How would you run a game in this setting Veeky Forums?
Also stat the hot redhead using D&D 5e or GURPS
>Inb4 owlbear statblock
How would you run a game in this setting Veeky Forums?
Also stat the hot redhead using D&D 5e or GURPS
>Inb4 owlbear statblock
This could be interesting.
Go ask gurpsgeneral or 5e general
I want to discuss the setting, the stat me is just a bonus.
So start discussing numnuts
Well, it's set in post AI destroyed america, and at first glance it seems instead of destroying all organic life the AI's stopped killing and began creating Giant robotic version of animal life, and somehow humans survived the extinction with no access to the knowledge of its past all that left of us is crumbling ruins, and some very advanced earpieces.
It gets much more interesting as it goes on but, I don't really want to post spoilers for those who haven't had the pleasure of playing the game, unless, of course, nobody cares.
You're a bit of a fuckwit aren't yo
>unless, of course, nobody cares
I'd probably go ahead and assume that, if I were you.
Nope, just a decent user, who doesn't want to ruin a game that's only been out two weeks.
I suppose but it is polite to ask. I will commence to write up in 2000 characters or so everything I can remember about the setting, and then perhaps we can discuss how any of you would run a game in the setting.
Shitty Meme Metal Name
Large monstrosity, unaligned
Armor Class 13 (natural armor)
Hit Points 59 (7d10 + 21)
Speed 40 ft.
STR 20 (+5)
DEX 12 (+1)
CON 17 (+3)
INT 3 (-4)
WIS 12 (+1)
CHA 7 (-2)
Skills Perception +3
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
Languages -
Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Keen Sight and Smell. The shitty meme metal name has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight or smell.
Multiattack. The shitty meme metal name makes two attacks: one with its beak and one with its claws.
Beak. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 10 (1d10 + 5) piercing damage.
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) slashing damage.
>hot redhead
Lol no
A Numenera game without "magic" would be pretty clone.
Well the settings location is Earth specifically a region in the Rocky Mountains that seems to comprise of Colorado, California, and a little bit of Arizona. The apocalypse began in 2064 when a robotics company called Faro Automated Solutions created an operating system for their war machines with encryption that nobody would be able to break, this became self-aware, and the "glitch" prevented them from getting shut-down codes after they brought it online and put it in robotic war machines that could use biomass as fuel, and replicate themselves, the largest of which were Hundreds of feet high and vaguely Cthuluish. This eventually became known as The Faro Plague and would inevitably destroy all life on the planet. The Zero Dawn part comes from the name of the project to continue life on earth pioneered by the foremost scientific mind of the time Dr. Elisabet Sobeck, her plan was to create an AI that would rebuild the destroyed biosphere of earth, and to give them the time to do this put civilians and military personnel in the path of the Faro Plague to slow it down, they barely succeeded in time. Fast forward 974 years and you have a rebuilt biosphere that seems stable, and human tribal societies are thriving among the ruins. The machines used to facilitate this and repair the biosphere are getting more aggressive and deadly, and ancient machines are corrupting these machines and making them aggressive to everything that moves. The plot of the game save for the background lore expounded here, I leave to you to discover.
Are you not interested?!
>How would you run a game in this setting Veeky Forums?
Degenesis: Rebirth
Not even slightly. That shit sounds stale as fuck.
Poor Roman you are, I kill all these things for you and you're bored?!
Apocalypse World actually suits this setting really well. You can even fluff the info from her computer-thing as an Open Your Brain roll. In that system she'd probably be a Gunlugger (with a bow instead of guns) or a Battlebabe
There were a couple of threads recently statting out the system using the Katharsys system for Degenesis: Rebirth.
Engine Hearts, you are the robot dinosaurs.
Are there any translations for it? officially, I mean.
Haha, that would be cool.
That seems like it'd do it okay.
holy shit that sounds retarded
Holy shit, you're a retard! Insults aside, little advice: don't knock something before you know what it encompasses, it's far more interesting and in-depth than anything I could post in the space I have here, those are just the basic assumptions one can glean in the first hours of the game, playing it and finding codex entries and logs from our civilization reveals a far more complex and interesting lore than you'd think was there at first.
In 5E, I would probably just run it like a less Desert-y Darksun. I used to throw in hints that some of the apocalypse happened with much more advanced technology in play.
That actually sounds fun and technology can stand in for magic, somewhat so 5e could do this game.