Destruction waifu, edition.
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Destruction waifu, edition.
>General's Handbook pdf!DxRGmTZL!x_L0eobCjr4qrF7enhVlZ2DffTtRa3hdDrc5RctcAbE
>army builder
>Current Rumors
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First for Beastmen.
Best Scions of Chaos.
Free Guild Gunline, or Flesh-Eater Generica?
I would have no problem tossing out the money for a fluffy and fun mass of handgunners and outriders and war machines that'd be 95% Perry Revolutionary War Brits, though I'm still mulling over the Steam Tank conversion that I'd be doing. Likewise, I really do enjoy the rules of FEC and the fluff is kinda neat, but fuck if it isn't an incredibly boring line of miniatures. Not particularly bad sculpts, just ultimately only a handful of different models.
>dem sloppy troll titties
Troll waifu best waifu
Use different sculpts? I'd recommend a bret/ghoul mix if it were viable. Or maybe fireforge sergeants?
Built in the old thread.
Painted in the new thread.
Reecius of Frontline Gaming fame rolls with a free people's army using a lot of gunline, and he swears by it.
Niiiiiiiiiiiiice. Very very well done.
My only nitpick though is her pose looks like she has her hand resting on the shield, but it's raised off the ground like she's holding it up. It's just a tad weird. But I wouldnt notice on a glance especially if it was across the table for me. Beautifully done.
That's great
So just a motley blend of Ghoul and Man-at-Arms parts blended together? I mean, I don't mind that idea, but I just find it kind of sloppy since the models that would be my Knights are very much not-mounted. And replacing a Courtier with a Knight of the Realm just seems... bad.
Yeah, the rules for it are somewhat comically good. It'd probably end up being several 30 man Handgunner units with Ironweld war machines a-plenty, backed up by some Outriders and Steam Tanks.
Don't ignore units like greatswords and guard. Your handgunners are nice, but they drop like flies in combat. He runs them in the freeguild regiment battalion, because any bonus you can get is essential.
Fair enough. Question with line of sight, can I screen my handgunners with a line of guard and still shoot past them? I thought like-base models blocked LoS for each other.
And I was sort of pointedly ignoring them, mostly because I'm not entirely certain how best to model them while still keeping the same look. I guess just rifleman with bayonets readied for a charge for Greatswords while making sure none of the actual handgunners have them attached.
Almost got this guy done now, the skins a bit thick because I had no idea what I was going for, wash was a little bit thick too but that's a lesson learned for next time.
I'm gonna be painting up the weapon next, i'm thinking about trying to make it bright red blending up to orange along the blade. If I do this do you guys think I should make the handle red too or just leave it normal looking?
Units generally do not provide any cover. If your opponent's shooting unit can see any of your handgunners, then he can shoot at them
Also I have to emphasize, it may be tempting to make your freeguild general on griffon your general, but you should be running a general on horse instead and make him your general. His CA is just too damn good for freeguild
Oh, don't worry. It wasn't tempting at all to run him on the griffon.
Right, but what I'm saying is if I had, say, a unit of Handgunners ranked up in 3 ranks of ten with ten Guard infront of them, I wouldn't be able to shoot anything past them, would I? I thought the purpose of using Guard and Greatswords was to screen my Handgunners from charges, but doing so cuts into their ability to shoot, doesn't it? Just asking as a complete new player to the game.
I really love how it's looking user, the blue is a nice transition color to the white bark and red leaves. I'd make the handle red also but that's just me.
I also worked on the gold armor now a bit more on my dorf and think it's looking alot better save for a few things here in there I can touch up later.
That's not the way it works in aos. If your handgunners can see anything past the guard, they can shoot at it unimpeded.
The shield is actually resting on a built up mound, it just really isn't showing in photos. Trust me it's bugging me aswell.
sort of visible here....
Yeah I see it. Again, no biggie. It's really a cool conversion.
If i were to do freeguild this is what I would probably roll with. So many to-hit and to-wound bonuses. It would be brutal
Allegiance: Order
Freeguild General (100)
10 x Freeguild Guard (80)
10 x Freeguild Guard (80)
10 x Freeguild Guard (80)
20 x Freeguild Handgunners (200)
20 x Freeguild Handgunners (200)
20 x Freeguild Handgunners (200)
3 x Demigryph Knights (200)
- Lance and Sword
10 x Freeguild Greatswords (160)
5 x Freeguild Outriders (140)
5 x Freeguild Pistoliers (140)
Celestial Hurricanum (320)
Freeguild Regiment (100)
Total: 2000/2000
>Celestial Hurricanum
See, I love the rules on the Hurricanum, but I also love the fuck out of some Steam Tanks and War Machines, though both work pretty well for the fluff of what I'm running. And I know I won't be able to afford to run both in the same list, so it fucks with me. Also, it's a pity that Pistoliers are so shitty yet you're saddled into 'em because of the Regiment; it'd be so much nicer if they were just a "pick two of these" like the ranged units are.
Also, are you fine just using 20-man handgunners? A single wound will throw off the buff they get for being 20 strong, and I had assumed you'd go for 30-man squads. I understand that the Regiment restricts that, but just musing. Guess you have to trade a buff for another buff.
30 would be ideal, yes, but it's about fitting everything from the battalion in the list and getting other stuff, like the hurricanum. A smart player would split his fire and try to wound each handgunner squad, but it wont always happen.
Besides, if your opponent has little to no long ranged shooting, you will probably try to take 2nd in the battle round. But if I see a lot of long range shooting and a smart player, I would probably try taking first in the round.
Quick question, is the Hurricanum roughly the same size as the Chaos Warshrine? For fluff and conversion reasons.
I don't know if I should keep posting this...
Though, real question here: Which is best to bringer? Ghorgon, Cygor, or Giant?
Stormcast vs FEC 1k matchup. I'm bringing LCoD, relictor, knight venator, 2x liberators, 1x judicators, 1x retributors (no star soul). How fucked am I?
It is looking better, you're right.
Not good, but better.
If you can snipe his heroes or some other scary unit before they get to be a problem, I think you'll be fine.
aos rules seem to be neat but currently so much of the fantasy minis don't really fit this new universe. what do you think the new standard humans will be like?
I would say a giant, they have a large damage output. But Ghorgons can distract the enemy and go for the elite units better, and a cygor is only good if you are facing a lot of wizards
>what do you think the new standard humans will be like?
Like the free peoples models.
I don't have them, but there is a bunch of new AoS concept art that came in shadows over hammerhall which is very much in the style of the old empire models. Also the new excelsior warpriest model from silver tower fits alongside warrior priests and the rest of empire.
Looks great. I assume the body is from a SoS, but where is the helmet from?
Never fukt when you have Retributors.
wait are they really just going to shoe horn in empire models? would hope they made some that fits this new setting more.
helmet and pauldrons(if not whole arms) are Perry Bros Wotr infantry
>from GeeDubs
>when laziness is an option
I mean, really?
Like what?
What does a human in this universe look like that makes them so different from humans from the old world
fucking I don't know but feels pretty lazy just to have humans using exact same stuff as they were when the world was litterally blown up. Maybe some bronze age looking guys or something would be nice. Having not!empire feels really forced. Rather they just commit and make this it's own thing.
>bronze age
pretty sure chaos warriors have the bronze age barbarian aesthetic cornered
>Full plate
>bronze age
Right. Early medieval maybe. Goofy Conan Clones, sure. But they hardly strike me as bronze age.
>bronze age
why would human civilization devolve? especially when every other race has been shown to advance, especially the dwarves with their incoming steam robots
those aren't bronze age user
I'm not I just disagreed with the portrayal of Chaos warriors as bronze age. I think parts of Undead/tomb kings already do that.
what the fuck is bronze age then
bronze age was an example. I just think the humans should have a new aesthetic then having exact same looking culture as the humans had before.
bronze age is trojan war stuff, you know actually using bronze. And again it was an example of some other aesthetic.
im not an orderfag and i think it works for them to try to match the empire aesthetic. a lot of people already have armies for them and other factions are getting rolled into the aos setting, i dont see why it needs to end there.
perhaps they will try something new, but have enough callbacks to fit with everyones existing free peoples armies. the silver tower priest model is a testament to that. it has some stormcast eternal themes on it, but fits with the old empire humans well enough.
Well there used to be a plethora of empire miniatures for all the different regions and cultures
Besides, the holy roman empire aesthetic fits well with the steampunk lite thing theyre going for with dorfs and ironweld
>that pic
im sure that would sell great
people could say the same about the aesthetic the empire has with HRE reinsance stuff.
If you dont think puffy sleeves, feathers, slippers and flamberges are the tightest shit, get out of my face
I do like them though. I also quite like bronze age shit and bunch of other stuff from history. I just think it's lazy that the new humans living in this world are exactly like ones in the old world.
Well then they should revive some of the other empire stuff. Bring out some kislev or Nippon humans for variety, maybe some ironweld humans infantry
Also, wait, what the fuck is Free Guild Gunline supposed to do again the new Sigmarine gunboys? Hurricane Crossbows with 18 inches of range and 9 attacks and Longstrike Crossbows with 30 inches of range. What the actual fuck? Just jam 'em with Knights/Outriders and snipe with cannons? Christ. Those Longstrike Crossbows are just hyper-accurate lower-damage cannons with 1/6 chance to drop 2 mortal wounds on whatever they hit.
Thing is, at 1k point I might be going up against anywhere between 20-40 crypt ghouls, and 2-3 heroes who can replenish them when they're down. I'm planning to take lightning chariot to get the retributors somewhere, and rely on LCoD as the main damage dealer, but now I'm wondering if I should outfit my juds with crossbows instead of longbows for that crowd clearing number of shots.
Hey Ironjawz fellows. I am building my force from the ground-up and I got the Battleforce/Thunderfist. Should I go two units of 5 brutes (dual choppas + brute boss), or one unit of 10 brutes (jagged-hakkas + brute boss)?
If it matters, I'm getting the SC! as a next purchase. So I'll have 10 ardboyz, 3 Gore-Gruntas, and a Warchanter in addition to the Thunderfist.
>what the fuck is Free Guild Gunline supposed to do again the new Sigmarine gunboys
Persevere for the Emperor user
Thrash against the dying of the light
R8 my first mini
The shit on the shield is Typhus Corrosion, slightly drybrushed over in places, not just a shite chalky job
If you're playing empire, you should be outnumbering your SCE opponent significantly. If not then there's little you can do against that. Free guild is about stacking insane buffs and hitting him back hard with mass accurate fire and attacks.
10/10 paints so thin you cant even see them
Hurr phone didn't post pic
Pretty good for a first mini, there are room for improvement though
Would spread the blessings of Nurgle with/10
Thanks, what advice for improvement? I know it's not WiP but you guys are more constructive and helpful in general
I would say by thinning the paints just a little bit, and highlight some parts.
It does seem to be lacking in highlighting, but other than that is pretty good for tabletop standard
I'd say stick with the bows. As you said, the heroes will just replenish them so you really need to shoot them down ASAP. As for the blob of gouls, that's actually much more manageable. If you can zap them with the relictors damage prayer, they suffer a -1 to hit. That should allow you to wittle them down pretty safely, or even just tie them down for a good while with a unit of liberators.
Yeah that's true, I highlighted the leather, but simply don't have a lighter green atm. I had started off with death world forest and highlighted with straken, then realised I preferred straken as the overall tone.
Have you painted any more chaos warriors?
Aslo what can you tell us about your army/dudes?
Eh, my FEC idea would be that they see themselves as knights and warriors, but the models would show through the glamour, a bloody hand here, a bagged skull there, a ghoul head, or bone weapon instead of a sword. Maybe mix horrors and liberators for that 'big foot knight' look, with extra bits. Or flayers and prosecutors, for the wings.
>tfw others are as thirsty for 'muh guys' as you are
If you want my advice.
Put a chestnut wash in the gold recesses, it looks a bit flat.
Highlight the edges of the gold, I think you've started too already bit it's tough to see.
Try mixing stormhost silver with whatever gold you've used.
It's coming on.
How are you going to base it?
No, that's my first guy. My tester for the model.
My dudes are crusading for a Plague vial/reliquary of Nurgle's, lost by a failed champion in a battlefield lost to time and space. The lord is looking for it to ascend to daemonhood and unleash Papa's love unto everyone.
Let me ease your thirst by providing you with my on dudes
unless you have already read it
No names yet, this project is about 1 week old, but I'm planning on mixing in a range of Nurgle mortals, daemons and pestilens
Thanks senpai
I help you roll up a name for your lord if you want, via the Path to Glory name generator.
I just started a nurgle warband myself. I had a few hours to kill in a major city, so I went to the local GW and bought a box of Blightkings. The blackshirt was a champ, loaned me some glue, clippers and a scalpel and I assembled them while I waited for my ride. Now I'm scouring the internet for nurgle themed conversions.
Imma buy this maggot lord next payday.
Not really a conversation but, my bestigors follow Nurgle.
Hit me!
Just had a little question about the Oath of Vengeance before I started fielding the omnidirectional bladesphere.
Do you they mean you count the successful wound rolls, or do they mean you count the damage that was actually allocated?
If you cause overkill, do the excess wounds count?
Alright, roll 3 d66 for me, and I am guessing you want Nurgle as your patron?
How are dispossessed as an army? Because I really love their newer infantry kits.
greetings man-things
As a dispossessed player, they're solid. Their only downfall is speed which may screw you over at times.
Loving your colours here, i bet this army'll look brilliant all together
it's nice to see you improving, try using a lighter gold for some highlights
This looks great man, good job. I really want to try something like this myself
Lookin good man, looks like you got alot of the basics down, were you going for the shiny look? Sometimes washes can appear shiny when they're not shook properly could paint that spike in the top left though
As everyones posting there stuff, I painted up this birb, only got 5 more to do and a shaman.
Rolled 60, 1, 20 = 81 (3d66)
Nurgle indeed my man
Not intentionally shiny, I'll try your tip next time. Maybe I'll put a bit of Nurgle's Rot on him or make him look feverish like his armour is weeping
How many wounds he's done, not the roll.
Not sure what happens to the wounds caused in overkill though, I'm don't think they count though.
Just realized that just rolling a d66 here doesn't work. Let's do the name one at a time, so just roll 2 d6 for the first syllable
Rolled 1, 5 = 6 (2d6)
These are legit, dat armour mang, it's gorgeous
Ok first syllable:
Ok, give me another 2 d6!
The armor is just leadbeltcher and nuln oil, nothing fancy
Forgot pic
Also, here is another picture of them
There are some really nice Nurgle stuff posted in the wip thread, one guy built his own GUO and I've seen some Stormcast that have been converted using the spare parts from the blight kangz kit.
>Stormcast that have been converted using the spare parts from the blight kangz kit
>tfw it was mine
Rolled 2, 4 = 6 (2d6)
Rolled 1, 1 = 2 (2d6)