Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

Overcosted Units Edition.

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Other urls found in this thread:

games-workshop.com/resources/PDF/Datasheets/Burning of Prospero Imperial Datasheets.pdf

Dante book epub anyone?

First for OP picture is shit

Reposting again

Pls r8 my list, I want to start buying models

where can I find the storm bringer trilogy on the mega archives?

Xth for bisexual sororitas

>Sword is coldest at the power nodes and hottest the furthest out.

Talons of emprah edition?

Drop that ugly flamer speeder and get a rhino to that third squad of marines, walking marines are dead marines

>he thinks Big E cared about physics when he made the sword

First for Guilliman and Yvraine star crossed lovers.
Those child bearing hips and demi god sperm would create the ultimate masterrace.

Should have waited and made 69th.

what app is that?

Here, take your (You)

Leaving basic CSM without special weapons feels wrong... What do you think Anons?

>not the saint of thicc


Are we RT era now? With half Eldar space marine labriarians?

At this point a loyalist demon army sounds sensible. Specially if you run deamonette with "slut" written on them.


Third link


Yeah assuming that custodes stay 250 points for a squad of 5.

Thoughts on this one?

I'm trying to also make it based on bundles and boxes I can buy.

>not impregnating them both and then planting the embryos into the revived body of Sanguinius

Guilliman finished what you guys think? :)

Aren't Custodes basically marines?

Do the models give you a blowjob while playing? Since I can't justify 250 for 5 models

So is there a realistic possibility of space marines getting a rescale? Or is it just a new separate faction / ultramarines moved to a new faction?

Did you accidentally a finecast Guiliman?

games-workshop.com/resources/PDF/Datasheets/Burning of Prospero Imperial Datasheets.pdf

Nice.. Can't wait to see it painted



thank you

Army of 2W characters with EW 2+ and ap2(or ap3 3++) 5 BS WS S T

Bahahahahahha oh god those things are bad. Situational at best.

She's not as interesting as Yvraine.


Don't know about 40k, but in 30k they're a bit strong. Hell, their generic HQ can slap just about any primarch's dick off.

Way expensive for what they do. Specially if you need a Landraider for them to their job.

500 points for 6 models... Yeah right.

Well maybe in theory 11 models if you count the 2 wounds, but still way to pricey for what they are.

When will Big G ally himself with the Tau? and get himself a harem

Retarded question; can cypher be fielded as an ally without a detachment, but with the rest of the army still getting their detachment bonuses?

I remember someone saying something like this, but I might be remembering it wrong.

Attempting a reasonably fluffy list that's semi competitive, what do you guys think?

Have heard mixed things about HF in melta-vet teams, opinions?

Girlyman is building his own personal Battle Harem.

Basically the fluff for my Inquisitor

He can be part of your primary detachment if it's Armies of the Imperium or Chaos Space Marines and doesn't take up a slot

Why are Tyranid players such babies? All they do is bitch and moan about how underpowered they are. Im an Ork player and I admit Orks suck to play as but I don't make a fucking thread everyday and clutter /40kg/ with complaints and shitty memes. Are they upset that they used to be powergaming faction but then the nerf hammer came down too hard?

>xd 69 XD lol rekt le meme xp 696969 BECUZ SEX


what went wrong?

Yes, he can be part of any primary detachment, be is a CAD, Castellan, Anvil Strike force, or so on.

My primary detachment is an Aquila kill team with six dudes in it, you're saying I could just throw him into that?

Wtf are yall on about, Custodes are great. They rekt me on several occasions.

Got my copy of the GS Companion book today. One thing I found really interesting about Goodwin/Seb Perbet's sketch of Guilliman is that they thought about giving him items and motifs to represent some of the other loyalist Primarchs. Ferrus' spanner, Sanguinius' wings, Belt of Russ, Hand of Dorn (Instead of Hand of Dominion), and the Lion's Sword (Instead of nothing or the Emperor's Sword.) Guilliman also would or does have signets inside his gorget with a mixture of empty space and skulls for the living and dead loyalist Primarchs.

His armor is of course so big because it's walking life support device/statis field, with covered ports on the back that are for the purpose of recharging the suit.

is that a rare melted Guiliman?

The rest of the model looks alright, just the highlights are a little chalky. He obviously needed a smaller brush to do them. This same problem applies to the face, as the painter doesn't seem to have a small enough brush to do eyes. There's also no shading or blending done on the face, so it looks flat compared to the rest of the model.


Closet gays.

>look at me, I'm not complaining :^)



Thanks for spoon feeding me

also female spess marine.

Your Librarian can't get in the razorback with the command squad even if he wasn't Bulky. Terminator armor prohibits entrance to rhinos and razorbacks.

Unless you were running him alone. In which case, don't.

Boypussy ultrasmurf, nice


You haven't played with or against them yet?

Just because you suck at the game does not mean something is good.

They are overprice for what they do.


I love how Veeky Forums is so retarded that whenever they see a model they don't like, they immediately start autistically screeching "THIN YOUR PAINTS, REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE", even if the model is obviously already painted with fully thinned paints.

>spoon feeding faggots that can't read the fucking OP

>melted face
>dem thicc edge highlights
I mean, the standard and the armour in general don't look bad, but he could do at least with a smaller brush.


Much better OP pic.

Meant Gifts

One game you might get 4+ Feel No Pain and +1 W and IWND to your Bloodthrister. The next game you get a 3+ Armour Save (BTs already have a 3+, so a waste) and a S8 AP1 18" lance

The first one is significantly more durable than the second one.

>One game my LoC had a 4+ FNP and 3+ Armour Save. Next game he had Fleshbane and the lance attack. Just a 5++ is not durable.

head is off, everythicc else is ok

>SoB squated the image

As long as the Tau get axed to I'm fine with it

1) There is a tutorial how to photograph minis. This will help more than anything in diagnosis.
2) The paints appear to be thinned but there are no distinguishable washes or highlighting save for the boots.
3) I too struggle with faces friend. Washes and highlights and camera tricks help.

4) Subjectivity : The head is mounted too high up. The mouth should be half way concealed under the golden outcrop in the chest unless her neck is that of a giraffe. Normal space marines have this issue as well but female heads tend to pronounce it even more. When I think of a guy in armour with fuck-huge shoulderpads I think of the neck support commonly assosciated with NFL players where the shoulders can be brought up to reinforce the neck during violent interactions with other large men in armour.

Which is exactly what I posted earlier. The artist needed a smaller brush for highlights and faces, as well as more variety in fleshtones.

I'd recommend this method:
> Bugmans Glow
> Cadian Fleshtone
> Wash with Reikland Flesh-shade
> Do a super tiny line of white scar with your smallest brush, but don't feel bad if you fuck it up at this stage
> Do a super tiny dot for the eye colour you want
> Use Kislev flesh on everything except the recesses
> Use palid wych flesh on the finest parts of the model

I mean technically you can get away with smudging the eyes and fixing them afterwards, but I'm skilled enough at painting faces that I just don't make mistakes at that stage, it leads to better looking faces since you retain the recess shades around the eyes.

Templars all died, though.

Gold on the crotchcloth and shoulder trim looks too thick especially compared to the standard, which at first glance looks on point.

>too thicc

I guess I'll try running this until I get some vindicators

>imperial fisters

Where were you when new Sisters were confirmed?

(go check out Warhammer TVs Facebook)

Well, technically Crimson Fists but they use the same rules.

Where? Last post was 10th of March

link now you fucking faggot

Sisters got new models awhile ago in Burning of Prospero. They just announced the individual sprue boxes last week for them of everything in tgat box.

>I mean technically you can get away with smudging the eyes and fixing them afterwards, but I'm skilled enough at painting faces that I just don't make mistakes at that stage, it leads to better looking faces since you retain the recess shades around the eyes.

How do you dot the eyes? I can paint the eye itself, but I can never dot the eye without resorting to a toothpick.

You've all been had by a master troll.

I keep trying to post the link but it says it's spam.

Please tell me this is a meme.

if someone was fucking you in the ass (against your will at the momement), would they saying they were doing something else make it suddenly better for you?

Templars got wiped out apart from, like, a handful of guys.

Because it is spam. The magnus vidoe lost relevance 5 months ago

P-please tell me this is a meme.

Dumb sisters player here:

What does having two bolt pistols actually do? Can Seraphim shoot both, or do they get a reroll, or what?

It is. The Templars that were at Car is mostly all died, but that was far from all of the Templars

Gunslinger rule. You can shoot 2 pistols if you have 2. Also go es the extra attack for 2 weapons in close combat.

Is not user, they are dead, but don't worry the Tau will join G's merry band sing victory everlasting in this new millennium

Why do people ask questions that are clearly answered in the rulebook?

Do they just not read the rules?

Thanks friend.

Why read when faggots will spoon feed you the rules.

>why are you such a fag user?

there are some questions that the world may never know.

It's a shitposting meme and nothing more. It was a single crusade that got killed. Considering the "only 1000" fluff was never mentioned in any fluff since the book it was mentioned in in 6th, even if the Crusade was huge and had like a thousand Marines, it's still far from everything.