Would you play a game set in the hood?
Would you play a game set in the hood?
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Bit too mundane
>would you play a game where a bunch of white people pretend to be black
No one from an actual hood would play tabletop games. It's too removed from the real world.
Do you think pic related is a hood because there are only blacks in the street ?
No, but I'd play a game about being Le Sapeurs in the Democratic Republic of the Congo any day of the week. Those guys are stylish.
>tfw my oc setting is a planet sized ghetto based on a joke rap song I wrote for my friends
No thanks, I don't want to play a Stone Age game.
played a 'cops vs niggas' custom game on warcraft 3. and saw a "ghettopoly" board game at a thrift store before. so uh... the potential is there
Congo is not "the hood" and Sapeurs are not hood rats
but user I already do
Isn't that pretty much what Shadowrun or Cyberpunk 2020 is
Fuck that thread was so good.
Gimme a keyword.
Marshall Menace, Shadowrun, Hoodrat
Starts with something g like 'so my asshole dm'
>level 5 thug
>roll for intimidate on some cracka
>nat 1
>Critical Keeping it Real Goes Wrong
>he's an undercover cop
>can't play that character for 1d6 charges that stick
nat 1 is he's CCing and shoots you to death on the spot
And the "new school" (I don't remember the name they gave themselves) is very interesting from a sociological standpoint.
Seeing how the previous generation lost all of their money for their hobby, they're reappropriating occidental luxury fashion and creating theit own.
I honestly think they could play a big part in the future of African culture.
>Do you think pic related is a hood because there are only blacks in the street ?
I assumed that was OP's thinking process.
>No one from an actual hood would play tabletop games.
I know people from the real hood who play tabletop games.
I know people from the real hood who use Veeky Forums. Your mom pops on once in a while to suck a bunch of dicks.
I want to be a handsome well-dressed black man.
Literally doesn't exist. Next!
>says the pasty suburbanite in jeans and ill-fitting t
We're all faggots here
If you're not you should probably get
>denies being a faggot
>posts on Veeky Forums
found the newfag
I played GTA San Andreas, so I'd only go with it if I got to drop a bunch of fantasy elements into it and just go full Saints Row with it.
Although to avoid having to deal with americans, I'd set it in the british equivalent; a run-down council estate in a London suburb.
Innit, bruv? I'm gonna stab yo, I swear on me mum! Get your dog off, innit!
That's somewhere in Africa. Those are african black people, not african-americans.
And yes, there's a difference. Spend enough time around africans, and you can even tell the difference between them.
This belongs here.
Here user, I'm sure there are a few BBC threads for you to peruse until you calm down:
I always like to lay in Africa. Especially Sub-Sahara
I wouldn't mind, but I have no faith in the slightest that 90% of people could do it right.
I already play Shadowrun
Nah. It's either going to go full stormweenie, full white liberal guilt, or straight into that weird in-between zone filled who unironically play Cards Against Humanity and giggle every time they play "black people."
Mostly this.
Most people don't know what it was like in the classic inner city enough to replicate it.