Why does he disable YouTube comments?
Why does he disable YouTube comments?
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I don't know who the guy on the image is, but if I was a YouTuber, I would disable the cesspool of stupidity that is YouTube comment section too.
Can't handle the bantz.
Have you ever read YouTube comments?
It's Duncan.
I wanted to congratulate on him on his latest video and I noticed the block.
Because it's a kid friendly corporation who don't want autists spamming "nigger" in their comments
That doesn't tell me anything, user.
Is it worse than Veeky Forums? I'm from a site called Facebook, fella. Everyones pretty nice over there.
Being nice doesn't excuse you from being retarded. The Facebook echo chamber is even worse.
We'd shit the videos up.
The comments on youtube are unfathomably stupid. It can only be described as someone teaching chimps how to read and write english.
There is zero worthwhile discussion to come out of youtube comments.
This is the only real answer.
>video about the fundamental operating principles of small arms
>someone bitching about guns being evil in the comments section
I don't even know why people post comments.
its not duncan its WHTV he responds to people who thank him on twitter, he's based as fuck.
GW has displayed an uncanny amount of common sense with regards to their online communities.
Their official forums were arguably the worst I've ever seen, and they were rightly nuked off the face of the planet to let places like Portent and Dakka take all the heat for free. The youtube channel disabling comments and the community site being more of a blog/hub than a forum just ties into that. Keeps their hands off of the complete nightmare that is dealing with miniature wargaming fans directly.
Why don't you?
Games Workshop's painter that does decent tutorial videos and became a memeperson.
To be fair, from what I can tell he's pretty much come to embrace the memes.
when I was playing back during the original Eye of Terror campaign there was this goth who worked at the local GW who would lick his paint brush and drink paint water.