Since GW brought Sisters of Silence into 40k, who will be the Imperium's top broad army?
Since GW brought Sisters of Silence into 40k, who will be the Imperium's top broad army?
Whu? Where the hell were they this whole time?
It's not really addressed, like why the custodes now wear gold again. There was no retcon, because the idea of there not being sisters of silence in the first place was retconned. We were always at war with eastasia.
Nobody knows. They appear with the Custodes to fight Magnus on the moon in Gathering Storm 3
Sisters of Battle are being squatted in 8th ed so they lose by default I guess.
Hiding deep in the Imperial Palace, the High Lord send the order to them at the end of Wrath of Magnus after hearing of Magnus's return.
Given how big they've made Celestine in Gathering Storm + plastic Sisters I doubt that
The Blood Angels
>plastic sisters
The only plastic sisters are Sisters of Silence.
The chance of us getting plastic SoB is slim-to-none. And I say that as someone who's only 40k wish is to get plastic SoB.
don't give up hope my man, bringing celestine back, giving her bodyguard sisters and printing that limited edition canoness bode well.
Why are the Chances so low
Wait until end of 2017/early 2018 before jumping to conclusion. Pretty sure nobody was asking for Tzaangors, GSCult or Tzeentch acolyte release either.
Its good that GW has decided to leave the dark ages and join the rest of us in 2017. Women are kickass!
Wait, Magnus showed up on the moon?
GW's ignored SoB for over a decade. Why would they start giving them attention now?
The chance of SoB getting plastic models is about the same as Orks getting good rules.
It's been "just wait for next year/quarter" for the past decade. Hope is fucking lost.
>Why would they start giving them attention now?
Maybe because plastic sisters are coming? You're forgetting, GW IS giving them some attention now, in the form of veridyan & celestine.
Also it's hip for nerd games to pander to girls these days.
Literally the only factions that are male only is Space Marines. Fuck right off.
Orks, tho
>Taking the bait
The Harlequins had a super secret webway exit to the moon and Magnus followed them and Guilliman's dudes out.
And they had a big fight.
Masculine without Gender. Even Sisters of battle would probably be defined as Masculine so I wouldn't really count Orcs.
Hook line and sinker. Fortunately I deal with people relating to the progressive movements everyday as work, line between troll and serious is gone.
Holy shit did Guilliman actually fight him?
>Even Sisters of battle would probably be defined as Masculine
So they just threw out the idea that they've been the minders of the Inquisition's Black Ships for the last 10k years?
I can't recall this being a thing after the Heresy.
there wasn't an Inquisition before the heresy
Well since I'm converting sisters of silence into sisters of battle anyway I don't really care.
And sisters have gotten way to much recently to be squated now.
>And sisters have gotten way to much recently to be squated now.
the fuq?
The Black Ships which are responsible for picking up psykers belong to the Astra Telepathica and it was these the Sisters of Silence crewed. However until recently they disappeared for no reason after the Heresy and the Sisters of Battle took their place, possibly others.
veridyan, celestine, sisters of silence
The gemini are already dead and Celestine is now just a Christmas ornament for the Spiritual Liege.
Battle and Silence are completely unrelated
Veridyan sold beyond their wildest dreams. Celestine is quite popular. Plastic immolator sold out. People are buying the metal blisters. Need I go on? Sisters are doing well, and GW will be able to see that.
No, the SoB don't crew the Black Ships. Where did you hear that one?
Sure, from a lore standpoint. But from a model standpoint they're very similar, meaning GW now has SoS molds/digital blueprints for manufacturing purposes that could very easily be used for SoB as well, with some modifications.
Plus they have the same appeal, badass chicks in power armor
man I love sisters, but you're fucking delusional if you think they're not on shaky ground
Yes, they are. And the products that are sisters of battle all sell really really well. The Prospero box was bought for the marines and maybe the custodes. I'm the only guy I know in my whole damn state who's done anything with sisters of silence, and I took a knife and greenstuff to mine to make SoB.
They're on better ground than they have been in years, all things considered
They may be, but I think things are better than you believe them to be. Sales don't lie, veridyan and the plastic immolators went off the shelves in minutes. Gw will see that. They'd have to be stupid not to. For example veridyan was supposed to be a one time only limited time offer, but she did so well they still produce and sell the model.
I really hope GW does make plastic sisters. I'll probably drop upwards of $600 the day they announce them.
>They'd have to be stupid not to
user pls
GW's gotten a bit better, but not that much
Not really. They've set up heavily for consolidating factions next edition as per Gathering Storm and Rountree's comments and Celestine's big time in the spotlight wasn't even leading sisters, it was just being a marine groupie.
Memes asside they aren't that retarded. Most...alot....some, yeah some, of their decisions make sound business sense. They've been better recently, they won't let me down now, not after leading me on and blue balling me like this for so long I got desperate enough to do an entire army of conversions.
pics plox
Why you gotta be like this man? There were sisters in the diaramas. There were sisters mentioned in the books. We've had a few bones thrown our way and we've responded in an overwelmingly positive fashion. Gw ain't gonna squat us in favor of those bald null bitches.
I've been in the wip once or twice, but im still working on them for the most part. Only got started on it recently cause I kept waiting for plastic sisters and then finally said fuck it I can't deal with this any more and sat down and figured out how to make it happen. I'll send along pics if you really want but they are nothing special. I'm not that good at modeling or painting to be quite honest.
They aren't out of the woods yet, make no mistake, but now is one of the best times for SoB in recent memory. They are currently for more than just arts 'n' crafts, which is a pretty big leap imo.
Can't the Gemini "respawn?"
Hell, a prerequisite for them to even become Gemini was dying.
>Celestine's big time in the spotlight wasn't even leading sisters, it was just being a marine groupie.
Sure, but she's still a sister's model, and she's still very popular.
It could go either way. I just have a hard time believing they'd make a brand new canoness and living saint only to get rid of the army soon after.
And again I think the social environment counts for something too. I know GW doesn't really give a fuck about sjw nonsense, but considering these stupid "40k fans are all sexists" articles going around, it would be smart of them to put out a female centric army to deflect that kind of negative press and maybe simultaneously widen the game's appeal even just a tiny bit.
Flunkies can be replaced, and Celestine having the big man's back doesn't mean she doesn't matter.
They operate as chamber militant for the Adeptus Astra Telepathica. So they almost exclusively operate in the Solar system with their base of operations being on Luna.
They would only go abroad at the behest of the master of the City of Sight who is a high lord.
Ten millennia have made you no less arrogant, then?’ asked Guilliman, warily circling his towering foe. Inside his helm,a look of disgust twisted his patrician features as he regarded the monstrous form of the Crimson King. ‘Certainly those years have done you no other kindness.
’Magnus sighed. ‘How you can have such grand plans and yet such scant vision has always eluded me. This,’ the Daemon Primarch said, empyric energies stirring as they gathered around his levelled glaive, ‘is what true power looks like.
’‘I see no power here,’ said Guilliman, shaking his head in dismay. ‘I see corruption, and enslavement to monsters that are worshipped as gods.
’‘On that, Roboute,’ Magnus laughed, sparing a glance at the loyalists fighting nearby, ‘perhaps we can finally agree.’
Arrogance,’ shouted Guilliman. ‘It was always your undoing, brother. You thought this would be an easy fight, that the gifts of your so-called gods would render me impotent. Perhaps those you serve are not all you believed them to be?’
Magnus’ rage vanished in an eye-blink, and he laughed scornfully in response to Guilliman’s jibe.
You would like to believe that, wouldn’t you? That the dutiful Roboute Guilliman was justified in his loyalty? That, now the ramifications of our choices have become clear, you can look down on me as you always did?
this thread has inspired me
Well user you've inspired me. I'm gonna go write an email myself now.
bringing back 2nd ed ork transport rules?
If I was going to send any email to GW it would still just be an ASCII middle finger.
I don't think GW cs understands bait, user
Eh, worst case scenario, I wasted 30 seconds of my life. Best case scenario the email gets forwarded to rountree and plastic sisters confirmed. No skin off my back.
Be serious mang, best case scenario is you get a response from a cs rep that's slightly personalized
Hey, maybe, just maybe Keith the intern was sick today, and the department manager who HAD to fill in on short notice is on ecstasy for the first time, and this is literally the most touched he has ever felt.
Live the dream you want to see, user.
You get a lot of Daemon Princes on your mutation tables, don't you
more likely than you might think. I mean, if you're working cs, you're either on ecstasy or you're getting ready to kill yourself
Mutation table? You mean the Disprincer table?
>The Black Ships which are responsible for picking up psykers belong to the Astra Telepathica
Gathering Storm 3 does say this about them.
The good news is that before the end of the month we should at least know if we should expect Sisters any time soon. Since GW is going to be showing a bunch of stuff off so if Sisters are close enough to care about we'll probably see something and/or something about Age of Emperor that kills hope for good.
Why do you expect we will hear big news by the end of the month?
GW is showing ~something~ at Adepticon. Rumors run wild and such
Silently washing the dishes.
Yep. That's kinda the iconic thing for them. They die then get back up again.
Heck, they get mentioned later in the book (They are rescued with St Celestine from her cell when all the named characters get captured) after the battle they are both dead in.
The Gemini are dead is like 'I'm feeling tired'. It's something that could cause serious trouble in the short term but is kinda a non-issue as it can be solved pretty easily. They are dead for the same reason Wolverine gets put into the dirt by opponents so often. It's dramatic and shows the danger of the situation without actually making it a big deal long-term.
But they killed Wolvie fo reals this time
Why is the formatting of their ebooks so shit
Emails are not worth it. Now if you write a letter and mail it. That is something "harder" to ignore.
Meh, I already got a response which was thankful and said they'd be forwarding it to the "relevant department" whatever that means.
>they'd be forwarding it to the "relevant department" whatever that means
The trash can.
>It's not really addressed
They drop hints that the custodes/sisters have been doing clandestine stuff behind the scenes.
We know the custodes were busting genestealer cults on terra, so maybe we'll hear a bit more about what the two were doing in the interim in the new minidex.
who hurt you user?
Relevant department is "into the trash" unless you get a response from said department.
Reality, life is a cruel mistress that will ravage your asshole, if you are lucky she will use lube. But will not stop ramming that ass. In life there is no safe word.
>Reality, life is a cruel mistress that will ravage your asshole, if you are lucky she will use lube. But will not stop ramming that ass. In life there is no safe word.
This is in fact not true
because that's exactly, word for word, my fetish and it is next to fucking impossible to find girls that are into it
It helps when you are not ugly or in the sweet spot of "cute fat"
Are the twins present in any other place? Or those are just FoC asspulls like most of that horrible book.
>We were always at war with eastasia.
I chuckled
They just waited
For 10000 years.