Try to prove that gobbos aren't the best race in everything.
They have the cutest, sexiest girls, and are the best for every non-shit class.
>small, quiet and sneaky rouges
> very intelligent magic users
>engineering proficiency as utility for all classes
> can even be a strong warrior because of their natural elasticity making them able to shrug off high damage
Try to prove that gobbos aren't the best race in everything
Other urls found in this thread:
But they can't play as a half-orc scarred witch doctor can they?
Um... actually humans have the sexiest girls, unless you're a major pervent
How many systems and settings are out there that lets you play a goblin? No video games.
>They have the cutest, sexiest girls
>very intelligent magic users
>can even be a strong warrior because of their natural elasticity making them able to shrug off high damage
If that's what your goblins are like, I dislike your goblins.
Damn, was gonna say Gobliiins, but I guess that's out the window.
Sexy goblins is probaby the worst idea ever.
> unless you are a major pervert
>when some nigga says some dumb ass shit
Can you stop trying to force the whole "Veeky Forums is all like its worst echelon" thing?
You misplaced /d/enizens are really some of the worst of us.
Again, where do you think we are?
This is Veeky Forums my man, I can go over to /trash/ right now and look at some futa my little pony horsecock
which is great by the way
Everyone on every board is a degenerate. Everyone likes fur and traps, regardless of how they lie about it.
user, you're the one trying to force an idea.
They've been doing this from the start, and it is the natural state of the board.
I like one of those two things.
Shit taste desu
>Everyone likes fur and traps, regardless of how they lie about it.
Now that's a god damn lie. I like my traps, but I don't care for furry/scaly porn.
>implying I don't love both
Gonna need sauce on this shit
Veeky Forums also had the saying "masturbate before browsing Veeky Forums" and the smut-faggotry got so out of hand that it was forced out. The problem with smut-faggots is that they will take the entire arm if you give them a finger. They can't contain themselves.
Goblins were just never meant to be sexy though. You might as well have a sexy beholder or something
I don't doubt this exists btw
That saying is actually incredibly new, and used almost entirely by newfags.
In fact, your entire attitude is a thing that doesn't naturally exist on Veeky Forums, and can only occur by immigration.
> Shorthsack
> Worth anything
*laughs in goliath*
Probably from a certain website that begins with the letter "r". . . .
>small, quiet and sneaky rouges
But Tau make the best blues.
>incredibly new
Rewriting history to legitimize your /d/ threads I see. Now that's dirty.
All shortstacks are god tier. Kobolds are great, but rare.
> not recognizing the art
Shortstacks are the best, Fag
Nah, calling people redditors is also a newfag activity.
>attempting to rewrite history because he doesn't remember the old days
Fucking newfags
>sexy beholder or something
Ask you you shall receive.
Nah, he's got the right of it.
That shit is years post nazimod at the earliest.
Id facefuck a small one with plump dick sucking lips
Well, in the eye of the beholder I suppose.
And that is not "incredibly new".
Now that's just funny.
Veeky Forums is split into different boards for a reason. It's really amazing that you'd even argue that the people who browse Veeky Forums and other similar boards should be forced to deal with your /trash/ antics, when /trash/ was made specifically so we wouldn't.
I mean, this is even a blue board.
A little lewd is fine, but very few of us are sex-starved cretins who lack all self-awareness, like yourself.
>attempting to claim majority because he cannot claim seniority or board purity
>can't even do that right
> very few of us are sex-starved cretins who lack all self-awareness, like yourself.
All I want is for people to stop trying to push artificial outside agendas like your shit on Veeky Forums.
>very few of us are sex-starved cretins who lack all self-awareness
>very few
>green halfling
Yeah, no.
I love shortstacks
What's wrong, are those pure pretty goblins too perfect for you to hate?
Goblins are naturally ugly cannon fodder. The only good looking goblins are the Zendikari goblins, and even that's a bit of a stretch
Besides, it's all about the Gnolls
I can claim both seniority and that this is a blue board.
All you can do is shitpost, and pretend that you shitposters weren't reviled since the start of the board.
In any case, go spam some porn here. You sound you could use a ban.
Can you stop pushing your artificial agenda first?
The whole "get the lewdites off Veeky Forums business" only started because of the spam and the /d/ generals some idiots tried to push onto a blue board.
Sorry user, at best you can claim to have been here as long as I was.
But everyone can tell you're more post nazimod trash.
>anti-lewd shitposters think this isn't new
See, that's why you guys are seen as newfags.
>I'm here from another board to tell you how to run your board!
The real reason it started is we got a gaggle of complainers a couple years back that refused to integrate with Veeky Forums. You can see this in a whole bunch of modern Veeky Forums attitudes.
I was here on the first day of Veeky Forums. I think there's very few people left here who can say the same, and I certainly doubt you can. That's why I never bother to try to bring up seniority, because it's not only hardly ever relevant, it's also only something newfags like yourself care about.
And, I don't care if you've been here since day 2, you're still a newfag to me.
I'd say the "worst echelon" of Veeky Forums are people who are mortally afraid of sex in fiction rather than those who can laugh at one of the things that makes us human.
We eat, shit, sleep, fuck and tell stories.
>not being here pre-Veeky Forums
>calling anyone else a newfag
Sorry user, but you have the general attitude of someone who showed up about three years after the nazimod.
And if you're going to start bitching about "wah, stop pitching your shit here", don't complain when you get told by people who have been here longer than you that YOU are the one pushing shit.
"Integrating with Veeky Forums" means respecting that the topic of discussion is traditional games, not fantasy fetishes. In the early days, almost nothing on Veeky Forums was banned because it really wasn't moderated at all. But, even back then porn dumps got you banned, and that's something you seem to hate admitting.
Go ahead and start a Thulsa Doom thread now. Enjoy your three day vacation.
>A little lewd is fine, but very few of us are sex-starved cretins who lack all self-awareness, like yourself.
Nothing here is NSFW.
You have an unhealthy attitude to raising sexual themes in fiction.if your definition of obscenity and moral degeneracy is so conservative.
CoC Goblins would be perfect if they toned down the rape by like, 75%. They'll get you drunk and take advantage of that but no assaulting you with libido potions in the middle of the street.
Nah, porn dumps only started getting banned during the nazimod ages.
Most of my tau collection is stuff garnered here pre-nazimod.
The problem is that the lewdites killed all the humor, not the people telling the lewdites to stay in /d/.
You can't even broach a lewd topic anymore without some idiot, like yourself, stripping it of all humor by taking the matter as seriously as possible and riding it into the ground.
I like lewd stuff. I hate you guys for ruining lewd stuff for the rest of us, by basically being nothing but cringe-inducing losers, even by geek and loser standards.
Porn dumps would last for a few hours before a mod finally appeared, but they still got you banned in the end.
>Go ahead and start a Thulsa Doom thread now. Enjoy your three day vacation.
>it is new, so it is good, and it is how it has always been
we have always been at war with Eastasia, user. If we repeat something enough it becomes true.
The fuck are you talking about?
The lewd folk were always good with humorous stuff. It's when shitposters started derailing every thread with their moral bullshit that things started going downhill.
No? They lasted for days. The board was much slower back then.
>I hate you guys for ruining lewd stuff for the rest of us, by basically being nothing but cringe-inducing losers, even by geek and loser standards
This sort of defensive behaviour is a sign you can't accept your conservatism is the problem so you create an imagined other to project your own failings onto.
But, I was on Veeky Forums before Veeky Forums. I don't understand why you think I would miraculously only arrive on the very first day of Veeky Forums.
And, it's still ultimately irrelevant. Really, only the lamest newfags actually worry about how long you've been here.
I've been here since before Veeky Forums was even a thing.
They're Halflings in that story.
>The lewd folk were always good with humorous stuff.
Witness zero self-awareness, the halmark of the Lewdite.
You guys are lame as shit.
You seem to be quite worried about how long you've been here, user.
Especially since the entire discussion is based on you bitching about people pushing concepts from elsewhere, then getting super upset when you are corrected on them being Veeky Forums originals.
Doesn't stop you from being a misplaced /d/enizen.
In fact, it's even sadder that you still haven't realized that you should stay in /d/, even after all these years.
>he said, without self awareness, while shitting on things for outside moral reasons
oh the ironings
It actually makes him a native Veeky Forums poster AND a /d/ poster.
You know, like most of Veeky Forums last time we did the board census.
Here are two rulesets for Goblin PCs. As a player in an imaginative game, you should know that your character portrait and game aesthetic are rarely governed by specific rules so these examples fulfil your criteria.
>Good with humorous stuff
The Pathfinder thread would disagree, as would CYOA and the constant unrelenting tide of shit that is towergirls
Sexy gobos are best gobos.
I'm sorry, but you saying "I've been shitposting on Veeky Forums from the start" doesn't somehow change you from just being a shitposter. It just makes you a really sad and pathetic shitposter, who is wishing for the days when Veeky Forums had to try and survive amidst all you random shitposters trying to establish your personal brand of offtopic bullshit as Veeky Forums-approved.
The only thing that's "Veeky Forums-approved" is traditional games. No amount of "but I was shitposting before we had any mods" changes that.
See, here's part of the complainer attitude that's hit Veeky Forums in the last couple years.
They bitch about literally every single Veeky Forums product they can name.
This specious and disingenious accusation regularly turns up on Veeky Forums and is proof of a poster's lack of intellectual integrity.
No answer that can be provided will satisfy the accuser because if someone claims they play games the accuser will simply call them a liar rather than accept they are wrong.
user, why are you shitposting like that when he gave you a salient response to your initial premise of "get this foreign shit off of Veeky Forums"?
It turns out the shit wasn't foreign at all, and was here all along.
>Goblins are short, ugly humanoids
So, none?
How about you stop with your lame attempt at a cropped-porn dump and just stick to posting in /d/?
Can we just ignore the complain-brigade and post normally?
They literally have never provided anything of worth to Veeky Forums. No discussion with them or by them has ever bourne any fruit of any kind.
You are one hell of an idiot.
It's foreign shit because it's offtopic. It was offtopic then, and is offtopic now, and no amount of "but I was shitposting since the start!" changes it from being shitposting.
You can't say that /d/-shit is Veeky Forums because you were spamming /d/ shit on Veeky Forums. That makes about as much sense as trying to claim that we should have Thulsa Doom threads.
So, go ahead, Start a porn dumb and get banned already, since you seem to be wishing for days when you could shitpost like that.
There's a goblin as PC's ruleset in volo's guide for 5e. That poster was retarded for linking dandwiki.
So, you're just going to change the goalposts when your initial premise is proven faulty, because you want to shitpost rather than come to a conclusion?
Finally. Are they comparable to what OP is describing?
Offhand I couldn't tell you, I have no horse in this race, I just believe people should be informed.
What part are you claiming is faulty? The part where you've been a /d/-poster from the start, endlessly trying to claim that /d/ is Veeky Forums when even half a second of consideration dismantles your proclamation?
Veeky Forums is traditional games. That's what it was and always will be, regardless of how much you tried to do otherwise in the past and even today. I mean, that's like our solitary board-specific rule.
You know, that whole thing you were going on about how you didn't want people to push crap.
Then it turns out they weren't pushing it, it's been here, and you were trying to push it away.
And now you're trying to change the conversation into one of board rules, because failing your first discussion you needed something else to stand on in order to keep metashitposting.
Why is it that you decided to drop into a thread to metashitpost, then got angry when people corrected your metashitposting?
Don't try and reason with someone like him. RPGs are an imaginative game. A GM is encouraged to create their own setting and adapt core rules to it.
>Then it turns out they weren't pushing it
You mean they've been pushing it from the start?
Now shut up, and stop trying to pretend that early shitposting is somehow magically special and not just a different brand of offtopic shitposting.
user, if something has been here from the start, that means it's here, not that it's being pushed.
This is basic wrestling terminology that everyone knows.
I can only conclude from this that you are trying to start a semantic argument, given all other avenues of metashitposting on your part are failing.
There's a lot of stuff that was "here from the start", including stuff that will get you banned if you tried to spam it today.
And, "wrestling terminology" reveals the level of what kind of idiot you are. Now, fuck off back to /trash/, and stop pretending that early shitposting deserves reverence, you eternal newfag.
If this is just someones erpg homebrew setting, then OP shouldn't paint it as a universal thing. I mean
>best race in everything
is a pretty rash statement.
I was talking about world of warcraft
the board game
>can't keep levity in a discussion
>changes goalposts like crazy
>metashitposts without end
>showed up after nazimod, tries to e-dickwave
You really have no place telling anyone else to go anywhere.
I understand now that you're a special kind of idiot, and a very bad troll. I hope that you don't actually think anyone would be swayed by your attempts to greentext away the hard logic hitting you.
In any case, go on, and have your "last word." You've been thoroughly demolished here, and I'm interested to see just how low you are willing to sink to try and preserve what's left of your smashed ego.
Type it up. Let's see your last gasp.
You misunderstand, and I suspect you are being deliberately disingenuous.
You asked for the RULES to play a Goblin. These were provided. Aesthetics and setting details are discrete from rules.
The fact you insist on reading light hearted hyperbole as objective universalism, and insist something only has value in an imaginative game if it is unequivocally codified in rules text suggests a hyper-analytical mind unable to properly read tone from a post or perceive the role of creativity in TTRPGs. Symptoms of those on the spectrum.
The statement is "rash" because it is jocular. Like when someone says their sports team of choice are the best, or their horse or car is faster than lightning. Most people can distinguish between figurative exaggeration to spur friendly banter and factual proclamation, because that is a skill vital to social interactions.
Get the fuck away from my gains.
Shoo, shoo.
So you've given up on argument entirely, after each of your points have been dismantled, and are calling troll because someone noticed you trying to derail into semantics and chastized you for being some of the worst type of poster possible on Veeky Forums.
Not everyone who tells you that your attitude is a plague on the board is a troll, user.
I never asked for the rules, I asked in which established setting you can play a goblin as described by the OP. If I make a thread about how awesome orcs are for being the most intelligent super scientists, artists and diplomats, people would rightfully ask what the fuck I'm talking about, even though my GM homebrewed orcs to be this way.
Doubling down on demanding an established setting, eh?
You'll never catch that dragon, user. I've chased the delightful homebrew of anons for years, and never caught it.
Closest you can get is making your own, and wishing you had a clone of yourself to take turns running that thing you really want to play that nobody else seems to.
I don't know why everyone I know is so opposed to playing a lil' kid shadowrun team.