>another scatterbrained board game which is basically an excuse to lump two unrelated plastic sprues in a box together
Getting bored of this now
>another scatterbrained board game which is basically an excuse to lump two unrelated plastic sprues in a box together
Getting bored of this now
Other urls found in this thread:
It's not a boardgame
It's meant for new players.
that terrain piece looks sick, I want it
It's Necromunda with updated factions.
Literally uses the same rules, and the rulebook will ship with 12 different factions.
I'd rather a Necromunda re-release, but I might get it just for the terrain. Hopefully there is campaign/progression rules but I highly doubt it
So Ork Gangs confirmed?
Organized play is confirmed, if that's the same thing.
The theme has been reskinned from gang warfare to close-quarters urban warfare. Basically Killteam but with Necromunda's rules.
>Blood Angels vs Ork Boyz
>Ork Boyz
>Melee race
>Gets bitch slapped by a scout
>game comes with 10 scouts, 10 boys, and some cardboard terrain
Come on now give me something more substantial. I dig the terrain but I know that shit is going to cost $75 by itself.
>Not even Scouts v. Kommandos.
Look at that scout, he's broken that Ork's will through sheer starepower.
I read on facey that in the announce they said it was plastic terrain.
That shit in plastic would be nice.
>"Praise the Emperor!"
>"Oi, dis umie is..."
>"Silence Xeno!"
>"Ey, I was talkin ta..."
>"For Sanguinis!"
>"Boss! dis git aint lettin me..."
>"We are the Emperor's Fureh!"
at least the cover art looks okay; meaning it doesn't look like bullshit half-assed photoshop laziness.
>Blood Angels vs Ork Boyz
Then who was factions?!
I dig it, especially the terrain looks killer, it's just a shame that they are using the same ancient scouts yet again.
Tropical frogposting is still frogposting.
who even buys this shit
Come at me user
You can tell by looking at it that it's plastic, I'm not sure where the other user got that it was cardboard.
He's a jaded man who thinks GW can do no right.
Tbf I'm a bit like that too, but I deal with the Aus prices so I am allowed to be salty.
It also looks like it fits inline with the other recent promethium relay terrain.
I like the terrain, but I can't justify buying the box. I don't play Ork or Space marines and have no interest in them. :c
Did they announce a release date?
user will i ever get plastic cawdor and redemtionists models????
Dammit. Now I'm hungry.
April according to preview.
I know that feel, bruh. I'm just glad GBP is slightly weak at the moment, so the exchange rate is good. The shipping costs though...
Cawdor kind of has models already. Just take chaos cultists and cut of the chaos symbols and they're pretty much the same.
It somehow looks more like a Tau building.
Maybe because it has smooth curves and is round? Other than that, it doesn't look Tau whatsoever. Especially in the video.
>12 factions
Arbites and Steel Legion please
I know half of it is just going to be extra chapters...
Steel Legion probably won't be in it because they're just a group of Guard, which are already in the game.
Arbites COULD be, but it seems like this is a seperate IP than Necromunda. Plus they would have to make new models for them because there is only one decent Arbites model.
Looking at the teaser I think its just going to be
2.Blood Angels
8.Dark Eldar
9.Ad Mech
10. Space Wolves
11. Dark Angels
12. Vanilla Marines
...you do know they literally posted them all, right?
Thats just a few according to the site, there might be more.
That is what I thought too, even looking at the better picture. It's probably just a combination of certain things being rounded and the color scheme.
While this does work out, you have to do some consolidation, most likely Harlequins being part of both Eldar and DE. I could also see Skitarii being part of a combined Mechanicus force.
>Grey Knights vs Cadian Infantry.
Sounds balanced.
They will have their own special rules, apparently. There's probably going to be a bunch to balance it.
This better not be their half arsed attempt at Necromunda.
>tfw even a game set on Armageddon can't get GW to give rules to other guard regiments.
>chaos space marines
>no rules for space marines
why though
That actually isn't a comprehensive list, before the list they say
>"Here are a few of the units that you will be able to use, in case you wanted to get started building and painting now:"
By the sounds of it everyone.
Seems to be killteam+necromunda campaign/advancnent stuff.
>Melee race
>Scouts with sniper rifles
They're two different kits, whats the issue?
I'm digging the terrain. Hopefully it will be available separately.
I like it, but it seems kind of lacking. Like, you'd need 2-3 of them to really make anything.
If it is I wouldn't expect it anytime soon.
Kinda like the characters from that ork and sw box ages ago.
Though if this game isn't a limited run i wouldn't expect the terrain to be available separately at all.
>tfw these two playing a game of M.A.D chicken
The rocket launcher guy is like, "I'll kill us both!"
Ah, nuts. Not 100% sure why they needed 2 marine groups and 2 necron groups.
Hoping for SOB was a silly thing. Pity, a Seraphim squad would work fantastically in this sort of scenario.
> Cadian infantry
> On Armageddon
> Fucking Cadians
They both have rocket launchers.
I hate them too, but at least they're not Catachans!
GW needs to replace them QUICK.
Its a list of kits you can use for units not factions.
Cadians are the generic guard kit so get in as guard in general.
Look man, until they release a plastic set of another regiment that isn't Catachan it's going to be Cadians all the way
exactly, the guy with the rocket launcher is like, "I'll kill us both!"
that's not an all-inclusive list, there's more models supported, this is just a teaser
Holy shit did a first grader write this?
Can't wait to main Chaos Space Marines :^)
Boy you best not be talkin' shit about my nigga Creed.
>Blood Angel Scouts of the Xth Company vs Ork Boyz of NPC Race
Time to send myself into Nirvana
>3 Attacks base
>Furious charge
>Charge re rolls
It´s a skirmish game
no Militarum tempestus
wtf man...
Welcome to corporate powerpoints
t. guy who sees product launch slideshows from pharma companies that are just as simplistically written
Man did you see the GDC ones? I did a powerpoint slideshow in grade 4 about fucking wolverines that was more detailed.
Seriously wolverines are fucking awesome.
Ah, ok. I was mistaken. My bad.
Creed is a bitch nigga
Its likely it uses the same unbalanced BS that the standard game of 40k uses. Why both with this when I could just get heralds of ruin that at least attempts to make a fair game?
Its straight up stated to be based on necromundas rules which were decently balanced back in the day. This is probably something its safe to be optimistic about.
it is user... it is. Gods help us.
cry more,
cadians are best :D
The core rules are probably okay, but it is more likely it just uses plug and play units from 40k. From a design stand point this makes a ton of sense because it becomes easier for a new player to leap into the main game. There hasn't been an attempt to create a balanced game for years.
> This is probably something its safe to be optimistic about.
No it isn't, this is GW. The one thing that you can be excited about for sure is the name change means people will likely not draw the connection to Necromunda and the community edition won't lose any players.
Maybe this game will be good for a change? But I will believe when I see it.
yeah, necromunda had some interesting stuff that current 40k does not, such as:
>weapon type, range and cover changing what you need to hit
>COMPLETELY different way of handling melee that made WS the power stat, rather than Initiatie
>models getting pinned just by being hit, so even an attack that didn't go through armour could mess up a model's day
Dang, well I'll only be after a couple of sets and usually these box games aren't badly priced, especially if independents stock them. Just have to chuck the Irks and scouts on the ever growing spares pile.
People get super weird about using 3rd party or homebrew rules. No matter how bad GW gets, they can atleast claim it's "official".
SO the question is: Can i play fucking Kroot without any Tau nonsense?
So Shadow War is the Not-Necromunda, and Warhammer Underworlds is Not-Mordheim?
Probably as this looks to be 1 unit box vs 1 unit box at its core, but we'll know more as info leaks.
You can if you would play Heralds of Ruin, AKA the good Kill Team ruleset.
Complete list of playable factions is already out, see:
No its not,
that list is
>Here are a few of the units that you will be able to use, in case you wanted to get started building and painting now:
It didnt seem odd to you that Scouts and scouts with sniper rifles are their own seperate factions?
Bad copywriting by GW doesn't surprise me anymore, user.
Fuck no that's not the norm at all
Holy fuck I'm getting old.
That looks really nice, though as others have said you'd need a couple to do anything much.
Still, gantries are always nice, getting some height and things to block up the battlefield is great
I mostly like it, but the giant ladders are kind of bad. I wish they'd made some ramps instead.
How is it I've only just noticed the giant spider-skull
I want something with Necromunda style progression tho, im a sucker for that sorta thing.
Heralds of Ruin has tons of character and warband progression senpai. Seriously recommend you check out those rules.