>New Unearthed Arcana: Food and provisions
>Official /5eg/ Mega Trove v4b:
>Pastebin with resources and so on:
>Previously, on /5eg/:
Let's discuss the newest Unearthed Arcana!
>New Unearthed Arcana: Food and provisions
>Official /5eg/ Mega Trove v4b:
>Pastebin with resources and so on:
>Previously, on /5eg/:
Let's discuss the newest Unearthed Arcana!
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I know we got the Mystic hype going on but have this anyway.
>Mystics shun the world
>Mystics are loners.
>Mystics develop a variety of practices to keep their focus sharp. These practices are reflected in taboos and quirks, strange little behaviors that govern a mystic’s actions.
>Few feel accepted by society, and fewer still care to become integrated with it.
I get why they're so popular round here.
>Bestial Form -> Transformation -> Tough Hide
>untyped +2 AC that works through armor
Quickly! Respond to this with Mystic character ideas. We can flesh em out here.
Soul Knife serial killer that is completely obsessed with making the sharpest knife in existence.
Post yfw mystics are canonically autistic
A guy who waves his hands about to tap into overworldly energies to make supernatural things occur like balls of fire and daylight underground
Oh wait
>You dye your hair bright blue or green
post yfw some Mystics are SJWs
>Food and provisions
you had me scared for a second there
Halfling Soulknife who was a member of the city watch. Used his powers to hunt people down and etc. After arresting the leader of the thieves' guild he got a note saying he had to leave town asap or his family would be murdered.
Now he's adventuring and sending the money back home but his family thinks he's dead and the money's inheritance coming in over time.
A soldier framed with murdering an innocent family in the heat of battle by his former bunkmate, sentenced to prison isolation for life. Unable to do anything but live until death, they find a book in the prison library selection he is allotted that seems to speak of inner power. Reading this until every page was memorized, the soldier eventually learns the power of the mind, and escapes his prison using his newfound Mystic power, with the goal of finding the man who framed him and bringing him to justice, and clearing his name.
>You pick a new name each day
Haven't read all of this yet but that's a bad sign.
there's a good question, can halflings grow beards from extended time in the wild without hygiene and with only their own autism for company.
I pick quirk 5, quirk 11, and quirk 12 (headband).
The way they limited the Mystic's access to level 6 and higher costed effects is awkward. I hope we can come up with a better way to explain it than special pool of psi points. Looks like a decent balance though.
Muslim Indiana Jones who's all about those crystals.
Tell me about mystics. Why do they wear masks?
INB4 Giant Groth + Bugbear memes
What if I told you that you can deal 3d10+3d6 damage in melee four times a day at level 3
>order of the immortal
>psionic resilience
This is highly questionable.
Imagine your boss has psychic powers.
What do you do?
+15 feet more range uhhggggggggg
>53 pages of nothing
>playing an unarmored class that needs Dex and Con
>having more than 16 Int at relevant levels
>oh no +3 HP per turn
So we can assume that Telepathy only goes one way like awakened mind?
Or does it go two-ways?
Soul Knife or the Avatar (For which I'm writing Ardent on my character sheet)
>no action jumping up to 140 feet
I might dip for Iron Durability on my 23 AC Bladesinger :3
>Mighty Leap for +60 movement
>Celerity focus and Rapid Step for +40 movement
>Blur of Motion for invisibility while moving
See ya later, nerds!
Or you could just use armor instead of that garbage like a smart person.
Infinite regeneration is dumb under any circumstance.
I find it odd that the Avatar has a class skill that boost their healing but I don't see a Discipline that heals, only temporary HP.
Immortal Mystic who is basically just a Guyver.
Basically we have somekind of Symbiotic bio-suit from Bestial Form via Immortal Mystic.
I know my next character
Psionic Restoration (Immortal) is the healing discipline.
Mantle of command with a rouge in your party is amazing holy shit :3
I see that there is no real "psychic blasty" mystic but wu jen is elemental. I actually like this a lot, means you don't get the wizard problem of peopel going evoker because they don't understand the power of battlefield control.
So make it Temp HP. It replaces, doesn't stack.
>You write down the name of each creature you slay, and name ones that are unnamed
encouraging players to keep a kill count
Hey guys they finally fixed Wot4E.
>Corrosive Metabolism
>smearing acid on people
>spraying poison everywhere
>breathing death clouds
>killing anyone who cuts you because you have xenomorph blood that splashes onto them
This is actually really cool.
What is the most sexual character build, repressed or otherwise? I'm thinking grappling barbarogue.
>Bestial Weapon + Lethal Strike
>14d10 damage for 14 total points
>at lvl9
>with 57 pp
It *is* temp HP. It is not regeneration. It's heroism.
Bardbarian grappler for sure
Fuck yea it is! Immortal Mystic is our path to a Monster Characters! HYPE!
So is the order discipline list only used for bonus disciplines or is that every discipline you can learn?
Then user is a fucking moron for complaining about it to begin with
I really fucking like immortal thus far. Others are cool but immortal does so much cool stuff.
So it is. Thank you. Silly me figured it'd be an Avatar Discipline.
Just bonuses. You can learn any discipline you want. Before this rendition of Mystics, their healing-when-manifesting was dependant on spending PP in a discipline matching your order, but that restriction was replaced with having to spend a bonus action instead.
Liches are still vastly superior.
To be fair you apparently didn't notice either.
>Call to Inaction
>you spend one minute boring a creature to death and filling it with crushing ennui
>just sits there for the next ten minutes while you walk the fuck past
Any archetype can use any discipline. Note that there aren't actually enough disciplines for Nomads to fill their shit with.
Guys, why can't I shake the feeling that today was the day 5e got ruined?
Building an infernal tiefling mystic coming straight from Ribcage. She's adventuring to escape her minor noble/merchant family which she shames with her autistic existence. I want to go battlefield control with a side of blasty. Any good traits and actual builds made up thus far?
Now we no longer have a goal.
>Focus: any creature within 5 feet of you makes attacks against other creatures with disadvantage
>this isn't concentration
>even raging Barbs can use it
>it's literally always on
>just glue yourself to enemies and be the ultimate tank
Every party needs a pooper thats why we invited you.
Party Pooper!
A child who had to watch from under a bed as a bandit murdered their parents with a knife. They could see the light and the blood and the blade and the image forever burned into their mind along with the trauma of lost unlocked their hidden mental power. This power manifests itself in a blood red blade of mental energy which the child hopes to one day use on the bandit.
sure, till it comes time to do stuff you need to be alive for. like fucking. and drinking. and not being emo.
>can use psychic abilities/focus while raging
This is terrible by flavor but I suppose its an active game mechanic to make cool builds.
Nomad is my favorite so far. I want to play a kleptomaniac gypsy with psychic powers now.
excellent. anime/10.
>Fighting Words
>make people kill each other at level one
>literally playing Satan walking into towns and inciting everyone to murderous acts of violence through casual conversation
Christ, how horrifying.
continuing the train of thought
>Reminder that you could just have played a Vistani bard
Are we all hyped for Order of the Immortal?! Seriously look at that fucking Brute Force shit. Mighty Leap literally lets you jump up cliffs.
magic jar/polymorph
>They dropped the far realm shit
What are /5e/ thoughts on the new Mystic?
I was thinking more Dex-Starr but that works I suppose.
That said, I'm playing an Immortal like Toad from 5 Deadly Venom. I just wish there were feats that made your unarmed attacks stronger so I could go unarmed as well.
he's missing the neckbeard and the sonic t-shirt. seriously, mystic and autistic even rhymes.
>They dropped the far realm shit
>he prefers scifi crap over already underused Far Realm stuff
Beastly idiot.
So just checking, the only way for a mystic to get better weapons and armor is to be a soulknife?
Kinda miss the immortal having heavier armor and bigger weapons like the 4e Fightbrain
Do you fuckers have any idea what this means?
Anyone wanna see the encounter groups I have planned for levels 1-5 of my megadungeon or nah?
The idea is that I am making a dragon-free, orcoid-free region (to accentuate the places where they are found), so its mostly things associated with demon lords, dungeon flora and fauna, etc.
Terrible by flavor?
Psshh...Bitch, you even know what Mewtwo is?
>Angry all the time
>Some kind freak made by wizards
>When you're rage gets out of control psychic waves naturally emit from you crushing ALL around you
Cringe as fuck, but it would be sweet to be a Hob Goblin that was experimented on by Goblins and this is the outcome.
Avatar / Ardent has medium armor and shields.
Dwarf Psions have medium armor.
Immortals are shirtless Psi-Barbarians straight outta Barsoom / Athas now.
Tavern Brawler. -ish.
That's just a wizard man.
In what fucking universe is rage not a valid emotion to channel mental might?
Nuh-uh, his shit's purple.
>literally just released
Either the Prince as a Immortal or Elika as an Awoken and/or Nomad
Of course, he's a nigger wizard.
The time is now, I can finally try and come up with a way to make the ultimate ninja.
does anyone remember that build for halflings where you crept inside someone's anus then expanded while inside in order to deal damage? does this mean we can do that again?
>he picked the worst prince of them all
Wow, talk about shit taste.
that's not magic, that's grape drink
that's right, this one: 1d4chan.org
I wonder how we can make this work again
I'm looking more for inspiration for roleplaying an autisitic noble kid than for builds but if anybody sees any cool shit I"d like to know.
I suppose for a lot of the powers just doing your shit with anger is viable. Being so angry that your anger spreads to those around you where they can't focus on anything but you sounds better now that I think about it.
So all the disciplines, their psychic focus are passives, and are always on? Like when you have like 3 + 2 from your subclass, you have all 5 passives at once?
I thought the same shit
You can only have one Focus active at a time. You can change it on a bonus action. Some features immediately end it and prevent you from regaining focus until you rest.
Alright, so the general Idea for how that'd work is to use diminution with microscopic form to grow smaller than tiny, crawl inside someone's anus, possibly get to just below the stomach, then use the giant growth giant form to explode the person you're inside, or at least cause them to shit out a giant, gaping their asshole to the size of a house. Wonderful.