Tiered edition
Favorite shitbrew to stomp?
Post your irl decks too faggots
Current Modern Metagame
Tiered edition
Favorite shitbrew to stomp?
Post your irl decks too faggots
Current Modern Metagame
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So does anyone on Veeky Forums wanna play over X-mage? I haven't played at anything bigger than a casual FNM in over a month and I would love to actually play against people who know how to play.
Yeah you can add me
My name is xXCHyNaM4N69420BLAZZ3Xx
I smirked
Eldrazi makes up 10% of the modern meta, even more if you count MTGO results
This is stifling diversity in modern, something should be banned, just like they did twin.
That's between two completely different decks though. Bant and tron are both fine Idek what you can ban from both to lower them without neutering the deck.
Ban urzas tower desu
Ban Reality Smasher
>he doesn't sideboard a play set of ceremonious rejection
Legit makes tron a very winnable matchup
>playing blue
cuck detected
Does Nahiri Jeskai count as tiered?
Barely clinging to tier 2 status is still tiered, right.
Everyone doubts the card, but once you try a singleton it becomes very difficult to board less than 2.
Nahiri jeskai is a meme forced by star of David games
You are a meme.
It's matchups could be worse. They could be a lot better, but they could be worse.
>not splashing blue for ceremonious rejection in the side
>playing blue cards
>playing the top deck lottery
It is you who is the cuck
It hits all the good cards affinity, Eldrazi and Tron are trying to play, it's such a great sideboard card I really don't see why more people don't try it if they're running blue, at least 2 go in all my blue sideboards
>tfw still playing fish
Tribals ranked
Babby's first tribal tier
Autism tier
Patrician tier
Tentacle noises tier
Where do Faeries and Treefolk rank
You missed allies, soldiers and humans.
Special snowflake tier
Read again senpai
>allies and soldiers
In the trash where they belong.
Because most people here like to play creatures the tappening. It's one of my favorite cards and four of them should be in your sideboard to combat tron degeneracy.
I love being a snowflake
>mfw tron babby just assumes karn will resolve when I only had 1 mana up
The on cast trigger cards are still annoying but the card feels so good holy shit.
>not countering it by exiling double simian spirit guide into mana morphose and then top decking another manamorphose into negate
Poor show desu
>running ssg in a blue deck
Poor meme desu
>tfw modern will never have vintage-tier stacks of counterspells
>tfw casual babbies don't have the ability to play against blue
>tfw wotc knows too well that these babbies make up 90% of their playerbase and refuse to make blue good again in modern
>mental misstep wars are fun
They need to restrict that shit I hate having counter wars early game come down to who drew more missteps. Card is actually broken
Who's talking about misstep you fag
>vintage tier stacks of counterspells
Apparently you were since it's the second most popular spell in vintage at the moment.
As an esper mentor player in vintage I want to disagree but I can't. I'd love to be able to use mana drain instead of just pitching it all the time.
Can't play the lottery when literally any of my cards is good enough to top deck and still present a massive threat.
>Implying I'm not inside your mother right now
>no kithkin
I shiggy,,, It's the best modern tribal deck, its only bad matchup is ad nauseam.
All the memes here are garbage
>calling elves babby tier
>best constructed tribe after merfolk
>After merfolk
>Which is After Spirits
>Which is after Eldrazi
>Will always lose to pyroclasm
Makes me think
>better than elves
Elves are trash. Get over it
When someone plays pyroclasm, do you just immediately scoop or keep playing to see what other cards are in their deck?
In the current year of the current modern meta I'd say that Spirits are better
Eldrazi, sure - but alien spaghetti monsters form their own reality
>but spirits?
>come on now user
Bro, I'm sorry, it unironically is better than Elves right now.
>what is overextending?
>what are lords?
>what is Ezuri?
>what are sideboard cards?
Show us where the bad Shaman of the Pack touched you. Show us on the doll.
The difference to doom blade is that it's just 1 card.
The entire deck dies to pyroclasm, oh and if you get angered you might as well just kill yourself.
Might have to move elves to autism tier
>this delusion
end your life you fucking loser
>implying elves aren't just all over the place because >muh special snowflake builds
Is this one guy really enough to push it into autism tier? I say yes.
>elves aren't .04% of the meta, they're actually .053% of the meta!!! See I'm right!!!!11!!!
Can I join the party with my aura tribal
He needs some rancoring
Just to prove you wrong.
>Esper control
What did you just throw that together in excel right now you fucking faggot lmao.
>look mom I'm retarded.
>Look mom I go to the only site that misrepresents facts that support my autistic tribal deck
Also, the fact that it omits storm getting a ban makes me know it's shit.
Tribals updated
Babby's first tier
Autism tier
Super Autism tier
Patrician tier
Tentacle tier
Tribes that are so bad I'm not going to list them
>everything else
Superb List
Is it boggling your mind that I want to join your list with my aura tribal?
Actual tribals you autists
Can we stop calling dumb shit tribal when it isn't?
Lightning bolt tribal is a good joke. Aura tribal is bad
What about my cum on your mothers chin tribal?
Merfolk is OG tier nigger, tf are you on??
Eldrazi is memekid tier
t. burn player
t. bogles player
Merfolk is one of the decks tribal fags can build in modern and a lot of people flock to it because of that hence the babby's first tribal tier. We can move it back to autism tier if you'd like though.
I think we can wait for someone to mention running coco in it before we move it to autism tier
>coco fish
Does coco even give fish anything or would you be splashing green solely to play coco?
Sideboard stuff
why did the chicken cross the road is a good joke
why did the rooster cross the road isn't a good joke
>no karn tribal
shit list
Where do zombies fall?
Also on the tribal subject, I remember seeing soldier stompy lists a few years ago that were just D&T + soldier lords with extreme hate out of the SB, but they seem to have completely disappeared in the last few years
I might go throw together solider tribal just to fuck around now
>tribes that are so bad I'm not going to list them
then what the fuck are kithkin doing up there?
And what about sliver? allies? they suck but they do a hell of a lot better than
Speaking of goblins, I kinda wanna throw a deck together
Should I go grindy? I know traditionally you'd think fast but let's think differently. Maybe sneak in best Walker, Koth
I'm ready for the hate
Good article guys
Who are these articles for? This all seems very obvious
>what are kithkin doing
Kithkin is currently the most competitive tribal atm and can beat DSJ consistently. It only loses to the mirror and Living end.
see earlier post
See earlier post
Humans is like 1 or 2 cards away from being
competitive and GW is actually decent
Did well at tcg player states and is usually something that tribalfags like and is usually a go to for tribal in any format. Modern Goblins also isn't as terrible as you think it is.
>Kithkin is currently the most competitive tribal atm and can beat DSJ consistently. It only loses to the mirror and Living end.
What the fuck
Did I miss a new meme in the last few threads? I haven't been on tg in a while. The last meme I remember is the mox opal/ssg being vintage level cards
You are like a little baby
Watch this
How does that differentiate Kithkin from any other white tribal?
A few threads ago some guy posted a bunch of images like that with shitkin in them and said his brew was solid and it's only bad matchup was ad naus. This user clearly didn't save the rest of the images because he's a pleb.
That said, I don't have the images either. Don't worry about it though, Kithkin is just a shitty meme.
I've got 2 open spots in my Esper Draw-Go
what combination of Gideon AoZ, Gideon Jura and Elspeth Sun's Champ should I rock?
>goes straight to semantics
>enforces 'dies to doomblade'
>it must be just one guy who disagress with me, i'm sure!
More importantly: should you call it boh-gels or boggels?
>Patrician tier
Fucking Rad
As much as I hate to say it, I'd be completely fine with Mistep not just being Restricted; but being just straight up banned out.
Mistep is the absolute most cancerous card they've ever printed and restricting it will only lead to retarded feelsbad moments where your opponent has his 1x Mistep in the opening hand , which leads to you getting blown the fuck out.
Fuck. Fucking. Phyrexian. Mana.
>Favorite shitbrew to stomp?
Gud bait user.