It fits too well. Are we sure Gygax wasn't a secret pinko?
It fits too well. Are we sure Gygax wasn't a secret pinko?
No, it doesn't really fit at all.
>fits too well
>had to flip it upside down
ur a dum nigger
prove me wrong
>the "fuck poor people lmao" philosophy is actually Good lmao!
>authoritarian = lawful
>libertarian = chaotic
>left = good
>right = evil
You're retarded. You can be LN anywhere on the political compass. You just have to believe in "my cunt tree, right or wrong".
>Right is evil
>Left is good
No, no, no, that doesn't fit at all!
What is a country if not a collection of legal contracts?
>You just have to believe in "my cunt tree, right or wrong".
Except that's not NG, that's TN at best, but more probably NE.
You know Jesus was a leftist, right?
It fits the D&D definitions of evil and good pretty well.
To be honest, both left-wing and right-wing can be considered either good or evil depending on the specific policies and execution of the ideas. I personally would place myself in Left Authoritarian but I wouldn't want to live in Stalinist Russia, for example
>the philosophy that subjugates the individual to the collective is actually good lmao
political infant
>Mao Zedong
Low effort bait.
>His point exactly
>tips Fedora
Every time someone feeds the hungry or heals the sick with money that could have been used for a bomb, Jesus weeps.
>Good in D&D
>help poor & weak people
sounds literally ancap amirite
>anybody being good, ever
Can we have an unpolitical alignment discussion? Those are more fun.
Kill all the orc babies paladin versus superman paladin.
left and right isn't even good an evil, it's collectivist vs individualist.
That's LN, through and through.
What if a country doesn't have a constitution or a formal judicical system? Your definition fails.
>Brown, Abrahamic savage
>Influx of brown, Abrahamic savages in a great, white civilization (Rome) cause the death of its cultural heart and soul (subsuming Latin Pagan identity for shitskin desert witchdoctory)
>but sure, let's let all the mudslimes in!
>I call brown people shitskins. I'm the good guy!
>gibz me dat
So expecting people to have autonomy in their life is evil? Libertarians do not actively seek to harm "poor people" so they should at least be CN or TN. Not to mention that Allignments mostly apply to individuals with very few exceptions.
Why not? By that logic, no nation today has a cultural heart and soul worth preserving, given that all majority-white nations are Abrahamic nations.
And I just figured, I always argued that Hitler and the nazis were LN. This proves my point.
>That's LN, through and through.
No, it's not at all. LN stays true to its ideal even if the law changes. You're getting bogged down by the word law which creates most alignment arguments in the first place. Just think of it as orderly instead.
Well obviously killing lots of people makes you also Evil. But "killing people" isn't represented by any axis on the political compass
meant to quote
It is actually, it's pretty well defined. It also defines things like torture and poison use, etcetera.
Well conservatives tend to donate to private charity funds compared to leftists so technically your average american conservatives are LG by that definition.
>The "kill everyone who disagrees with you, take their shit, then put the survivors in chains under a tyrannical overlord" philosophy is actually Good lmao!
The left-wing authoritarians are a classic LE faction
OP is a fucking faggot
>private charity funds
Those are chaotoic neutral.
Guys, my bait folder is looking a little light. I need some help filling it up again. Any help?
Libertarianism is the philosophical equivalent of running a game between one player with a 500 point army and another with an Apocalypse-scale one, and saying the result is fair because they both used the same rules.
>Jesus had strong opinions on government. Jesus didn't say shit about it being the government's job to help people, just saying give up all your belongings and give yourself over to god.
I'll give you all I've got.
Yes it is, and that ideal is called patriotism.
So, it's okay for the paladin to kill evil people, and not okay for the nazis?
Forcing people to give to charity in order to "even out the wealth" would still be considered evil in D&D.
Patriotism is true neutral.
Patriotism is an ideal, which makes it Lawful by default.
Can you cite a definition of evil in d&d that supports this? Because I can't think of anything.
>i'm going to post all my bait memes to show you how not baited i am!
Its more like having a party of warriors and a wizard who has the potential to become more powerful than the whole party combined.
Only you can help the Veeky Forums janitorial and moderation team by reporting politics threads. They rely on your support to help identify the threads that are legitimately (if idiotically) still talking about alignment charts decades later from threads that are simply there to bait /pol/ and anti/pol/.
In that case freedom from authority is also lawful.
Yeah, nah, that's retarded user.
nah we're just sharing bait pics at this time
It is. Ancap is a lawful alignment since it's based on (un)formal social contracts between agreeing parties.
This thread is stupid, but I kinda want a Paladin of Marx though.
>fits too well
>alignment chart has been reorganised entirely
realy makez u thing,,
>Lawfull good
>Extreeme gommie
>Lawfull Evil
There is some bull going on there.
Ehhhh. Not really.
I mean, sure, authoritarianism and liberalism fit well with Law and Chaos, but I don't think economic positions neatly fit into the DnD alignment system, especially when most DnD settings don't really have an equivalent to the modern economy.
I mean, sure, you could reason that since "Good" implies altruism and self-sacrifice for the sake of others, that it would neatly fit to a more collectivist outlook that leftism implies, but Evil more implies active malice and malicious intent, rather than the individualist outlook that the right represents. There's more nuance to both the alignment system and the political axis you posted, so it doesn't really work too well as a comparison.
I say this as someone who's about as left-leaning liberal as one could be.
My personal favourite.
You just described pretty much every canon example of a chaotic society.
>>left = good
>>right = evil
how come different governments and parties have different alignments but all charities are CN?
It's not. It's an accurate reflection of the dnd alignments. If you disagree there's nothing wrong with that, the dnd alignments were created for a completely different context (murderhobos), and even there they are very far from perfect.
>Jesus was a carpenter
>all carpenters are good people
suddenly appear
in you