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maybe when you're older, user.
Ask your aunt, user.
You have to be 18 years old to post here, user.
It's a photograph, digitally transposed and uploaded.
It's Kirk's new armor
Yeah user, you're a little young to hear about Min-maxing Grappler builds.
If you're asking for historical context, then sure.
That's Russian bear hunting armor.
It is exactly what it sounds like.
+1 damage when in a grapple with an armored opponent. +1d6 damage per round if target is not unarmored or has a natural Armor bonus less than +8.
Thibbledorf Pwent, ffs read a fucking book.
If I hugged that person, would I die?
Well, no user, but the armor was created specifically so you would be discouraged from touching other people, so let's face it already, you're a worthless pile of trash who's already dead inside.
It would be extremely painful...
When you want to have kinky sex with a larger, hairier, muscular, gay man
It's a russian bear-hunting suit you found on reddit, you fucking retard.
It's a 19th century german costume which everyone says is russian and for hunting because they fail at research.
>The costume of a “Wildman”. It was made of leather and covered with one inch iron nails, boasting an iron helmet with an empty, yet menacing visage. The plaque at its feet decreed it to have been made in the 18th or 19th century and hailed all the way from Germany, or perhaps the land of Swiss.
Speccing into grapple.
I think they meant hunting the other kind of bear, user.
Spikey boy
He's been worshiping Slaanesh for the last two years.
That's your grandpa, user.
Your great-grandpappy got lost in the desert
He was so thirsty; he fucked a cactus.
Luckily the spikes skip a generation
Unfortunately you still inherited the edginess.
There's an old english story called the lambton about a knight who returned from the crusades to find his village was being ravaged by a dragon occupying a nearby river. Countless knights went to slay it, but it would wrap itself around its victims before they could use their weapons. In want of sagely advice, the knight is granted divine inspiration, and covers his armor with spear heads. He goes down to the river to fight the beast, but when it wraps itself around the knight, the creature is impaled and wounded, leaving him open to be slain.
So I suppose their is an earlier historical precedent to spiked armor. Or, at least the idea was out their for all the backwards peasants.
What called up your ass? Calling people edgy for no reason and shit.
Isn't that legend based on an ichthyosaur skull found nearby?
could be, haven't heard that before