/awg/ Alternative Wargames General

Everyone is too lazy to make a new thread edition.

>What is /awg/?
A thread to talk about minis and games which fall between the cracks. /hwg/ doesn't entertain fantasy (for good reason) and the other threads are locked to very specific games, so this thread isn't tied to a game, or a genre, lets talk about fun wargames.

Any scale, any genre, any company, any minis. Skirmishers welcome. Rules designers welcome.

>Examples of games that qualify
Grimdark Future, Age of Fantasy, Mighty Armies, Dragon Rampant, Of Gods and Mortals, Frostgrave, Hordes of the Things, Songs of Blades and Heroes, Freebooter's Fate, Dark Age, LotR and anything that doesn't necessarily have a dedicated thread (gorkamundheim).

>Places to get minis

>The Novice Trove

Last Thread

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I'll just leave this here:


After having an argument with a friend, I want to know what /awg/ thinks of campaign systems in games.

What kind of campaigns do you guys like and why?

What was the argument about specifically?

I like games with individual unit progression, injuries, interaction with opponents outside of games, territory control and expansion and a wee bit of financing and book keeping.

So basically Necromunda and Mordheim style games.

CMoN are almost as bad at supporting their games as spartan are, arguably worse in some respects. I don't expect much from this.

I like them on principle, but I've rarely seen well executed ones and end up making my own.
I only really liked Mighty Empires, especially the older versions

>What was the argument about specifically?

The argument was largely about complexity, I argued in favour of more complicated campaigns that have the ability to have a meaningful influence on the tabletop battles, whereas my friend believed that this would detract from the game and that simple campaign systems that exist to provide context, but not change the balance of the actual battles in a meaningful way.

Depends what he means by a meaningful way since almost anything is going to change the normal balance of the game.

Regardless I agree with you.

Is it wrong to not want to play against someone using one of the Dystopian Wars Kickstarter 'design your own' models if they didn't make it publicly available?

>Had chance to contribute to development of game in exchange for a cool thing
>Didn't take it
>Later complain
>Enthusiastically support developer and get a neat reward
>Faggots won't play you because "bawww it should be free for everyone hurrr"

Depends on the specifics, is it actually unique or just an alternate sculpt? Is it overpowered or otherwise broken?

is dystopian wars any good? I probobly wont have anyone playing it in my town, but i fucking love the style and i have a big need for dem ships

What is the cheapest war game out there?

Is there game made in creative commons where you can print and cut out square icons for units instead of buying and making models?

If there's not, I'll start writing one.

>your fault for not having £800 to blow on a dead game.
>supporting someone's super special snowflake boat
>no community oversight for balance
>literal pay to win
>supporting a company that won't even support their own game

>it should be free for everyone
>somehow equivalent to "it should not be a kickstarter exclusive for top tier backers only"

KS exclusives are shit at the best of times. KS exclusives for only certain backers are doubly shit.

The "design a unit" pledge should have been "design something we will sell to everyone" because that way everyone gets to use the awesome ship.

Note I said SELL to everyone, not give away. It should have been a perfectly ordinary model sold as part of their range, KS backers just getting it included in their pledge.

Should add - the idea of a "design a unit" pledge was a cool one. I liked that.

I just don't like KS exclusives unless they're purely cosmetic stuff like the Dropfleet battlecruisers.

Anyone here who backed Mythic Battles? Gonna be my first war game. Can't wait to finally play it. :)

I did.

I don't know if it will be good. I do know if it's not all that there's always Of Gods and Mortals or even possibly Saga for a load of ancient myth stuff...

I like it. If you want to play it, you'll have to build your own community pretty much anywhere you go, it seems to be rare enclaves that play DW.

You are looking for chit wargames, the most famous one being OGRE here.



what the hell I'm looking at?

Quick question

Is Kings of War and Mantic's other stuff dead or something? I remember it was fucking huge for a bit and it's just been really damn quiet despite their own forums seeming active and yet I've never really seen anything for it in my area.

The anti-KFC revolution?

I mean what game?

It's still alive and thriving, maybe just not in your area. Why don't you ask your local player base why interest has dried up?

I'm afraid I can't answer that question user, I grabbed this image from a previous thread.

I don't think its for a specific game.

Is the lotr strategy battle game any good?

They stopped making the miniatures for it. Now the only miniatures they make are for the Hobbit version.

It's very solid mechanically. Don't play the Hobbit or mass battle version.

What's wrong with the hobbit? i thought it was just an updated LOTR ruleset.

You ever watch the movies? That's whats wrong with the Hobbit.

If the mechanics are fine then I don't see a huge issue with it. I agree that the movies were a shameless cashgrab though.

From what I've heard, there's some issues with the Hobbit version. I know the power attacks with the different weapon types is one, some are obviously better than others, but there's no compensation for it.

Yes, but it needs some alterations from eBob's Rebellion regarding melee combat. Otherwise it's good, and Legends of the Old West uses the same mechanisms.

War of the Ring is good as well, might I ask why do you not recommend it?


Played Double Tap in 15mm last night against someone who hadn't wargamed since they were a teen. Halved distances and playing on a 2'x2' table, worked a treat.
I like being able to chuck everything I need for a game, including terrain, into a small bag.

Also made me realise that Infinity's -3 to hit on a d20 modifiers are very nearly the same percentage wise as a -1 to hit modifier on a d6, which is interesting.

Yes and no. I like the models, the rules are mediocre, and the company is terrible.

Bump for Dark Age
Anyone got favorite factions? I think the Outcasts just do it for me, with the Mad Max gangs and rules that need you to scavenge the field for upgrades mid fight.

Don't see the use of the Manhunter though, if people have experience in the game. It doesn't seem quite as good as fielding a Bully in most occasions.

I do not play this game but I think that its robutts look rad.

Wargames based Mechas or other rather "big" units?

Heavy Gear?

Battletech? So ugly and clunky that you can't help but love it?

I want these, they look awesome. Would fit into TNT without a second thought.

Kukulkani all the way. Having trouble figuring out how to paint them though....


How big?



I like it. It's fun, pretty easy to pick up, and there are a lot of models which I think still display a superior quality to anything else GW's ever put out. It gets harder and harder to find minis each year, though.

Mechanically, my only problem with it is that there's no reason to take Tier 1 heroes from a points perspective. For what it'd cost to put Aragon on the table, you can take like 20 goblins and a pair of captains. It's hard to justify, which sucks since the exploits mighty heroes is kind of what LotR is all about.

It works a bit better as a scenario driven game where you replay scenes from the movies.

Also, try the melee rules from Rebellion - it handles it much better. I. e.: you have two orcs in base contact with an elf, the two orcs roll a 2 and a 5, the elf rolls a 4, so one of the orcs land a hit on the elf, but the elf lands a hit as well because his score of 4 beats the other orc's two.


I dunno man, I think at some point it ceases to be a tabletop game

>I think at some point it ceases to be a tabletop game
If you're a manlet.

>It works a bit better as a scenario driven game where you replay scenes from the movies.

Agreed. I didn't mean to give the impression that I take a power gamey attitude towards it - I mean, it's not like there are any tournaments around. I still play it because I like it.

I brought up my point just because, for a newcomer, the internal balance of the point system is kinda fucky. You can't plunk down Aragon, Legolas, and Gimli and then expect them to hold their own against 35 Uruk-hai despite the points cost suggesting equality.

>Also, try the melee rules from Rebellion - it handles it much better.
Thanks. I'll check this out.

>You can't plunk down Aragon, Legolas, and Gimli and then expect them to hold their own against 35 Uruk-hai despite the points cost suggesting equality.
Well, put them back to back, defending a chokepoint, and they'll work better.

What I don't like about the melee is that it's a single die roll basically - the fight value of the figures doesn't factored in unless the die rolls are equal.

Are there any fantasy post-apocalypse wargames?

Technically wouldn't Age of Sigmar count?

Someone wanna give me a rundown on GKR?

The GW bows to GKR

Weta Workshop 3D printed a bunch of robots they thought looked neat and then packaged them as a 2-4 player skirmish boardgame about competitive demolition

Neat, not really my thing but neat.

And for reasons that aren't yet clear they've designed robots at multiple scales, ranging from the roughly fist-sized robots in the board game, to some newborn sized models they showed to Adam Savage, to grown-ass-man size.

I think the reason is that they're Weta and they just want any excuse to build cool stuff.

Reason enough, perhaps.

I can see a movie being pitched for this or a show.

I'd watch the shit out of it.

Well if nothing else, the practical effects on said show/movie would be great.

DeadZone or Infinity?
what are the differences in both games? I mean I'm asking and I know the only thing in common both have is that both are skirmish focused wargames. but appart of that I can't tell anything else.

Haven't played deadzone but infinity is amazing game if a tad complex with a kinda shitty parent company.

Really amazing game that keeps everyone at the table engaged as you play.

ughhhh what's wrong with Corvus Belli
They're supposed to be the anti-GW don't do me like this

Deadzone is beer and pretzels where as Infinity is fairly complicated and can encourage people to play in a WAAC kind of way.

Both are pretty terrain heavy but DZ is played on a 2"x2" board split into an 8x8 grid so uses less terrain overall.

user trust me they're better than say GW or Privateer Press but they're not amazing. But then again my gripes with them are... well opinion and if you want I can get into it but just take what I say with salt.

Anyways the pros.

>Amazing sculpts truly a painters game
>Supremely well balanced
>Growing scenes EVERYWHERE
>Company is super friendly and are hobbyists as well.
>Each faction, each sectorial plays very differently while looking samey on the surface
>You are engaged in the game no matter who's turn it is.
>Really great tactical gameplay
>Some pretty good lore for a game.

now talk me about costs
how much will it cost me to assemble a team or two?

mmm things to take on consideration. I like deadzone mostly due the forge fathers but if infinity is the more "meaty" game then I might think about this a moment.

You going for a full army as in at the point size most everyone plays at?

130-170 bucks depending on the force. But that's just one force. However at 150 points you can get a force for like 30-50 bucks from the starters.

I've played Infinity for 3 years or so and the main annoying thing about CB is their often weird release/resculpting schedule, but I can't think of any gripes aside from that?

Ehh I don't like the price point of the minis, how they're not converter friendly, release schedule, and rule complexity.

That's just me though user. I should have not made them sound horrible of the bat.

They're a great parent company, what are you talking about? They show up to cons and have a good time, and partake in the community's awful jokes.

Customer service is good, and they're pretty modest guys. Very small business that's doing well sorta thing. And they take care of local production and what their vision of their game IP is.


I already showed that it was personal bias and already wish I could retract my statement.

There was Leviathan by Scotia-Grendel. Was because it was published in 1994 and there was a restructuring that pretty much killed it. You can still purchase a PDF of it and purchase the minis, but they're rather ugly.

No worries bruh. :) Anything that floats your boat.

Please, give me a rundown on Star Wars: Armada and Infinity? I want to hear all pros and cons.

Deadzone. Much better price, no 0.5mm surface to glue, factions that are actually interesting and visually different...Infinity struck me as kind of bland. Nice minis, but nothing that strikes me as "hey, I WANT to play these!".

Which company didn't try being the anti-GW? Sadly with those prices they aren't doing it that great.

Sell me on Deadzone, awg.

The table needed for the game is fixed, 2'x2' so you don't need a fuckhueg table with lots of terrain which is nice. It's quick, and has a nice campaign system you can play entirely on an afternoon. Your mooks gather experience, can gain new skills, new equipment...plus the starter for it is not that expensive, and is more than enough to start with.

Then, there are the faction boosters, with those you'll have everything needed for the game. Only thing you might need is some more terrain, but you can scratchbuild some really neat things.

Where do i start?

Grab the starter with the Enforcers and Forgefathers.

Is there a rundown on factions?

Infinity isn't a complex game it's a mile wide inch deep rules set

most common action you'll be taking in that game is hugging each peice of terrian while getting killed by luck AROs
But it has replaced warmachine in being i'm not playing 40k for superiority reasons

>Opinions: the Post

In the end what matter is whether one likes the game's style or not. Secondary reasons include pricing and existence and quality of the local scene.

Sure, so to start with the game's namesake. A Deadzone is the name giving to a planet that for whatever reason has been placed in a containment protocol by humanities ruling council of seven. It is the ultimate sanction used not only to prevent whatever is on the planet spreading but also news of it happening at all. Anyone found on a planet declared a Deadzone, human or otherwise, is considered hostile and lethal force is authorised. While this makes Deadzones extremely dangerous they can also be highly lucrative. Functionally the resources of an entire planet are up for grabs and everyone has perfect deniability as the planet they stole from technically no longer exists.

The Plague: A virus that humanity accidently unleashed and is now trying to keep secret the plague transforms those infected into a variety of forms from a lowly zombie to a walking tank. The Plague are the primary antagonists in the fluff and usually the reason for why a planet becomes a Deadzone. In terms of play style they are typically hodes of chuds backed up by larger monsters, fast moving and melee focused with little effective shooting.

Enforcers: The Space Marines of the setting, Enforcers are humanity's best soldiers entrusted with the task of making sure nothing gets in or out of a Deadzone. Much like their 40k counterparts Enforcers are not necessarily the good guys, they are unquestioningly loyal to the ruling council of humanity and as the name suggest they enforce their will whether that involves saving a planet or destroying it makes no difference. Solid jack of all trades faction with above average troops, survivability, and mobility. Focused more on shooting than melee but they can do both.

Veer-myn: The second most common reason for a planet becoming a Deadzone is Veer-myn infestation. Veer-myn and giant man sized sentient rats. It is unknown if Veer-myn are aliens or super evolved/mutated rats but what is known is that they spread disease and famine wherever they go and that their crude technology emits lethal levels of radiation. Veer-myn have never communicated with any of the other races and no one knows they're motivation. Veer-myn play very much like Plague but with more of a focus on shooting than melee, they have quite a few chemical weapons that function like flame throwers.

Forge Fathers: Though relatively few in number Forge Fathers are one of the most technologically advanced races in the universe and they use this technology to mine entire solar systems, cracking planets and rendering them down until nothing is left. Forge Fathers have little respect for territory and it's brought them into conflict with humanity before which is why they are always eager to exploit a Deadzone. Humanity can't go to war with the Forge Fathers over a planet that technically never existed. Forge Fathers are a highly elite army, they excel at pretty much everything and are especially tough to kill. They are however comparatively slow and will almost always be outnumbered, even by the elite Enforcers.

Asterians: Another technologically advanced race The Asterians are essentially the space elves of the setting. Aloof, and obsessed with universal balance Asterians are the self appointed arbiters of the universe. They make sure that balance is maintained at all costs. Most Asterians have little taste for violence and warfare and as such they make heavy use of robots and drones, though some live as outcasts and relish the thrill of personal combat. Asterians are another very elite army, they have the best ranged combat ability in the game and as their forces are mostly robots they are immune to a variety of effects, the robots are quite fragile however and can't take much punishment. Glass hammers.

Marauders: Space orc mercenaries that are the reason that Enforcers exist. Marauders used to be the beat stick of humanity until they rebelled, the rebellion was so devastating that humanity had to push all it's resources into a super soldier program and blow up a sun to stop it. Ever since Marauders have been the subject of strict sanctions and their population numbers have been heavily controlled. Marauders are another jack of all trades faction but more trickey and less survivable than enforcers. IMO they have some of the best units in the game.

Rebs: All the humans and aliens that don't want to be apart of humanities vast empire, be they freedom fighters or unapologetic terrorists that's the one thing that unites all the rebs. Lacking the ability to mobilise as an actual army Rebs are often found in Deadzones looking for supplies, recruits, and a way to hurt the corporations that make up the Human empire and the empire itself. Simply having evidence of what goes on within a Deadzone or proof of the existence of The Plague or The Veer-myn would help their cause. Rebs are another trickey faction, very lightly armoured, but quite cheap and they can bring a lot of specialists to the field.

Huh, I didn't notice the post was deleted while I was typing.

Oh well.


I need help /awg/

I want some sci fi miniatures for skirmish games but I can't find anything convincing, whether it's because of design or by price.

What ranges do you guys recommend?

What scale? What sort of sci fi? What kind of aesthetics?

The question is far too broad to give much help.

Are we at the point where Kings of War gets discussed here? Did KoW fail that badly?

28mm. Space Opera sci fi I guess. Aliens, robots, etc. Aesthetics wise, anything besides Infinity, I can't do justice yo those models. (And they are kinda expensive)

It's growing everywhere, I guess there is nothing wrong or polemic rules wise, and this being Veeky Forums, well....

It didn't fail (at least here In spain), plenty of competitions and stuff. I dunno why it isn't discussed more desu, pretty fun, fast and balanced game. I'm more of a Skirmisher gamer myself tough.