Ogryns evolved on barren, high gravity prison worlds

>ogryns evolved on barren, high gravity prison worlds
Are ogryns space Australians?

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What a insult to the ogryns.

Are Ogryn space abos?

>"So I asks meself, what would Colonel Stracker do? Easy I says, ed' probably yell at me for bloody standin' about and not smashin' things with me mates. So that's what I did. They even gave me this ere shiny medal when I was through."

Sound like just regular Australians to me.

All the abhumans in 40k, ratlings, squats and Ogryns are survivors of their peculiar worlds. Well, ratlings are bit hazy; being some sort of cramped spaceship born mutation that got handwaved rather heavily. Even the imperial beastmen were treated as usable mutants brought about by their encironment in 1st & 2nd editions.

Do you see them surviving alcohol poisoning?

Only the previous generation now.

Obviously you've never been to Queensland.

>Not the Northern Territories.
Now there I would expect actual Ogryns to exist.

I was painting my traitor Guard up and theming them as jolly Aussies. I believe I said their world was Straalya.

If anything, Australians are the Dark Angels of the commonwealth.

Certainly in regards to intelligence.

That's what he said, traitor guardsmen.


Who is YOUR favourite abhuman?

>tfw played a Ratling sniper in Only War once as a joke so I could talk in a stupid Irish accent the whole time
>the legacy of Conall Stickyfingers will forever ensure that I love Ratlings

Story please?

Squats have Squat Trains. End of.

The tactical possibilities of vehicular units with multiple cars gets me hard. They need to un-squat the Squats so I can start circling the wagons.

Which deity do they follow?

I mean, it's not much of a story but there were a few exploits that occurred that were just fun at the time.
>DM wanted us to acquire a Chimera, implied that there was a serviceable one located in the middle of no man's land of our setting, I instead convinced the rest of the party to steal one of the spares from a squad of stormtroopers attached to the regiment by stealing a commissioner's coat and hat after getting him drunk on alcohol stolen from the colonel
>used continuous good charm rolls to talk my squad's way out of Chaos guard territory when we got stuck behind enemy lines
>got a crit when shooting a Slaaneshi cult leader in the dick
>stumbling through a large combat encounter drunk and not missing a single shot

I dunno man it was a long campaign a lot of stuff happened.

Huh, I never realized this but it makes so much sense. Especially with Orks being a spoof of football hooligans.

Australia has the same gravity as the rest of the world.
Don't believe Trump's lies

Khorne/Slaanesh I hope

>Australia has the same gravity as the rest of the world.
Actually it is not the same in the entire world.

A worthy aspiring champion of Slaanesh


Ratlings come from macro predator infested marsh worlds. Short stature and sharp senses aided in spotting threats and hiding among tall grasses while large feet helped them not sink into muddy sod.

>full of horrifiy venemous animals and disease
>everyone is cheerful

Nurgle m8.

Sure that would be better, but their thing was something fuzzy about infesting spaceship ducts and becoming good cooks.

That's after they've been inducted.
Is the development of them. Look up Ornsworld.


They're basically roided-up, shaved bears with the personalities of German Shepherds and the minds of six-year-olds. You can put a gun in their hand, and they can figure out how to use it, but good luck getting them to do anything that requires more brainpower than "Point -> Shoot -> Krump 'em!"

Despite their stupidity, they have a surprisingly firm grasp of how to fight with their bare hands or close combat weapons, though, and will use any and everything available to them to kill their foes while having an instinctive understanding of how to use their environment, as a genetic legacy of growing up on harsh, hyper-violent worlds.