What does everyone think of the lack of banlist changes?
I hope you're happy you useless faggot.
What does everyone think of the lack of banlist changes?
I hope you're happy you useless faggot.
Other urls found in this thread:
thank you familia
now we can exchange about our favorite chinamen and retards who pays 500$ for a playset of tarmogoyfs
when's preordain
Do I want 1 or 2 Gideon Jura in esper draw-go
Usually Giddy as a one of, same with that 6 mana Elspeth.
Zero (0)
But I also want to meme an Ashiok and keep 6cmc Elspeth in the board
Go home
go play edh kiddo
>tfw installed Wagic
I can finally test out decks at Uni
Wtf is that shit. Better not be against bots
sup Veeky Forums, I have a question for you.
I'm debating getting into magic as it is the game that most of my LGS plays, but I'm having some metal hudrles that make me not want to play.
The game I normally play the most is X-wing (switched to it after GW made WHFB unplayable) and in that game, it's reasonable to own a complete collection, with which you can make any squadron possible. I had the same thing for my Orc army.
With magic, that's not even remotely feasible. Some cards run at upwards of $50, and despite claims that I hear, I don't think trading cards will retain their value over time, as the market could potentially crash without any warning. I tend to view my entertainment as something that I don't intend to sell in the future/monitor as an investment.
Basically, I want to get into the game, but I would like to do so with a one-time purchase, yet maintain flexibility with what I play. As an example, my Orc army is a display piece at worst, and if FFG HQ explodes tomorrow, I can still play X-wing with my Wife/kids/friends/random people, as I have a nearly complete collection.
Magic doesn't really have that though. The game seems to derive it's replay-ability from playing against different people and decks, and has very little in-game skill, focusing almost entirely on deck construction and luck. And unlike other card games like Netrunner, I can't buy one of everything from the get-go to make it a self contained game, or even one that requires no market watching/constant purchasing to change the deck I play.
I knew from WHFB that I could get anything counterfeit from china, so I figured I could buy a set of the most commonly used expensive cards from a reprinter and play with those (I intend to go to local tournaments), but the last thread seemed to indicate otherwise. it seems like this game is full of constant card-checks to make sure your cards are not proxies, etc.
Should I play MTG, or is it not the game for me?
If you just want to play casually, then fake cards are fine. If you want to play competitive then buy the real cards, as everyone can tell if a card is fake and only poor faggots buy fake cards for real play. Also I can assure you that the majority of mtg cards you purchase will maintain a good value
As someone who's been playing a while, if you intend to stay with the game, your deck will likely grow in price.
Yeah absolutely. I got into the game years ago and my collection is always going up. Shit I had like 30 muddle the mixtures just laying around before that spike. And mtg isn't going anywhere for a long time, as much as people like to complain about them being kikes, they're very good at making money
Unfortunately, I am looking to participate in tournaments though. I also don't highly value the financial advice of an anonymous person on a Mongolian basket-weaving smoke-signal network.
I'm a data analyst at a financial exchange, and MTG's market is effectively a miniature stock exchange with no FTC or government regulation. That seems like a recipe for disaster. I'm looking to make a purchase for entertainment, not an investment.
This deck looks like fun, but no idea if it's better than traditional hatebears.
Well if you have a good job then dropping a few thousand on a hobby you enjoy is fine. I'd recommend playing around a bit before you buy a deck though, play a lot of casual, find the play style you like, and then proxy a deck, try it some more, and then find what you like.
How can you spot the differences between fake and real cards?
You're trading higher disruption with Hatebears for better beats and Collected Company
unless you brought a loupe, for some, you can't.
dropping a few thousand on paper is a bit bizarre though. If it would cost this much to get into MTG, I'll just dump that into a college fund. No game is that fun.
Also, my point was the issue with proxy cards, is this game entirely focused with making sure everyone has paid the WOTC/Secondary market entry fee as the last thread seemed to indicate?
Another issue is that I don;t want to buy a deck, I'd like to buy some sort of large collection to be able to make decks on a whim/tune them without making more purchases.
It's not a whacky hatebears variant though, it's a a CoCo value deck. Completely different archetype. It's more comparable to Bant or Abzan CoCo than anything else.
Nah not true at all, unless you're talking about stuff printed before modern like alliances and old shit like that. But as far as fakes go, if I have another card to compare it to I can distinguish 99%, they're never quite perfect. Some are really good, and you do need a loupe, but that's almost never the case, I think only once I needed to
No if you don't want to pay you can play casual, that's the game. And if you're unwilling to drop a few thousand on stuff you enjoy, or if you think a few thousand is going to cover the cost of your kids college, then your kids are either retards going to a community college for English Education or you're stupider than your kids.
You might try looking into EDH, it's 100 card singleton format where you build your deck based around a legendary creature.
Depending on your playgroup it can be anything from casual to cutthroat combo competitive.
It's the type of format where you can just dump $50-$100 on a deck then just steadily upgrade it as you update your collection over time. They even have pre-built commander decks that are a good starting point.
A lot of people will act like EDH is a dirty word, but frankly it sounds like what you're looking for.
Is it worth getting china cards for somene that only plays with friends and dont plan to try to sell them?
Not to mention most EDH groups don't have a problem with proxies, so long as you're not trying to pass them off as the real thing.
it's a card game that i was potentially interested in getting into as there are a lot of local events for it, but the thousands of dollars pricetag is offputting.
Judging by this thread, MTG is too mixed with it's unregulated stock market to be cost effective.
Also, way to misinterpret the college fund comment, i'm just saying i could probably have similar amounts of fun for less money if I had to pay that much money to get into the game.
Because printing inconsitencies never was a part of all the sets
Yeah, this doesn't seem like the game for you. If you want a "playable collection" you need to drop several thousand dollars and it encompasses most decks in the format. If you don't want to spend that, individual decks are around the 500- 800 dollar mark apiece. Most people buy two or three decks and just play those. Also, there's continual, but small, purchase upkeeping the decks as new cards are printed and released.
You really shouldn't play though. It doesn't sound like your game.
Just saw a guy on twitch double 5-0 with gw taxes. It was pretty sweet.
Maybe you should get a well paying job instead of looking for hobbies and shit posting on Veeky Forums if you can't spend 1000 dollars on something you'd enjoy?
>Wanting his/her hobby to be cost-effective
Go back to whatever you were playing
Nah that's fine
Why is there no strategey in MTG besides deck construction?
Once you have decided your deck, There aren't any real decisions to be made, provided you aren't a retard.
It's all random chance and deck matchups/responses. There's no actual skill once you have your deck made.
So he drew leonin arbiter by turn 2 every time, good for him
>If you want to play competitive then buy the real cards, as everyone can tell if a card is fake
That was true 2 years ago, not now.
Clearly havent played the game before.
t. Burn player
Not how it went but there was a game where he gq an opponent 6 times because of the new gw card. It was fucking glorious. Love it when fair decks win.
Here's the thing user: in order to justify the cost of the cards, you need to view it as an investment that relies on the health of the game.
Play online or buy fakes. If you want to see your cards as entertainment devices and not physical asset, competitive magic is not for you.
I would not take proxies to a tournament. Consider the main reason the cards are expensive is for tournament play, where you can win product. Winning product value relies on cards being worth something unless you're strictly playing for the competition and want to forfeit your prizes.
Maybe at FNM level it's fine, maybe. But don't try and sneak proxies into a GP. When your cards are making you money, it's an investment and should be treated like one.
Recommend me a budget modern deck that actually might win me some games.
I'm hesitant to spend over a grand on a card game that I *might* enjoy.
Thanks for convincing me that this community is all dickheads that sit in an ivory tower, valuing making sure everyone has paid their fees over game-play.
Which new GW card? I play GW hatebears and I'm not sure what you're referring to
I think he means Renegade Rallier
I'm a budget player and the price of some cards is pretty annoying (looking at you, FETCHES)
But you shouldn't expect to get your money back when buying into a hobby
A hobby is supposed to give you good times, not good investments, unless your hobby is speculation (and even if it was, you're not always earning money from speculating)
Well, this definitely confirms it. Thanks for being less dickinsh.
Also, your statement is pretty much exact- I view things I use for entertainment as purely entertainment devices, and not assets.
>talks to two anonymous gentlemen on a Korean BBQ enthusiast carrier pigeon website
>entire community is dicks
Well I'll be.
Renegade raillier? Revolt bring back a 2 cmc or less card to the battlefield. He was also teching shining shoal but I'm not sure if that card is real but he said it was good.
There's a lot of cool people in the community, but just as many cunts who jerk off over their cardboard. Most of them don't even sell often enough to justify their "investment" - they usually just trade cards after a spike to obtain more cards to sit on, while not realizing the gains of "investing" in magic are fucking miniscule.
The game itself is pretty fun, but high level play is filled with cheaters and drug addicts who get a pass because they're idols to be worshipped and most competitive players are hyper focused on their pulp fantasy game, to the expense of developing any interests or hobbies outside of Magic. Find some cool people to play with and they'll probably let you play with proxies, and go from there.
I wasn't looking for getting my money back, ore assuming that any money I put into the game is gone forever. as
said, I don't view the cards as assets, as they are just cards.
>I don't view the cards as assets, as they are just cards.
I didn't understand that when you said
>Judging by this thread, MTG is too mixed with it's unregulated stock market to be cost effective.
Spend 30 on a duel deck so that tou can learn to play with someone else.
At the same time user, there are other arguments as well;
Consider that the ACTUAL cost of entry to a tournament is a tournament fee. That covers the actual cost of the product alone; having a deck is not enough to get you into a tournament.
There are random deck checks but the odds of getting checked are low and you can plead ignorance.
If you just want to build a deck and play some magic, it's not going to hurt anyone. It might jeopardize the value of the cards on a large scale but the "brokers" are the ones who hurt for that, not the players.
If you become a recognized player you might have to spring for real cards, but I've changed my mind and I say proxy up expensive stuff and just go for it.
Holy shit I don't know how I haven't caught on, and my list is pretty malleable, unconventional and experimental.
Any GW hatebears players have some spicy tech? Mine is Kami of False Hope for Deaths Shadow, which plays nicely with Renegade Rallier
8whack or mono green stompy
Order of whiteclay and smuggler's copter. That's some gross shit.
I know how to play, it's not like it's a difficult game to understand.
I get tournament fees, other games I played had those, that's effectively a "Using Space" fee.
>crucible, azusa, ghost quarter
That's a spicy meme. Azusa seems kind of weak in that deck, but I would love to ghost quarter someone three times pr turn.
Thanks. Will look into stompy. Can i upgrade those in any way if i want to drop some more $$$?
Naya burn
Nothing really. Prison decks I guess
I'm a little disappointed desu. I've had a playset of bbe for almost a year now that I was hoping to sell to finish off my deck. Was also hoping for probe to be unbanned since I liked that kiln fiend deck
I'm somewhat new to Modern after being a longtime EDHfag. Why is Blazing Shoal banned?
Not really. You could make naya zoo but even that deck isn't too good.
Yeah, tournament fees are fine. And in other games, that's enough. Magic also has the absurd card barrier of entry. It's like saying you need a $600 shoe grease before youre allowed to competitively play soccer. It's absurd.
I say play the game and see if you have fun before you worry about mtg finances.
Spellweaver Worldfire is best fringe deck
>Was also hoping for probe to be unbanned
Well that's just stupid
Fuck off it is. Deck is awful, easy to disrupt and nobody plays it
Post a better fringe deck
Why? So you can say it isn't fringe or your meme shit is better?
At least bring something to the table instead of lol spellweaver best
Sure is
>So you can say it isn't fringe or your meme shit is better?
No I'm just shopping around for weird decks
>Post a better fringe deck
I gotchu senpai
turn 2 infect kills
Ad nauseum
Mono-colored green or blue devotion
>Even calls it the shittier name
Are you even trying?
I made that list a while back, before copycat became the most widely used name for that pile.
Infect pitch progenitus for t2 kills. Look up shoal infect that deck is nuts
did someone get worldfired :^)
Ebin. Keep up the quality posting
Hey buddy, you got the wrong thread. The standard thread is two blocks down
just seems like salt to me and I didn't even bring it up
Not even him but I can assure nobody is salty at your garbo brew
You're stupid
League of Legends
A cup of fine Earl Grey
Hurrr I hope they unban this card they just banned a month ago
Could some one please identify this card? It it's in my collection but I've only played since 2012.
But unbanning Probe would bring the Death's Shadow deck down in power.
What? What the fuck am I reading?
Wrong thread for this type of thing, but here you go.
Use any website with a card search function.
Well the deck got stronger after the Probe ban, right?
You could've found that on Gatherer so easily. Just find out what that set symbol is and look up the card's number in the set. Or the mana cost or something.
Building a new deck in paper here's what I'm considering:
BTLwshift, DSJ, Affinity, Grixis delver, Titanshift, Bant Spirits, Tron :^), Grishoalbrand and Esper draw-go.
I know I'm gonna get told to build DSJ but I'm having a hard time deciding desu. How do you guys decide when you're considering this many?
Which one is the best and can tuned into something else.
In that case, DSJ. If that's within your price range, then why not?
I dont know about the beats. It seems to go all in on disrupting mana bases.
I always felt Hatebears could become larger with replacing Vials for Company and maybe replacing Thalia's as the taxing ability isn't that important anymore since combo seems dead.
Going Maverick-esque is also an option I guess. I do agree with the guy that Dromoka's Command is underplayed.
Maybe Azusa could be another Rallier or Witness. But I dont know. I'm more upset with having to get Goyfs for financial reasons.
Make Ponza with me. We can suffer together.