Continuation of Same rules as last time, real life fantasy locations, pictures only
Real Life Fantasy
...what's the story behind this? If you'd told me bendy fishhook trees existed before today I wouldn't believe you.
I believe a mudslide or snowdrift pushed all the trees over when they were saplings
If this is the place I think it is, it's because of certain maggots that damaged the trees when they were young.
>pictures only
I believe you wanted to say "photos only"...
love these threads
I wanted to post a British medieval village to counterbalance all the frog posting, but was heartbroken to see that it's nearly impossible to find a picture of one not filled with parked cars. I curse America's influence.
No tourists in the shambles? are you a wizard?
>but was heartbroken to see that it's nearly impossible to find a picture of one not filled with parked cars
Come on, it's not that hard. What you should be worried about is the vomit inducing mix of clashing architecture styles that is London.
Yep, looks like your typical fantasy village at night. But that's 3D art and not real, right?
That's not the really touristy part, they all go to that one wonky street. But yes, usually it looks like Hong Kong.
Name's in the image.
Get fucked, Limey, you would've invented cars too if you country wasn't so damn tiny. Not our problem you decided you'd use them anyways.
Reminder that this is Björks house, and it was gift from the Icelandic government in recognition of her being a complete fucking whackjob.
I've always asked myself what attracted people to structurally shoddy buildings
Germany is generally recognised as having invented the first automobile.
This way Dawri!
"Perhaps she will stop embarrassing us if we give her a house in a place she cannot leave without a helicopter"
And you will note that they, like us, are large enough that world maps don't need to write their name on a nearby ocean.
You'll find the name of the United Kingdom is on the ocean because we rule the waves.
>because we used to rule the waves
Stop fucking derailing this thread with your obnoxious butthurt.
at the very least at least post a pic with your shitposting
This is triggering my PTSD of that section in Dark Souls with the invisible bridge.
I think it's the amount of detail and variation.
>Howling Fjord music starts playing
The cafes there are really nice.
Japan's backalleys are the asian version of these.
Looks like we found Luke Skywalker lads
They'd look cosy if it weren't for the FUCKING ELECTRICITY WIRES EVERYWHERE. Not only is that borderline claustrophobia inducing, it kind of looks like a hazard to me. That a country as wealthy and advanced as Japan still uses overhead powerlines in urban areas so frequently... that's the kind of shit you'd associate with remote villages or third world countries.
Also, I'd like to challenge you guys a little: let's move away from fantasy and instead post cities you could see as a shadowrun environment. I'll post New York because that's easy, it's low hanging fruit.
Wouldn't be fair for me to take from the thread without leaving a few things behind.
Schloss Neuschwanstein ("New Swan-on-the-Rock castle")
That literally inspired the Disney castle, didn't it? I can see why, it looks just like a fairy tale castle. Though I did hear that so much money was blown on the exterior of the castle that the interior is rather underwhelming. Is that true?
Schloss Linderhof
Schloss Herrenchiemsee
Munich Residenz
I am entertained by these equally plausible, yet completely different explanations.
A quick reverse search and checking web pages says they were bent over when they were young by some tree farmers who planted them (which would also explain why there are so many trees of about the same size at similar dstances from each other in the same place).
I'm looking out my window and all I see is Ohio...
Fuck these threads.
Mont Sant-Michel - the fort separated by the tide.
Yes it's true, most of the hallways are barren. Also it is not only figuratively, but also literally a Disney castle, it was built by a literally schizophrenic king who blew the budget on it, and it was never lived in.
This look straight out of Morrowind
Grenoble, the statue of Bayard, the Knight
I think you have to wear a special suit to enter those cave, the heat and humidity is very high here (or maybe I got this backward about the heat)
>Laments the omnipresence of cars
>Posts an image full of bright blue plastic bins
Ohio is prime starting area material, also the further south you get the more forests and hills there are. Ohio's pretty nice actually, m8.
This is the bone chapel of Evora in Portugal; it kind of look like the catacombs of Paris but what I love about it is what is written at the entrance
"Our bones awaits yours"
>comparing huge and ugly cars that block every view with small and neat bins that help keeping the streets clean
wew lad
This castle was build with the money the Prussian King has given to the Bavarian one to vow to the Kaiser
Same, but on the 8th of december
And the streets
You do know that Japan uses overhead wires (and overhead everything else) because of the earthquakes, right...?