll work.

Pathfinder Vices tackles this issue

Not just ANY rape rules either...


So we're more or less already at endgame.

Could someone give me the basics for the Spheres of Power rules? I might be running a game with them.

Thank you.