>we began to see some movement in the format—particularly the rise of Temur Dynavolt Tower as a potential addition to that upper echelon. With that kind of movement in the format, we thought it best to gather more data Lmao
>Hating Mardu is slightly faster than me which can be annoying on the draw but hardly worth hating
>Building Always fine tuning, but mainly playing this, it's a lot of fun
>What'd you sell in fear of bans I actually picked up several Gideons at a fat discount from this guy at my lgs that was sure of a ban lol
>Hows the meta at your LGS Pretty sweet actually. We've got a mono black eldrazi guy, bant humans, mardu ballista, mardu vehicles, mardu planeswalkers, U/B control, sultai delirium, cat combo (of course). Pretty diverse to be honest, not sure what everyone is so butthurt about.. who cares that the "pros" choose to only play two decks?
Dominic Reed
Took me two fucking minutes and half of that was making an account.
Zachary Sullivan
>Giving mardu vehicles yet another answer for every other deck in the format
Hunter Rivera
Why would Mardu vehicles use my shitty vanilla burn spell when they could be playing Disintegration, which is better for their deck in almost every way except that it doesn't gib Gideon?
Jack Fisher
You just answered your own question, bud
Lincoln Wright
I'm inclined to say that if a card killing Gideon makes it playable, that hurts MV more than it helps. Especially since it also pops the vehicles.
Christian Moore
Yeah dude! I bet g/b counters would play it! Or I could totally see 4c Saheeli taking a turn off from the combo to kill a creature or planeswalker!
Kys, retard
Connor Anderson
>no Gideon ban >no Felidar Guardian ban >no Constrictor ban >no Scrounger ban
guess I get to skip another format what a disaster
play green or white or lose the game
nice meme
Ayden Adams
>Not playing green or white You memed yourself
Isaac Reed
>playing one of the two worst, least interesting colors in the game
I just want to play blue black or red without the later two being shitty splash colors just for removal
is that really too much to ask?
Jason Bennett
I think it's good they didn't ban anything. Now if only Development would learn how to do their fucking jobs.
Caleb Nelson
>I wanna play black >I don't want to just remove stuff ???
Levi Thomas
Can you post your deck list? I'm interested to see what a competitive improvise deck is made up of
Adrian Clark
I would like to play black creatures or red creatures or burn or some form of "good" hand disruption or some form of "good" mana destruction or some "good" control deck
I absolutely despise when decks go above 3 colors and I hate white and green this format is one of the absolute worst in recent memory
Jack Rodriguez
>What are you playing? Green/White Humans >What are you hating? Removal, Heart of Kiran, Kalitas, Gideon >What are you building? Waiting for a non-shit block to come out before I build anything else. >What did you sell in fear of bans? Nothing >How's the meta at your LGS? A bunch of meme decks that just happen to grind my deck into paste. Whenever I come up against an actual meta deck I do great. >Anything spicy? Someone brewed up a mono-black aetherborn artifact sacrifice deck that was sweet, but took it apart because he lost one time to cat combo. He plays Aetherflux storm now.
Nicholas Morris
> Playing Grixis Control > Hating Scrapheap Scrounger, Fevered Visions and how I never draw the cards I Sideboard in > Building Fine tuning Grixis and working on a Dark Jeskai for a local Frontier scene that is growing > Sold Nothing >LGS Meta Quite varied, no one seems to run the top tier decks and they all play their own brews > Spicy Probably this one guy's Grixis Re-animator deck. Zombies keep coming back and Madness is always ready for him.
Jack Long
Elaborate on some of the meme decks?
>no one seems to run the top tier decks and they all play their own brews iwanttobelieve.jpeg
I fucking hate my LGS. Just a bunch of netdecking shitters that act smug as fuck when they win and get salty as hell when they lose, pure cancer
Jonathan Bailey
lol this is Combo Winter all over again. How does Wizards always jack up Standard with artifact sets?
Magic is fucked, Wizards is fucked, sales are going to tank and the game will die within the decade unless R&D/Wizards gets their shit together
Joseph Hernandez
>some of the meme decks Forcing certain cards like Dark Intimations, or Mechanized Production. Occasional instances of Eldrazi in all colors. Spirit tribal/control.
Jeremiah Hernandez
It's kinda funny. I used to go to another scene that utterly hated on this one. Once I started going here I've realized the other scene is the pure cancer and they were just lashing out.
Isaac Nguyen
I am thinking about returning to paper MTG. Last time I played was during Zendikar block, stopped playing after Mind Sculptor shenanigans. Considering current situation with Standard (just read about Cat Combo, lel), should I wait for a new set release before coming back?
James Sanders
>Playing Jund Energy, but without the good cards. It sucks. >Brewing Going to sell the aforementioned to get U/R Emerge, which I can actually afford. Plus, you can play creatures at instant speed! Like faeries, but with more tentacles. >Hating Nothing much, my LGS is full of people with tier 1 decks but they rarely show up with them, which is nice. >Anything spicy? Considering a 1-of Fateful Showdown to throw a lot of damage at my opponent + discard some zombies after a few turns of Fevered Visions.
Gabriel Flores
I would wait on Standard. It's a shitfest right now, and it doesn't seem like Wizards wants to do anything about it.
Or get into a non-rotating/eternal format
Brandon Mitchell
I miss suicide black creatures. Wizards can't do that sort of thing anymore.
Camden Wood
Yeah probably wait for amonkhet
Good paper news though, MM17 comes out Saturday so a lot of EDH cards will tank in price soon. Fun format for paper, since there's a lot of janky combos that are annoying to deal with online
Liam Robinson
>Playing 4c cats. Deal with it nerds.
>Hating All of you fucking whiners on the Internet. Get gud or get out.
Gruul EDH. You know, where casual players go to have fun. Unlike standard, which is a competitive format.
>Selling Never panic sell.
>LGS Meta Fun, we're the stoner shop. A good mix of brewers and spikes. Another shop down the street is full of turbo autist spikes who smell.
>Spicy the fajitas I had for lunch
Ayden Smith
Why would anyone bother playing anything other than the top 3 rock-paper-scissors decks? Do you enjoy going 2-2 , 1-3 every fnm?
Standard isn't worth the money or the time.
Christian Cooper
Bruh 4c cat combo is not that expensive, it's like $200 paper. Compare that to khans standard where every (competitive) deck was $500 plus.
The gameplay of this standard is far from boring. It's grindy, interactive, and there are lots of complex decisions to be made.
All of you whining Johnnys online need to fuck off to your shitty modern format for a while. Some of us standard spikes actually enjoy this.
Noah Richardson
>$200 to mayyybe go 3-1 at and fnm (with the right matchups) for 3 months, wew >implying flooding the board with the most shit and calculating swingback is interactive, or stalling the game until gearhulk/saheeli >plays combo, calls other people johhnys, wut
Gavin Carter
>go 3-1 if you're lucky Or, ya know, win either of the GPs from this past weekend. Also,
>implying combo is exclusive to Johnnys
Kayden Rogers
Christ, did they forget that Gideon was a white guy?
Hudson Cruz
>Wizards can't do that sort of thing anymore Why not?
Jose Sanchez
Bait or badass alert?
Benjamin Parker
>Plays combo cat >Calls other people johnny
Parker Reyes
White guys can't get tanned?
He's been through 3 really sunny planes since he left Theros: Zendikar, Kaladesh and now Amonkhet.
Camden Allen
Not in my card game!! Reeeeeeeeee
Zachary Evans
I mean, while that is indeed a good point, he was originally a clammy, pasty white dude. He's not even the same character anymore.
Also that art is fucking ugly
Camden Anderson
>Not banning because "the meta may shift" >Implying that it hasnt already been solved
50/50 splits between saheeli cat and mardu across two GPs isn't a coincidence.
Thomas Gonzalez
Playing bw planeswalkers. Really good results so far.
Hate saheeli cat combo. Really bad matchup for me
Sweating all day over potential gids ban
Lgs is very competitive, but its good learning every time.
Robert Evans
Well, let's see. Theros is a plane based on the Greek/A bit of Roman Mythology. We can assume with some certainty that he is the equivalent of someone from the Mediterranean.
People in the Mediterranean tan really well. Hell, even if you take just greece, Turkey is right on the other side of their pond.
I can't explain the inconsistent art though. Let me try:
>Jace is always wearing a hood and cape, so he doesn't get much sun.
>Liliana can't tan unless she wants to, since she's forever beautiful and spotless.
>Chandra is pretty much a super albino. If she can't get tanned in fucking Kaladesh with clearly Indian parents, nothing will get her tanned.
>Ajani is a lion man, even if he tans, it would be underneath the fur
>Nissa is an elf. I don't think Elves can get tanned.
So the only person really suffering from sun overexposure and possible early skin aging is Gideon. That's my headcanon.
Noah Taylor
Thomas Rivera
Cooper Cooper
I don't get it.
Cameron Rodriguez
>Playing? Jumping between Grixis and straight UR Emerge. Back on the Grixis train for now. >Hating? When you clear the first Felidar only to have them topdeck a second one. >Building? Still tuning the SB, as GB still gives me issues. >What'd you sell? Bought a set of SFM, finished my Ancestral Vision, and picked up two JTMS before he jumped $20. Don't really have to fear Standard bans as I play "jank" >Meta? Lot of variety, with a few of the top decks, and a smattering of things like Servos, RB Vampires, and Control. 99% of the people are pretty chill and they're good games. >Anything spicy? My friend's running RW human aggro, lot of free wins with everyone durdling around. Hanweir Garrison with either Mimic or a Thalia's Lt is no fucking joke.
I'm still enjoying Standard, and I'm just banking up the credit at my shop. Gonna end up blowing my load on fetches and other MM3 stuff this weekend.
Carson Myers
It's "don't step on snek" meme
Henry Bell
>Playin R/G aggro. No pummeler, no combo, just creatures and energy counters. Lightning Runner is underappreciated. I'm honestly happy with the deck, took game day easily with it
>Hatin UB Colossus, I can't get enough artifact removal
>Brewin Undecided between UB Servos feat Westvale Abbey or just turning GR into GB
Jacob Murphy
>lightning runner >longtusk cub >empyreal voyager would this be worth making a three color deck?
Jayden Kelly
>greek >white Okay buddy. Gids is an oiled up homo and probably wrecks Jace's boipucci after every "wrestling" match he has in his gymnasium, in the traditional sense of the word.
Nathan Fisher
I'd go all in into UG and use that whale which bounces creatures as payoff instead
Evan Mitchell
I have an opportunity to get a number of AER Fatpacks for ~$20 a piece. Should I pull the trigger?
Liam Williams
I probably wouldn't. Value on the set is really low, you will do better buying singles.
20 is a nice price tho, and a couple of those could make for a fun draft with friends
If you're going to go 3-colored might as well go energy jund and add glint-sleeve siphoner and the snake to a GR aggresive base. Almost all creatures that pump themselves with energy work with counters, and the snake will also get you extra energy.
John Cooper
Fuck it, why not. I'd even take garbage like BFZ Fatpacks for that price or less.
Evan Bailey
>What are you playing? Blue/White aggro Spirits. Since copter is out of the format the X/1 flyers I have in this deck actually stand a chance again. >What are you hating? B/R Zombies, I can't interact with graveyard recursion at fucking all it's annoying >What are you building? Modern Bant Spirits >What did you sell in fear of bans? Nothing, I still have my playset of Copters and Ref Mages. >How's the meta at your LGS? Ez, lots of high school kids with no money and a few of us that have actual meta decks >Anything spicy? One kid that comes to the shop built mono-black aetherborn tribal and it's hilarious to watch that deck win against meta-decks.
Probably looking to take out aethersphere for Nebelghast or some more counter-magic cause arthersphere has honestly done nothing for me.
Wyatt Diaz
> >>B/W spirits That was the wrong letter but I'm glad you figured it out anyways.
It is unfortunate that Harvester isn't doing it for you. I've actually been having some success running it in B/G Snek (because I have a hard on for life link and get bonus energy from snek).
Plus all that flying scares me.
Nicholas Flores
It's great when I get it out on time and can actually use it, works well with the energy from Glimmer but I just never draw it or draw it when it's already too late. The whole deck really banks on the fact that my opponent won't have flying or reach so my creatures can swing each combat, which was why Smuggler's Copter killed the deck. It's had some successes at FNM but it's not really T1
Fun deck though.
Justin Nguyen
I would probably mainboard a couple Dec in stone over the disallows desu. Have you considered a 1 of quarantine field? Aethersphere does seem fairly blah since most of your shit is flying anyway, maybe two Gisela, broken blade instead? She's aggro-y and lifelinky, plus she flies
Luis Kelly
Disallow has really helped me since I've added them in, I've tried Dec in Stone in the main before and it was okay but not great, the sorcery speed really kills that card. Gisela would probably be a good swap for the Harvesters. Nebelghast was what I was considering because it matches the 3drop slot but there isn't a better 3-drop than Spell Queller in the format rn anyways.
Luis Carter
What are some plays you have disallowed? I'm genuinely curious as the card was hyped to the moon and back and since release the only cool thing I've done with it is disallow someone fetching a land with evolving wilds. Most of the time i would just rather have a void shatter
Elijah Young
Disallowing Aetherworks Marvel has been really good and just using it as a general hard counterspell for anything has proven to be pretty useful. You just really have to know when to use it.
Justin Rivera
>playing Mono-Green Energy. A bit temperamental but it always frustrates the guys at my FLGS, who all seem to be running Mardu.
>hating Gideon, bullshit of zendikar. Need I say more?
>Building Abzan revolting constrictors. No real reason, just want to get away from the mainstream decks.
>sell in fear Nothing. I dont have anything worth banning :(
Levi Howard
>What are you playing? Vampire tribal.
>What are you hating? WOTC Design, Development, and Writing Departments.
>What are you building? Nothing until Amonkhet.
>What did you sell in fear of bans? >Implying my tier 4 deck will see bans.
>How's the meta at your LGS? Pretty good actually. Only two cat players.
>Anything spicy? One guy makes it his mission in life to bring a new crazy deck every week. Like Roil Mage + Waterveil.dec spicy.
Jaxson Turner
>You just really have to know when to use it That's what I was asking you, nigga
Gavin Hall
>Mono-green Let's see that list, boy
Noah Long
>What are you playing? B/G Marvelous Paradox.
What are you hating? Nothing really. Still new to the mtg. Played against saheeli combo once and i've yet to face anyone playing mardu at my lgs
What are you building? Thinking of building R/G Ponza for modern but I cant justify spending the money
What did you sell in fear of bans? I have nothing to sell I literally only buy the singles i need :(
How's the meta at your LGS? Only two people play saheeli and only one plays mardu so i'd say its pretty healthy. The rest is jank decks.
Anything spicy? My deck is pretty spicy i'd say. Tons of people are surprised once it goes off but confused when all i've done is play energy gaining cards and lose the game with 20+ unused energy
Brandon Hernandez
Well lets see, I've got:
Creatures x4 Servant of the Conduit x4 Longtusk cub x4 Thriving Rhino x3 Electro Pummeler x4 Bristling Hydra x2 Aetherwind Basker x1 Permeating Mass (for fun)
Sorceries x4 Attune with Aether x4 Larger than life
Can't seem to find my sideboard atm, but I know it had at least four copies of 'Natures Way' and 'Appetite for the Unnatural' for removal.
Jackson Stewart
oh, and for my lands: x2 Blighted Woodland x18 Forest
Yea I know its a small amount to go on, But since I curve out a 4 and I have all those Servants and Attunes I've never had a problem with too little land.
Josiah Garcia
Seems pretty solid. Any reason you don't run greenbelts or greenwheels?
Robert Williams
Why no Aether Hubs?
Caleb Clark
I view greenbelts as a drain on energy that doesn't self pump. Sure i could swing for 3 on t3 but with attune and longtusk cub I can do that as well. Greenwheels only get their boost if revolt is triggered, which I don't have many ways of doing short of running my own creatures onto my opponents defences.
Never seen the point in them, seeing as I'm a mono color. I usually am swimming in energy from the puzzle knots anyway.
Grayson Fisher
That looks like a p good list senpai. Green is strong right now, even if it's overshadowed by Gideon for the most part.
Jordan Flores
Why no heroic intervention
Parker Williams
>What are you playing? UG Splendid Reclamation/Crush ft. seasons past
>What are you hating? Getting burnt out by Chandra after getting the greenwarden/crush lock down
>What are you building? R/B Indomitable creativity. I built a list for it a few weeks ago then gave up on it, but maybe rise from the grave and call the bloodline can help improve its consistency.
Liam James
>be R/B zombie player >face 3 people in a row who run mainboard disallow >whenever I tried to do anything in any game, they always had disallow to counter >scrapheap ran out of fuel >keep running out of cards for haunted dead because they keep fucking countering it >want to stop playing this deck because I can't stop drawing awful hands and nothing but lands late game but at the same time for the first time ever after months I finally got the nut hand of double amalgam, untapped lands, haunted dead, and neonate to untap with 9 power T3
Carter Allen
>I don't think Elves can get tanned
u wot (brown elves best elves)
Jason Wood
I don't know where to ask, but what are the best sets for sealed?
Ryder Wilson
>60% of this """""""""""""FORMAT"""""""""""""""" (I use that term loosely) is the same deck Holy shit how do you faggots not kill yourselves?
Jayden Brown
>saheeli combo and mardu vehicles are the same deck user this format fucking sucks right now but at least shitpost accurately.
Camden Ramirez
As a U/W player, Disallowing any sort of graveyard manipulation that R/B tries is the dream. That deck is probably one of my worst match-ups.
Jack Nelson
Mah niggelf
Kayden Collins
Yeah it's only 45% (same as coco when it was in standard). Where were the whiners then.
Juan Long
They were whining.
Nicholas Morgan
Yeah but WOTC didn't ban half the good cards in the set
absolutely everywhere, and I was one of them. Coco'ing reflector mage was the most bullshit thing playing with Origins tier cards.
Oliver Collins
We're having a fine thread you nigger, fuck off and die in a fire
Christian Nguyen
I can handle getting shut down, because I know how much of a pain in the ass it can be to fight a deck that non-stop recurs it's creatures but consistently getting cockblocked fucking every game for 3 matches? I was ready to kill myself.
Charles Lewis
Hot DAMN! That is some SPICY ass shit! You're really getting good results? That deck looks like a blast, dude
Noah Jackson
Here I sit, interested in what this thing does.
Michael Cruz
Lol that reminds me of this time last week at fnm.
>Playing jund marvel >Getting nut draws of energy ramp and curving into aetherworks both games >First game had to spin a bit but got there with ishkanah activations >Game two he's putting in work with Gideon and Liliana (bw control) >I'm whiffing multiple times on marvel and his planeswalkers are on the rise >Manage to get out a tireless tractor and murk his Gideon >Leaves him with gonti and liliana >Lili is at 7 loyalty and he's pleased as punch that it's all about to pay off >I have 5 energy and an evolving wilds in play >Pass the turn >At his upkeep >Sack evolving wilds, get an energy, and spin the marvel >Pop off a to the slaughter with delirium >He just stares at it and then drops his hand and says >"In response? Kill myself?" People two tables away were laughing, he just said it so nonchalantly Mfw
Parker Price
>What are you playing?
R/G Pummeler, mang. Fun as fuck.
>What are you hating?
Cat combo.
>What are you building?
Nothing till Amonkhet drops.
>What did you sell in fear of bans?
>How's the meta at your LGS? Decent. Quite competitive. I usually sit mid-table. Lots of vehicles and 2 4c Saheeli decks usually clean up. I can sometimes take a win off the vehicle decks but Saheeli almost always messes me up. Otherwise there's a guy running mono-Black Vampires and a weird Jund Energy brew but other than that not much is happening.
Daniel Robinson
>tfw we have Gideon and Boring for Zendikar in standard for another like 6 months Please fucking end me.
Lincoln Flores
Gideon keeps the format healthy
Jordan Bailey
>there are people in this thread RIGHT NOW that don't play fevered visions What's your excuse?
Levi Gomez
I play U/W
Alexander Fisher
I play fevered visions burn but it's autolose against Mardu Vehicles because Aethersphere Harvester is a maindeck card
Josiah Parker
>R/G Pummeler I want to get into standard on the cheap, can i ask you for some tips on my list? tappedout.net/mtg-decks/14-03-17-gr-energy/ I want to have as many Kaladesh block cards as possible to make this deck last some time before it starts rotating out.
Daniel Reyes
Original Innistrad and Zendikar, both Conspiracies, and all 3 planar chaos, future sight and time spiral