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>How to Jumpchain
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Legacy of the Great War [600 - Discount for Noble] - While the War was in a time before time, its echoes can still be felt today - the clashing of holy blades against the infernal devils and their fallen cousins, sundering creation whole and laying low the creator God who led the Angels. These blades have since fallen silent, but they have no rusted or waned - and you’re an example of that. You carry a major bloodline or innate power that was passed down from these days, akin to the Bael Clan’s mighty Power of Destruction...or perhaps identical, if you call them kin. In addition to a unique and powerful magic that will be passed down to your own descendents, you have a natural knack and talent in all things related to combat and warfare...without training, you could lay low hundreds of untrained thugs and even duel an experienced warrior bare-handed. And that’s before you train or get your hands on a Sacred Gear. In time, you will bring entire modern armies to your knees with both your magic and martial might, though mind that your mana and stamina are still finite...but that’s fine. A proper leader should lead from the front, don’t you agree?
Made this while collecting insurance money from the last thread's corpse. Next are faction perks. I'm going to be making Sacred Gear customization after that, along with some 'pre-made' options. Longinus, due to overwhelming thread consensus, will be an undiscounted 1k with a note that literally everyone who's anybody in the setting will want what you got. Also you will raise a few eyebrows on how you managed to get a copy of a unique Sacred Gear, of course.
Requests and suggestions for Faction Perks or Sacred Gear abilities welcome.
Jusst to tie a bow over something discussed in the previous thread.
I did say
>Sorry, I should have been clearer.
>I was thinking about the more impressive interpretations of the two artifacts.
That you haven't heard of that particular aspect of Excalibur's myth is hardly my fault. Perhaps you would like to go and actually look into it, rather than complain to me about you not knowing with the tone of someone who doesn't want to recognise the existence of something you didn't already know.
Also, your points regarding the stone are irrelevant. Wither it transmute as a burst and then needs to be repeated or as a a perpetual process, doesn't matter. And now your moving the goal posts.
If you are referring to their legend then why use them as examples for things in Exalted, where we measure things based on their power and utility rather than history.
The RDG, is an artifact as I agreed (wrongly on reflection), but it is hardly comparable to hand-wielded artifacts. It is a network of manses, and while they are classified as artifacts to a degree, in terms of the skills needed to make and maintain them, they are not the same, and cannot be treated as the same in real terms. It being an artifact is a game absraction.
Imagine if you will, either using the Jump or playing the RPG and place yourself in the position of someone in setting taking about it. Would this avatar of you call the RDG an artifact and if so would those other characters in setting not find it strange that the term is being used to describe a massive interconnected network of manses. Outside of that it makes sense due to the the games terms, in setting it would be silly, and clearly it's the latter than would matter the most.
I am afraid I am not going to be available to discuss this anymore with you as I need to go now. I hope I have convinced you, but am ambivalent as to whether I have or not. Take care.
Just get Telos Karma or Innovate Clear. No one knows where those are or even what they do, so no one would be able to call yours a copy.
what is your gundam /jc/?
Ah, I am looking forward to this.
Thank you for all your hard work, Heavens.
Well, I think the ability to turn into an awesome suit of armor is practically mandatory for Sacred Gear abilities. That has to be on the table.
If you could keep Sword Birth in, that'd be great, fampai.
Shit, ALL the cp? And aren't there different tiers among the Longinus? How will that work with a blanket price?
Yeah, I'll tie another bow over last thread too.
Right then... I'll see what I'll decide upon later. For now, I have a short 5 or 4 hours left to sleep. So, night all.
...They did? I don't remember anyone speaking up about that at all?
The only thing I remember is talking about the Infernals not getting in-game benefits like how the Dragon-Blooded get more of them, despite the fluff saying Artifacts are common in Malfeas/with Infernals or something.
I can't seem find either of these in the archives though.
Agreed. And maybe also a built-in energy cannon, or transformation to have cannons.
the ability to make armor mooks like kibas knights.
One that's actually effective instead of being a metaphorical salve for my literal butthurt. But hey, I'm sure being like Agnika will make everything all better.
Good night, Mardukth.
As one of the people asking for you not to lower the item prices, I'd like to apologise if I made you feel uncomfortable with my request and the conversation it prompted.
Any chance of a way to displace Issei from the plot? I don't mind it tacking on a bunch of danger, it's just...If it hadn't been for him I would have loved the series.
Or maybe you can lose the ego and realise that not all versions of the myth share every trait and that the one I was using in the discussion did not.
Irrelevant? How? You made a point in your post about how it was worth N/A because of how good it was, yet now you try and dismiss discussion of how good it is as irrelevant?
Not history you moron. Importance and myth.
Why isn't it comparable? It's an artefact. It has a rank. It feels like you just love to dismiss whatever doesn't support your argument, given this is not the first time.
Good riddance you gigantic hypocrite.
Maybe a magical reverse-engineering perk for the Khaos Brigade origin, like how they made inferior copies of Scale Mail?
Don't apologise for nerfwhores, son. And Mardukth's been around the block, she'll do what's right by the jump. Of course that might be an increase, if so then you'll just have to accept it.
I know what origin I'm picking, looks neat Bro
>Sword of promised victory
Motherfucker, are you using Fate in this argument? You can't be serious.
Just before I go to bed, you little last-wording, ignorant jackass.
Don't go blaming other people for your ignorance. If you are going to bring something up, then don't when you only have a half-assed understanding of what it is your talking about. You poor education is not my fault.
Be a bit more honest about your position and don't hound other people for your failings, sonny.
Well, I have had my fill of stupidity for one day.
Good night, sleep tight and grow up a little before I talk to you again.
Go crack open a book and do some studying.
Do you thing the creator of Type Moon (name escapes me at the moment) took everything out of his ass. Whatever else you can say about him, he did his research.
Again with the ego. Get over yourself. Would you like to point out in what specific legend Excalibur has auto win powers? Because it's sure as fuck not a common power.
Try to be less of a hypocrite when you argue, it makes people take you seriously instead of as a moron. But hey, seeing as you seek to call me out on trying to get the last word when you started the thread with that, I guess you'll remain a hypocrite.
>Did his research
You know Fate Excalibur doesn't actually have any of those powers right? It's just a name associated with the sword.
Starting to think you're pulling this out of your ass.
Both of you get a fucking room already.
you mean the guy What thinks Jack the Ripper is a five-year-old girl in lingerie?
Hey Heavens, I've been meaning to ask, would it be possible to revive God in DxD? Apparently, He was a pretty cool dude, and plus, reviving the Big G would give us the fire power needed for when Tri-Hexia breaks out. Plus, I can't be the only one who thinks it would be funny to have all the people who boast about being stronger then Him shut up when He comes back and shows He was one of the top dogs.
There's no proof that she wasn't.
A Devil perk for celebrity and mass-media appeal, for general Underworld media shenanigans and specifically Issei's popularity.
Another Devil perk for being a great trainer, like how the Young Devils are supposed to be notable for how well they've trained their peerages instead of relying on their innate abilities.
An Angel perk for being a mysterious mentor and knowing what things would be most compatible with certain people, like Michael giving Issei Ascalon.
Something for being really good at skirting around metaphysical limitations, like how Irinia is able to date Issei without falling despite her being an Angel and him being a Devil.
Maybe something for just being super fucking swole like Vasco Strada. I fucking love that guy.
I don't really have anything good for Fallen Angels, Khaos Brigade, or Independents. Sorry, I'll come back to you if I think of any. Oh, maybe Independents could have some perks based on senjutsu and youjutsu? Like Koneko's ability to seal away powerful dragons, that could be a capstone perk for them. I don't know, like I said, I'll come back to you.
Can I get some tips here? Despite being a favorite of mine, I find myself with a bit of a block coming up with the items and last few perks.
...I'm tempted to make it a gauntlet, considering how easy it would otherwise be to unbalance things with just a few jumps under your belt.
Quite sure he's just shitposting user. Fraid you may have been baited.
Eh, should I have made clear that I'm not this guy
Or does no one care anyway?
No-one knows who Jack the Ripper was. No amount of research can find out somthing that no-one knows. And who knows, maybe he's right. pfft, nah, now ay, but that would be funny to imagine though.
Whats this thing about bleach and being a natural arrancar or visord and such thanks to different jumps?
Other than the wounds Jack the Ripper inflicted requiring far more muscle power than little girl could generate.
I should really stop feeding.
this is not a child's handwriting.
It was not a serious statement my dude.
Although maybe that little girl was swole as fuck. We'll never know for sure.
Wow, looks like you've reacted to some prime bait, man.
Bear in mind that in future it is best to keep drama just to one thread. Let it end when the thread does.
So Jumoers, which route do you prefer: having one super-buffed weapon or going full Gilgamesh and having All of the weapons?
Personally I'd rather it be a gauntlet that focuses on being a dungeon keeper than a traditional jump.
Sorry, I'm just not a fan of what you've come up with. The perks done really feel like they belong to dungeon keeper 2.
Why wouldn't it be? Unless he fiat restricts it?
For Fallen Angels...
Retaining more power/money/whatever from breaking from a benefactor (not THE Benefactor) than usual?
A Genius tech perk?
A talent for staying under the radar, maybe even to a supernatural extent?
Having a sense for imminent betrayal and dissatisfaction within your subordinates?
You're an idiot. Do you want to know the powers attributed to Excalibur, as in the blade?
It can give off light. That's it. Blinding light. That's the one common 'power' of the blade, aside from the wielder being the rightful king. It's had a number of other powers various attributed to it, such as being unbreakable, supernatural sharpness, inspiring courage and preventing the wielder from lying. But I've never, ever heard of it making the wielder win every battle, not even in anime bullshit. So unless you two are the kind of fools who see a name and think "Well golly, it's called the Sword of Promised Victory by an anime, that must mean all versions of Excalibur make all battles be victories", I'd say you really need to give some proof.
Excalibur is the sword of victory
Caliburn was the sword of bloody conquest
Don't, not done.
Sacred Gear ideas:
Momentum neutralization, sort of like Forbidden Balor View's stasis abilities.
Creating warrior servants, lots of Sacred Gears have that.
Armor materialization, obviously a must.
Being able to detach bits of the Sacred Gear as drones to use touch-ranged powers at a distance, like the Wyvern Fairies that Boosted Gear and Divine Dividing have.
Speed boosts, a fair number of them grant that.
Energy draining, like Vritra's Sacred Gears.
Elemental manipulation.
Poison generation.
Creating portals that can be used to redirect attacks.
Manipulating life force like a weaker version of Sephiroth Graal.
Having a dumb name. I'm looking at you, Azazel, with your super-chuuni names for your Artificial Sacred Gears.
Why not both? Gauntlet with the option to make it a jump?
Because does anyone take it as a gauntlet when there's not some dangerous mandatory win condition like in DBM?
Well, we're talking about reviving God here. Does He even have something to revive from? I mean, with a normal person, you can revive them, because their soul is usually still around. But does God work that way? Or did he just go 'poof' when He did?
And where are you getting this from again? Please do tell.
What kind of stuff does A Wordy Fellow get you?
Also, since you seem to never really appear in the IRC, I'm creating Moodboards for the people in Jumpchain (Mostly Jump Makers), and I would appreciate if you were to send a list of Motifs, Themes, Favourite Animals/Foods/ Colors, the Image you use to represent your Jumper, and any favourite quotes. If no quote is selected, something vaguely related from Discworld will be used. drive.google.com
God isn't omnipotent in this series user. More 'Supernatural' God then Christian God.
died* Bah.
his IRC name is nooneofimport, dood.
Well, I suppose you have a point. But if you're willing to use out-of-jump methods, True Resurrection from D&D doesn't even need souls; and it can revive Outsiders, which are pretty much exactly like what you're describing and do go 'poof' when they die.
Nope. The idea that Excalibur and Caliburn are separate blades is a modern invention. "Caliburn" is just a contraction of "Caliburnus", the Latin name for Excalibur. The mistake is probably a confusion of of the fact that the Sword in the Stone is a different blade from Excalibur, so people assume that it must be Caliburn. It's not, the Sword in the Stone is unnamed in most Arthurian legends. Some identify it as being Clarent, though, the same ceremonial sword that Mordred stole and killed Arthur with.
Well yeah, I know that, He died after all. But what happened after He died? Did He just cease to exist?
Oh, that works. I didn't even think of that. Yeah, using that should work. Thanks user!
How do I do this if I can't get on the IRC?
Different user here.
Not true actually, had to read the story for a book report back in highschool. Arthur lost a swordfight badly against a guy in that iteration of the story and Merlin took him to get Excalibur, after which he trounced him soundly.
It was a part of the story that Arthur felt incredibly disappointed that it was the magic of the sword that made him win instead of having improved his skills and gotten better.
I like it, EA drawback
What story? Are we talking L'mort d'Arthur or are we talking someone doing a novel in modern times based on King Arthur?
German Hollow Quest can make you a hollow. Bleach can make you a shinigami. Reborn ruled that if you were a full hollow in the former and become a shinigami in the latter, you can combine the two to be a perfect hybrid. Note that in-setting, the only hybrids are visored and arrancar. Visoreds are shinigami who became partly hollow, acquiring an inner hollow that they must come to terms with in order to use their abilities. Also, they are at potential risk of soul suicide, in which their soul breaks down and implodes due to the conflicting energies inside them. Arrancar are hollows who sealed away their power in the form of a weapon by breaking off their mask. This gives them shinigami-like powers, but does not actually make them a hybrid like visored are.
I don't believe it's specified if he left any remains. Though Michael took up his mantle after his death, gaining his powers at much weaker strength, so there may be some metaphysical remains in the Holy System Control power even if there's no corpse.
God died from using up all his life force sealing Trihexa and then dying from exhaustion repairing the damage Trihexa did. True Ressurrection only works if someone died unnaturally, this would probably fall under the "old age" limitation.
It has not been offered to you. Don't be rude.
You look at yourself critically and feel you've wasted your life.
You make your own. I recommend craft paper and glitter glue.
I do that Every day anyway,I Am Quite depressed
Not a Gundam.
Not sure, most I remember is cruising through it while writing the report and that scene because it had Merlin describing both the powers of the sword and the sheath, so to be fair to the user arguing otherwise I can't actually prove anything.
Just an old tidbit I remember so the one user isn't talking out of his ass. The idea is out there at least.
Little in the middle. A primary super buff weapon and lots of other weapons "just in case". The other weapons usually filling in niches that my primary weapon can't, but my primary is of course my primary because it's usually the all around best.
Well, that's something, at least. Bringing God back would help keep things from going to shit, and at the least it would mean that if Trihexa is still freed, there will be someone capable of locking it back up again without destroying everything. Thanks for the info, user.
What's a meme/running joke you have in your jumps?
"placing faith in someone" being a euphemism for saying you romantically like them or want to bang them is rapidly becoming one, It would see
Good taste, user. The Quebely is one sexy moth robot thing. I'm not the only one who gets a moth vibe, right? The head's kind of got a probiscus, the four shoulder binders are wings, it scatters deadly "dust motes". I mean, they even called Aila's custom Quebely in Build Fighters the Papillon,
You have learned: [Edicts of Faith] - Before your prayers and your incantations, you are a leader of the people. The great preacher whose passion-driven messages of their faith inspire heroes out of farmboys, encouraging hope in dire times, and bringing inspiration. You know what your sermons should say to elicit the reactions of your flock, calling them to action and sparking within them renewed faith. And it is this faith, regardless of it’s source, that spurs your followers to greatness - causing heroes and champions to be made from the meek and the cowardly. Faith is their ally, and faith is what you bring.
How does this feel as the Priest freebie / the perk attached to their class description.
You'll have to forgive me for not being able to take you at your word, given the others seemed to refuse providing sources too. No hard feelings meant.
... Awkward. I don't think Devil Survivor is ever on the IRC though, so if he's here, the offer is open.
Just make a pastebin, if you really want one.
Do you want one, or do you need some way to use all those art supplies.
Is it invitation only?
What's this for, WoW?
>where are the knives
Look, man, if you don't want to be here, SB's arms are always open. It'd be better than the shitposting here, at least. I mean, seriously, another thread is going to be consumed by shitstorms because some powernerf-wankers couldn't keep it in their pants. This kind of thing doesn't happen over on SB.
It wouldn't be wrong to say the grass really is greener on the other side.
Always end up losing at least one person in the group every Jump. Not like in the "they died" sense, just someone always ends up getting lost or captured or wanders off and we don't see them until way later. I have also been that person. The beginning in Jumps always feels like a bit of a reunion since everyone shows up together, most of the time
No worries user, wish I could post a link or something, but it was nearly ten years ago. Just wanted to chime in.
Just don't go as bancho. be user.
if you must, PM English. ta da.
What about Revive from Magicka?
You've been asked before by the individual you are replying at to never do this again.
It is very clear that you are not actually in this to help anyone.
Yes. Each of the Classes is getting a perk tree, and the sort've "fundamental" aspect of it is being baked into the description.
Fair enough. Shame you can't remember, always interested in finding more Arthurian stuff to read.
Does this mean what I think it means? Update? Another jump?
Anyone can ask for one, if they actually want one. It's not like I'm the arbiter of who qualifies as relevant, and they're fairly fun to make.
I refuse to comment on Revive, as it will only get me angry. Use it if you want to, I don't care.
My favorite hoodie is stained with glitter glue from playing with my nieces and nephews, so I do have some experience in the area of sticking together pictures and picking the prettiest colors.
But what the hell, I feel like I need an excuse to show up in IRC nowadays anyway.
B-b-b-b-but muh honey budger of magick. If magickanon says it works that way, it must!
Then what would you recommend?
He was having a bad day, user, so he lashed out. Looking back, he probably realizes how much he needed this.
Por que no los dos?
I build my own weapons. So I have a fuck-ton.
But I also have one that I feed other, weaker weapons to, making it an amalgamized horror of a weapon.
I remember studying all this when I was a child. My memories are a bit foggy after so many years on.
That said, if you are going to talk about it, there is a good article on wikipedia, on the Matter of Britain that might suit those interested.
Any resurrection magic that acknowledges that reviving the most powerful being in the universe, that died using up all its life force, is likely to take more effort than a single quick-cast spell. This is some epic shit, get something that treats it with the dignity it deserves. Otherwise, why even bother reviving God? Clearly you're more powerful than him, just take his place.
Yeah, I can see it. Though I would argue that the Papillion looked nothing like a butterfly, and was ugly besides
"Bug Testing" is slang for doing something, usually illegal or immoral, completely off the cuff.
Also, using hilariously bad, obviously fake name when undercover. Eg. Blast Hardcheese, Hugh Mann, Max Fightmaster.
He can't go on the IRC because he got banned, as in unable to access it no matter what name he tries to put on.
>Max Fightmaster
That's a real name, user. Max Fightmaster is an actual person. He's in the army, appropriately.
FA-78 Full Armor Gundam (Thunderbolt) with Twin GN Drive, an ELS Conversion, and Adamantium coating on the outside and Vibranium coating around the cockpit. There's more changed but what I described is just the main look of it.
They also ruled that if you take the capstone of a different origin then you'd be a hybrid, but based from your origin. So a Substitute Shinigami would be a human (Drop-In, Fullbringer or Quincy) with the Shinigami capstone, and so on.
Yes, I know.
But that doesn't make it less fake-sounding.